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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1944)
How to Win Friends and American troops in all corners of the globe have won the admiration of the youngsters of every nation. Many of the war orphans have been adopted by individuals and units of tbe U. S. armed forces. Congres sional leaders in war zones have reported that the America!, soldier and sailor are doing more to prevent future wars, by their cooperation with children, than any act of congress. ‘Fighting Third’ Giving a Good Account of Itself The U. S. Third army has given an excellent account of itself during the entire war. Upper left, shows Maj. Gen. E. V. Landrum addressing officers and men during lull in activities somewhere in northern France. Lower left, largest ordnance tractor, used to haul 8-inch and 240-mm. guns for Third army. Center, search ing streets for lurking Nazis. Eight, Lieut. Gen. George S. Patton, commanding general of the Third army. Take Nazis in Greenland On an isolated stretch of northeast Greenland, U. S. eoastguardsmen surprised and captured a German radio-weather station, last enemy out post in Greenland. A 183-foot Nazi trawler and its crew was also captured in nearby waters. Above shows eoastguardsmen moving captured radio supplies. Greek Elas Troops Man Guns Elas troops with machine guns and rifles are shown in the streets of Piraeus, where British and Greek mountain brigade forces extended their holdings despite local Elas attacks. The drive of the leftist Elas forces «n the center of Athens appeared to have been halted and the most dan gerous phase in turmoil evidently passed. One-Arm Hunter The loss of an arm while deer hunting three years ago didn’t pre vent Earl Hast, 31, of Castle Shan non, Pa., from bagging this 160 pound buck. Hast shows how he shoots his rifle on a tripod. Swiss President Ednard Von Steiger, above, for mer member of the Swiss Federal Council, was recently elected presi dent of Switzerland for 1945. He b*> longs to the Farmer*’ party. Long, Long Trail to Russia KWfi ^ ~ mst ' " ’' s s mmmwKmmmamMmammm More than 4,380,440 tons of war implements and goods from Ameri ca’s factories to Russia, have been shipped through the Persian Corridor. The goods are sent by rail and truck across some of the most varied and difficult terrain in the world. This is the only theater where the Russians, British and Americans are fighting together. Jap Balloon Lands in Montana Army officers and an agent of the FBI are shown here with parts of the Japanese balloon found recently in Montana. They are holding parts of the base of the balloon. Its explosives failed to go off. Another mysterious balloon was reported drifting inland from the ocean over Santa Monica, Calif. Barber Business Boycotted ——rT~r-.rmrrinmnnunrrimr mnn inii m—i«m him .ini~ninooiri[innnn'Ti'mnnnnrTrrfri.~n~r . These men of the army, navy and submarine patrol, are more con cerned with winning the war than visiting the barber. Upper left, Pfc. Thomas Gilgore, near Hurgen, Germany. Upper right, Pvt. James L. Poust. Lower left, TMl/c G. H. Boss of underground water patrol, and Coastguardsman Jack P. Smith, lower right, on alert lookout. Tots Raise Cubs on Bottle II t.MML ■ . ■ -r: Judith Snow feeds “Diana,” who is being held by Neil Smith, while “Donna" on the scales, looks on. These two lion cubs are three weeks old, and because they were deserted by their mother, they were “adopt ed” by Mrs. Herman Snow, San Francisco. When they can feed them selves, they will be returned to the soo. Admiral a Lawyer _ The honorary degree of doctor of laws was recently awarded Adin. C. W. Nimitz, USN, by Fordham. The citation read, “modest, patient, bril liant and courageous. He has proved himself an admiral’s admiral—and American’s American.” Mindoro Leaders ■saw i ii «» raa——... Rear Adm. Arthur D. Struble, USN, (left), commander of Mindoro attack force, confers with Rear Adm. R. S. Berkey, USN, command er of the navy support force, just before weighing anchor to launch recent assault on Mindoro. Hero-Mayor at Sea The above photo of Carl Zeidler, j the last taken before he was lost with his ship, when it was snnk off the west coast of South America, ; was carried all over the world. It was just sent to Milwaukee where he was elected mayor at the age of 34. i Ike’s Driver Weds WAC Corp. Pearlle Hargrave, Pil lager, Minn., chauffeur for General Eisenhower, woo recently married Sergt. Michael McKeogh, the com mander’s orderly. Ike attended the wedding. By VIRGINIA VALE IT’S the real Deanna Durbin whom you’ll see in “Can’t Help Singing”; the picture’s in technicolor, so Deanna’s hair is golden, not the darker shade created for her black and white films. But the star wiU have to vie with the landscape, for this Super-Western was made against the spectacularly beautiful scenery of Utah. The turquoise blue Navajo lake could offer competition to any actress. Deanna rated the best in music, too; her songs were ■written by Jerome Kern, author of the music for "Show Boat” and DEANNA DURBIN many other hits, and the lyrics are by E. Y. Harburg, who turned out the verses for the songs in "Bloom er Girl,” New York’s newest mu sical hit. -* During the first eight weeks of "To Have and Have Not,” at a New York theater, 350,000 persons paid to see the Humphrey Bogart-Lauren Bacall opus. The Bogart admirers swarmed in by thousands, many others came to see the new starlet. -* Johnny Coy and Miriam Franklin rehearsed for three and a half months for the dance they do in “Duffy’s Tavern”—two weeks long er than it took Fred Astaire and Marjorie Reynolds to prepare their routines for “Holiday Inn.” Inci dentally Johnny, recently signed by Paramount, is being hailed as a combination of Astaire and Gene Kelly, because of his performance in “Out of This World.” _as John Cromwell has a reputation as a director who brings out hidden talent and develops stars; he’s the man who made Bette Davis a star in “Of Human Bondage.” In “Since You Went Away” several newcom ers give outstanding performances. Now along comes “The Enchanted Cottage”—see it and keep an eye on Eden Nicholas, Martha Holliday, Virginia Belmont, Nancy Marlow, Robert Clarke, Bill Williams and Carl Kent. Maybe you’ll be in on the development of a new star. '.V ✓4' Wally Cassell, playing a light hearted G.I. whom the girls go for in “G.I. Joe,” the Ernie Pyle pic ture, owes his screen career to Mickey Rooney. Rooney saw him in a Los Angeles cafe, got him a screen test and a contract with Metro. -* If yea attend a broadcast of “Mr. District Attorney” yon see Ethel Browning toting a box about three inches high; she stands on it when ever it’s time for her to say her lines. The voice of a tough gun moll comes from a tiny gal who can’t reach the mike! -* “Brother Al” Heifer, former Mu tual Broadcasting System sports an nouncer and honorably discharged lieutenant commander of the navy, has the latest Cinderella story to tell. While strolling through the cor ridor of New York’s 20th Century Fox office to audition as a commen tator, he was spotted by a talent scout. Result, a technicolor screen test and a long-term contract for the handsome, six-foot five Al. But don’t look for him on the screen under that name—it’ll probably be changed before he faces the cameras. -* Larry Stevens, the 21-year-old lad who replaced Dennis Day as singer on the Jack Benny program, is ex tra pleased about that contract be cause now he can marry his high school sweetheart, Barbara Wil liams, Universal contract player. -* You'd think Dick Haymes would be content, what with his "Every thing for the Boys" air show over NBC and his starring role opposite Betty Grable in 20th Century-Fox's "Diamond Horseshoe.” But now he’s studying short-story writing 1 -* ODDS AND ENDS—Danny Kaye is starring on his own air show on CBS. . . . We’re told that Cornelia Otis Skinner and Roland Young may come back in a radio series like their “Wil liam and Mary." . . . Archduke Felix of Austria told Jean Fontaine that the best movie he'd teen was “Going My Way." ... Judy Canova is now appearing on a new series over NBC. . . . There’s still popular demand for another Phil Baker show with Beetle and Bottle; Beetle is Ward (Stage Door Canteen) Wilson, and Bottle is Harry (It Pays to Be Ignorant > McNaughton. . . . No need to identify Phil (Take It or Leave It) Baker. -* After Lifting eight-year-old, 49 pound Sharyn Moffeet out of a wheel chair and carrying her out of a stu dio set 25 times before the scene passed muster, Russell Wade fig ured that altogether he’d lifted and toted 1,225 pounds. * -* Just before air time Frank Mor gan was giving a lot of good advice to Carlos Ramirez, telling him tc study English and dramatics, nevei to miss an opportunity—then Frank was dragged on stage. He’d missec two cues! History Made on New Year’s Day r i 1 - Not only does New Year's day mark the beginning of • new year, but of a new hope to many people In many lands. During time of war, it has always meant the period of prayer for the safety of country and loved ones. Many events of lasting importance have occurred in history on this day, including: 88 B. C. The era of the Caesars began. 1349 A. D. Edward m, king of Eng land, defeated the French be fore Cainis with great slaugh ter. 1735 Paul Revere was bom. 1757 Calcutta, India, captured by the British. 1776 First Union flag of 13 stripes unfurled by George Washing ton. 1792 Kentucky entered the Union, 1801 Union of Ireland with Britain. 1814 American dragoons attacked the British who had seized Buf falo, N. Y. 1815 General Jackson repelled Brit ish when they attacked New Orleans. 1825 Great Britain acknowledged In dependence of South American republics. f 1863 Emancipation of Negro slaves went into effect by proclama tion of President Abraham Lin coln. 1907 Pure food law put into effect. 1913 Parcel post system inaugurat ed. 1919 New Year’s day declared a le gal holiday throughout the coun try except In Massachusetts and Washington, D. C. 1920 U. S. census gave population of 105,710,620. 1923 Canadian National defense act went into effect. 1926 Mexican railroads returned to private ownership. 1929 Ecuador’s eight-hour and child labor laws went into effect. 1933 Soviet Union's first five-year plan ended. 1934 U. S. bank deposit insurance law went into effect. 1935 Ration card system abolished in Soviet Union. 1936 U. S. unemployment Insurance law went into effect. 1938 Thomas E. Dewey sworn in as district attorney of New York city. 1939 Insurgents shell Madrid. Ex Premier Wang Ching-Wei ex pelled. 1940 Russian planes bombed Jyvas kyla, Finland. England called to colors men from 19 to 28 years old. 1941 English and German planes made reconnaissance trips. 1942 Japanese submarines shell Ha waii. 1943 U. S. planes bomb Japanese positions in Aleutians. 1944 Lieut. Gen. A. A. Vandegrift becomes head of U. S. marines. Russia observes Christmas. Pacific agreement reported by President Roosevelt. Facts and Fancies About New Year’s The little British colony on Han son island, in the Chathams, 414 miles southeast of Wellington, New Zealand, will be the first to greet 1945. It is just east of the interna tional date line, from which all time is reckoned. • • • The famous Scotch bun Is made entirely of egg and chopped fruit enclosed in a crust for New Year’s holidays. • • • When Julius Caesar created Jan uary instead of March the first month, he set the present New Year’s day. • • • The English New Year celebration was changed from December 25 by William the Conqueror because he was crowned on January t. • • • The person who first visits a fam ily on New Year’s day, carrying a box filled with cake, the Scotch tra dition holds, will be lucky during the year. The Hindu year begins with the new moon immediately preceding the vernal equinox in March. • • • People in Siam celebrate New Year's on April 1. • • • The earth will revolve about the sun in 365.2422 days to complete tbe year of 1945. • • • A glimpse into the future was be lieved possible by the early Scots who turned to their Bibles on New Year’s day. The sacred book was opened at random, and the entire chapter read. The message was be lieved to describe the happiness or misery in store for the coming year. Years Oat of Step The world is badly out of step in the matter of calendars as well as in war. This will be 1945 to Ameri ca, but to the greater part of the population of Egypt it is 1662, to the people of the north of India it is 2001, and to the Chinese 2488. Caesar’s New Year Julius Caesar created the present New Year’s day when he made January the first month instead of March. It was to be his special day in history.