LOCAL NEWS COUNCIL OF COLORED CHURCH WOMEN TO GIVE MUSICAL TEA The Council of Colored Church Women will give a Musical Tea ai Christ Temple, 26th and Burdette St ALKA-SELTZER ptRlGHTBNS P /2S* MY DAY w-^ * / /|\\ 11 0CCASIONALLY, I wake up in the morning with a Headache. It sometimes wears off along the middle of the forenoon, but I don’t want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of. sparkling ALKA-SELTZER. In just a little while I am feeling a lot better. Sometimes the week's ironing tires me and makes me sore and stiff. Then it’s ALKA-SELTZER to the rescue — a tablet or two and a little rest makes me feel moie like finish ing the job. And when I eat “not wisely but too well,’’ ALKA-SELTZER relieves the Acid Indigestion that so often follows. q Yes, Alka - Seltzer brightens my day. It brings relief from so many of my discomforts, that I always keep it handy. Why don’t you get a package of 0 ALKA-SELTZER at your drag store today? j^arge Package 60*, Small 30*. 1 WEbster 5217 ~ “The Latest Smart Styles" Victory ^Beauty tP Salon -2118 North 24th St.— 1 Omaha, Nebraska MRS. CLEONE HARMON. Proprietress. ***** j Operators:— HATTIE JOHNSON, Poro System, ROSE ROACIIE, ETHEL SMITH. I---——i I January 26th, 1945 from 12 to 2 Tlie Tea will be following Morn ing Services which are scheduled to start at 10 O’clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. No Charges for the Tea Mrs- Cora Haynes. Pres.. Mrs- Estella McAfee, Pub. Chr FAREWELL. A host ot relatives ana tnends ga there at the home of Mrs- Hettie Marshall’s 3029 Pinkney St.. Sunday afternoon Jan. 14 for a farewell dinner party given in honor of Mr. Val Ratliff, who will be leaving on Wednesday for Calif. Mr. Ratliff plans to make his home on the west coast for the duration Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE! Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for I coughs or bronchial irritations resulting J from colds In cold wintry Canada is Buck- ! ley’s "CANADIOL” Mixture—Fast Work ing, triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged In the tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam and other soothing healing Ingre dients Buckley's “CANADIOL” Mixture la different from anything you ever tried. Get I a bottle today at any good drug store. REAL SHOE MAN $ FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR |: ( ASH & CARRY CLEANER 1110 North 24th St. || —CARL ( RIVERA— NEGRO DOLLS! To build RACE PRIDE- Every home should have a COLORED POLL- Give her a beautiful brown ikin doll for Christmas- Three flashy numbers with HAIR, MOVING EVES, SHOES, STOCKINGS ( nicely dressed. Prices: 21 inches $4.t>S; Large size $6.69 and $6.98 [ C- O- D. postage extra- Write | NATIONAL COMPANY, 254 West j ,35th St-, New York, 30, N. Y. I Mix Lemon Juice AT HORSE k TO RELIEVE »RHEOMAH& PAINS Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands aof folks who now take lemon Juice \ for rheumatic pain—have found that by ■ adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one ' tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It s no surprise either, for Allenru is a 25 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only i 85 cents—Do It Now. I I AX Barber Shoo 1 2045 NORTH 24th STREET j I “This is the Home of Cora Fix” J !WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES InJ OUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER-i IENCEI) OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. EBHOLM&SHERMftJ i 2401 NORTH 24th STREET -PHONE WEbster 6055 We're glad that in spite of war shortages you can still get Smith Bros. Cough Drops. We’ll be gladder still when Victory lets us make all everybody needs. Smith Bros. — Black or Menthol—still 5C , SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS k W BLACK OR MENTHOL—3 NERVOUS, RESTLESS — WI. HUE EiEUNGS On “Certain Days’* Of The Month? Do functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, irritable, cranky, fidgety, tired and "dragged out"—at such times? Then start at once—:ry Lydia E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham’s Compound is made especially for women. Taken regularly—it helps build up resistance against such distress Thousands upon thousands of women have reported benefits! * A grand thing about Pinkham’s ■ * ■ mm ^ * . . f mmmrn■» Compound is that it contains no harmful opiates. It Is made from nature’s own roots and herbs (plus Vitamin B;). Here’s a product that helps nature and that's the kind to buy! Also a fine stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Worth trying. Lydia E. Pmkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND I CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Mottos CWFF. 1906 North 24th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Marie Oliver, Reporter Sunday school .9:45 am. Morning Service.11:15 am. Evening Services .7 :30 pm. Women’s work 8 :00 pm. We had a wonderful Sunday school with a large attendance of scholars present. The contest which our su pervisor Sister Jennie Lewis had on for the Children that answered the most questions- ended Sunday. Thc children who entered the contest wet* the following: Otis Oliver, Raymond Buxton, Shirley Walker, Bobby Hart Barbara L- Walker, Floretha Olive: Ruth Walker, Thess Henderson. There was first and second prize> and Otis Oliver was the winner ot the 1st prize. Raymond Buxton was the winner of the second prize. I: was very interesting. Sister Lewis is planning on having another con test soon- So get yourselves ready scholars. We had a timely morning worship which were also interesting. Oui pastor made it so plain that every one could receive a thought Sunday night we had a grand tim in the Lord. We had old religious song service. Then our pastor came forward with a stirring sermon which stirred our souls. We had several visitors present. Visitors are always welcome to this humble place Our pastor has selected for his subject Sunday morning January 21. 1945 will be "The Two Ways”. Sun day night, "Create in me a clean heart O’God, renew- a right spirit within me.” You are invited to com? and enjoy this grand feast VISITING HUSBAND. Mrs. Beatrice Gater is visiting he. husband Corporal Lerue Gater at Ogden, Utah. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT “Ye are the Light of the World— a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.”—Matt. 5-14. We are thanking and praising God that we are able to carry- on in the name of Jesus- Sunday morning services were very uplifting to oui souls. Our pastor’s text was "look and live”. Te subject: “The Com mandments of God are true.” So many beautiful thoughts were brought out filling our souls with love divine- We invite you to come worship with us. You are always welcome- Services Sunday evening Tuesday and Thursday at 8 pm. also every Sunday morning 12 to 1 ;30 to 2- Divine Union Sunday evening from 6 to 7 pm. Don’t forget the Waffle dinner Saturday, Jan. 20th at 2731 Blondo St., Prophet Hess, pa tor KNOW YOUR STATE TRAFFIC LAWS. How far must the brake pedal bc pushed own? There should be on;v a slight cushion—an inch or two-. before your brakes take hold firmly. If the pedal can be pushed to witlua one inch of the floor, look out! Are the brakes adjusted evenly? If they pull the car to right or left, you’re courting trouble—particularly on slippery pavement or at high speeds Can you stop within thirty feet at 20 miles an hour, as the state law re quires? If you can’t, have those brakes checked today. In actual driving, it will take a greater dis tance because of the time you need to put your foot on the brake pedal af ter you see danger. Watch for next week's traffic law tip, as it’s smart to be safe. Nebraska Safety Patrol New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Horne" pSSSSSSSSSKSSSfi 11 a*T i Lunch f [ Room I “ (At Myrtis’ Tavern) | 2229 LAKE STREET-1 “ (Under New Management) — Lillian Anderson and Louise 5 E l-'inney, Proprietors E I; "Prompt, Courteous Service ’ E ..■■■’iitiiininiiiiiismuniiT CREATES NATURE .. for both parties. Relieves asthma, colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8 oz-; 50c-3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage on delivery. FISHER'S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-, Columbus, 3, Ohio, Agents Wanted fiipfiiiil A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE Note:—Don’t worry needlessly . • . when your mind is weighted down with worry and you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write. Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . . . just include a clipping of the column with your letter. For a “private reply" send 25c for ABBE’S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (3) ques tions. Please send a stamped (3c) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign your full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and confine your problems wfthin the realm of reason. Write to . . . THE ABBE* WALLACE SERVICE POST OFFICE BOX 11 —v ATLANTA. GEORGIA ABBE'S NEW V.t>,r, READING* ARE NOW READY C. L- E—I am 19 years old anti have a darling baby boy 3 months old- I am not married. I love the father, a G. I., verymuch and I know tlii he lovts his baby. We live with his parents who are very kino to uv 1 don't care for any other boy and don’t want to make boy friend 1 only want the baby's father. Should I wait and ope for im to get a div orce and may marry trie or should l seek other friends? He has been separated from his wife a long lime Ans: In your position as a mother of this man’s d*Hd there is hardly no alternative for you other than to re main with his parents and hope for the best. He's still a married mai. and he must secure a divorce before he can offer you marriage. Beai this in mind, your conduct while he is away will largely determine his attitude toward marrying you when he returns. I f you can maintain the good will of his family, it will ccr- j tainly go a long way in your favoi. Live a quiet, modest life, helping his parents in every way that you can as well as prove to them that you have the makings of a good wife for their son O- M. S.—We have a serious mat ter confronting us at this time- My sister is confined in the State hospit al and her mind just isn't right. My brother and 1 went down Sunday to visit her asd she is just about like she lias been every since she was strick en. My brother wants to lake her out and bring her home. Please tell me what you think is best? Ans: A decision to take your sis ter cut of this institution would be a mistake as it would deprive her oi the expert professional care she is receiving- If your sister Is to ever get well mentally, it will be neces sary for her to take these prolonged treatments. You might discuss the possibility of having your sister home on a short visit with her doctor at the state hospital and if he feds that such a trip would not be detrimental to her health, then make your plans accordingly. But. do not remove her from the hospital altogether D. M. T.—I have been caring tor a certain boy ten months. I have learned to love him dearly and know there isn’t anything in the world that will, change my mind about him- Re cently he came and asked rne to go to the movies with him. Mother re fused to let me go. The next day * girl friend told me she saw him in the show making love to another girl Does he love me as much as I do him? Ans: The bov is in no position to know whether he loves you or nor. He attracts you. it is true, but since you two have never dated this mut ual feeling of admiration cannot be classified as true love. Time will re veal his thoughts. ' J- L- F.—I am with some people that I have been working for about two years. I am down in the base ment and it isn’t warm enough lor my babies- I pay $20 per month for staying down there outside the little work I do around the house and she doesn’t pay any salary for what I do for her. I wish to know if it would be advisable for me to go to my husband s autie to live or not ? I am not satisfied here, You see I can't work and look after my babies like I should. If I have someone tc watch them it wouldn’t be so hard I want to save my money Advise me what to do. Ans: Located as you are condit DRINKING IT UAtl BE DOME Thousands havt learned from me how I broke the whiskey spell. If alco hol is rotting your Home, Health and Happiness, let me tell you the way to end the curse of Drink. Get the answer to your problem, write NEWTON, Dept. CPl, P- O. Box 861. Hollywood California. /^PIMPLES—BLACKHEADS MYERHALLY 0 CAUSED^Qy v_ ' 1 ' ■-—^ cm r ■ r, C t <■ X / \\■ Ij 1U\ £ Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap is a special soap contain $! .rg the same costly medication as 104 years proved Palmer’s 8 ' SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment. Amazingly quick results ! may come to many skins, afflicted with pimples, blackheads, itching of eczema, and blemishes externally caused that reed the scientific hygienic action of Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap. Help your clear lovely skin by letting the rich FOAMY MEDICATION of “SKIN SUCCESS” remain on for just a minute. 25f. Also use Palmer’s “SKIN .sUCCESS” Ointment 25£, at toilet counters everywhere or trom E. T. Browne Drug Company, Inc., 127 Water Street, New York 5, N. Y. I ions may not be ideal but you do | have the privacy of a home of you* I own and the independence which ev | ery mother feels necessary to her | well being- Before making a change I go to your aunt and discuss your | plans of making a home together Let her know what you will expect ot her—find out what she will expect ol you. Then, if you two live up to your end of the bargain, you shouta be able to get along together- It's no easy job living with people but it can be done with tact and under standing. " Touched by the Hand of the Dark Visitor.. MRS. AGNES P. BIVENS. Mrs. Agnes P. Bivens. 75, wile of Sgt- George E- ivens, died Iasi Thursday at her home, 2512 Lake St She is survived by her husbana, Sgt- George Bivens, daughters. Mrs Rebecca Evans, Mrs. Helen Eaton of Omaha, Sister Mrs- Alice Hay wood, Asbury Park, N- J. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. from St- John's AME Church with burial in Forest Lawn. Myers Funeral Home was in charge. MRS. FRANCIS RILEY. Funeral services were held Monday January 15th at 2 pm. from the Church of God in Christ 20th and Erskine street for Mrs. Francis Riley 2020 North 21st St-, age 74 years, with Elder Watson of the Church of God in Christ, 24th and Caldwell St-, officiating Mother Riley was born in Rock dale, Texas and a member of Elder Benson's Church, 25th and Franklin Street, Omaha. The spacious auditorium of the Mother Church was filled with her friends from both races- She was survived by her son. Lewis of Oma ha. daughter, Mrs. Mary Pleasant, of Detroit, Michigan, also Elder and Mrs. Green, Omaha and other relativ es. Burial Mt- Hope. Lewis Mort uary was in charge. MRS■ SADIE SCOTT. * Funeral sedvices for Mrs. Sadie Scott, 2513 Caldwell St., age 5> years was held January 10th from Lewis Mortuary Chapel at 2 pm. Rev. F- C. Williams of Zion Baptist Church officiated. Zion Choir with Mrs- Irene Morton as organist grac ed the choir loft. Members of both races assembled in high esteem for Mrs- Scott. She is survived by her son. Berna Walk, father, James Brommell, sister. Mrs. Opal Black, both of Salisbury, Mo-, brothers. Clinton. Luther and James Brommell all of Mobile, Mo. Buriat Forest Lawn cemetery. EDWARD J. GROOMES. Funeral services for Edward J. Groomes. were held Tuesday at 2 p m. from Zion Baptist Church with burial Forest Lawn- Myers Funerai Home was in charge. MRS. BLANCHE L- PERRY Memphis. Tennessee.-— PERRY—At John Gaston Hospit al, Thursday, January 4. 1945. at 8:1a pm-, Mrs. Blanche Louvene Perry, beloved wife of Rev. Howard w. Perry, daughteh of Mr. Morgan Sally and Mrs- S- Sally; daughter in-law of Mr. and Mrs. M. Perrv; sister of Mrs. Della Jones. Mrs. Han nah Munger, Mr. James Sally, Mr Roy Sally of this city- Mrs. Luelta Craig, and Mr. Booker T. Sally of Detroit, Mich., Sgt. Willie Morga Sally. US. Army. Swift, Texas; sis ter-in-law of Mrs. Ada Cornelius ot Chicago, 111-, Mrs. Beatrice Hawkins Mrs. Margaret Scrett, Miss Christo bell Perry, Mr. West Munger ; niece of Mrs. Della McGhee and a host ot other relatives of this city. Wake at the Saint Peter Baptist Dr. THOMAS’ FORMULA For LEG SORES Just think! The very first application of Dr. Thomas’ Ointment—a doctor's formula —brings quick palliative relief to old leg tores that are hard to heal. It’s a wonder fully soothing medicated ointment! Successfully used by Dr. Thomas In his own practice for many years. Will not In terfere with your daily work. Don't delay —Order a jar of Dr. Thomas' Ointment to-day. Sent in plain wrapper by return mail. Money back if not satisfied. SEND NO MONET. Pay postman $1.00 plus oostage. Or enclose $1. and we pay no-', ve GLEKN FP.OB'jCTS CO.. H3BCKEN.N.J. Dept. 217 | Johnson Drug: Co. I | 2306 North 24th I FREE DELIVERY | \ We. 0998 f PRESS ROOM OF PUBLIC RELATIONS IN LONDON 11 ' -—..•-■ ■•■■aawaw~--~A/*A •■•■ ■•■ ■•■•.VAV^A ■ ■•■•■• ■ v.y^irW> I Keii'aftcd by U S. War Department. Bureau of Public Relatione These soldiers are editing and rewriting news copy in the press room of the United Kingdom Base Section Public Relations Section in London, where they receive a week’s training in news writing and reporting preparatory to becoming reporters in their own units. Left to right: Cpl. Clarence Z. Jackson, Philadelphia, Pa.; Pfc. Charles P. Howard, Des Moines, la. (instructor); Cpl. Charles J. Lee, Bridgeport, Conn.; Cpl. Fred D. Pass, Temple, Texas (instructor); Cpl. Clayton L. Allen, Detroit, Mich.; Cpl. Hy Farber, Bronx, New York; Cpl. William Ellegor, New York City, and CpL Ray Nakviski, Chicago, 111.