The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 12, 1944, Page 3, Image 3
•THREE O'CLOCK ... • ! AND I HAVEN’T SLEPT A WINK” WAKEFUL NIGHTS — how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed — try DR. MILES NERVINE • (Liquid or tnervescent Tablets) DR. MILES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension — to permit re £esh>n.g sleep When you are Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take Ur. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Get Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large Package 75*, Small Package 35*; Liquid, Large Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle 25*, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or •your money back. Read directions and use only as directed. • BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best frienJ - headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bows els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modern FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant lasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in « accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Taste* Rood. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family * InmI« t j I j a ^ st yt si. nr i Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th FREE DELIVERY We. 0998 WEbster 5217 “The Latest Smart Styles” Victory -2118 North 24th St.— Omaha, Nebraska MRS. CLEONE HARMON. Proprietress. ***** Operators:— HATTIE JOHNSON, Poro System, ROSE ROACIIE, ETHEL SMITH. I Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME It TO RELIEVE 'RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back—if This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of*the thou Bends*of folks who now take lemon juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru Is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if It does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only 05 cents—Do It Now. NEW! •‘BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor • among women... Many doctors urge the regular use of douches for women who want to be refreshingly clean — for women troubled by offending odor, itching or discharge. Some products may be harmful germicides which bum, harden and damage sensitive tissues. But NOT Lydia E. Pinkha.n's Sanative Wash! . Instead—Ptnkham's Sanative Wash j Is an effective “bacteriostatic” (a newi modem trend). It not only discourages growth of the more vulnerable bactiria but cleanses, deodorizes, relieves minor Irritations and discharge. Despite Its great strength—Pinkham’s Sanative Wash has a benefitial effect on deli cate membranes. Inexpensive! • Lydia E. Pinkham’s SANATIVE WASH ATHLETE’S foot DON’T LET FUNGUS “DIG INI” Go after the first sign of cracking, peel ing, soggy or itching skin. Laboratory tests prove MEDICATED Poslam kills— on contact—and in 10 minutes—three com mon fungi causing stinging, blazing Ath lete's Foot. The vital thing is don’t de lay—get Poslam before layers of horny skin protect the fungus. 50c. druggists. We Render_ The type of service requested regardless of creed or organis ation, so when the time for re membering comes it will bring only solace and consolation .that the loved one was laid to rest with a dignified and gracious kind of funeral service,—priced within the family’s means. Ctomas’ FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. ?423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Dfdivery from 8 a. no to 1 a. so. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS i FINLAY & GO., INC. | ICE Plant ; 24th & SEWARD Sts. “Your Patronage Appreciated” MAN WANTED TO WORK CAPITOL RAG & METAL CO -320 PIERCE ST.— CANT YOU. SLEEP? WHEN the stress of modern living gets “on your nerves*, a good sedative can do a lot to lessen nervous tension, to make you more comfortable, to permit restful sleep. Next ^ time a day’s work and worry or a night’s wakefulnesss, makes you Irritable, Restless of Jumpy—gives you Nervous Head ache or Nervous Indigestion, try Dr. Miles Nervine (Liquid or Effervescent Tablet.) * Dr. Miles Nervine is a time tested sedative that has beea bringing relief from Functional Nervous Disturbances for sixty years yet is as up-to-date as this morning’s newspaper. Liquid 25* and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 36* and 75*. Read directions and m only as directed. * No, for scratching can injure skin, may put an ugly scar on it that lasts forever. At the first sign of ugly itching of many externally caused pimples, and many other skin ir ritations, try Palmer's SKIN SUCCESS Ointment. Used v and proved by millions of people for the past 104 years. You are guaranteed satisfaction or money back. 25c at | drug and toiletry counters everywhere, or from E. T. I Browne Drug Company, 127 Water Street, New York, N. Y. (75c size contains four times as much.) Help complete complexion beauty with Pamer's SKIN SUCCESS Soap 25c (effectively medicated). ' FUTURE GENERAL. Cadet Frank L. Titus, who on July 1st entered the U. S. Military Acad emy at West Point, N. Y., receives congratulations from Congressman William L. Dawson of Chicago's First ongressional District. Young Titus, an outstanding student, was appointed by Congressman Dawsoi from a large group of prospective candidates. . (PPNS). LEGAL NOTICE OF MEASURE TO BE VOTED UPON NOVEMBER 7, 1044 PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION (Title) AN ACT to prohibit the manufacture, sale, 300 I I YES transportation, importation, advertising, possession '—I or use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and to repeal the existing liquor laws of the State of 301 I 1 NO Nebraska set forth In Chapter 116, Laws of Ne 1—1 braska for 1935, and all amendments thereto. (Text) BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: SEC. 1. That the manufacture, sale, transportation, Importa tion, advertising, possession or use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage Is hereby prohibited. SEC. 2. That Chapter 116, Laws of Nebraska, 1935, and all Amendments thereto, are hereby repealed. The above proposed measure to be voted upon at the General Eleetion, November 7, 1944, Is published In accordance with Sectio* 1910, Chapter 32, Compiled Statutes 4f 1929, State of Nebraska. FRANK MARSH, Secretary of State. LEGAL NOTICE OF MEASURE TO RE VOTED LUC.' NOVEMBER 7. 1C!4 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Proposed By Initiative Petition □ AN AMENDMENT to Section 1, Article VIII, of YES the Constitution ®£ Nebraska, so as to provide that all of the net proceeds derived from motor vehicle registration fees, motor vehicle license taxes, and all NO excise taxes levied upon gasoline and other motor vehicle fuels used in motor vehicles In the State of Nebraska shall be appropriated and used for the purpose of constructing, repairing and maintaining public highways within the State of Nebraska and for no other purpose whatsoever. (Text) That Section One (1) of Article Eight (8) of the Constitution of Nebraska be amended to read as follows: “The necessary revenue of the state and Its governmental sub divisions shall be raised by taxation in such manner as the legislature may direct; but taxes shall be levied by valuation uniformly and proportionately upon all tangible property and franchises, and taxes uniform as t® class may be levied by valuation upon all other prop erty. Taxes, other than property taxes, may be authorized by law. Existing revenue laws shall continue in effect until changed by the legislature. “All of the net proceeds from motor vehicle registration fees and license taxes, gasoline and other motor fuel excise and license taxation, except the proceeds from taxes imposed on gasoline used in aircraft, after providing therefrom for (A) administration and statutory refunds; (B) payment of obligations incurred in the con struction and reconstruction of public highways and bridges; shall be appropriated and used solely for construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of public highways and bridges, and shall not be diverted by transfer or otherwise, to any other purpose." The above proposed measure to be voted upon at the General Election, November 7, 1944, Is published la accordance with Sectioa 1910, Chapter 21, Compiled Statutes of 1929, State of Nebraska. FRANK MARSH, Secretary of State. p»i;ih/:l ady,_ politicai ady. A sporty, attractive ring, smart and hand some in appearance. Skillfully made, smoothly finished. It forms a beautiful ring you will be proud to own. Must be seen to be appreciated. Center of ring has Horse-Shoe. Head, and Four-Leal Clover design, with ‘Good Luck” inscribed on each side. Very popular—you’ll enjoy wearing it. Be the first to wear one! Comes In gift box. GIVEN! BEAUTIFUL BILLFOLD with every order. Em- OPim ... bo aped da>icn. Vary SEND NO MONEY serviceable. Spacious pockets for identifies- fA f%au Trial tion. bills, stamps, #v UaY 1*13* cards, etc. Wear 10 days on our Money Back Guar antee. Simply send name, address, and ring rise. ___j Pay postman only SI 98 plus a tew cents postage and tax on arrival. Supply is limited, so write today. INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND COMPANY 2521 Indiana Avenua, Dept. 2 S 40, Chicago, 16, Illinois WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES IN OUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER IENCED OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. \ GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN | I AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. ( I i I KOLM&SHERMAN! [ 2401 NORTH 24th STREET 1 -PHONE WEbster 6055- , k . ,.■ WhWMiwUghtemandbrtetteMl rough, blotchy. tanned-<lark akin 1 (externally caused;. Use 7 days, i It not satisfied MONEY BACK. 1 25c at drug stores. GALENOU Box 264. Atlanta. Georgia. DR. FRED PALMER’S 't SKIN WHITENER WOMAN to Sort Rags Apply 320 Pierce St. Open Sunday SECRETARY AT FT. HUACHUCA Mrs. Helen Wells, of Chicago,1 III-, is the present office secretary in the Post Red Cross Office. Mrs. Wells is the wife of T/Sgt. Garland J. Wells, and formerly a clerical employee at Fort Huachuea’s j Station Hospital No. 1 --- 1 Published In this space •very week The greatest ! star of tho : screen! | M-G-M’s “Dragon Seed” is a magnifi cent tribute to a great people. * ★ ★ ★ It is tremendously dramatic, unques tionably tender—and excitingly enter taining. ★ * * * Pearl Buck’s best seller is the story. M-G-M also produced her “Good Earth”. But, “DragonSeed”surpasses even that memorable success. Katharine Hepburn gives her most ex quisite portrayal as the valiant, beauti ful Jade. She’s a tigress in action. And a woman in love! ★ ★ * ★ Walter Huston, Aline MacMahon, Akim Tamiroff, and Turhan Bey set new standards for screen drama. So do Jack Conway and Harold S. Bucquet who directed. ★ ★ ★ ★ Producer Pandro Berman, and Misses Roberts and Murfin who wrote the screen play did their part—wonderfully! ★ ★ ★ ★ “Dragon Seed” stands as a worthy monument to all human courage. ★ ★ ★ ★ Accorded “Orchids” by WalterWinchell, it has been acclaimed by public and press alike! * ★ ★ ★ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, maker of great pictures for twenty years, never made •ne greater than “Dragon Seed”! P.S. It's your privilege—as well as your duty—to Buy War Bonds! ’it' Ad No. 458 Negro Newspapers Week Beginning August 6, 1944 J i 1 col. * 122 lines rWhen you deal with TULLY’S You are not only receiv ing the latest in styles and the best in values, but you are dealing with a man whose past cooperation has proven worthy of all peoples’ business. —The Omaha Guide. WING SHIRTS.. will outwear .any shirt in America. Price $2.25 to $10.00 TULLY'S 15th Douglas * ATTACHMENTS, •ORDER TODAY $2.75 C.O.D. Plus Postage Send no money, statu color of hair of lend sample . . . Your hair properly' matched . .. satisfaction guarantead. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST OF OTHER I ATTACHMENTS MADE TO ORDER. RENA HART BEAlitY PRODUCTS COMPANY *131 Seventh Ave. New York 27, N. V,, Those with tanned-dark skin, <■ {xternallj caMA who want It M ghter. emoolRfc’softer should Jj try Or. FRED>almer*s Skin |§ Whltener.U se 7 daysasdirected. a If not satisfied MONEY BACK. W 25c at druggists. GALENOL, » I1 Box 264. Atlanta. Georgia. 7 , DR. FRED PALMER'S 1 SKIN WHITENEW PLAINI | TALK.. * Louis Armstrong takes the lead ; among Negro bands for appear- ! ances on the Coca-Coia company’s “Victory Parade of Spotlight! Bands” on Friday night, August 18th, heard coast to coast over the Blue network. Since the series, which it heard six nights a week from Army, Navy, Marine bases and war pro duction plants, took to the air,, Armstrong’s orchestra has been I heard eleven times. . The following is a list of the other bands and the number of ; times they have been heard: Duke Ellington, 6: Lionel Hampton and Andy Kirk, 5; Jimmy Lunceford, Cab Callaway and Count Basie, 2; and Earl Hines, 1. Velma Middleton is the vocal star who will be heard when Louis Armstrong appears on the Coca-Cola “Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands” over the Blue network Friday night. Velma, who was born in St. Louis, has been featured with many of the nation’s top-name bands. ' BABY'S By Lillian B. Storms Keeping up baby’s interest in food is a problem that faces many Mothers. One solution is a new two-cereal idea that many Doctors are recommending. It’s just about the smartest way of getting a baby 1 to eat better—for babies like var-j iety too! You serve a ready-to serve strained oatmeal at one feed ing, and cereal food at the next. | The strained oatmeal is a wheat free cereal made from finely ground oatmeal. It is enriched, for! extra nourishment, with both Iron and Vitamins of the “B” Complex. Strained oatmeal mixes to a creamy, smooth consistency when you add Jhot^or^oklj-nilk or baby’s Then at the next feeding give baby a specially pre- ' pared cereal food made of whole wheat, farina, and corn meal. It, 3 too, is enriched h with Iron and Vi tamins of the “B” Complex added. - ■—— Iron needs to be supplied to baby in greater quantities than are pres ent in any form of milk, and the vitamins in these cereals may make the difference between just “get ting along” and having baby just full of pep and vitality. Because of the widespread interest in the correct feeding of infants among our readers, we have made it possible for you to obtain an in teresting and helpful booklet on this subject, without cost. Just drop a post card to “Foods for Baby,” Fremont, Michigan, ant wso fV>aa1>Ia4 M tilGMTENS Wm TANNED £>**/( iHEll ^S*S Lightens tanned dark, WM blotchy ekin. externally |hi caused, this easy, quick-art 8» Ing way. Use Dr. FRED « Palmer'* Skin Whitener 3b 7 days as directed. If not W satisfied. Money Back. 25c V at druggists. Galenol. Box " 264. Atlanta. Georgia. *R. FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER REAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER inn North ?4th St. —CARL CKIVERA— Lunch Room (At Myrtis’ Tavern) 2229 LAKE STREET (Under New Management) Lillian Anderson and Louise Finney, Proprietors “Prompt, Courteous Service” LUX Barber Shoo 2045 NORTH 24th STREET “This is the Home of Corn Fix” , n. H TOg TIME’S A-COMIN’ Cy COLLtER HEWS ITEM - number of federal gov- | ernmewt civilian EMPLoyeES has grown From 2oo,ooo in late 30'* to morb j TfcAN 3,500,000/ CHAS. E. SANOALL SAYS; M BEER LICENSE IS A PRIVILEGE ~ W 4 PROPERTY RIGHT" A beer license is an important privilege granted (after careful consideration) to one party in one location. It cannot be sold or transferred. This Committee’s first purpose is to educate and en courage license owners to be fully worthy of their privilege This requires the operation of a clean sani tary tavern . . in such a temperate, law-abiding manner that all the community will approve. C NEBRASKA COMMITTEE BREWING INDUSTRY FOUNDATION CHARLES E. SANDALL. State Director • 710 FIRST NATIONAL BLOC.. LINCOLN » I They are patient ! about waiting because those Long Distance calls mean so much A soldier has to line up for a lot of things but we don't like to see him wait too long for a Long Distance call. Would you mind helping a little by saving the wires from seven to ten for the service men? That's when thousands of soldiers rush to the telephones at the camps and we'd like to give them Erst call on Long Distance. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY