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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1944)
SYPHILIS CTJEE SPEED IS SEEN.... St- Louis, Mo., —Hope that syph ilis can be treated with penicilin on an out-patient basis was offered last Saturday by an Army researcher. Capt. Monroe J. Romansky, of Army's Walter Reed General Hospit al, said possibilities are suggested by latest results obtained with a techni que employing penicillin in beeswax peanut oil solution :nstead of in wa ter. Captain Romansky said the peanut oil technique prolonged action of pen OURS IS AN IMPARTIAL SERVICE THAT OBSERV ES THE GOLDEN RULE SERVING AS WE WOULD BE SERVED. THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 HAIRDRESSERS! We carry a full line of beauty supplies and equipment. Also Hair Attachments. Write for price list— RENA HART BEAUTY PRODUCTS CO. 2131 Seventh Ave., New York, 27 NY icillin within the body and enabled effective employment of much larg er single dosages of penicillin than are practical with a water solution. He toid a national conference on venereal disease here that prelimin ary findings indicated injections of 300 thousand units of the drug only once a day over a period of eight days would eliminate evidence of dis ease. Under the orthodox method of employing penicillin in water solution a patient has t obe treated about ev ery three hours around the clock for a period of about seven days, be cause the drug in that form is rapid ly excreted I VETERANS OF PRESENT WAR ORANIZE TO KILL RACIAL PREJUDICE . Washington (PPNS) While Am erican soldiers abroad are fighting to vanquish Hitlerism and restore peace to a eary world, veterans of the present global conflict are organ izing to combat unAmerican practic es on the home front. A sequel to the American Legion, of World War I has been created with the formation of the AMYrETS, which is a group pledged to fight strikes, racial preju dices and to preserve ‘here on the home front American traditions that GI Joe is fighting for on for eign soil. An impressive membership of 84, 000 bespeaks of the determination of men who have fought and shed blood for a common cause to bring about more amiable relation between the races and equal opportunities regard less of “race, color or creed ” The AMVETS shall operate entirely in J.hank, I^ojul! The State’s Champion Beer congratulates Nebraska voters on their sensible consid eration of the Prohibition question. We at Storz promise ever-increasing vigilance in the policing of tavern conditions, and in justifying your confidence in us. STORZ BREWING CO. - - OMAHA' N. P. Mission ‘Arrives Safely In Africa dependent o fthe American Legion, which, according to AMVETS or ganizers, has not expressed any de sire to cooperate with the newly formed organization. A minimum of 60 days active ser vice in the armed forces since Sept. . .6, 3940 is required by those seeking membership. “IT PATS TO LOOK WEI.i' MATO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. - -J MILDRED’S Sandwich SHOP 2409 Lake St. JA-0836 "A Clean Place to EAT at ( MILDRED’S" HOT BAR-B-QUE, CHICKEN, FISH AND CHITTERLINGS ‘‘Patronizing Us is like making Love to A ‘Widow’." “You Can’t Overdo It “ ♦ ^ * You, too, like most other folks, must be thinking of your "Dream Home” of tomorrow. There’s a whole electrical wonder-world of conve nience and better living waiting for you. Many families are already sav TOWARD YOUR ELECTRICAL “DREAM” HOUSE! ing and planning toward the day when they can LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY. And they’re taking the first two steps toward their own all-electric homes by joining the Nebraska Power Priority Club, so they can be among the first to get the new electric ranges and water heaters when these are again available. Here is how the "PRIORITY CLUB” works: IWhen you order an electric range or ♦ water heater, or both, from a Nebraska Power Company representative, your name will be nlaced on the priority list for those appliances. You will receive a membership card in the RANGE AND WATER HEATER PRIORITY CLUB, showing your exact prior ity number for the appliances you want. 2 You designate your own brand prefer * ence. When the new electric ranges and water heaters come in, the distributors will issue them to the dealers and you may name the dealer you prefer to deliver your appliances. Both the distributor and the dealer will recog nize the priority of the customers who have been listed in the Electric Range and Water Heater Priority Club. 3 When you sign up, you arrange to make o a down payment and regular monthly payments on the appliances for which you sign. Nebraska Power credits your account as you make your payments but immediately re invests your dollars in War Bonds to help speed Victory, and the day when your range and water heater can be delivered. 4 Your dollars will earn 4% interest for ♦ you. The Nebraska Power Company will pay this interest at the time your electric range or water heater is delivered on all the money you invest. If you want your money returned to you at any time before delivery of the mer chandise, your money — without interest — will be returned to you immediately. Ask any employee, or call at any Nebraska Power Office, for information. NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY . NAACP REPRESENTS CAMP I CLAIBORNE SOLDIER BEFORE \ JUDGE ADJ’OCATE GENERALS I BOARD OF REVIEW i Washington, DC—On Wednesday, November 8, the NAACP presented an oral argument and filed a brief with the Judge Advocate General’s Board of Review on behalf of Sgt. Conway Price convicted of failure to suppress a mutiny on September 23, at Camp Claiborne, La During the evening of August 16, a rumor spread throughout the 1327 th Regiment located at Camp* Clai borne, La-, that four Negro soldiers had been killed in the Bivouac area by an armed civilian mob. Many ol the soldiers rushed to Regimental Headquarteis for confirmation. How ever, while milling around they were told that it would be better to go back to their hutments while the of ficers made the investigation. Sgt. Price, who was in the group appar ently did not move fast enough and was later court martialed and sentenc ed to 9 years for a violation of the 67th Article of War, in that, being present at a mutiny he failed to do his utmost to suppress the same. E. R. Dudley, assistant special coun sel of the NAACP, in presenting or ' a] argument to the Board on behalf of Price pointed out that not only was there not a mutiny in the pres ence of the accused, but that Price was conscientiously seeking some sort of instructions from the officers as to how best he could help in the sit uation. McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. *423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8am v> I a. m JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS AFRICAN MISSION ARRIVES I SAFELY IN AFRICA. A Negro Newspaper Publishers Association African Mission, consist ing of P- B. Young, Jr., Editor of Journal and Guide, Norfolk, Virgin ia; Vincent Tubbs, War Correspond ent, Afro-American Newspaper, Bal timore, Maryland, and James B. Cashin, Chairman, Board of Direct^ crs, Chicago Defender, Chicago, Il linois have arrived safely in Africa according to statement issued by John H. Sengestacke, Publisher of the Chi cago Defender and President of the Negro Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation. Before leaving America, the members of the Mission elected James B. Cashin, Chairman, Vincent Tubbs, Treasurer and P. B. Young, Jr., Secretary. While in Africa this Mission will visit Liberia, Nigeria, Gambia, Fren ch Equatorial Africa, British West Coast and will return to America via the Virgin Islands. The American British, French and Liberian govern ments are cooperating with the Mis sion in accomplishing its purposes. According to Sengestacke, “this un official visit grew out of a confer ence of Negro publishers, represent ing Negro Newspaper Publishers, with President Roosevelt last Febr uary at the White House.” This unofficial visit while being underatken primarliy to study colon ial admniistratoin and to acquaint Negroes with more information about Africa in general, will also be inter ested in matters of post-war readjust ment growing out of the present world conflict. Upon their return, the members of the mission will report to the Presi dent Left to right—Young, Sengestacke, Coshin, Tubbs. SEABEES CASE BEING REVIEWED DECEMBER UTH New York (C) According to the Lynn Committee to Abolish Segre gation in the Armed Forces, a hear ing has been secured for December 11th before a Navy Board of Re view for Issac McNatt, Harvey Steele, Robert Louis Mims, and Clar ence O. Clark, four Negro Seabees discharged without trial from the Navy as “unfit and inapt.” Arthud Garfield Hayes, noted civil liberties lawyer, and Gerald Weatherly are Thursday, Friday, Saturday come in to meet MBS. LOUISE HANSON who will introduce you to Lake Shore HONEY-MELLOWED Prune Juice A tasty new juice made from French Santa Clara plums and sweetened with Lake Shore honey. You'll be delighted with the flavor . . . completely free of the bitter almond" taste often found in prune juice. Prune juice is one of the best juices to aid in a balanced diet. It contains iron and vitamins B and G. MRS. HANSON WILL BE IN OUR MAIN FLOOR SQUARE THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street 1 OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA. 0800 j E itered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927 1 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under A<t of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. C. Galloway_Publisher and Acting Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA ONE 1EAR — — — — — $3.00 SIX MONTHS — — — — $1.75 THREE MONTHS - — — — $1 25 , SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN ONE TEAR — — — — — IS.50 SIX MONTHS — — — — — *2 00 All News Copy of Churches and all organis ations must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current Insuo. All Advertis ing Copy on Paid Articles not later than Wed nesday noon, preceeding date of issue, to lnsur» publication. » National Advertising Representative:— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC., 545 Fifth Avenue. Now York City, Phone MU:ray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. * Maw and coastguard TO ACCEPT NEGRO WOMEN AS WAVES AND SPARS." NEWS ITEM 2ARM IN ARM FOR VICTORY ?’ GEO. H. DAVENPORT’S Dynamite WEEPING AND WALLING Washington, D C. (For PPNS) A few weeks ago an unsigned letter reached our office The writer accus ed us of moaning and groaning; we admitted we did groan too much, and should go in to business for our selves. Since then I we have been Cjco. Uavenport chinking about the silly white people. Tune in your radio, morning, noon or night; what do you hear? Join the Waves, Join the Wac’s, go to the nearest Govern ment} employment office, Juvenile de handling their case before the Navy Board, set up for the purpose of hearing grievances of discharged men under the Servicemen's Adjustment Act of 1940, better known as the G1 Bill of Rights. UNREDEEMED BARGAIN MAN’S Diamond Ring Large Stone, Massive Mounting. Special $200.oo MARCUS Loan & Jewelry Co. 320 North 16th Street ----/ "Time and Tide Wait on No Man" NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street ■ :i c gt C itjC exc-fi ic- <-■ me linquency, Buy Bonds, keep your bond, If you don’t write, you’re wrong, save fats, pray for the war to be over, Russia isn't on the square Lend Lease, England will not give up her colonies, Roosevelt's speeches, • Pro-war business, poor China, poor ^ Italy, poor Greece, poor Poland, Civ 1 il war in Spain, who’ll pay back Un r cle Sam, make this war the last war, 1 and other subjects too numerous to mention in this column. You say ' we moan, and groan, but wre are pik : ers when it comes to complaining. 1 You force us to groin—you won't » let us work, except under protest— • we are considered your inferiors— we are unfit to associate with, but 1 you people are Christians, You own 1 the world—you own the seas, yet • you moan, groan, weep, on for cen turies. You headline the wonderful : operations performed on certain in i dividuals, you boast of saving the ■ lives of people, cases that seemed hopeless, and then you go to war 1 with each other and make bombs— not to save lives but to destroy as many lives as possible- You cry when white Americans are mistreat ed by the Nazis—you treat us like slaves in thsi country—But brother you have not begun to weep and wail You white people will be smelling powder for a long time. The Allies | wil et the Sapniards fight it out a mong themseves—the Italians will be glad when the war is over, so they can get you Americans out of their country—And I could go on and on telling you, the greatest people on earth, how you look to us,—But time and space will not permit. Tunc in i* mm . m-' nWi'w * Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th F^IEE DELIVERY We. 0998 I ——-J-—---- - Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for coughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds in cold wintry Canada is Buck ley's '‘CANADIOL” Mixture—Fast Work ing, triple acting Buckley's Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the lubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam ana other soothing healing ingre dients Buckley's "CANADIOL” Mixture is different from anything you ever tried. Get a bottle today at any good drug store. VlGlGRY Bowl 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 Hours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning “Bowl for health” your radio from 5:30 a. m. to 5:30 Dm- around the clock. You weep and wail, just like us. So why not let us moan and groan together. Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and Heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Ball-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ins brings comfort In a jiffy or double your money back on return of bottla *o us. 25c at all druggists. How women and girls may get wanted relief ^ror^unctlona^periodi^pain Cardui is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: 1 m Taken like a tonic, it should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist ance for the “time” to come. Started 3 days before “your time”, it should help relieve pain due to purely functional periodic causes. Try Cardui. If it helps, you’ll be glad you did CARDUI headache is SUCH A I BIG | little thing ALL SET for a good full day’s work when a nagging head ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. Ready for an evening of relax ation and enjoyment — a pesky headache interferes with your fun, rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Head ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus cular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills? If not why not? You can get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store in the regular package for only a penny apiece and in the economy package even cheaper. Why not get a package today? Your druggist has them. Read directions and use only as directed. Your money back if you are piot satisfied.