The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 28, 1944, Image 1

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    largest Accredited Negro Newspap er West of Chicago and North of KC
"Saturday, Oct. 28,1944 Our 17th Year—No. 38
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice, Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of
March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebt
Adams in Closing Moments of Brisk Senator Campaign\
_— —————" ——————— M — ^———————^ I
• Oscar Stanton
DePriest, Jr.
Dreamland Hall
Fri. Eve., Nov. 3
In Spotter Succumbs
Orville "Hoppy” Jones, member of
the celebrated Ink Spots, who died at
his home in New York, Wednesday
morning last, after suffering a cere
bral hemorrhage attack
East Elmrurst, LI., (PPNS) The
theatrical world and its million of
fans all over the country mourned
the passing of one of stardom’s great
-est, Orville “Hoppy” Jones, who
was loved by many for his unique
and original stele of bass singing
with the world famous Ink Spots
The sudden death of the popular en
tertainer was attributed to a cerebral
hemorrhage attack suffered at his
home here Tuesday night. “Hoppy”
42, is survived by his wife, Esther,
and 9 children.
Formation of the celebrated quar
tet had its inception several years a
go, while “Hoppy", Billy Kenny,
Bernie Mackey, the other members,
uere rorkinc as porters at the N. Y.
Paramount theatre. Inspired no
doubt, by the many star entertainers
who appeared on the Paramount stage
the three got their heads together
and soon began to produce some very
tunefu' singing. Encouraged by ev
eryone w'ho heard them, they placed
their brooms aside and began to sing
for their supper.
The trio was joined later by Phil
lip Bowen and shortly afterwards
was discovered by Moe Gale, who
■sent them abroad where they caused
a sensation. Upon their return to
the states they began their meteoric
rise to fame as the nation’s number
one -quartet- Sales of Ink Spots
recordings have topped that of all
other singing groups, according to
record polls.
Chicago, (PPNS) Dr. Robert C.
Weaver, who has done commendable
work in his capacity as head of the
Mayor’s Committee on Race Rela
tions, served notice of his intended
resignation to become effective Nov
ember 1, ir. a letter to Mayor Kelly
here this week.
Dr. Weaver, formerly a member
of the War Manpower Commission
in Washington, graduated from Har
vard with a Ph. D. degree and later
served on the faculty of A&T col
lege at Greensboro, NC-, After his
resignation, he will serve the Amer
ican Council on Race Relations act
ing as director of its community ser
In his letter. Dr. Weaver stated
reasons for his withdrawal from the
Mayor Keyy’s race committee: “My
only reason for leaving this interest
ing and encouraging wonk is the op
Negro Women to Be Accepted
The President approved a plan sub
| mitted by the Navy Department prov
iding for the acceptance of Negro
women in the Women !s Reserve of
the Navy. The plan calls for the
immediate commissioning of a limit
ed number of especially qualified Ne
gro women to serve as administrative
officers. They will assist in the sub
sequent planning and supervision of
the program for Negro women which
will be administered as an integral
part of the Women-s Reserve. En
listment of Negro women will be un
dertaken as soon as these plans have
beer* completed and it is presently in
dicated that the first Negro recruits
will enter training shortly after Jan
uary 1 Officer candidates and en
listed women will be trained at ex
isting schools for the training of
WAVES. The number to be enlisted
will be determined by the needs of
the service
The U..S- Coast Guard Headquar
ters in Washington, DC., made the
following announcement also:
"The Coast Guard will follow the
general policy of the Navy in accept
ing Negro women in the Women's
Reserve. It will accept Negro wom
en for service in the SPARS in
quotas according to the needs of the
New York—In a statement regard
ing ‘he Navy's plan for immediate
commissioning of qualified Negro
women in the Women’s Naval Res
erve, the NAACP said:
“The NAACP is pleased to learn
that the ban against Colored Ameri
can women in the WAVES at long
last been abolished, a policy the As
sociation has urged upon Um Navy
Department since the establishment
of the WAVES in 1942. We trust
that *he announced plan of training
Negro women in existing Schools
mea-is no segregation and we hope I
that this policy will be extended to
establish a new and more democratic
princinle in the American armed ser
vices by integration of colored WAV
ES into regular units instead of be
ing assigned to iim crow ones. We
further hope and urge that the Uni
ted States Coast Guard and the Mar
ine Corps will also open their doors
on an unsegregated basis to qualified
Negro women.”
Since this letter was written the
Coast Guard has adopted the policy
of the Navy, and seeks the tnlistment
of Negro women in its ranks as
portunity which I have for doing sim
ilar work on a larger scale. The A
merican Council on Race Relations
has asked me to serve as director of
its community services, and I have
accepted the offer.”
Detroit, (PPNS) Marva Louis,
wh4o has arrived here in this city to
open at Detroit’s swanky 666 Club
for a two week's engagement, begin
ning Monday night, revealed to a
representative of the press that she
would cemfer with Joe before she de
cided to take any definite steps to
file suit for divorce. Joe is expect
ed to be present at the opening of
the sh :w and it is very likely that
some iinal cource of action will fol
low shortly after the two estranged
mates get together for a heart to
heart chat.
I —— ————.——^^
DuBoise Hits
Colonial Issues
At State Conference
Washington, DC,—In a statement
to the conference of Americans Uni
ted for World Organization, held at
the Department of State, October 16
in which several hundred were in at
tendance, Dr- W. E. B. DuBois, rep
resenting the NAACP, raised the
whole issue of colonies and imperial
ism bringing out the inadequacy of
proposals made on each.
Basing his sumary remarks on
study of the published proposals of
the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, in
regard to Colonials, Dr. DuBois Said
“It virtually says to six hundred mil
lion, human beings, if not to a maj
ority of mankind, that the only way
to human equaltiy is the philanthropy
of masters who have historic and
strong interest in preserving their
present power and income-” In out
lining precisely, details for the basis
of this conclusion, Dr. DuBois elab
orated as follows:
as i nave gone through the pub
lished proposals at Dumbarton Oaks,
I am depressed to realize with what
consistency the matter of colonials
ahve been passed over. In chapter
one, paragraph three, the emphasis is
on the fact that this is a union of na
tions, not of races, groups, or organ
izations of men, not recognized as
natoins; in chapter two, paragrph one
peace-loving 'States’ alone may join
in the Union; in chapter six, appar
ently an aggrrieved party must be a
state in order to cmoplain or appear
before the council; similarly in chap
ter seven, no colonies as Such can
appeal for hearing before the Inter
national Court of Justice. Elaborate
effort is made to protect states from
aggression, but I find no provisions
in chapter Seven even to consider ag
gression of a nation on its own col
onial peoples while apparently inter
national military force can be called
in to suppress revolt. Indeed in par
agraph Seven of that chapter, it
seems definitely to say that colonial
disputes lie entirely beyond the jur
isdiction of this proposed govern
ment of men. The Economic and
Social Council set up in this chapter
offers some ray of hope: it can rec
ommend and consider complaints and
situations; but there is no direct pow
er to investigate conditions. The
Council is appointed by eighteen stat
es with no colonial participation in
Among organization representativ
es, Dr. DuBois was one of the few
recognized for a statement, by Un
der Secretary of State, Stettinius.
Judge William H. Hastie also repre
sented the NAACP at this meeting,
designed for discussion, relative to
proposal for an international organ
ization to maintain peace and secur
Call HA-0800 to Renew Subscription
New York (PPNS) Hallique Hen
rv, Harlem beauty, has been chosen
as one of the country’s leading glam
our girls. Widely known because of
her extensive travelling with her hus
band, Haywood Henry, sax player
with Erskine Hawkins orchestra, she
possesses all the charm and personal
ity of a national figure. She operat
es one of New York’s finest fashion
marts fnown as Hallique’s Fashion
Shoppe and is recognized as a fash
ion stylist of rare distinction.
Somewhere in France (PPNS) —
“What would De Feuehrer say if he
vas to see me now?” This seems to
be the thought of this German “Su
perman” as he is marched dejectedly
down a road somewhere in France by
a youthful Harlemite, who seems
anxious to get this war over So that
he may resume his j itterbugging in
the “Big Apple.”
Wilberforce, Ohio (PPNS) Vina
E. Thompson, lovely Wilberforce co
ed, reprtsents pin-up material of the
highest quailty and is one of the
many beauties that ads color and ap
peal to the campus. Miss Thomp
son is an impressive contradiction to
the old Saying “Beautiful but dumb"
for her scholastic rating ranks with
'he school's best students.
Th« Rev, Daniel Lyman Ridout
NEW YORK—The Rev. Daniel
Lyman Ridout, 1212 North Redfield
St-, Philadelphia, has been appointed
the Representative to the Negro
Press of the Commission on Public
Information of The Methodist
Church, according to an announce
ment by Dr. Ralph Stoody, director,
issued from the Commission’s head
quartc'S at the Methodist building
here. The new position will require
only part-time and will not interfere
with his duties as pastor of Camphor
Memorail Methodist Church in Phila
The Commission to which Mr- Rid
out is now related, ordinarily refer
red to as “Methodist Information"',
was established by the Methodist
General Conference of 1940 to “gat
her news of public interest concern
ing Methodist activities and opinion
and diseminate it through the secular
press, the religious press, the radio,
and other legitimate media of pub
lic Information.” The chairman is
Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam of New
York, Principal offices are in New
York, Chicago and Nashville, with a
part-time representative soon to ue
appointed for the West Coast.
Mr. Ridout was editor of the Daily
Christian Advocate during the Cen
tral Jurisdictional Conference of the
denomination at Greensboro, N. C.
last June He is well known as a
writer, contributing frequently both
to the religious and Secular press
The son of a preacher, Mr. Ridout
entered the ministry by way of the
musical profession, having been for
six years director of music at Prin
cess Anne Academy and College- His
training was received in Morgan Col
lege, Ithaca Conservatory of Music
and the Sternberg Suhool of Music
in Philadelphia.
Mr. Ridout will fill a two-way
functoin, servicing the Negro Press
with news of the pronouncements,
personalities and accomplishments of
the Central Jurisdiction of The Meth
odist Church and reporting for the
deneral press the newsworthy hap
penings within his group. Within
the Methodist Church are 3,115 Ne
gro congregations with a total mem
bership of 330,600. Appointed by
the General Conference in Kansas
City last May as a member of the
nineman Commission, Mr. Ridout
resigned to enter the employ of the
Commission as Representative to the
Negro Press.
R. R. Brown Appointed
Regional Advisor for
FEPC of this District
The Executive Secretary of the O
maha Urban League, Raymond R.
Brown, was notified by Mr. Elmer
vV. Henderson, Chicago Regional
Director of the President’s Fair Em
ployment Practice Committee, that
he had been chosen as consultant for
this area. Mr. Brown will investi
gate cases involving violation of the
President’s Executive Order No
9346, make regular reports to the re
gional office of these activities and,
where necessary, call for additional
investigation by the Chicago office.
' As Specail consultant, the League
fdirector will hear and record com
| plaints registered by local war work
| ers cr prospective employees against
| a war industry.
Washington, The National Non
Partisan Council on Public Affairs
of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
finally had its efforts rewarded in
that Negro women are now to be ad
mitted to the WAVES and SPARS
This campaign for admission of Ne
gro women on an integrated basis in
the Navy and Coast Guard has been
waged by the Sorority with the coop
eration of other organizations, over
the past two years. Many conferenc
es, public meetings, mass meetings,
mass petitions and activities to en
courage Negro women to apply for
adnvsSoin formed part of this unre
lenting campaign.
The National Non-Partisan Coun
cil of Alpha Kappa Alpha is urging
qualified Negro women to take ad
vantage of the opportuntiy to officer
The Sorority is now spearheading
an assocaited organization movement
for effecting improved policies and
practices of the United States Veter
ans Administration. Their objectiv
es are the integration of Negro em
ployees in all branches and on all
levels of service, and the full pro
tection of Negro veterans in the ad- J
ministration of government benefits
Organizations all over the country
have been asked by the AKA Council
to join in this movement
“What Kind of America
Will We Have After the
Victory is Major Decision
Congressman Everett M. Dirksen,
of llinois, recognized as one of the
most brilliant orators in the U. S.
House of Representatives, told a
cheering crowd attending the first
big cny-wide Republican Rally at the
Omaha City Auditorium last week,
that ‘‘the major decision of the Nov
ember 7 election will be what kind
of an America will we have after
“The issue is whether European
ideologies are accepted or rejected by
the free choice of the American peo
jjje”, Congressman Dirksen declared.
Appealing to Nebraskans not to be
Satisfied only “with the prospect of
Victory on Election day”, Congress
man Dirksen urged them “to get out
so great a vote that it will be over
whelming evidence that your state re
jects, once and for all, the foreign
ideologies that have become attached
to the New Dtal in its dying days”.
“By demeannig the dignity of the
individual and developing the mass
etchnique, the Democratic Adminis
tration is attempting to foist upon
America the same pattern of the dic
tator nations, Congressman Dirksen
asserted, “if and when freedom, or
any part of freedom is leached away
from us, what kind of an accounting
can we make to those boys in uni
form when they come back”, he said.
Pointing out that despite all the
New Deal’s “make-shift attempts to
deal with unemployment before the
war, we found ourselves still nursing
10 million unemployment in 1940”,
Congressman Dirksen said “this is
the (jest answer to the question of
whether the New Deal has the cap
acity to find jobs for soldiers after
the war and for war workers after
their demobilization from war plants.
Referring to the alleged doctrine
! of “;he indispensable man”, Con
gressman Dirksen commented: “The
only indispensable man i know of
was Adam.”
Saying Victory was not the ques
tion at all on election day, Congress
man Dirksen said “everybody knows
victory is the product of precise
Science by men skilled in the art of
war and prepared to serve equally
well under either candidate for pres
Recalling dissension in the WPB
dispute between Vice President Wal
lace and JesSe Jones over conduct
of the Board of Economic Warfare,
Congressman Dirksen asked “how
can we hope to answer the vital post
war questions wthout unity cf ad
ministrative leadership?”
“New blood is needed today, and
needed badly. And on November 7
the people of America wili deliver
the transfusion by the election of
Thomas E. Dewey”, he concluded.
An ovation was given Nebraska
Congressman Howard Buffett, who
had introduced Mr. Dirksen, when
the latter, during the course of his
address, told the Auditorium Rally
that “in Washington Congressman
i Buffett is regarded as one of the
keenest legislative minds, destined
to move up the ladder. “He denounc
ed “attempts by Vice President Wal
lace and Communist elements to dic
tate to the people of Nebraska on
whom they shall elect as their repre
sentative in Congress.”
State Candidates were introduced
at the rally by Republican State '
j Chairman A. T. "Bert” Howard, ,
I those from Douglas County by Coun- '
ty Chairman T. C. Travis- Senator 1
for 27 years a practicing attorney of
Omaha and who stands well up in
his profession over the nation, is
bringing his campaign for election to
a sweeping close. Mr. Adams is
Field Director of AME. churches for
Nebraska and Kansas- The father
of John Adams, Jr., now serving in
the army. It will be the first time
if elected, a father has - Succeeded
the son in so high an office in this
state. The Rev. Mr. Adams is fair
with his constituents. He takes the
position that a candidate for the Ne
braska State Senate, should and
must be strictly non-partisan. Mat
ters not hew strenuous the campaign
an honest candidate must win or lose
on that stand. In his campaign
speeches, at his headquarters, with
his staff and on the streets in priv
ate conversation he emphasizes that
if elected h will be ethe servant of
all the people without regard to race
religion, or politics. While Mr.
Adams, in this campaign is non-part
isan, he bcleives that thq groups com
posing our state bodypolitic, should
have representation in the law mak
ing body that controls their econom
ic and political destiny and that it
will be a calamity to the Negro for
present and post war purposes if he
should not have a seat in the determ
ing body for that period. He is j
firm in the position that the cause
of any people, is best Served by one
of that particular group rather than
by one alien to its feeling and prob
lems. The Rev. John Adams, Sr.,
has hundreds and thousands of
friends and well wishers among both
races in Omaha and confidently ex
pects election. In closing his ad
dresses when talking about his cam
paign, he always urges registration
and an early vote at the polls.
Hugh Butler introduced Congress
man Buffett, who in turn presented
Mr. Dirksen to the vast audience.
Preceeding the Auditorium rally,
Representative Dirksen and state
party leaders were guests of Nation
al Committeeman from Nebraska,
A. V. Shotwell, at a dinner at Ho
tel Fontenelle. Earlier in the after
noon members of the Republican
State Committee discussed Party
plans for the campaign windup in
Nebraska and met informally with
Congressman Dirksen.
Acknowledgement for the Success
PHILLIPS, formerly city editor of
the Baltimore Afro-American and
connected with its national bureau, is
the first colored woman to be accred
ited &s a war correspondent overseas.
She is scheduled to fly any day to
London, first, and then later via
Paris to the Allied Front in Franca.
of the rally were made by official^
from the speakers platform, to Em
mett Brumbaugh, Omaha lawyer,
and a-rangements chairman.
Northside Republican Headquar
ters, 2318 North 24th St., A- B. Me
Caw, Chairman.
Rotnem, Clark Deny
‘PM’ Statements......
Attorney General Francis Biddle
today addressed the following letter
to Mr. Carl Murphy, Editor, The
Afro-American, Baltimore, Maryland
My Dear Mr. Murphy:
My attention has just been called
to an editorial under the heading,
“The Department of Injustice”, ap
pearing in the Afro-American for
October 14. This refers to a story
in PM of October 8, which states
that, in discussing the Simmons case
then under investigation by the De
partment of Justice, Mr- Tom Clark,
in charge of the Criminal Division of
the Department, and Mr. Victor W.
Rotnem, who is in charge of the Civ
il Rights Section, used the word
“Niggers” in referring to colored
As goon as the article appeared Mr.
Rotnem issued a statement for dis
tribution to all Negro newspapers as
"I neither speak nor think in the
terms of the language erroneously at
tributed to me in the recent PM story
My record Speaks for itself.”
A similar statement was issued by
Mr. Clark as follows:
“The language attributed to me in
the PM article of October 8 is both
unfortunate and inaccurate. I think
that *he record will show that the
Criminal Division, which I have head
ed for the past year and a half, has
been more active during that period
than ever before in the field of civil
liberties. This increased activity ful
ly reflects my attitude toward such
I have talked both to Mr. Clark
and Mr- Rotnem and they have told
(Continued ' page 3)
V 0 T E
i {Continental Feature* __