2k WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 The RR boys serving with a smile on rolling wheels. Hill Hotel waiters quick serving at all times Blackstone hotel waiters on the up and go on service Paxton hotel waiters in the front line on fine Service Brother John Evans top man at the Rome Hotel. Omaha Athletic Club waiters head i; Meet Your Friends at li MYRTIS TAVERN —2229 LAKE— i: |! formerly Rabes Buffett ji BEER & LIQUORS : “Always A Place to i; ‘ Park’” i ^ \m mu m\ mm mm ^ mi liners on quick service at all times. We all extend sympathy to our fellow brother Tom Phillips who*has been disabled for sohe time and is at the Methodist Hospital Have you registered. November 7th is just around the corner. Ed Craig brought back his quota of pheasants and Mr- and Mrs- V. S. Wheatley always return with their share of the birds. Brother Arthur Webster greeting his ftiends after a long illness. All waiters should keep themselves well posted on all the candidates ana think tack on what consideration has been given our race and the humil iations our soldier boys have suffer ed and think of the anti-lynching and anti-poll tax bills. FLASH—Varetta's Variety store at 1803 North 24th Street has a beau tiful stock of useful merchandise and the wide awake manager Mrs. Hudg ins w'll take time to help you make any selection and greet you with a smile a; all times with “May I help you and please call again.” This writer had the pleasure of meeting Miss Elizabeth Jordan the new secretary of the Northside ‘Y’ Welcome to our city Miss Jordan and we shall take pleasure in cooper ating with you at all times THE WEEK .. Columbus Day parade led by Gov• Dewey and Mayor LaGuardia in N. Y. Ciiy—it was the largest in their history.. . Joe Louis .world's heavyweight champion boxer gets bv .days .fur lough. . .Indications point to Kentucky go FOR A Business-Like Court House ... -ELECT • JOHN SLAVIK.County Clerk 0 ROSS L. SHOTWELL... Public Defender • J. GAIL MOREDICK... Register of Deeds • LEONARD BERGMAN. .County Commissioner • C. W. RENSTROM . County Commissioner Vote November 7th! (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement; Which shall it be? Legal Business Prohibition Clean, orderly, open, regulated, licensed Secret, filthy "speakeasies”—unregulated retail establishments, conducted by busi* Q ft and unlawful — run by gangsters and ness men. J’' thugs. I- ■■ -- An industry which paid Nebraska Huge tax losses. Heavy cost of at* S3,500,000.00 in State and Local taxes Q ft tempted, futile enforcement. Bribery. •• In 1943. new replacement taxes on everyone. ■ ... ...— ^ure beer and alcoholic beverages, man- Adulterated, Impure beer and alcoholic fcifactuied and packaged under govern- beverages furtively manufactured in jment supervision in modern, sanitary (Jft filthy makeshift surroundings subject to plants, subject to complete public con- no \3LWtt controls or regulations, trol and rigid standards. Protection against the sale of alcoholic AD Sale to minors, or anyone else who will beverages to minors. wn pay the price. Pebnaka State Liquor Commi.slon, No Uw, but ,be Iawl of force and Jrhich administer, the state law. now in supply and demand. No regard for the force in tne sole interest, of the public, QR public. Thieve, and thug, a Uw unto *nd for no special groups, either wet or themselves, dry. jControllcd, standardized and fair prices Highest prices for illegal "boose" that on all alcoholic beverages in retail cs- OR the market will bear in illegal "speak* fablishmcnts. easies." Employment of thousands of persons in tT . . , , , . Nebraska who depend for their living AD Unemployment for these thousands of on the manufacture, distribution and OR hw-Mding citlten. — employment foe sale of legal beverage, ... and Job. for gangster, and bootleggers returning soldiers. Millions of dollars spent by the indus tries for grain, machinery, equipment Loss of these millions of dollars In •. • rent • •. real estate . • . services ... Q ft legitimate business. Replaced by millions and thousands of other expenditures of dollars for graft and corrupdon. necessary to conduct a legal business. Strict control end punishment of in- No controU or punishment over either temperance and abuse, by seller or pur- QD .ciUr or purchJer. because no penalty b^eea«Jri£aUaw.°r * Pr'‘*n‘ IOod cl*“« *• Provided te proffered iiw. Reductions in drunken driving and in- Hip flasks - - - more drunken driving toxicatioa compared to the years of QR ... poison liquor . . . death and de Prohibition. etruction. liK. * U me. Law violator, and violation, no eon ?.xm“in,*^ UwbTvioUrorsin.nd WoW OR bootleggers-^nly inserted jnonso Having I drink occasionally, with Forced so drink In furtive, filthy "speak friends in your home or in a well- Qft easy," or violate the Uw by having reguUted, clean retail establishment. even one drink in your own home. Defeat Prohibition, Nov. 7 V°ft0 THE COMMITTEE OP MEN AND WOMEN AGAINST PROHIBITION KEITH NEVILLE. North Platte. Chairman IOHN B. QUINN, Uncoin. Manajui ing Republican at the Nov. c election• Miss Bendma Sehwert of Wadena, .'rinn., was strangled to death in her folding bed—her body was .found Wednesday morning October \\’th. . . The Wit chit a, Kansas division of the Boeing Airplane company will build seven hundred B-29s. The American Meat Institute stat ed on Wednesday Oct- 11 New York ers were being forced to content them selves with hamburger as 3 top grad es of beef were used in New York City. 3 persons were killed and 3 serious ly injured early Saturday Oct- 14th in Council Bluffs. The auto in which they were in crashed into an iron post at Thomas Street and Broadway. Mrs. Helen Bliss of Philadelphia, was awaken by the screams of her 4 year old daughter early Saturday October 14th, as a 200 pound burglar was in her room. Vernon Pickett honorable dis charged staff sergeant lived 4 hours after falling 13 stories in Los Angel es, Calif., Sat., October 14th. A tropical hurricane was reported moving northwest at Havana, Cuba Sunday October 15, from the Grand Cuyman Islands- It was reported that the wind was blowing 115 miles an hour. A four engine bomber crashed one mile f.'om Alamorgordo, New Mex ico airfield Sunday October 15- 11 persons were killed Navy Day will be celebrated in O maha Friday, October 2~th. Mr.;. Alberta Ault of 546 South 26th Avenue suffered a knee bruise, and sprained wrist from a fall near 27th and Jackson St-, Sat. Oct- 14. Dr. F. H. Muse was elected Pres, of the State Chiroprators at Lincoln Nebraska, Sat, October 14. Chauman Sol Bloom of New York Chairman of the House Foreign Af fairs Committee, stated a meeting will be called for November 15th to act upon a resolution calling for free entry of jews into Palestine Mrs. Francis Andrews was ac quitttd on a murder charge at Sal inas, Calif-, Sat., October 14th. The jury reached a verdict on the first ballot- She was in jail over two months- , Read the Omaha Guide for all the latest news! ' 4,O')0 persons witness the lauching of the coast guard cutter Sumac at Blair, Nebraska Sat., October 14 at the Peterson and Hiacker Ship yards 6,000 war workers failed to re turn to work at the Timkem Axle Company in Detroit, Monday, Oct. 16, also 150 members of local 196, CIO at the Monsano Chemical Co., of Trenton, New Jersey—950 work ers of the American Blower Corpor ation walked out over a wage dis pute. United Mine workers of Logan, West Virginia launch a drive for Governor Dewey of New York for President of the USA. | Plans are being developed to place thirty seven million Bibles to child ren in the U- S t We congratuate the Omaha Star for the very fine editorial in the Oct. 14th issue- Good advice. GRAY HAIR made her husband's eyes wander I Z/01V. ..he has eyes only for Her Bring new loveliness to your hair quickly and easily with Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Color* ing—obtainable in 18 beautiful, natural looking shades. Goes on evenly—won’t wash out or rub off—permits attractive sets and permanents—leaves your hair soft, smooth and shining, Godefroy’s Larieuse H air Color* ing has been used successfully for 48 years. Your dealer will refund your money if you’re not absolutely satisfied. itos CAUTION: Use Only at Directed on lob.1 CODEFftOYS /ahiuiU, hair • -' COLOR INC tmnti lift. t»,»u iim nun. b.iwh,m Truman Proclaims His Solid South Allegiance in Dixie Visit. (from Republican Natl- Committee, by Arthur B. McCaw) NEW ORLEANS,—While north ern Democratic press agents are strenuously seeking to impress north ern liberal and colored voters t hat Senator Harry S, Truman is a liber al, the vice presidential candidate him self is seeking just as strenuously to impress Dixie that he is a reaction ary, solid-South Democrat. That South, assured before and reassured now again, is going today for Tru man in a big way. Truman in a statement here de clared that “the solid south could not go for a fellow like Dewey.” A daily press corresponlent adds that Truman found himself “in agreement with three Southern Senators: John H- Ovedton of Louisiana, Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi and John Mc Clellan of Arkansas-” His state ment, the. reporter continues, “was echoed” by these Senators Truman, himself, has left no one in doubt at any time concerning his strong race-bias convictions- Sena tor Bankhead and Governor Sparks of Alabama, stated in the Birming ham News of July 23, that the Tru man victory oved vice-president Wal lace was a “real victory for the South. They assured Dixie that he was “safe on state’s rights and the rights of the states to control qualif ications of its electors.” “In the matter of race relations,” Governor Spark continued, “Senator Tduman told he is the son of an un reconstructed rebel mother.” Truman is a rabid race reactionary according to Morris Milgram in Com mon Sense Magazine for October. Under the date line of “Independence Missouri” Truman’s home—after an interview, Milgram says: “Senator Truman believes: “1. The Permanent Fair Employ ment! Practice bill will NOT be pass ed because the Southern Senators will start a fiibuster and stop it “2- That if Negroes sat down to eat at a counter in a downtown drug store in Independence, Mo-, ‘they would be booted out’ because the management of these places have the right to refuse to serve anyone they please. “3. In equality of opportunity, but not social equality.... There nev er will be social equality. Some Negroes are going too far in Saint Louis. There Negroes have started a ‘push day’ once a week, when they shove white people of the bars Why, St- Louis is sitting on a keg of dynamite “4- They’ve even got a ‘push day' in Washington....! won’t let my daughter go downtown on the street cars on Thursdays any more. It’s not safe. They push people off the street cars.’ ” President Roosevelt, as a matter of policy, has let the Solid South have its way in disfranchisement, Jimcrow ism and patronage. Senator Truman, if elected and should he succeed to the Presidency under any eventuality, would let the Solid South have its way, not only as **J’ve decided not to go until afteg breakfast, dear, I found some fcananas and a box of Wheauea in the pantry I’* a matter of policy, but as well as a matter of his born and bred convic tions John Slavik Employees Entertain Friends at the Masonic Hall with Bingo A group from this community, employees of Mr- John Slavik, County Clerk, entertained a number of it tends at the Masonic Hall last Thursday night for the purpose of introducing Mr- Slavik to those who had not met him personally. A veri large and enthusiastic group was pres ert and enjoyed a delightful evening of Bingo. A very clever way of pre ser.ting Mr. Slavik was presented by the Chairman of the evening, Mr Crawford—isstead of saying "Bingo persons were instructed to say “John Slavik”. The following persons were recipients of the marvelous prizes:— Large box of groceries and picnic ham, Mrs- Rose Littlejohn, 2626 Maple Street; a linen table cloth, slab of bacon, Mr. Garner Macklin, 2118 North 24th St., Large box of groceries, Mrs. Brows, 2124 Lake St. A Sunday Dinner box of groceries, Mrs- James Grizzard, 2860 Corby St. box of canned goods, Mrs- R- C. Gaskin, 2640 Decatur; Basket of Fruit, Mr. James, Manley, 3119 Ohio Street; Glassware, a set of 8 dessert dishes, Mrs. Sara K. Walker, 2203 Charles; Special games and prizes were: Embroidered pillow cases by Mrs- Juanita Moore, 2205 Franklin St.; A Baking dish, Mrs- C- McFar land, 2707 Binney; A Stove set of China, Mrs. James Woods, 2507 N. 24th St; A hand carved wooden tray (oriental), Mrs- Magge McGowan, 2719^ North 24th St-; and the spec ial John Slavik Prize of a ten (10) pound or more Ham was won by Mrs Willis W- Gray, 2124 Lake St. The Ham was presented to the recipient Mrs. Gray, by Mr. Slavik with his personal wishes. The employees, J- Dillard Craw ford, Mrs- Qoma Scott, Mrs. Ethel Davis Dean and Mrs- Lucy Mae Britt are more than grateful to their many lriends for the support they have given and are now and will give to Mr. Slavik on November 7th. NEGRO LEADERS POINT VALVE OF ORGANIZED PROTEST. New York—Successful in their personal efforts to circumvent the proposal of the War Department to creat; Jimcrow rest centers for bat tle weary Negro soldiers, Walter White, Mary McLeod Bethune and Dr. Channing H- Tobais said in a signed statement: “The action of the President and the War Department in abandoning the proposal to segregate returning Negro war veterans at the Theresa and Pershing in badly over-crowded Harlem and Chicago’s Southside is most gratifying. Among other things, it shows first, the value of intelligent and organized protest; and second, that when it comes to segre gation, Negroes are virtually without exception completely unified in op posito.i ito t. If the report be true, and we believe it is, one of the most hopeiul phases of this struggle has been the considerable and vigorous "Next Door’’ By ted shearer i -—. ■- ■ -. “TAKE IT EASY PATRICIA, I'VE GOT TO HAVE STRENGTH TO TAKE CARE OF YOU!” FIGHT AGAINST JIM CROW IN METROPOLITAN INSUR ANCE CO-, CONTINUES New York, N. R., October 16 At the headquarters of the March On Washington Fovement in the Ther.'ea Hotel Building, New York, A- Philip Randolph declared that the fight to abolish racial barriers against the integration of Negroes into all categories of the business of the Metropolitan Insurance Company holds fast and will soon expand to other sections of the city. This fight against the Metropolit an Insurance Company for the right of Negroes to be employed as agents and in the office forces and also in supervisory positions is a part of the pots war planning program of the t Negro people, observed Mr. Rand olph. It is necessary to begin now to Attack the barriers against the e quality of employment for the Negro since the post war world bids fair to be one of keen rivalry for jobs am ong different groucs of workers. “BUY A HOUSE ON THE R. L C. PLAN” GOOD CREDIT AND A STEADY JOB QUALIFIES YOU TO BECOME A MEMBER IN BEDFORD PARK. 1 Make Your Application NOW! for A New Home in Bedford Park on Wirt & Spencer St., between 30th & 27th St. SEE MR. HIRAM D. DEE Realty Improvement Company 342 ELECTRIC BUILDING Telephone JA. 7718 Eve. & Sundays JA. 1620 WANTED! WOMEN TO SORT RAGS With or without experience. —Apply— CAPITAL RAG & METAL CO. Corner of 4th and Pierce *##»##############»############# POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT "" 7 ! iiiBgirmiwniiiiiiMiiiiii i GEORGE W. PRATT FOR District Judge Fourth Judicial District • Former Assistant Attorney General • Past President. Board •! Ednrattoo • Graduate, Creighton Law School THOUSANDS KNOW THAT HE win. MAKE A GOOD JUDGE! f Banished or No Pay Do you suffer . from stiff joints, rheumatism pams, arthritis or other similar ailments? Now chemists have developed the latest combination of vitamins and safe earsy medicments in the new V I T A-RHUMATIC Treatment Take advantage of our absolute guar antee of freedom for you of rheum atism- Banish your aches and pains next week and send for VITA RHUMATIC today. Remember if the $2.00 sent us does not bring you new life and freedom from pain im mediately, your money is refunded Send $2.00 today to VITAMINE COMPANY, Box R-11037, San Antonio, Texas- ACT NOW! Illllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli ====IH 1 opposition within the War Depart ment itself to the proposal to separ ate men on their return to America for rest and recreation who have faced death together on foreign bat tlefronts- We can chalk up another victory in the long, tedious fight for democracy. PEAR HARBOR PIN UPPER Pdetty Henrietta Mareno, daught er of-Mr. and Mrs- Henry Mareno, of 651 E. 41st Street, Los Angeles, King Yuen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 2010J/a N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. nx American & Chinese Dishes Calif., has been chosen the pin-up girl for a GI- unit at Pearl Harbor. Miss Mareno is one of “Angel Cit ies’ ” most jxxpular lassies and is a Jefferson High School product. "subscribe ' TODAY! ^IMp« Nature Relic*. MONTHLY'S FEMALE FAIN You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous, “dragged out" feelings— all due to functional periodic dis turbances—start at once—try Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Made especially for women—It helps na ture/ Also a grand stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S compqwd | Thrifty Service j 16 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY ! LAUNDERED FOR ONLYCfl* AND ONLY | 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT jl WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just t Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON SAP A TOGA j 2324 North 24th St. WE. 102S f; Classified Ads Get Results! RUMMAGE SALE—Saturday, Oct. 14th. Doors open at 8 a- m. Place 2215 Cuming. By Institutional Luth eran Mission Auxiliary. Many Art icles of great value. FOR RENT—3 Room furnished, modern Apt. No children. Call WE. 2365. Scrub Woman Wanted, part time work. K. B. Ice Cream Co., 30th & Cuming St., JAckson 9580. —. ... WANT TO HU?— furniture of all kinds—dressers, iCds, end tables, chairs and chest >f drawers or complete home apartment furnishings. Kettles and fishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Oi Stoves. ••We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, > I iflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllVIHIM 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS »■>•>« ' >■ WE. 0609 DUFFY Pharmacy I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini f NORTH 24th STREET 1 SHOE REPAIR ■ 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 < —POPULAR PRICES - LOOK AT YOUK SHOE8 Other People Do. 5 READ THE OMAHA j GUIDE Weekly - ■ FOR SALE. A beautiful 2 skin silver fox scarf, gray kidskin fur coat, size 14, green cloth tuxedo fur trim. AH in excel lent condition. Call WA-7433. FOR SALE—Furniture and Miscel laneous dishes, Sunday, Oct. 1st—2 to 5 o'clock. 3115 Pinkney Street. FOR SALE—’37 Ford, 2416 North 24th Street. Price reasonable. J. D. Manley. FLOOR WASHER WANTED part time, K-B Ice Cream, 30th at Cum ings—JA-9580. iiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiimi FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake 8t. WEbater 20?" LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS KDHOLM & 8HERMAN 8401 North 24th WE. 6061 EMERSON LAUNDRY *824 North 24th WE. 102J lllllllimiillllllllllllllllimiiiiiiiiiiiiii CHECKED -or Monty Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. Prescription, a doctor's formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves i t, or money back. Don’t suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16™ ST. lCTUALLY HELP! EEL OFF UGLY AYER OF SURFACE 'ake the positive P03LAM way to skin mprovement. CONCENTRATED for uick action. Posiam helps reduce red ess . . . peel away rough, embarrassing pimple layer." Not a cosmetic but a 8-year old MEDICATION. Apply be jre making up or leave on overnight. lx active ingredients cling where eeded. We call it "the ointment with ut disappointment." 50c. druggists. Crosstown Dress8“akins —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— ATTENTION, LADIES! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... -2022 NORTH 24th STREET