Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1944)
- .. i =3Mwmmss PLAN NEW CURB MARKET FOR N. C. COLORED FARMERS So successful have been the colored curb markets in North Carol'na that a new one is planed for Halifax County, according to reports reaching the Li. S. Department of Agriculture D. J. Knight, colored county agent, says that a temporary shed will be built in Scotland Neck on the vac •?nt lot where a new post office is The progress of the other curb to be erected after the war. markets is shown by a report from S- T. Lloyd, assistant county agent ot Edgeccmb County. He points out thp.t the curb market at Rocky Mourn sold $115.09 worth of farm product? ■n Saturday, October 14th. A Good Place to Eat , Little Diner Cafe | 2314 North 24th St. i OUR THANKSGIVING DINNER Roast Turkey and Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Salad, Tea, Coffee or Milk. & * m < Baked Chicken with all the trimmings .. 60c i Fried Chicken Dinner. .75c Juicy T-Bone Steak.75c I Our Ready-cooked Regular Dinners.30c ( —Warren Webb, Proprietor. How Proud You’ll Be —Serving a NORBEST Turkey! Be a distinguished host this coming Thanksgiving Day! Grace your dinner table with a Nebraska produced NORBEST Turkey, of U. S. Prime Grade (the best available), a young, well-round ed, plump bird that will roast to a golden brown, tender and delicious. Then, your family and , friends will freelv beam expressions and utter i comments that tell you have served the best dinner ever! 10 to 14-lb. hens TRAVELING SOCIETY REPORTER FOR ATLAS MARIAN F. DOWNER, 444 E. 47th Street, Chicago, Illinois, widely known newspaper woman, editor of the society column, "The Scroll", former comptroller of the Chicago Defender, organized and managed the Pittsburgh Courier in Chicago for several years, Mrs. Downer has beer, appointed by Atlas Newsphoto Service as their traveling society re porter for large affairs and outstand ing social veents. Her features, photos and comments will supply the sooety editors of more than 30 of leading weeklies emanating from the east, west, north and south. Marian Downer is hailed as one of the most capable and widely informed writers in tht field today on things and peo ple socially in Chicago and other metropolitan centers- A former stu dent of Northwestern University's School of Journalism, Mrs- Downer became the first Negro woman fly ing reporter when she traveled with Mrs. Joe Louis as a fashion comment ator- The public is invited to write her on any anticipated social event. Atlas News and Photo Service 366 East 47th street, Livingston 1460, Chicago, 15, 111. O.VE THIRD OF RACE ARE FARMERS ... Washington, DC., (C) About one third of the 13,000,000 Negroes, are farmers- Numbering 4,500,000, they are mostly Southern sharecroppers, tenant farmers and farrn laborers HAIRDRESSERS! We carry a full line of beauty supplies and equipment. Also Hair Attachments. IVrite for price lift— RENA HART BEAUTY PRODUCTS CO. 2131 Seventh Ave., New York, 27 NY Souvenirs • ••for what? He came out of a GI Barber Shop in Italy: "Saturday Special — Shave, Haircut and Purple Heart . . . 35c.” Sure, a laugh comes cheap. We’d rather joke about it than think about it. But we can’t joke much longer. Hospital ships are returning now, Laden with men whose recovery may still be going on When the war is forgotten. Some people are Forgetting already. They’re forgetting The kind of care these men will need. The Women’s Army Corps isn’t forgetting. It’s ready to train • The women who will go into the wards ... Clinics . . . laboratories. Thousands on The job now. There must be thousands more. Apply: WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS In Omaha: 16th and Douglas Streets Space for this urgent message contributed by NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Here’s a Gala Thanksgiving Pie Made of Quick-Frozen Squash EVEN if you can't get some of the goodies you are used to for this year’s Thanksgiving celebration, you can still manage a feast fit for kings. And if you do a little skill ful planning and careful buying, you will be able to work out a de licious menu, without spending hours of your precious holiday in the kitchen. You will find work-free quick frozen vegetables a big help in cut ting down K.P. duty. All chores of preparing quick-frozen vegetables are done before quick-freezing seals in their full quota of vitamins and minerals, as well as farm-fresh fla vor Quick-frozen squash and baked beans are cooked before quick-freez ing, and need only to be heated for serving. Other quick-frozen vege tables cook in half the usual time required for ordinary vegetables. The squash is delicious not only as a vegetable but also as a “pump kin” pie filling that tops off your holiday menu with distinction. Just thaw, add sugar, spice, eggs and mi,,_ and bake into a golden-brown tre lou can add to the holiday atmos phere of your dessert by decorating the pie with star cut-outs, made of pastry, delicately browned. If you make individual tarts, place a star on each for decoration. Thanksgiving Pie 1 box (16-oz.) quick-frozen cooked squash, thawed % cup light brown sugar, firmly packed K cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon ginger Vi teaspoon nutmeg Vi teaspoon salt 2 eggs, slightly beaten' lVi cups milk 2 teaspoons melted butter Vi recipe Pie Crust Combine squash with remaining ingredients in order given; strain Line a 9-inch pie plate with pastrj rolled % inch thick, allowing pastrj to extend 1 inch beyond edge. Fold edge back to form standing rim and flute with fingers. Fill with squash mixture. Bake in hot oven (450°F.) 20 minutes; then decrease heat to moderate (350°F.) and bake 30 minutes longer. How to Heat Quick-Frozen Baked Beans Top-of-the-Stove Method: Put the quick-frozen baked beans with 2 tablespoons of water in saucepan, cover, and heat slowly, 25 minutes if frozen, 10 minutes if thawed. Stir gently several times. / Oven Method: Put the quick frozen baked beans in a baking dish, add water, and bake in a moderate oven (375°F.) 1 hour if frozen, 30 minutes if thawed. Stir gently three times during baking. Squash with Saut6ed Onion cup diced onion 3 tablespoons butter 1 box (16-oz.) quick-frozen squash, thawed 1% teaspoons salt % teaspoon pepper Saut6 onion in butter, add squash, heat, and season with salt and pep per. Iflllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllll HOME LOAN OFFICES FOR VETS OPENING UP The Veterans Administration open ed four new offices for the purpose of processing home loans to veterans which are to be guaranteed by it un der the provisions of the GI- Bill of Rights. These offices will have no direct contact with veterans, but will deal with banks and other prospective lenders seeking guaranty of propos ed loans, the Vete^ins Administration said. The four offices opened are in New York City, Washington, Chica go and San Francisco- The New York office will serve the New En gland States, New York and New Jersey, the Washington office will serve the other Middle Atlantic stat es, the Southern States, and the Dis II U lil I OURS IS AN IMPARTIAL '• SERVICE THAT OBSERV- ' ES THE GOLDEN RULE— \ —SERVING AS WE WOULD ' BE SERVED. ■ THOMAS FUNERAL HOME :2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 IIIIIIIIII*IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I trict of Columbia- Chicago will serve the Middle West and San Fran cisco the Far West. These four are the first of a num ber of offices the Veteians Admin istration plans to open in connection with the guaranty of veterans’ loans The act authorizes the guaranty of 50 percent, with a maximum not to exceed $2,000 on approved loans to veterans that are made for the pur pose of purchasing, repairing or oth erwise improving a home, a business or a farm. With the opening of the new offic es the Veterans Administration issued forms that will be required to secure its guaranty of loans, together with an explanation of the home loan guaranty. The forms in general supply the information that would be required by any prudent business man before he would endorse a note, the Veter ans Administration said. Of these, the only one that is out of the ordinary is a Certificate of Eligibility, the administration said. This is a summary of the service rec ord of the veteran together with a statement of the amount of the loan to be guaranteed- The Veterans Ad ministration completes the form with a certificate that credit has been re served and the loan may be guaran teed if approved The other forms merely establish the conditions of the loan, an apprais Polish, Clean, Wax With Products by GOLDEN STAR Sold Exclusively by Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Washable Dust Mops—Wedge shape.1.50 Extra Mop Heads.1.00 Glasso—For Windows, Mirrors, Pictures, Glass .25c Nowata—Cleans painted v ails and woodwork, eliminates rinsing and drying. Gallon, 1.39 Half Gallon, 75c Quart, 50c Golden Star Polish—For cleaning, polishing and protecting furniture. Stops checking of finish and covers checks already on furniture. A fac ial for your furniture, per bottle— 25c 50c 95c 1.59 2.50 Golden Star Paste and Liquid Wax, per can-— 50c 85c 1.59 2.50 Metal Polish—For all metals, brass, copper, zinc, nickel and tin .25c White Magic—A Cleaner and polish for white woodwork, white porcelain, especially good for Venetian blinds.50c to 2.95 Sizes Phone AT 3000.... Downstairs.. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street 1 OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA. 0800 | Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927 J at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under ' Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. C. Galloway_Publisher and Acting Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA ONE TEAR — — — — — $3.00 SIX MONTHS — — — — $1.75 , THREE MONTHS - — — — $1.26 < SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN ONE YEAR — — — — — *8.60 SIX MONTHS — — — — — *2.00 All News Copy of Churches and all organis ations must be in our office not later than 1.00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertis ing Copy on Paid Articles not later than Wed nesday noon, preceedlng date of issue, to insure publication. Nati mal Advertising Representative:— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS. INC , 545 Fifth Avenue, Now York City, Phone MU: ray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. ik Oar Loan! \ | BUY AT LEAST ONE EXTRA NOOBONff al of the property, a statement of dis bursements to be made and the final certification of guarnty by the Vet erans Administration NAACP ASKS TO FILE BRIEF AMICUS CURIAE IN RAILWAY BROTHERHOODS BIAS CASE Washington, DC.,—The NAACP has asked permission to file a brief amicus curiae in the case of Tom Tunstall and Bester William Steele, Negro firemen who appeared Novem ber 14, before the Supreme Court in argument against the Louisville and Nashville Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen and Enginemen- In stances of the Brotherhood's use of ! the framework of the Railway La- ( bor Act, to discriminate against Ne- j groes, have been cumulating since | 1938. Attorney Charles H. Houston, coun sel for the two petitioners argued, that while the Brotherhood repres ented all the firemen on the two sys tems as exclusive bargaining agents, it barred Negroes and even made a greements with the carriers that re sulted in demotion and unemploy ment for Negro firemen. He main tained that under the principle of majority rule the majority could not use the Government to exploit the minority. It was brought out also that under the provisions of the Rail way Labor Act, the union hail made an agreement, February 28. 1941, with a group of Southern roads that not more than 50 percent of the fire men in any seniority district should be “non-promotable.” In this in stance Negroes were designated ‘non promotable’, which meant that des McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E McGill. Prop 1423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS 3'ioe Room Open 8 p. m. t« 1 a, m Open for I’rivate Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Kree Delivery from 8am'' i a ai H St 1! WE CARRY A FULL I-fNF OF BONDED LIQUORS pite long seniority their places wouli be taken by white firemen of lesse seniority According to Mr. Houston if a Nc gro fireman tried to bring a case o discrimination before the adjustmen board he would have to appear be fori a body composed of employers ant partly of unions which bar Negroes Therefore, he told the court, utiles: the firemen could go to the court: for relief they have been placed ir economic servitude by Congress which passed the Railway Labor Act In a conference immediately after the hearing, with Attorney Houstor and 25 members _of the two Brother hoods, Walter White said “In the e vent the fight has to be continued, there is everything to gain and noth ing t olose, since present trends of the Brotherhood clearly indicate that virtually every job held by Negroes would eventually be lost.” Assur ance of continued support by the N Johnson Drug Co. 1 2306 North 24th i FREE DELIVERY f We. 0998 1 ” " .. —^ Exceptional^ Values for Xmas “WRIST Watches $14.95 up Small Deposit, will hold any article until Xmas. MARCUS Loan & Jewelry Co. phone AT-8840 320 North 16th Street * --—/ w w* wr* frppp ^ p "Time and Tide Wait on No Man" NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street \1G1 GRY Bowl 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 Hours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning "Bowl for health ” I AACP. was given. Held Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, Suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medielnee like those In Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ana brings comfort In a jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. How women am/girls may get wanted relief ^rorr^unct/ona^per/odicpain Cardul is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: Taken like a tonic, it should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist ance for the ‘‘time’’ to come. 2. Started 3 days before _ "your time”, it should help relieve pain due l to purely functional ' periodic causes. Try Cardul. If it helps, youll be glad you did. CARDUI Alka-Seltzer ABC METHOD A — Alka-Seltzer, start taking it at once to relieve the Dull, Aching Head, and the Stiff, Sore Muscles. B — Be careful, avoid drafts and sudden changes in tempera ture. Rest — preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi bly, drink plenty of water or fruit juices. Be sure to get enough Vitamins. C — Comfort your Sore, Raspy Throat, if caused by the cold, by gargling with Alka-Selt zer. If fever develops, or symptoms become more acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unusually effective in action. Take it for Headache, Muscular Pams and for Indigestion, Gas on Stomach, when caused by excess stomach acid. At your drug store — Large package 60*, Small package 30*, by the glass at soda fountains." SUBSCRIBE TODAY!