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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1945)
LOCAL NEWS VISITS ST. 'JO’. Mrs. Mabel Watts, 2912 Grant St. visited St- Joseph. Missouri last Sunday, January 14, 1945. She says she is enjoyinr life and is always liappy and feels encouraped THRIFTY! ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablets EACH tablet contains 25% more than minimum daily require ments of these two essential Vi tamins. Insufficient Vitamin A may cause night blindness, may lessen resistance to infection of the nose, throat, eyes, ears and sinuses. Vitamin D is necessary to enable the body to make use of the calcium and phosphorus in our food. Insure your minimum requirements of these two important Vitamins, by taking a ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablet every day. Economical—50f - or less - per month. Convenient—you take only one tablet a day. Pleasant—children actually like the taste — and so will you. IMPORTANT—when buying Vita mins, compare potencies and prices. 'Get them at your drug store. ( WEbster 5217 “The Latest Smart Styles" Victory Beauty Salon —2118 North 24th St.—! Omaha, Nebraska MRS. (LEONE HARMON. Proprietress. ***** Operators:— HATTIE JOHNSON, Poro System, ROSE ROACIIK, ETHEL SMITH. Mr. Homer Daniel also of the a bove address enjoys readinp our pa per, The Omaha Guide CARPENTER• CEMENT MAN.. Mr. L. L. Morrow, who resides at 2925 Grant St., says he is ready at all times to do your carpenter and I cement work, like you want it done. . ARMOUR EMPLOYEE. Mr- W. D- Moore, 2918 Grant St. is an employee of the Armour Pack ing plant and says he is well pleas ed with his jop. LIKES OMAHA Mr. David Stevens. 2316 North 27th Street says he has lived in O maha for 28 years and is well pleas ed with the community. Wise Americans Now Fight COUGHS or Bronchial Irritations Due to Colds —With Buckley's "Canadiol" Almost Instantly you get the surprise of your life — coughing spasm eases — right away It loosens up thick choking phlegm— opens up clogged bronchial tubes—makes breathing easier. There’s real economy in Buckley's all medication—no syrup. Half to one tea spoonful will convince the most skeptical. Get Buckley’s “CANADIOL” the cough mixture that’s entirely different—more ef fective—faster In action—take it for more restful sleep tonight. Druggists everywhere. I HEAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER ;> 1410 North 24th St. ij —CARL CKIVERA— '^IIEGRO^DOLLS! To build RACE PRIDE. Every home should have a COLORED POLL. Give her a beautiful brown- ■ skin doll for Christmas- Three flashy numbers with HAIR, MOVING EVES, SHOES, STOCKINGS nicely dressed. Prices: 21 inches $4.96; Large size $6.59 and $6-98 C- O- D. postage extra- Write NATIONAL COMPANY, 254 West ,35th St-, New York, 30, N. Y. Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME £ TO RELIEVE RHEUMATIC PAINS money c>acK —xi 1 nis Kecipe r aus Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands^of folks who now take lemon Juice 1 for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—If it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only 85 cents—Do It Now, LLX Barber ShoD 2045 NORTH 24th STREET “This is the Home of Com Fix” WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES IN OUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER IENCED OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. EDHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 NORTH 24th STREET -PHONE WEbster 6055 ' THIS GRAND MEDICINE • made especially to relieve ‘PERIODIC* FEMALE PAIN And Its Weak, Cranky, Nervous Feelings— Take heed If you,- like so many ■women and girls on such days suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, weak, nervous feelings, distress of “Irregularities”—due to functional monthly disturbances. Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to re lieve such symptoms because this iamous medicine has a soothing effect on one op woman’s most im portant organs. Taken regularly thruout the month—It helps build up resistance against such symp toms. Thousands upon thousands of ^ vomen report benefits! There are no harmful opiates In Plnkham’s Compound—It Is made from nature’s own roots and herbs (plus Vitamin Bi). it helps nature. Also a fine stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Worth trying 1 V Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND TRADER Don t talk—don’t spread rumors. Don’t cough—don’t spread germs. Smith Bros. Cough Drops, Black or Menthol, are still as soothing and delicious as ever —and they still cost only a nickel. , SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS , • LACK OR MENTHOL—5* j MARItf TECH HI STUDENT Mrs. J. V. Miles, 2409 North 30th Street is very proud of her daughter Miss Otis Miles who is a student at Technical High school and is in the 10th grade. ILL. Mrs. S- B. Patterson. 3116 told an Omaha Guide reporter that Mr Patterson has peen ill with yronchi* tis, put is getting along very well. TENTH GRADER. Miss Anna Roberson of 2878 Cor by street, is a 10th grade student at Technical High. AWARDED FIVE DOLLARS FOR SAFETY DEVICE .... Mrs- Freda Chambers, 3020 Bed ford informs us that her son, Ger ald Baugh, was awarded $5.00 for a suggestion for a safety device to be user on ladders. NOW IS THE TIME Mr- Chester Bennett, 3031 Em mett St.- who owns his own home and is doing nicely, says he hopes all colored people wdll buy homes Now is the time says Mr. Bennett, while they’re making money. ST. JOHN BOOSTER Mrs. Julia Spencer, 2519 Parker St., is a member of St. John AMF. Church and says she enjoys the ser vices very much. TO SEDALIA. MO- . Mrs. Mable Turner. 2530 Parker St-, plans to leave the city in the next ten days to visit her sister, Mrs. Jackson of Sedalia. Missouri INVITES YOU TO SALEM Mrs. Mary Redden, 1909 North 26th St.- is a member of Salem Bap tist Church and invites everyone to attend their services. FORTY-TWO YEARS SERVICE Mr- John Thornton, 2311 North 27th avenue, retired, was formerly employed at a packing plant for 42 years. ARE YOU THIRSTY. Mr. John Hill. 2766 Grant, says— “When you are thirsty stop at Mr. Hill’s Plare. Here you will find soda pop. ice cream and candy Mrs. Ida O’Neil of Gl8 Troost avenue, Kansas City, Mo., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs- John Hill of the above address. Mrs. O’Neil is a beautician and is well pleased with her business. She says she has had a very enjoyable stay while in Om aha ATTENDING HAMPTON Mrs- Matthews. 2718 Parker St is the mother of Warren A. McGee, who is attending Hampton Institute, where he is majoring in a general business coufse which includes typ-, ing, mathematics, shothand and cor respondence VISITS SISTERS. Mr. Victor Austin, brother of Mrs. Ragin. 2613 Patrick Ave., and Mrs. Comans, 3203 Corby St., visit ed with them last weed end. Mr Victor Austin is a Staff Sergeant in the 48th Qt.-Master Regiment and has been overseas 33 months RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Coman. 3203 Corby St., returned home last w'eek from Wichita, and Topeka, Kansas where they went to visit with rel ative:: and friends- They said they had an enjoyable time while there PTA. MATTERS Mr- Walter Morris, 2116 North New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MARL 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— “Everything For The Home’' 1 Lunch f [ Room 1 — (At Myrtis’ Tavern) E | 2229 LAKE STREET-1 E (Under New Management) S Lillian Anderson and Louise — — Finney, Proprietors Z ~ “Prompt, Courteous Servicj" E m 11111 n ■ - ■ • • ■»■ n h n m m i h 111 ii n 1111 n iT CREATES NATURE . for both parties. Relieves asthma, colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8 oz-; 50c-3 oz.: 25c-l oz.; Pay postage on delivery. FISHER’S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-, Columbus, 3, Ohio. Agents Wanted \ IS^T5«M»EWmMg jg^! A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE Note:—Don’t worry needlessly . . . when your mind is weighted down with worry and yon feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write. Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . . . just include a clipping of the column with your letter. For a “private reply" send 25c for ABBE S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (S) ques tions. Please send a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign your full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully an4 confine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . . THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE FOST OFFICE BOX II —v ATLANTA. GEORGIA AUBE'S NEW 1H45 READINGS ARE NOW READY! !'■ H.-—I am a widow and have a monthly income of 50 dollars Advise me what to do about my living arangenients. I have two sons, but I dont want to go and make my home with them. I do want to be suc cessful and happy and I want to know what is best for me to do. f„ans: As long as you have an independent income, there is no reason »iZyoU V? fee tbat you have t0 liVe with y°or sons. The old saying »V»t„=fah,OUae1is larfe enough for two families still holds true. You lltisflert in tnZ and havlH& *;hin&s r°ur own way, and would never be faming,, !, her w.oman 3 hame. u ^ kind of your sons and their home of 'vnnr i to llye wlth them- But as long as you maintain a wi Hof you” fa mi 1 y. yourself you wiB keep the respect and good vice WihC'""Vias living with a girl up until the time I werft into ser i came out of heTrmvInH a home. She wouldn’t treat me nice when ;sf^s,i,si„ri'i,1vK cG?c nn iire- Sibe s' oa d- ba' e niade a devoted and helpful wife As for the sec ond girl, she isn’t in love with you. The thing for you to do is to d ' ■mss marriage from your mind for the time being, and star” buildinJ some kind of future security for yourself. Wait until the right Hr m m es along, instead of marrying just to be a-marrying. m"' He^and^’m IllW1.1 m1f,n 2 y*ars a,ld he "ants to marry smrnc^^otZV mHhay«Ve Wr IT? hlST^S r%r# & r7?JsurxS‘£B? he 11 never make a change after marriage. Most men will reform of their own accord, if they have any intentions of reforming at all You may love this man now, but after you had to suport him awhile v depend*3on! tUn‘ ‘° di8PUSt- Better marry WS can^peVa^d , T:-U ST‘I hive been married only two months and my husband is getting where he stays out all night at tin es, telling me that he drinks end doesnt want to come home until he is sober. He claims that he lov or whaatnmusatnrdo°?treat '"e right‘ N°w is thtre a"y hopTfor thi^man; Ans: You two are middle-aged and mature enough to annroa. h your marriage from a reasonable and adult standpoint. If vou are ever to have any influence over your husband, it will have to be now xlf’ vwth him sanely and without criticizing and bring the situation' to a head. Try to make him see that he is being unfair to you and to vou? marriage by continuing with his present inconsiderate actions old to start living at such a fast pace, and should be thinking of rile comforts of a home If-he must go out, it is your duty to dress and go with him and in that way you can encourage him to be more cower* ^nja^rms of entertainment. You have to work at an? m^ge 27th St., ret mitli a group at Long school to discuss hatters pertaining to the PTA. The meeting, he said, uoved along niceld. LUNCHEONS FOR KIDDIES.. Mrs. Robert Murray. 2117 North 27th St-, said that at a meeting of the PTA- at Long school. January 17th, arrangements and preparations were made for lunrheons to be giv en to the children. COMFORTABLE HOME. Mrs. Belie Thompson of 1914 Ns, 27th St-, a subscriber of the Omaha Guide, has a very com fratable home which she enjoys very much. CONSTANT READER. I am a constant reader of The Omaha Guide and like the paper very much. Any time anyone needs ice or coal, I would be very glad to serve them. My address is 2518 Burdette St FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY. Mrs- Rosetta Beckman. 2517 Bur dette announces that her son, Joseph Washington Beckman, celebrated his 15th birthday on January 18th with a very nice party BOYS’ TOWN TO HOLD HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCE MENT EXERCISES SUNDAY Te Rt- Rev. Msgr. E. J- Flana gan, head of the Boys’ Town Home for homeless boys- announces that the Senior Class of Boystown High School will hold Commencement Ex ercises, Sunday, January 28, 1945 a1 at 2 o'clock in the Boystown audit orium. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Mottos CWFF. 1906 North 24th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Marie Oliver, Reporter Sunday school 9:45 am. Morning Service. 11 :15 am. Evening Services . 7:30 pm. Women's work.8:00 pm. We had a wonderful Sunday school with a large attendance of scholars The children seem very interested in their Sunday school. The Junior Class of which Sister Rama Buxton is teacher gave them a contest—to -- DRINKING IT CAI1 BE DONE Thousands h a t• learned from me how j I broke the whiskey spell. If alco- : hoi is rotting your Home, Health | and Happiness, let me tell you the way to end the curse of Drink. Get the answer to vour nroblem. write NEWTON, Dept. CPl, P- O. Box 861. Hollywood California. ^PIMPLES—BLACKHEADS «5<V«. EXTERNALLY ‘c CAU$EO°d)' Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap is a special soap contain ing the same costly medication as 104 years proved Palmer’s "SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment. Amazingly quick results may come to many skins, afflicted with pimples, blackheads, itching of eczema, and blemishes externally caused that reed the scientific hygienic action of Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap. Help your clear lovely skin by letting the rich FOAMY MEDICATION of “SKIN SUCCESS” remain on for just a minute. 25?. Also use Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment 25?, at toilet counters everywhere or from E. T. Browne Drug Company, Inc., 127 Water Street, New York 5, N. Y. " nuuiiiiiHwniiiii'viiiiiiiiiwililiniliiTlli'liliiilllilallliliiltiillinihiiiiiilluDiliiilnlltlOv the child who colored their book the best weuld receive the prize- Sister Jennie Lewis and Sister Laster were acting as judges. Floretha Oliver won the contest as having the neat est work. Our pastor presented each child lith a surprise. The children were so happy uith their surprises On Sunday afternoon at 3 pm-, me mere invited over to the Church of the Living God on 25th St., of chich Rev. M. L. Steele is pastor. We wetn over to assist our Evan gelist Marie Wright who has been on a train drive. She was running Kansas Southern. Her train was on time, and was a real success Missionary Willie Long was the principal speaker- Several others al so appeared on the program. We had a wonderful time. Sunday night we had a grand time in the Lord. Our pastor preached an inspiring sermon which inspired our souls. Our pastor has selected for his subject Sunday morning, January 28 "T he Prodigal Son.” Sunday night, “Two Ways.” Sunday afternoon at 3 pm. is the M!'tsjfc>nary Da\V AIL ^ii-( fonarfles are invited to attend Our program You are always welcome. ADVERTISING WILL GET ■ YOU RESULTS. And to you Mr- or Mrs. Room for Renter, here are a few of the advs. we get: Mrs- Mary Jones, WE. 7947 wants a three room apartment. She has been looking for the same for a long time Mrs- Gray, AT- 9380 wants an a partment but is willing to accept anything if it is only one room. Mrs Albert Jackson called and wants at. apartment. Mr. Sepaman called and wants a room. So Mr. and Mrs. Want to Rent a Room or apartment, call The Omaha Guide- HA- 0800 one day before th-. paper hits the streets and the room will be rented the next day. RETURNS HOME Mr Russell Lewis, proprietor of the Lewis Oil Station, 84th and Grant Sts., has just returned from Mobile- Alabama, where he was call ed to the bedside of his sister who had been ill for some time and who died in Mobile. In June of last year, Mr. Lewis was called to Pittsburgh, Pa., and from there he escorted his sister to Mobile. Alabama when she was able to travel to live with another broth er who lives in Mobile. Mr. Lewis returned to the city from Mobile by way of Chicago, where he spent a Dr. THOMAS’ FORMULA For LEG SORES Just think! The very first application of Dr. Thomas’ Ointment—a doctor’s formula —brings quick palliative relief to old leg 1 lores that are hard to heal. It's a wonder- I fully soothing medicated ointment! Successfully used by Dr. Thomas in his own practice for many years. Will not in- i terfere with your daily work. Don't delay | —Order a jar of Dr. Thomas' Ointment to-day. Sent in plain wrapper by return mail. Money back if not satisfied. SEND NO MONEY. Pay postman $1.00 plus postage. Or enclose $1. and we pay postage. :UHd PRODUCTS CO.. HOBOKEN. N.J. Dept. 217' . . Johnson Drug: Co. 2306 North 24th FREE DELIVERY We. 0998 COMING SOON to Your Local Theatre. Pictured above are Jon Hail and Maria Montec• zeho again appear as lovers in Universal's "GYPSY WILDCAT•” a sensational tech nicolor film. iiiiiiHiiiiiiiKiitumimuimiiiiiiiiiu few days with another sister who lives in that city LEAVING FOR CALIF Mrs. Udell Riggins, 2617 Patrick avenue and two children will leave in a few days for southern Califor nia to take up residence with het husband who is in the government j service there. Mr. Riggins formerly lived here in Omaha, but now resid es in Los Angeles. Calif, and has for about two years. SON VISITS PARENTS AND CHILDREN. Mr. Leonard C. McDonald, who is an MP- in the army is now visit ing with his chilren and parents at 2213 North 20th St-, the home of his father and mother, Mr- and Mrs. C. C. McDonald. SICK IN LOCAL HOSPITAL Mrs- Cecelia Jewell, who has been ill for sometime in St. Catherine’s Hospital, is reported doing nicely Mr- James C. Jewell, son of Mrs ewell left a few days ago for camp after being here with his mother. INDISPOSED .... Rev. J. E- Blackmore, pastor of the Hillside Presbyterian Church, has been indisposed and under the care of the doctor for a few days. He hopes to be up and around soon . WANTS PAINTERS . Mr- W. L- Johnson, formerly of Omaha and known as the Air Paint ing King of Douglas County, wants to announce to his many friends here at home that he is now residing in Chicago, Illinois- Mr- Johnson is president of the Interstate Air Pain ter System, working all the men that he can get. If you are a painter and hit Chicago, call 10 West 30th St., and get a job. HAPPY• YES, HAPPY INDEED Mrs. Lucille S. Edwards is one of Omaha’s happiest individuals of to day- She has paid the mortgage' on her home in full CALIFORNIAN VISITS WITH OMAHA FRIENDS Mrs- Bertha Crigler of Los An geles, California, was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fred ericks, 2220 Lake St-. Mrs. Crigler was quite surprised to see Omaha’s beautiful sunshiny weather- She ex pressed having a very pleasant visit while in our fair city A REAL RESULT GETTER The classified advertising column of the Omaha Guide is a community money making column- Read the following: "Women Wanted to Sort waste paper- The Omaha Paper Stock Co.. 18th and Marcy St. Phone— JA. 0159." The above classified ad was telephoner into the Omaha Guide office and was run in the classified advertising column one issue- Mr- Fried, manager of the firm, call The Omaha Guide of fice just three days after the is sue was on the streets and stated that he thought he wosld have to run the above ad three or four I I SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Call HA-0800 to Renew Subscription weeks to get results- He was 1 happy to state that it got him won derful results and that he had ' many calls and for me to please discontinue the same. while in the city and she was royally entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Fred ericks and friends. REQUESTING BACK COPIES OF THE GUIDE... Today, Miss Virginia Merrill of 2634 Corby Street. AT-9167, and who is a student in one of’ Omaha's high schools, called at our office in search of two copies of the Omaha Guide. After a careful search of our plant, we failed to find said papers wanted- Therefore, we ar requesting the readers of this paper that if they have a copy of the pa pers which report the death of the late Billy Love and the picture of Harold Beverly, Miss Merrill wish es to get these copies. She is will ing to pay whatever expenses may occur to get copies of these issues. Call AT-9167. NEIV SUBSCRIBERS The following is a list of our new j subscribers : Mr- J. J- Eubanks. 959 North 25th, Mrs. Nora Parks. 2518 Indiana ave. Mrs- Rosie Darling, 2618 Frankbn, Mrs Lloyd Beard, 943 North 25th. Miss Lorraine Ware- 940 North 25th Mrs. Lena Clark, 938 North 25th, ! James Headley. 952 North 25th, Mrs. Mary Bell McCarroll. 920 North 25th, Robert Cooper, 927 North 25th, J- C- Rose. 928 North 25th. Louise Winston, 937 North 25th, Mrs Sam Ellis, 930 Maple St Mr. T. H. Goodwin. 918 North 27th, Mr. Willie Morris, 2024 Caldwell Rev. Don Thomas, 1318 North 26th, Mr. Lee McGee. 923 North 27th. Mr. Alfred Jones, 1516 North 26th, Mr Roy Sciet, 2639 Parker St. Well, it looks like Mr. McDonald made a clean sweep on 25th street. Monday, January 22- The publish er of The Omaha Guide wishes to express appreciation for the above subscriptions. We wish to say to them now, that they are eligible to pick up the telephone and call HA 0800 and give us all the news that may happen in and around their nei ghborhood, and we will gladly pub lish the same in the issues of the Omaha Guide OMAHAN BROTHER VERY SICK Rev. Morris Harris, a brother of Mrs. Ellis who lives in Rols, Texas, and has been pastoring the A. M. E. Church for 35 years, is reported to be seriously ill and not expected to recover. BUY YOUR POULTRY NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. I Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE —LOWEST PRICE- - Phone WE. 4137 TAMELESS TEMPTRESS! I RASHEST ROGUES! 1000 Plunder-Mad Adventurers! Screen Ploy. Jomes Hogan • Gene Lewis • Jomes M. Coin Orlginol Story. Jomes Hogon • Ralph Stock Additional Dialogue. Joseph Hoffmon Directed by ROY WILLIAM NEILL Produced by GEORGE WAGGNER A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Coming soon to your favorite theatre «A*T> «£A*'n& ? If you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises caused by catarrh of the head write us NOW for proof of thaj good results our simple home treatment has accomplished for a great many people. Many past 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! , THE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 516 • Davenport, Iowa j Join The NAACP.