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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1944)
THE OMAHA GUIDF A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA. 0800 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1937 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. C. Galloway_Publisher and Acting Editor 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA I ONE TEAR — — — _ _ $3.00 SIX MONTHS — — — — $l.?5 THREE MONTHS - — — — $l ?5 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN ONE YEAR — - — — — $3.60 SIX MONTHS — _ _ _ _ $3.00 AH News Copy of Churches and all organiz ations must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current losue. All Advertis ing Copy on Paid Articles not later than Wed nesday noon, preceeding date of Issue, to insurs publication. Nati mal Advertising Representative:— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC., 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone MUi-ray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. Governor Issues “State War Fund Week” Oct. 9 thru 15th Proclamation I ;! I Our Record Proves that the simplest funeral can be as reverent and dignified i as the most lavish. To have [ beauty, dignity and consolation < the last rites need not be expens- , ivc. We serve as we would be ' served. THOMAS FUNERAL HOME i 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022; HAIRDRESSERS! We carry a full line of beauty supplies and equipment. Also Hair Attachments. Write for price list— RENA HART BEAUTY PRODUCTS CO. 2131 Seventh Ave., New York, 27 NY PROCLAMATIONS. , WHEREAS, the 22 agencies of the National War Fund are engaged in vital wartime services to the mem ber's of our fighting forces and mer chant marine, and to stricken allied peoples, refugees, and child war vic tims—services that extend from the 3,000 USO clubs in this country to 87 Campshow Units in battle zones and to 91 countries on 6 continents, and. WHEREAS, Nebraska’s share of the expense in te maintenance of tese necessary services as been set at $923,000, and . WHEREAS, Monday, Oct. 9th has been set for the beginning of the United War Fund Campaign in the 93 counties of Nebraska, and . WHEREAS, the National War “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. JOBS FOB "G.I." JOE VOTE YES EUnSUff Foment and PROVIDE $51,000,000 in JOBS ON NEBRASKA'S HIGHWAYS and STREETS for Our Thousands of Returning "G.l." Joes - With NO INCREASE in GAS TAXES NEBRASKA FEDERATION TO PROTECT HIGHWAY FUNDS AND TO PROMOTE POST-WAR EMPLOYMENT, INC. — COMPOSED^OF CORNHUSKER MOTOR CLUB NEBRASKA FARM BUREAU NEBRASKA HOTEL ASSOCIATION FEDERATION NEBRASKA STATE GRANGE NEBRASKA MOTOR CARRIERS ASSN. FARMERS UNION CO-OPERATIVE' AUTOMOBILE DEALERS OIL ASSOCIATIONS OF NEBRASKA ASSOCIATION OF NEBRASKA NEBRASKA GOOD ROADS ASSN. KEBRgAeS^raClH^tRr^sATED NEbRASKAnH.GrHWAY users ARA0C1ATI0NR0LINC0LVN NEBRASKA PETROLEUM MARKETERS UNITED COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS NEBRASKA ^TRIES VICTORY Bowl 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 Hours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning “Bowl for Health” Fund is worthy of the complete con fidence and whole-hearted support of the American people. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dwight Griswold, Governor of the State of Nebraska, do proclaim the week of October 9th through October 15th, 1944, a- National War Fund Week, and urge the people of Nebraska to give their full support to the camp aign just as they did so remarkably in 1943 to the high credit of the cit izenship and patriotic spirit of this state. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caus ed the Great Seal of the State of Ne braska to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the City of Lincoln, this 29th da«- at August, in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Four. DWIGHT GRISWOLD. by the Governor: Frank Marsh, Sccy. of State. $51,000,000 IN JOBS FOR G. I. JOE.... The motorists and truckers are of fering the state of Nebraska $51,000 000 for building highways and streets to provide jobs for thousands of re turning GI Joes in the first three post-war years. Voting “Yes” on the Gas Tax Constitutional Amendment is the way voters can assure this fine job-program for our veterans. Gas Tax Constitutional Amend ment is the only available, blue-print ed, business-stimulating, state-wide program that absolutely guarantees thousands of jobs in the post-war per iod for our thousands of returning G I joes. There will be no increase in gas taxes. The Amendment merely pro vides that the revenue raised by gas taxes and other motor vehicle fees shall be used exclusively for the build ing and maintenance of our highways and streets. Nebraska motorists, truckers and Time and Tide Wait on No Man . .NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT . Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work” LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street «* «s ft 0 e* & m& & +'irr Pile Sufferers Urged To Avoid CONSTIPATION Hot Water and Kruschen Salts Before Breakfast. No Forcing! No Straining! Here’s amazingly effective way to moist en bowel contents and obtain more gentle “easy” movements. Every morning for 5 days, 15 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of hot water to which one teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts has been added. Bowel contents become soft, moist, easier to expel. No need to strain and thus risk painful rectal irritation. Usually within an hour wastes are expelled smoothly and gently. Get Kruschen Salts at all drug stores. Over 245 million bottles sold in the past 100 years—it must be good. IT’S NO CIRCUS! They may look like daring young men on the flying trapeze. But they're electric linemen, fifty feet in the air, with no net underneath. It's tough enough up there on a hot summer day. It's worse on a wet, black night—or when everything's slippery with sleet. But the job must be done. It's part of giving you good electric service. Fortunately, there are men who have the courage and skill to do it. Just as there are other men who control complicated switchboards in lightning storms, or crawl in hot boilers to make repairs. These folks know what to do because they've been doing it a long time. Men and women grow up in the electric light and power business. It takes years to become a power-plant engi neer. Almost every other job is specialized and technical. The value of this practical experience—and of sound business management—has been dramatically proved by war. In spite of shortages of many essentials, there is no shortage of elec tricity—and it is still sold at pre-war prices! ■ • Hear Nelson Eddy every Wednesday evening in the brilliant new musical show—"The Electric Hour”—9:30 P.M., C.W.T., over Stations KOIL and KFAB. DON'T WASTE ELECTRICITY JUST BECAUSE IT'S CHEAP AND ISN'T RATIONED! NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Low Rates ★ Good Service ■ I—HI.ini n'n illf -■•-1—11 — Mil A BRIDE GROOM AM) A PAL. Chicago, Lt. Eliot Van Zandt, of Ch'cag-"', beams for the cameraman while posing with his lovely wife of a ftw days and his close friend Lt. Cecil White. The charming bride :'s the formei Dorothy Shands of Vicks burg. Miss. She is a graduate of Dillard, Class of '42 and taught in ihe public schools at Vicksburg for farmers will provide every cent of the $51,000,000. Approximately half of it will be paid to the state of Ne braska by the now permanent 5c gas tax. The other half is obtained by matching federal aid funds provided in the post-war Highway Bill now pending in Congress. But motor vehicle owners pay the entire bill for federal aid, too. Dur ing the eleven years between July 1, 1932 and June 30, 1913 more than $4, 200,000,000 was collected in Federal Excise Taxes, gasoline taxes, and the $5 Use Tax levied against the na tion's motorists. During this same peroid, the total Federal Aid and em ergency funds apportioned to the state amounted to $2,500,000,000. Ninety cents of every highway dol lar goes to labor. That is why Con MILDRED’S Sandwich SHOP 2409 Lake St. JA-0836 “A clean Place to EAT at MILDRED’S” HOT BAR-B-QUE, CHICKEN, FISH AND CHITTERLINGS “Patronizing Us is like making Love to A ‘Widow’.” “You Can’t Overdo It." ____ from Our Largej Stock of Beautiful 1944 Styles AT COST SPECIAL! 1 Day Only, J Monday, October 2nd ! for Cash only You Save many, many < Dollars—but this is for | | Cash Only. i LIVE WIRE FURRIERS' 11715 Douglas St. J fli iTfc ITT Him .. , i TTh ^ two years Mrs. Zandt has taken ui> residence with her mother-in-law at 4743 S. Prairie Ave., to await the re turn of her handsome husband, who along with his friend Lt. White left recently for a Port of Embarkation. Both are members of the 371st In fantry and are Tuskegee grads, class of ’43. Lt. Zandt sits to the right of his Lride. (PPNS) gress favors highway building to\ provide jobs for returning veterans. This is not a local idea but a great national movement. The inauguration of this highway construction stimulates more employ ment than just those hired to build the highways. Before the war, one Nebraskan in every ten was employed in the automotive industry, such as selling and servicing automobiles, gasoline stations, trucking companies, etc. A fine highway system will stimulate greater employment through -out the automotive industry of the state ir. the postwar period. Nor does it stop there. Highways are the backbone of the tourist traffic in dustry, which brings $50,000,000 an nually into Nebraska. Better high ways will keep this tourist traffic flowing through Nebraska in in creasing volume. So this postwar highway building program will definitely affect the weekly pay checks of 20% of our people engaged in these three great fountains of employment! Highway Construction, The Automotive In dustry, and the Tourist Traffic In dustry. The dollars poured into industries fan out and touch every farmer and every business in the state by increasing the demand for their products. Thus, it is to the best interests of every Nebraskan to support this Constitutional Amend ment. you FINISH THE JOB THIS TIME SONr Facts in Rhyme By Myrtle M. Goodlow “My country ‘Tis of Thee” We have again been called to fight To help keep freedom’s torch alight. Yet it is our sorrowful plight— To be denied the rights for which we fight. And so we cannot sing so sweetly— “Sweet Land of Liberty”. Since liberty isn’t ours completely. The words have an empty ring— And they never fail to bring. A sob in our throat. And a prayer in every note. That someday America will be, The Land of Liberty. To ali alike beneath her Stars and Stripes! “Of thee We Sing”. And may the plaintive song, Of fifteen million strong— Never cease to ring, Until our country rights her ev ery wrong. For we have paid with blood and sacrifice. The price of equal rights! Yet America continues to deny— The rights for which we fight and die! That “Long May Our Land Be Bright, With Freedom’s Holy Light”— “Protect Us By Thy Might,” Has always been our plea. And God is a God of mercy and Upon all mankind! RELAX-ENJOY GOOD READING LEGAL NOTICES RAY L. WILLIAMS, Atty. Tuchman Bldg, 24th at Lake St. Notice by publication on petition for settlement of final administration account. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Bk. 55, P. 583, No. 25653. In the matter of the es tate of Joseph A. Knight, deceased: All persons interested in said mat ter ire hereby notified that on the 19th day of September, 1944, Flor ence Myers filed a petition in said County Court praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as Admin istratrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 18th day of October. 1944, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 18th day of October, 1944, at 9 o’clock A. M.. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further or ders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and de- 1 termined. ROBERT TROVER, County Judge. 3t beginning 9-30, end 10-14, 44 uplift and guidance of its members and the ordination of Ministers and Missionaries. % The corporation may own or sell any real and personal property nec essary in carrying on its objects and may borrow or loan money and rent, lease or encumber any real or person al property or contract '4elfts not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Dollars, ($15.00000) and do all other things necessary to the furtherance of the corporate objects. This shall be a non-profit, Church organization. The existence of the corporation shall be gin ar the date of filing the -Articles and shall terminate one hundred years front that time. The Church shall be conducted and managed by an Execu tive Board of three directors, one of whorr shall be the presiding Bishop, as provided in the by-laws. HOMER HESS SIVA HER, SALEIE SWADER, ORA ROBINSON 3t bg. fc-30—end 10-H-44 IlIKdlaaitf f *■" » «-* * ■■■■■■■■■ mm a . a a m . m m _ GREEN LANTERN "THE HOME OF GOOD FOODS AND HOME OF GOOD PEOPLE." Fresh Food, Strictly • Fresh —2116 North 24th— JA-9275 If- T71 ir right. And He shall make all wrongs right. He protects and watches over us, And someday we shall be victorious Because our plea is just—! We have always* been a God-fear - ir.g and praying race, Our fore-parents in slavery’s dark ess days— Prayed for their deliverance. And their prayers were heard and answered! And we have continued to pray— All along the way just as they— And trusting in His holy name. Our prayers shall not be in vain. "Great God Our King”. To Him we shall always cling, Knowing that all things work to gether. For the good of those who serve Him. And that He works in a myster ious way— Hi; wonders to perform! We shall continue to carry on— To watch, serve and pray. And look for the coming dawn. When freedom’s light shall shine REGAIN F MANHOOD New Spanish Medical Discovery Gives Quick Results or No Pay: Now medical sci ence brings you l GLAND U LAS | DE TORO a new discovery. N o longer need you suffer from lack of vigor and energy. Now by taking this discovery you are guaranteed to have the pep and energy of a vouth of 21. GLANDULAS DE TORO contains the latest development in vitamins for loss of manhood, 600 units in each tablet together with the well known yohimbim and the horm ones developed from the bull FREE TRIAL MONEY BACK GLARANTEE. Send $2 today for the full 30 day treatment on our ab solute iron clad money-back guaran tee that you will get quick results from GLANDULAS DE TORO and new vigor and energy immediately. Enjoy the pleasures of a young man of 21 or your money promptly re funded. Send $2 today to American Medical Company, Dept. 682, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and receive the 30 Jay treatment duty paid delivered to i’ou next week. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF .INCORPORATION OF THE FIRST MISSION OF GOD Notice is hereby gievn that the un dersigned have associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska The name of the corporation shall be The First Mission of God. The principal place of transacting its busi ness shall be the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The resident agent shall be Rev., Homer Hess Swader, 28th and Blondo Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. The object of the corporation shall be the teaching of the principles of the Christian Religion as set forth in the Scriptures and to do all things necessary in carrying on church work i in that regard, including the spiritual Ladies, they used to say: “That's TABOO!" Now read these facts: Not long ago, many a woman would prefer to suffer in silence from 1 periodic, functional pain rather than talk about this subject. Nowadays, women and girls openly praise CARDUI's 2-way help. Tak en as a tonic, it usually peps up the ] appetite and aids digestion by stim ulating the flow of gastric juices; thus it often helps build up resistance for the trying- days to come. Or taken as directed 3 days before the time, CARDUI may help relieve pain due only to periodic, functional causes. Try CARDUI. For 62 years thou-1 sanda of women have said they be lieved it helped them.