The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 20, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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WE. 6458
Captain Bill Sones of the OAC en
joyed a very fine winter vacation.
Many waiters have started their
1945 Christmas Savings.
Mr. Edward Boyd of Minneapolis,
formerly of Little Rock, Arkansas,
was in Omaha Saturday, January 13
asd had a visit with this writer
The Waiters of the Regis Hotel
and the White Horse Inn are topping
the service at all times.»
The Paxton boys are on the job at
all hours
Waiters at the Hill Hotel are on
jj A Good Place to Eat ]
|| Home Cooking j
j: LITTLE Diner |
|| 2314 North 24th St. j
Meals 03 |
j; —11:30 A.. M. TO 8:30 P. M— !
i| Warren Webb, Proprietor }
IAN. 14-M
How women and girls
may get wanted relief
Cardui is a liquid medicine
which many women say has
brought relief from the cramp
like agony and nervous strain
of functional periodic distress.
Here’s how it may help:
4 — Taken like a tonic, it
* should stimulate appe
tite, aid digestion,*
thus help build resist
ance for the “time” to
Started 3 days before
“your time”, it should
help relieve pain due
to purely functional
periodic causes.
Try Cardui. If it helps,
you’ll be glad you did.
the up and go on service
Fontenelle Hotel waiters have a
1945 quick move on service.
Musician headwaiter and crew wen.
headliners on service in 1944 and
have moved to a good start for 194»
Ciackstone Hotel waiters very
much on the job and howr!
Mainy waiters are wondering a
bout the winter resorts as horse rac
ing has been eliminated and those
who do not play golf will be at ..
lost for outdoor amusement although
some of the baseball clubs will have
training camps in the south.
A federal .court jury aivarded
George K. Atkinson- tk thousand dot
tars in back pay in Chicago Friday
j January VBth._
Red flasher lights that can .be
seen a miles away at night and three
miles in daylight os rear-ends of the
trains arc in use on the Chicago and
Northwestern RR-.
A U. S- Bomber plane crashed in
Morgantown, West Fa-, Friday Jan.
vb—Four men were killed-.
A furniture company in Union
I City, New Jersey received a letter
I with C one dollar war stamps for
postage on it—the stamps will be re
turned to the sender- .
Read The Omaha Guide for all the
i News! .
Production in 21 war plants ui
i Cleveland, Ohio were halted on Fri
! dav, January 12th.
Brig. General Frank T- Hines said
is Atlantic City. N- J. Friday. Jan.
12th—-one million and a half service
men are preparing to take up part or
full time college work after the war.
A pet dog in Rochester, New York
swallowed two diamond rings. He
was taken to a vet Friday, January
121th and after 24 hours treatment
the dog surrendered the wedding ring
Arthur Boche of Mapelion, Iowa,
a hermit- He had $2,385 in gold in
^ a money belt and $17v0 in bonds.
I .
. The Pullman Sleeping Car Co. re
j ported the 1!I44 business was the larg
est ir. the 80 years of operating.
Omaha firemen were 2 hours figh
* ing a blazing oil tank at 50th and J
St.. South Omaha Monday morning
January 15th.
President inauguration Jan. 20tb,
will be very simple in the White
House backyard
Efforts to oust Mrs- Clara Boom
Luce, congresswoman from the Mil
itary Affairs Committee by member
in Wasington, DC-, failed.
Read Te Omaha Guide for all the
News at all times!
Are you a member of the NAA
A man was slugged and robbed by
two youths in front of 307 North
41st St.. Sunday night. Januars 1*.
Leonard Gilber was sentenced to
5 days in jail for stealing from a
minister who had befriended him.
NAACP- meeting and instaliati. i. |
Released bj D. S. War Department.
Bureau ot Public Relatione
BOARD—Colonel Chauncey M.
Hooper, Coast Artillery Corps, for
ner commanding officer of New
fork’s 369th Coast Artillery (AA)
Regiment and recently returned
from duty in Hawaii, has reported
for duty as a member of the Sec
■etary of War’s Discharge Review
Board. His home is in Burling
lam. New York.
(U. S. Army Photo from Bureau of
Public Relations.)
of officers at Zion Baptist church
on Sunday afternoon January 15tn,
was attended by a very large crowd
and quite a number of memberships
were taken. The president was a?
liis fest and the master of ceremon
ies and the installing of ail officers
was very impressive- Are you a
We wish to extend many thank r
to the Churches for their kind heip
with the Christmas asd New Yeai
Edition of the people's paper. Thu
Omaha Guide that is always ready to
render free service with church news
if it is brought to the office on Mon
day before 5 pm.
We all extend ouar heartfelt sym
pathy to Mrs. Edward Groomes li
the lost of her dear husband- Our
hearts are very sad, our voices ali
are still! A place is vacant in your
home that liefer can be filled.
Annual meetinp of the 4C Credit
Union at the Urban League Satur
day. January 20th.
San Francisco, Calif.—In uphold
ng an injunction granted eo Negro
employees at the Marineship Corpor
ation at Sausalito, the Supreme court
of California, established a precedent
outlawing discriminatory practices of
jim-crow auxiliary unions- The
case was filed originally by Joseph
James, president, the San Francisco
Branch NAACP and other workers,
and argued by attorneys George R.
Anderson and Herbert Resner
The Court ruled that a labor un
ion must admit Negroes to full mem
bership or not try to enforce a clos
ed shop agreement- The opinion,
written by Chief Justice Phil S.
Gibson, stated:
‘An arbitrarily closed or partially
closed union is incompatible with a
closer shop- Where a union has, as
in this case, attained a monopoly of
the supply of labor by ;..-.ans of
closed shop agreements and other
The wires hum. It's a "31" order—important in
structions for a train soon to arrive and for which
the conductor must sign. The station agent sets the
semaphore. The red light flashes its warning. The
train arrives and rumbles to a stop.
This is just one of many safety measures established
by Union Pacific to assure reliable transportation
of passengers and freight. War resulted in a tre
mendous increase in rail traffic. As might be
expected, a large part of that traffic has been
directed over Union Pacific's "strategic middle
xoute" uniting the East with the Pacific Coast
Through constant vigilance and tireless effort on
the part of employes, thousands of men and train
loads of materials have been moved efficiently and
quickly to aid the Allied cause.
* * * *
The constant improvements in railroading, resulting
in safe, efficient transportation, are due in large
measure to the American system of encouraging
workers to seek advancement through personal
enterprise and initiative. We're fighting and
working to maintain that spirit of equal oppor
tunity for all.
^ Listen to "YOUR AMERICA” radio program on
Mutual nationwide network every Sunday afternoon.
Consult your local newspaper for the time and station.
nr/ ntocztssive
Polio Victims Swim at Tuskegee
Polio victims swim in the temperature-controlled pool at the
Tuskegee Institute Paralysis Center. Swimmers range in age from
2 years to 34 years. Victims on wagons have handicaps which prevent
them from participating in supervised group swimming; they will
swim with individual attendants. This infantile paralysis center is
supported by contributions received in the March of Dimes in Cele
bration of the President’s birthday, January 14-3L_
forms of collective labor action, such
a union occupies a quasi-public posi
tion similar to that of a public ser
vice business and it has certain cor
responding obligations.”
Justice Gibson ruled that “the dis
criminatory practices involved in this
case are contrary to the public policy
of the United States and this state,”
and added: “Negroes must be ad
mitted to membership under the same
terms and conditions applicable to
non-Negroes unless the union and the
employer refrain from enforcing the
' closed shop agreement against them
“If the bargaining union wishes to
maintain its closed shop, it must ac
cept into full membership all work
ers without regard to race- creed or
Pittburghs- Pa., (PPNS) A def
inite otep forward in Negro baseball
was seen here wdien it was revealed
that the formation of the United
States Nefro Baseball League is at
last a reality- The league was form
ed bv an independent group of club
owners and will represent six popu
lar baseball clubs.
The wTell known sportsman and
cv.ner of the Pittsburgh Crawfords
was named as vice-president- The
position of president has been left
open pending the outcome of efforts
to secure an un-named lawyer and
former athlete1- The Pittsburgh
Courier’s sports editor, Wendell
Smith, was elected as secretary. It
is erpected that an official president
will be named when the league holds
its next meeting, January 20, in De
The clubs in the league are: The
Atlanta Black Crackers; St- Louis
Stars; the Daisies Club in Philadel
phia ; Chicago Brown Bombers; Lin
ton s Detroit team and the Pittsburgh
Ct awfords.
‘The Vagabonds’ Negro
Quartette Over WOW
Sat., Jan. 20, 4:45 p.m.
The Vagabonds, top-notch Negro
quartette- have been chosen for the
new Leaf Gum Co-, program, “Tin
Pan Alley of the Air” which wiit
have its premiere over 80 stations of
a coast-to-coast network of the Na
tional Broadcasting system Saturday,
afternoon. January 20.
The show will be broadcast from
station WOW in Omaha at 4 :45 pin.
The Vagabonds have been rad*o
stars for several years with Norval
Taborn, Ray Grant, John Jordan and
Robert O’Neal specializing in instru
mental imitations and deep blues ren
ditions of popular tunes.
The show each week wiil honor a..
American composer, using the music
he has written- The writers then,
selves will participate.
Jack Owens is the star of the pro
gram and Johnnie Neblett the nai
The Vagabonds will be assisted by
Jimmy Blade and his Leaftans.
A Magazine Owned. Edited. Published
and Circulated by Negroes to serve
Workers—Points the wav to Success
and Happiness— .
Interesting and Inspiring
Subscription Price—
12 Issues—$1
FREE—With each year’s subscription
will be given “THE FIVE KEYS TO
A FULL PURSE.” the practical side
of Money Handling that will make
you a successful person.
Send your order today to
Box 278- B
Tuskegee Institute. Alabama
k *7.^ mu a* *7 t
New York, N. Y■ (PENS) Mr.
Floyd G• Sue Ison- dean of Negro
theatrical writers in the USA•, vis
iled friends and relatives in the windy
city on a ten-day stay. Many parr
eis were given in his honor and hi
teas the toast of many night spots
-while there. Mr- Snelson is one ot
Press Photo News Service's most
able representatives and heads the
New York office for the firm.
Plans are being formed for the
fourth anniversary observance of the
United Service Organizations on
February 4, it was announced by
Chester I. Barnard. USO. President.
With USO-Camp Shows girdling
the globe and bringing entertainment
to millions of our armed forces,
USO’s domestic and Western Hem
isphere network of approximate!)
3000 operations sees an estimated
monthly attendance of 30,000.00-,7
service men and women. All USO
activities are supported by the Am
erican people through the National
War Fund
Tentative plans call for an anniv
ersary luncheon in New York City
which will coincide with the annual
meeting of USO’s . board of direct'
ors. Other luncheons will be held
simultaneously in large cities through
out the country.
Contributors to USO, through the
National War Fund, will have an
opportunity to see what their dimes
and dollars are doing when Open
House is held in all USO operations
on Saturday and Sunday, February
3 and 4
1 he United Service Organizations
are The Young Men’s Christian As
sociations. The National Catholic
Community Service, The Salvation
Army. The Young Women’s Christ
ian Associations, The National Jew
ish Welfare Board and the National
Travelers Aid Association.
Nef \ork (CNS) Seevral hund
red thousands of dollars worth ot
furniture was lost by the people of
Harlem this week when it saw- one
of its worst fires in years as the Lee
Brothers’ Storage and Warehouse
was burned down to the ground. The
fire raged approximately 6 hours.
At its height a side of the wall fell
on Fire Engine Number 36 and two
firemen were buried in debris, rocks
and plaster- The dead firemen are
Nelson Turte and Alebtr Hartman,
bom white, i he falling debris crash
ed a car and two fire engines- The
loss was estimated at $30,000. The
warehouse is located in the heart of
Harlem. 124th Street and 8th avenue.
Mayor LaGuardia and Commissioner
Flits! Full! Fun!
BINGO Every Monday
Starting January 8th and each Monday night
thereafter at 8 P. M.
30 Games for 30c. 3 Specials each night. ,
Public is Invited. Sponsored by the P.W.K.C.
of the C.I.O. ’ I
at the UNION HALL, 2502 M. Street, ,
South Omaha
Quick Frozen Foods are a Savory ,
<»v j First Aid for Furlough Treats
IF you have to play a double role
of chief cook and glamour girl
when your man comes home on fur
lough. you’ll find it wise to squirrel
away ail sorts of ideas for serving
time-saving meals. Time is too pre
cious to spend much of it in the
One big time-saving aid is quick
frozen foods, which are ready to
heat or cook just as they come from
their cartons. All the messy work of
preparation was done before quick
freezing sealed in their full quota
of minerals and vitamins as well
as their farm-fresh flavor right after
they were harvested. Although some
of the quick-frozen treats are not
generally available now, because of
the war, there are good supplies of
quick-frozen corn, green beans and
wax beans and spinach as well as
delicious squash and baked beans
which are cooked before quick-freez
Quick-frozen vegetables are deli
cious served just with butter and
pepper and salt. But when butter is
scarce, there are many easy ways
j of varying their serving. Fried corn,
' for instance, which calls for sliced
green pepper and a bit of onion,
takes only a few minutes to pre
pare, for the corn is turned into the
skillet while still frozen solid. And
by preparing a box of quick-frozen
green beans with cooked rice, you
can make a meal-in-one dish in jig
time that everybody will like.
Savory Rice and Green Beans
1 box (10 oz.) quick-frozen green
1 cup boiling water, salted
14 cup finely diced onion
% cup finely diced celery
2 tablespoons butter or other
114 cups canned tomatoes
14 teaspoon celery salt
114 cups cooked rice
14 teaspoon sugar
Salt and pepper
Drop frozen green, beans Into
briskly boiling salted water, bring
again to a boil, and boil 8 to 12
minutes, or until just tender. Drain.
Saut6 onion and celery in butter,
covered, until tender but not
browned. Add remaining ingredients
and simmer about 5 minutes. Serves
4 to 6.
Note: If desired, V4 box quick
frozen beans may be substituted for
1 box.
Fried Corn
1 box (10 oz.) quick-frozen golden
sweet corn
1 cup sliced green peppers
1 teaspoon minced onion
6 tablespoons butter or other
14 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
14 cup sliced pimientos
Sautd frozen corn, green peppers,
and onion in butter, covered, until
corn is thawed and green peppers
are tender, stirring frequently. Add
salt, pepper, and pimientos. and
cook until pimientos are thoroughly
heated. Serve, garnished with sprigs
of parsley. Serves 4.
Moses were on hand to view th'
blaze while white and coolred intern
es worked to revive injured firemen
Springfield, III- (FPNS) . Got
DzAght II- Green of Illinois, deliv
ered his second inaugural mcssagi
Monday, before the General Assoc
iation of the Sixty-Fourth Illinois
General Assembly in the House of
Representatives■ The Governor mate
a strong plea for racial tolerance aiut
impartial treatment of Negroes in
his state.
Pcabody College Professor
Writes in “Phylon”.
Atlanta, Georgia, January 14 Spec
ial—^ riting in the current issue of
“Phylon", Atlanta University’s rcr
view of race and culture, Professoi
H. C. Brearlcy of Peabody College
discusses “The Negro's New Bellig
erency , which- he says- has devel
oped since World War II, and which
is causing much alarm not only in the
South but in the North. The writer
makes it clear that although this re
bellious attitude of the Negro may
seem sudden, in reality it has been in
the making at least since World Wai
I- Professor Brearley states that
years of frustration have produced in
many Negroes an “oppression psych
osis” and points to the fact that like
any minority the Negro faces the 1
difficult choice of when to be docile
and when to be aggressive. The
group must avoid any conduct or at
titude that will unite against it the
vast white majority, he says, "for
this would be a greater misfortune
than all the injustices he now recons
sc bitterly- Only exceedingly wise
leadership can determine when re
bellion is doing more harm than
Also discussed in this issue is race
I Essential Industry g
| to sort waste paper =j
| —Apply at—
| The Omaha Paper
Stock Company 1
= 18th & Marcy Sts.
| Telephone JA 0159 =
| Considerate Dependable f
E No favoritism is ever shown E
3 in our impartial service to =:
" those whom we serve. We S
— endeavor to serve the family’s E
3 needs with impartial consider- S
E ation. Serving as we would 3
= be served. E
| —WE. 2022 i
2022 Lake Street =
11111 n 1111111111311111; 1111111 c 11111111111; 11 iT
' --•,
January Sale
on Luggage!
• Metal Trunks,
© Metal Locker,
• Gladstone Bags,
• Matched Luggage,
for Ladies it Gents
• Suitcases,
® Over Nite Cases,
© Brief Cases.
Loan & Jewelry Co.
320 North 16th Street
“Set* Marcus for
• *• •' ?■ * ** 0 m
"Time and Tide Wait on No Man"
Quality Material and Guarantern
Quality Work”
2407 Lake Street
0C -6M* *1 j*i0H0eunj0>^L^n
2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175
I lours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M.
Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M.
Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M.
Saturday morning
“Bowl for health”
i-ir'i ii invr 1-1 —— -. .I
Clifford Marshall, Bowling Green,
Ky., one-year-old victim of infan
tile paralysis, receives muscular re
education from Mrs. Ernest Bax
ter, physical therapist at Tuskegee
Institute Infantile Paralysis Cen
ter. Care and treatment of this
polio victim are provided by the
Kentucky State Chapter of the
National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis through contributions
received in the March of Dimes
in Celebration of the Presidents
prejudice in an interesting article by
Scudder Mckeel- associate professor
of anthropology at the University of
Wisconsin. “Prejudice towards rac
ial minorities is part and parcel of
our treatment of all lower class per
sons in our society- regardless of
their racial characteristics", Profes
sor Mekeel writes, and goes on to
inform the reader that prejudices and
discriminations are but one aspect o\
an even larger problem that confronts
the world today, samely, how can hu
man beings live together peaceably
on this planet
' bowels sluggish?
[ » Feeling like you lost your best frien„ -
j headachy—dull -all because of sluggish bow*
els? Why put up with constipation misery*
Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant
fasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN
A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only In
accordance with package directions. Nest
morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you
aEa,n- Millions rely on FEEN-A
.T. Chew like your favorite gum. Thstes
sood. Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family
E. McGill, Prop
2423-25 NORTH 24th 8»
Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. n»
Open for Private Parties from
2 to 7 p. m.
—No Charges —
Free Delivery from 8 a in to
I a. id
JA. 9411
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specially
2422 LAKE ST
Improve your appearance. Wear our
glamour attachments for style and
attractiveness. Price $2.75, 50c ex
tra for gray hair. If COD. postage
extra. We carry a full line of all ov
er wigs, braids and curls- Write
7th Ave., New York, 27, NY.
<Vcid Indigestion
Relieved in 5 minutes or
double your money back
When excegs stomach acid causes painful, suffocat
ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually
prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known fOr
symptomatic relief—medicines like those In Bell-ana
Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort In a
Jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle
to us. 25c at all druggists.
If You Had M YJOB
Keeping house, helping
take care of the family—you
would realize that business girls
are not the only ones who some
times get Headache and Tired
Aching Muscles. We home girls
often work just as hard and have
just as many Headaches, just as
many Stomach Upsets and get
just as Tired.
About a year ago, I first used
I find that it eases my Aching
Head, takes the kinks out of Tired,
Aching Muscles and brings relief
when I have Acid Indigestion.
The family says I am a lot
easier to live with since I have
known about Alka-Seltzer.
*Ha,ve_/ou tried ALKA-SELT
tihjll. If not, why don’t you get
a Pacifa&e today ? Large package
<J0*, Small package 30*, also by
»he glass at Soda Fountains, t