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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1944)
LOCAL NEWS TOWNSEND CLUB No. 11 Our Townsend Club No. 11 met Monday, Sept. 25th at the Urban Lea gue center 2313 Lake Street. We were glad to have so many members out with us. We had a grand meet ing and discussed a number of items for the near future, speaking to all who will listen, seeking help every where. Now that we have two more signers on our bill 1649, we have on ly six to go. The Townsend plan should be ours by Christmas. 1 he Townsend Bill may be a law by elec tion day, November 7th. We are a fortunate people for eleven years we have been in the vanguard of a great socail movement bringing lasting pros perity and genuine security to our sen ior citizens. Eleven years is not so long measured in terms of Social movements. The prohibitionists to cite just one example, waited 50 years before they won the legislation they sought, and called themselves fortun ate. We do not propose to wait that long of course, and yet we must be patient. Above all we must be fight BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend — headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow. els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant fasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only In accordance with package directions. Next morning-thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family "V'.' ' , ? I r tf *■** Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th FREE DELIVERY ,; 1 We, 0998 1 WEbster 5217 “The Latest Smart Styles” Victory ^Beauty ' Salon 1—2118 North 24th St.— Omaha, Nebraska MRS. CLEONE HARMON. * * Proprietress. ***** Operators:— HATTIE JOHNSON, Poro System, ROSE ROACHE, ETHEL SMITH. 1—■-- --J NEW! .BACTERIOSTATIC" FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor • among women... , Many doctors urge the regular use of douches for women who want to be refreshingly clean — for women troubled by offending odor, itching or discharge. Some products may be harmful , germicides which bum, harden and I damage sensitive tissues. But NOT I Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Instead—Pinkham's Sanative Wash is an effective “bacteriostatic” (a new; modem trend). It not only discourages growth of the more vulnerable bactsria but cleanses, deodorizes, relieves minor irritations and discharge. Despite its great strength—Pinkham's Sanative : Wash has a benefltial effect on deli- 1 cate membranes. Inexpensive! • Lydia E. Pinkham's SANATIVE WASH | -- ! ;rs. We must constantly tell our story to all who will listen. We must teach them how the Townsend Plan will cause the fruits 5f the good earth to flow abundantly So all may share their sweetness. Be sure to meet us at the mass meeting, which will be held in the morning Star Baptist Church on Sunday Oct. 22nd, 2608 Franklin St., at 3TTclock pm. L. W McDonald, Pres, J. W. King, Vice Pres., Mrs. Edith Harrison, Secy, Mrs. B. B. Hawkins, Treas, OPENING MEETING. The Jolly Matron Art Club held their opening meeting Friday evening Sept. 15th. Mrs. Harry Mason was hostess. We are glad to have our President back after a vacation of four weeks. She reports having had a wonderful time. She is back with the club at heart. Let us cooperate. She is asking that all members be present at the next meeting October 6th at which time Mrs. Helen Potts will be hostess. After a summer vac ation it was good seeing all members at th; close of the eeting. A lace cloth was laid and a lovely repast was enjoyed. Mrs. Bertha, Johnson, Pres., Mrs. Alfern Geary, Reporter. TO TEXAS. Mrs. William Triplett, 2711 Wirt Street, left Monday night for Valley Mills, Texas, to visit her mother and brother. She expects to be gone a bout three weeks. THE OMAHA AME. MISSION 908 North 27th Street, Sunday school .10:30 am. Service .11:30 am. October 8, 1944 special service. Our guest preacher the Rev. O. A. Askerneese and some of his people will come to us at 3 pm. October 8, You are invited as our special friends. A. Davis is pastor7. RETURNS. We wish to announce that Rev. Frank Johnson of Chicago returned to our city Sept. It9h and has organiz ed a Spiritual Church Sept. 22, 1944. Name of church Metropolitan Spirit ual Church in Christ. Register in the Metropolitan Congress, Sept. 1944 Watch for special announcements service 26133 Burdette. WE. 3135. Mother Woodie reporter. HIS DITTY TOPS HARLEM JUKE PARADE. New York City (for PPNS) Duke Ellington, his big Harlem band and sho wopens Friday, Sept. 29, at the new downtown theatre in Chicago. The Master Maestro said that the Harlem hit parade currently tops hi? populuar little ditty, “My Little Brown Book.” Mr. Ellington further said that uring his stay in the Windy City, his troupe will play sev eral war bond shows for the Treas ury Department. "subscribe-0 NOW! o-o- o Call HA-0800 to Renew Subscription I^REAT^ilOE^MAN^^^^ !’ FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER ’ 1410 North 24th St. ij —CARL CRIVERA— * r^NEGRO^DOLLsT™ Race Pride! Every home should have a Colored Doll. We offer in this sale two flashy numbers with hair, mov ing eyes, mama voice, nicely dressed. Price $4.98; large size, $5.98. If CIOD. Postage Extra. Agents want ed. Write National Co., 254 West 135th S;., New York, 30, NY. iWMfflj on it that lasts forever. At the first sign of ugly itching of many externally caused pimples, and many other skin ir ■\ ritations, try Palmer's SKIN SUCCESS Ointment. Used and proved by millions of people for the past 104 years. You are guaranteed satisfaction or money back. 25c at lH drug and toiletry counters everywhere, or from E. T. @1 Browne Drug Company, 127 Water Street, New York, . N. Y. (75c size contains four times as much.) | Help complete complexion beauty f with Pamer's SKIN SUCCESS Soap 25c (effectively medicated)._ THIS GRAND MEDICINE ^ * made especially to relieve ‘PERIODIC’ FEMALE PAIN And Its Weak, Cranky, Nervous Feelings— Take heed If you, like 80 many women and girls on such days suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, weak, nervous feelings, distress of “Irregularities”—due to functional monthly disturbances. Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to re lieve such symptoms because this famous medicine has a soothing effect on onz or woman’s most im post ant organs. Taken regularly thruout the month—It helps build up resistance against such symp toms. Thousands upon thousands of ^women report benefits! ■ aa ■■ ■ m m There are no harmful opiates In Plnkham's Compound—It Is made from nature's own roots and herbs (plus Vitamin . it helps nature. Also a fine stomachic tonic I Follow label directions. Worth trying1 • '•SHUFFLE ALONG MAY LIVE AGAIN”. Los Angeles, PPNS—Noble Sis sle, one of the original writers, pro ducers ,and stars in the magnificient, “Shuffle Along” musical comedy of a score of years back, announced from his Los Angeles home; that the ve hicle will live again. Mr. Sissle told a representative of this paper that the first stage production is underway and that by Xmas, he hopes to have the show premier. Flourney Miller, Eubie Blake, Sissle and the late Au brey Lyles were 'the original stars of the Shuffle Along” and the former three will star in the new production of the show. _* I’VE BEEN AROUND New York By TED YATES 'Utilised exclusively by the INDEPENDENT PRESS SERVICE, 48 West 48rA St., New York 19, N. Y, ► *‘Strick” Is Strictly Groovy . . . “Strick” '‘Coop" Allen Drew | Ceo. Wiltshire Few of the mixologists about Harlem are as popular as Johnny (On-the-Spot) Strickland. There’s a reason for that, because no other bartender or nite club host has been as permanent a fixture as our Friend Strickland. Strictly groovy with all who frequent Club 721, where he’s manager, our friend ‘Strick” is a legend in Harlem. • * * § We first met him in the early 30’s $ at the popularly frequented Moulin Rouge Restaurant. It was known as Mike’s then—and, “Strick” was the first of the latest crop of hosts. Long may his tribe increase! * * * < Just about the time that “Strick” ; was “going to school” (to borrow : a phrase) a couple of pin-ups were beginning to get press notices. The Icvely pair, Edna Mae Harris and Dolores Brown are today big names in show business . . . Ralph Cooper was the matinee idol then. Today “Coop” is THE midnight owl, keep ing the town alive with those zippy J shows at the Elks Rendezvous. * * * The town hasn’t changed much in those dozen or so years (Hello. Junior!) . . . Ella Fitzgerald, who was then the biggest star in the entertainment field, is now set to break box office records with the Ink Spots at the Cafe Zanzibar on Broadway where at present Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Peg-Leg Bates, the Clark Bros., and Cab Calloway’s Orchestra are featured. * * * We've got to mention George Wiltshire, the em-cee at Small’s Paradise, who, like other diversion seekers of yesteryear,-used to fre quent Mike's, where “Strick” was formerly located. * * • The very next time you’re mak ing your round of the Harlem ‘hot’ spots, look up these personalities . . . “Strick” at the Club 721 .. . Ralph Cooper at the Elks Rendez vous . . . Allen Drew at Maurrain’s . . . George‘Wiltshire at Small’s Paradise ... You are apt to meet up with the others whom I’ve men tioned at any of these niteries where it’s good to be seen. Be seen out now and then — it’s good for you! Edna Mae Dolores EUa Sister Thorite I WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES IN 1 OUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER-1 IENCED OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. 1 GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN C AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. C edholm&sherman) 1 2401 NORTH 24th STREET ( -PHONE WEbster 6055- 1 LENA HORNE CAPTIVATES MOTOR CITY. Detroit, (PPNS)—Lena Horne, beautiful sepia star who has soared to unprecedented heights, shattered the house record of the Hughes Downtown Theatre recently when she glossed $54,000 for a week during the showing, of her latest release, the “Yellow Rose of Texas”. This, fig ure exceeded by $7,100 the former record established by Tommy Dorsey who played the opening date for the hous. Miss Horne is the first col ored attraction to be booked by the theatre. Her appearance here increas ed the race patronag by more than 25 percent. tegllggs A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE Note: Don t worry needlessly . • • when your mind is weighted down with worry ■nd you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write. Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . . . juBt include a dipping of the column with your letter. For a ‘‘private reply" send 25c for ABBE'S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (8) ques tions. Please send a stamped (8c) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign your full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and Confine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . . THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE POST OFFICE BOX 11 -ATLANTA, GEORGIA M. L. S.—I have one son and he is in service. He asked me about gett ing married and I told him he was en tirely too young. He said he was marrying for me, because I didn t have no one to do for me if I should get sick while he was gone. He mar ried anyway. The girl comes where I am all of the time but my husband will not talk to her. She seems to be a nice girl and I like her. He nev er did. get aong with my sonl. Am I doing right by letting the girl visit me? Advise me what to do. Ans: The girl is your daughter in law and you must accept her as a member of the family. If her visits are causing friction in your home then you rust not encourage her to visit you too often. Cake it a point to invite her over at a time conven ient for both you and your husband. This will eliminate her barging in too frequently. Since yodr husband is a little jealous, do not neglect him en tirely hhen your daughter-in-law is around. Show him as much consider ation as you would when you two are alone. Handle the matter tactfully and by so doing, you can bring about more congenial relations between your husband and daughter-in-law. B. S. E.—Cy daughter wants to take a trip. Shall I let her go or not? I don’t know the people that she wants to go with. My daughter just met the girl and she said she seems to be very nice. She is mar ried and her husband and her are go ing away and wants my daughter to go along. Advise me what to do? Ans: Pleasure traveling should not be encouraged at this time. Nei ther should you give your consent for your daughter to make a trip with a married couple whom you know noth ing at all about. Encourage your daughter to save her money so that she can take a nice trip when the war [ Lunch | Room — (At Myrtis’ Tavern) ~ | 2229 LAKE STREET-1 = (Under New Management) ~ S Lillian Anderson and Louise S - Finney, Proprietors ~ “ "Prompt, Courteous Service" — I iiiiiiiiiiMMuiiiiiimiiiiimmimiiiiiii is over. She wouldn't derive a great deal of pleasure from a trip under the present congested conditions and with a young married couple. E. A.—I am in love with a man and I believe that he loves me. A few days ago he was made to marry another girl. But he said that won’t make any change between he and I and so far as I can see it hasn’t. He treats me just the same as he did be fore he married. But, 1 want to know must I go on with him. I am not married, I have two children and he is crazy about them but he isn’t their father. Help me. Tell me what to do. Ans: Give the man up now that he is married. If he had loved you as much as you are inclined to be lieve he wouldn’t have become in volved with another girl. For the benefit of your children, and your self as well, choose your friends from the desirable single men as you really need a good husband. A mar ried man can’t offer you any future securtiy. If you hang on to the mar ried man you may lose what chances you might have for getting married. M. M.—I have a wonderful hus band overseas. I’m in love with a fellow of 32. He is married and has a child 7 years old. I know loving him is wrong and I am just being sel fish, but I've tried to forget him and it is almost impossible. Please tell me what to do. I haven’t seem him in 2 months now and I find mvselt thinking of him night and day. I'll o anything you suggest. Ans: You amit that you have a McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill. Prop *423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE. LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. n Open for Private Parties front 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— ! WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. n» 1 a. at. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS M 1 wonderful husband. Do you think that you will be able to keep him if you continue to trifle with your mar riage while he is away? If your hus band is willing to risk his life for you, the very least you can do is to be worthy of that sacrifice by playing fair with him. Then too, you might pause and consider what you are do ing to this other woman’s marriage. If you have so much leisure time on your hands, why not devote it to the Red Cross or some worthy cause ra ther than to idle mischief? Get your conscience straightened out, you will have to live with it a long time. Your Paper—the Guide Call HA-0800 to Rcnciv Subscription Call HA-0800 to Renew Subscription Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising We Will Build 50 Beautiful •NEW HOMES • For Sale or Rent at BEDFORD PARK On Wirt and Spencer Betwv'n 30th St. and 26th Ave. MAKE APPLICATION AT Realty Improvement COMPANY 342 ELECTRIC BLDG. Omaha, Neb. ‘ See Hiram D. Dt>e?* JA-7718 Eve. and Sun., JA-1620 The bewitching bride is lovely, luscioul Lana Turner. She looks demure—but oh, what allure! ★ * * ★ The best man is er ... ah ... wait 1 minute, Jack—which one is the best man] ★ ★ * * The question arises in M-G-M’s tell -tall love-tale, “Marriage is a Private Affair”! ★ ★ ★ ★ Mmmmm! The heart-to-heart affairs ol a bewildered bride. Charm-laden Lana holds hands with one too many tall, dark, handsome men. * * ★ * She's dynamite* James Craig and ' John Hodiak are the man-sized con tenders for Lana’s heart! ★ ★ ★ We dassn’t say which of the heav ies finally wins out in this romantic whirl, but we do know that Frances Gilford. Hueh Manowe, Natalie Schafer, Keenan Wynn, and Herbert Radley add chuckles to the fun! ★ ★ ★ * Screenplay by David Hertz and Lenore Coffee—based on Judith Kelly’s prize h billing novel. Directed by Robert Z. Leonard. Produced by Pandro S. Ber man (cf “Dragon Seed” and “The Seventh Cross” fame). ★ ★ ★ ★ “Marriage is a Private Affair” is a Robert Z. Leonard Production—which means it’s plenty good! ★ ★ ★ ★ Get out your “I’ll-remember-this-one" suit and climb aboard the Marry-Go Round! P.S. Climb aboard the Bond Wagon I ^Vnd stay there! Buy Bonds! CHAS. E. SANDALL SAYS: 'THE LAW-ABIDING BEER RETAILER IS A RESPECTED CITIZEN'' “Your law-abiding beer retailer is a good business man and a respected citizen. He recognizes his civic and social responsibilities by conducting his place in a clean, wholesome manner. He doesn’t want to lose his license by ‘winking at the law’. His pa trons should not ask him to. This Committee asks your cooperation with him for the benefit of all.” NEBRASKA COMMITTEE BREWING INDUSTRY FOUNDATION ru»ir< L SANDALL, SUU Director • 710 FIRST NATIONAL ILDS.. UNCOW