The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 20, 1945, Image 1

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    ^ "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• ^ ""Cv ^ ^
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of on iqak. r\„ inir. ko
.March », 187, Publishing office, at 2430 Grant Street, Omaha. N.b, Saturday, January 20,1945 Our 17th Year-No, 50
During the Presidential campaign
3 everybody spoke of America first,
■who darned our diplomats about the
mtr trri u>c A f foP*
e i g n countries
friend or fot,
were branded iso
lationists ; the so -
called isolationists
were beaten and
scared until a real
American had to
admit that he m,
longer believed in
the principles laid
(down by George
Washington, ‘keep
away from foreign entanglements,
or be branded by the tin-cup leaders
of the new deal, both white ana
black as un-American crackpots. Be
fore going too deep on this foreign
matter, this writer has been warnea
that he is sticking his neck out and
’ had better write about local affairs,
things he and his readers could un
<lerstand- There was a time when
you could talk about Europe and it
was far away- Europe was foreign
then, but now with radio, airplan
es. and radar, Europe is our next
■door neighbor. China. India and
Japan live in the next block. The
real reason the reader was worried
was because he knew my mental cap
acity far dealing in foreign affairs
was nil- Knowing this is true, and
after reviewing the actions of oils
top liplomats, who in Novemliei,
campaigned on the Atlantic Charter;
who later denied such a thing exist
ed and onlv last week in a messaga '
to Congress, remarked that the polic
ies of the Atlantic Charter were to
0 be carried through, we arrived at ths
conclusion that if high officials ot
the government were so ignorant as
to what is going on. or if they are
getting their programs over because
of the rank ignorance of the public
at large, then we too, as laymen, can
afford to get out on a limb. We
still believe Washington was right.
We still believe we should be isola
tionists as far as trying to solve Eur
ope’s problems- We still believe that
this country erred in allowing Ger
many to rearm after the last war
We still believe that what affects
Europe, Asia, or Africa, affects Ne
groes- We still believe that Negroes
should fight for the salvation of the
world, and we are a part of the
world. We do not bcleive the resi
dents of this country should be den
ied the luxuries of life at the expense
of war-torn Europe. We do believe
however, that we should share our
wealth with the poor asd needy in
Europe, as v. e do the poor and needy
of this country; and that is. the rich
help the poor here, but do they go
to extremes. Do the rich go with
out sugar, butter, coffee or other
necessities of life to feed the poor
and needy of this country? Charity
yes. hut not as a detriment to oursel
ves- This writer is for whipping
Germany and then clear out.
Lionel Hampton
To Coach Giants
New York (CNS) Ace bandleadei
Lionel Hampton, has been hired to
coach the New York Giants- It
seems that the technique Hampton
employs as vibraharpist is very help
@ ful to a ball player.
by William Henry Huff
We need something that is new
Something different from the past.
Something noble, good and true,
Something that will soothe and last
We are sick of what is old,
Insults heaped upon our brow;
Not one tenth has yet been told.
Something new we must have now
To Renew your 1945
CUI' HA-0800
' Lena Horne is a WOW With Fort Knox GI’S
x- 1
! Following her performance last month at the field house- Fort Knox, Kentucky, Miss Lena Horne, tatned
MGM tnovie actress- was swamped with GI’s who sought her autograph. Miss Horne, who starred in the film
“As Thousands Cheer”, spent three days at Fort Knox and Godman Field entertaining troops.
U- S- Signal Corps Photo front the Bureau of Public Relations•
N.A.A.C.P. Protests Treatment of
.—- - - —-—; """" *' - — ■ • — ■" ~1 ' 1
—————— ■■■ ■ ....— ■ | i —
At the Annual Meeting for the yearly election of officers of the local
branch, NAACP, held last Sunday afternoon. January 15. at Zion Baptist
Church, The Rev. J. E- Blackmore, was reelected President. Other offic
ers are: 1st vice Pres-, Eduard Crooms; 2nd vice Pres., Rev- C. C- Adams;
Secy, Mrs- John Albert Williams; Assist Secy, Mrs- -Aneta -Blackburn;
Corres. Secy.. Mrs- Lucy Mae Britt; Treas.. W. L. Myers
Washington (PPNS) The trad-(
itional hatred smoldering in the
hearts of Dixie Jim Crow advocates
flared into flame in the House ot
Representatives this week when Rep.
John Rankin, Mississippi, race baitei
Rep- Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
newly-elected Congressman front
New York, bitterly clashed over per
sonal race issues- The dispute arose
over alleged remarks Rankin that
he found it extremely to his dislike
ing to be seated by Powell in the
House and that Powell’s election was.
injurious to the cause of the Negro
The young liberalist and minister
met the Rankin assertion with a par
sionate and scorching reply. Sait?
Powell: "As far as democracy is
concerned. Rankin is a political de
generate- He is the leader of Ain
erican Fascism. His presence in the
House of Representatives is the most
serious obstacle to America in winn
ing a people s war or establishing n
people’s peace. He does not repres
ent the best or the majority even In
his own Congressional district. Out
of over 300,000 citizens in that dis
trict, not as many are allowed to vote
as there are members of my church.
Two hundred ninety thousand black
and white Americans are politically
disinherited by American Fascism in
Rankin’s own district ”
‘‘I am happy that Rankin will not.
sit by me because that makes it mu
tual. The only people with whom ht
is qualified to sit are Hitler anc?
Mussolini. It is too bad that the
Southern Republicans have deserted
their party and become followers of
a Southern Fascist
rhe recent Committee on unAm
erican Activities should investigate
Rankin first, for he and his minoritv
lead America in illiteracy and mass
murder-lynching; and that's un-Am
erican. If Rankin is not afraid of
me- I dare him to suggest my nams
Knows no Lines
Qm 1fie
• . :
•T C • •
Housing Shortage
We are all interested in this survey because it
wll help present the true housing shortage condition
that exists in this area.
If you are in need of a home it will be necessary
for you to register and make application which
would enable you to qualify far the renting or the
buying of a new house in Bedford Park on Wirt St.
and Spencer St., between 27th and 30th streets.
There is absolutely no obligation on your part in
making the application. A survey of conditions is
vitally important and we ask you all to cooperate in
helping get the housing survey completed this week.
Register and make your application at the office
of Hiriam D. Dee and the Realty Improvement
342 Electric Bldg., or The Omaha Guide office, 24i:u
Grant St.,—Day or evening (8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.
and 7:30 p. m. to 10:00 p. m.) from Sat., Jan. 20th to
Jan. 27th, 1945.
Phone JA-7718 or HA-0800 for further inform
for membership on this witch-hunt
ing committee-"
Park & Tilford Gives
NAACP $1,000 Donation
On January 4th- 1945, the Park ft
Tilford Import Corporation deliver
ed to the NAACP Legal Defense
and Educational Fund- Inc-, its check
for one thousand dollars ($1,000),
through its representative. Mr. Char
les Reiner- This check is a gift to
the Association to assist in carrying
on it legal work against discrimin
By its action. Park & Tilford has
endorsed the work of our Legal Com
mittee- which has over a period oi
years won 19 victories in the Supreme
Court of the United States in cases
involving "confession by torture .
exclusion from jury service, and
those cases establishing the right to
vote without reference to race, creed
or color.
The Park & Tilford Company
manufactures the famous Park ft
Tillcrd Brands of whiskey and the
famous Park & Tilford toiletries.
The NAACP- Legal Defense and
Educational Fund, Inc., is a charit
able corporation to which tax ex
empt donations may be made
Omaha WAC Wins Good
Conduct Medal
San Antonio Army Service Force>
Depot, San Antonio, Texas—Private
First Class Wavie W- Carter, WAC
daughter of Mrs. Izene Carter, 2-t r
Ohio St.. Omaha- has been awarded
the Good Conduct Medal at the San
Antonio Army Service Forces Depot,
it has. been announced by Brig- Gen.
J- A. Porter. Depot Commanding
Pfc- Carter was a stenographer be
fore entering the WAC in November
1943. She serves as a messenger at
f the huge Texas supply center.
Suggests Commissioning
Top Negro Band for
War Bond Drives
New York—As a signficant step in
boosting public morale, particularly
in connection with war fund drives,
Eugene Kinckle Jones, General Sec
retary of the National Urban Lcagut
has requested the War Department to
consider commissioning the best Ne
gro band in the Army to serve in
somewhat the same capacity as Jim
Europe's famous fifteenth band in
World War I.
This band- which accompanied the
369th Infantry overseas and of w'hicti
Noble Sissle was a member, became
widely known as the organization's
"that introduced France to Ragtime’
It led the parade of the 369th up 3th
Avenue at the colse of the war, ano
was greeted uproariously by throngs
in New York City. General Pershing
regarded Lieutenant Europe’s banc
as an important factor in keeping uj
the morale of our troops overseas
and at one time borrowed its service;
; to piay at AEF headquarters for at
j entire month.
The suggestion, which was sent :•
WILLIAM H- BALDWIN, president of the National Urban League,
compares Richmond Barthe's design for the Two Friends Award with the
profiles of L. Hollingsworth Wood and Eugene Kinckle Jones in whose
honor the League is establishing the medal for annual award to whites and
Negroes who make outstanding contributions to interracial accord- For
For upwards of 30 years. Wood, as chairman, and Jones- as secretary, have
worked together as a white*Negro team in developing the organization from
a single office in New York to one with affiliated offices in 50 cities
throughout the nation. Photo shows Baldwin, seated, and, standing (1 to
r.) Barthe, Wood and Jones
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i ment of the Two Friends Award for
honoring outstanding teamwork be
tween whites and Negroes in the ad
vancement of interracial accord was
announced today by William H.
Baldwin, president of the National
Urban League
The Award gets its name from the
thirty years of teamwork between L
Hollingsworth and Eugene Kinckle
Jones in building the National Urb
an League from a single office in
New York to an organization with
affiliated groups and programs in 56
cities throughout the United States
It will take the form of medals
struck from a master design by
Richmond Barthe, Negro sculptor,
who has featured the profiles of
these two men on the obverse of the
medal- Awards will be made by
vote of the National Urban League’s
Brigadier General Benjamin O- Dav
is, ranking Negro in the United Stat
es Army, proposed the selection m
that band- “which would represent
the very best medium of musical ex
pression of the martial spirit-" Tru
man K- Gibson, Jr-, Civilian Aide t<
the Secretary of War- has transmit
ted the request for consideration by
the appropriate division of the War
! Department.
New York (PENS) I^ouis Jordan
exponent of a most unique form of
boogie-woogie music, has been team
ed by Decca with Bing Crosby on
two recordings— “My Baby Said
Yes" and "Your Socks Don’t Match"
executive board to white and Negn.
individuals whose collaboration
"When wartime tensions are cn
phasizing the critical need for under
standing and good will between th>
two races, it is timely-” Mr- Baldwin
said- “to focus public attention o;:
the forces which are maging for in
terracial accord; and it is appropr
iate that the long record of devoted
friendship and effective teamwork
between Messrs. Wood and Jones bi
made the symbol for honoring other
of like spirit and achievement.’’
Mr. Wood became treasurer of the
National Urban League when it was
founded in 1910, and secretary m
1912- He served as president from
1915 to 1942 and is now chairman or
the League’s national committee.
Mr- Jones started as the field secre
tary, becoming executive secretary :n
1919 and general secretary in 1942
Lloyd K. arrison, a public member
of the War Labor Board and a for
mer treasurer of the National Urb
an League- is chairman of a commit
tee which has been formed to raise
money for endowing the Two Friends
Award- A ceiling of $25 has been
fixed as the maximum contribution
which will be accepted from any one
individual, and any income in excess
of the cost of providing medals for
future awards will be applied to the
League’s fellowship program under
which 101 young colored men anc
women selected from the colleges ol
the country have already been helper
to obtain post-graduate training it
social service.
Major Simpson
Orders Them To
Eat In Separate
Dining Rooms
Omaha Girl G
Arrives in India
L. BERNICE GRICE, daughter
of Mr- and Mrs. Paul Grice. 1516 N.
28th street, has arrived in India to
serve th.e armed forces as aju. Americ
an Red Cross staff assistant. She is
one of 200 Negro personnel now scrv
ing overseas with the Red Cross
Before her Red Cross appointment,
Miss Grice was employed in the War
Department, Office of the Surgeon
General, Washington, DC., She is
i graduate of Technical High School
and of the University of Omaha
NEW YORK—Humiliation of
Negro army nurses in the presence
of Germas prisoners, as a result of
discriminatory orders issued by an
officer in the Prisoner of War
Camp hospital in Florence, Arizona,
was brought to the attention of the
War Department by the NAACP in
a letter to Assistant Secretary of
War, John J- McCloy.
The letter read: "We have receiv
ed information from Florence, Ariz
ona, that American Army nurses
have been ordered by a Major Simp
son to eat in a separate dining room.
“These nurses, we understand, are
in a hospital at the Prisoner of War
Camp at Florence- They feel espec
ially humiliated and degraded be
cause, even though in the uniform of
the United States Army, they wer»
set apart under the very noses ot
German war prisoners who serve a.»
cooks, and waiters in the Hospital
Officers’ Mess
“The nurses felt their humiliation
so keenly that on the first day the
order was supposed to take effect
they seated themselves in their old
stations in the dining room whereuc
on Major Simcson called the chiet
nurse and publicly told her that the
separate arrangehent had been insti
tuted because it was the way he want
ed it and the nurses must obey be
cause they fere In the Army and hart
sworn to obey orders of their super
ior officers.
“The German prisoners, of course
looked on this scene with great glee,
and the Negro nurses went to their,
jim crow dining room boiling mad.
“We understand from announce
ments from Major General Norman
T. Kirk. Surgeon General. United
States Ormy, that the Army is not
anxious to increase the number of
Negro nurses, but if incidents like
the foregoing illustrate Army policy,
I am sure you can understand that
Negro nurses in their turn are noi
anxious to serve in the Army."
Announced Engagement of Popular Radio Minister
to Widow of McKissack Jones, Shocks Chicagoans
Chicago (PPNS) Jean Starr Jon
es, widow of the late McKissaek
Jones, whose engagement to the pop
ular radio minister Rev■ Clarence
Cobbs ivas announced recently in the
home of Mrs. Marva Louis• News
of the forthcoming wedding made
headlines in the Chicago daily papers
by Jimmy Gentry
Chicago (PPNS) Grotesque fig
ures descending from Wars couldn't
have had a greater shocking effect tc
the “Windy City” elite than the re
cent revelation that Mrs. Jean Starr
Jones, widow of the late McKissack
Jones, and Rev. Clarence Cobbs, one
of Chicago’s most popular ministers
have decided to tread the middle
aisle to the altar at an early date
According to reports, Songressman
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., militan*
Harlem minister, will be best man at
the nuptial ceremonies- Powell re
cently made the headlines when his
domestic rifts flared into the open,
and it was widely rumored that his
next wife would he the celebrated
pianist, Hazel Scott.
Friends of the two principals, as
tounded by the news, were divided
on the question as to whether the
marriage would actually take place
The odds seem to be positive, how
ever, for at a party given in the
home of Mrs. Marva Louis last Wed
nesday night, the “bride-to-be” dis
played a dazzling 5-karat solitaire
given her by the popular, young ra
dio minister, and announced her en
National Leaders Appeal For Support Of March Of Dimes
Seventeen national leadrs in busi
ness and finance, government and pol
itics, education, religion, law- jour
nalism and social welfare, appeal for
support of the March of Dimes. In
statements released to the press in
Maryland, 'VJrgjjn^, Connecticut
Pennsylvania, New Jersey- North
Carolina, Illinois, Oklahoma- Ken
tucky, Ohio, Georgia California.
Michigan and the District of Colum
bia, these national leaders endorsed
and commended the work of The Na
tional Foundation for Infantile Par
alysis and its County Chapters.
The important leaders include: Dr.
D- O- W. Holmes. President, Mor
gan State College, Baltimore. Md-,
Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, Pres
ident and Founder Palmer Memorial
Institute, Sedalia, N. C-; Hon. C.C
Spaulding. President, North Carol
ina Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Durham. NC-: Dr- W. R. Valentine,
Principal. State of New Jersey Man
ual Training School, Bordentown,
N. J.; Hon- Homer S. Brown, mem
ber House of Representatives. Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, Pitts
burgh, Pa-; Hon. P- B- Young, Pres
ident and Publisher, The Journal and
Guide, Norfolk. Ba.; Bishop W- J.
Walls. Chicago, 111.; President R- b
Atwood, Kentucky State College, i
Frankfort, Kv.: Hoi. Augustus F.
Hawkins. member of Assemblj,
California Legislature, Los Angeles.
Calif.; Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune,
President, National Council of Ne
gro Women, Washington, DC-; Mrs
Sadie T. M. Alexander, member
Raymond Pace Alexander law firm
Philadelphia, Pa.; Hon. John W.
Lancaster Jr., President, Bridgeport
Branch, NAACP-; Hon- William O.
Walker, Editor. Cleveland. Ohio
Call and Post; Dr. enjamin E. Mays
President, Morehouse College, At
lanta, Ga., and Vice President of the
Federal Council of Churches: Hon.
Charles C- Diggs, member Senate
State pf Michigan; Hon. Roscoe
Dunjee, President, National Negro,
usiness League, Oklahoma City, Ok
lahoma; Hon- Albert W- Dent,
President. Dillard University. New
Drleans, La.
Millions of dimes and dollars, con
tributed to the March of Dimes ap
peal in Celebration of the President's
irthday, are at work all over the
country, upholding the pledge of The
National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis that no victim of infantile
paralysis, regardless of age, race,
creed or color, shall go without care
for lack of funds