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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1944)
LADIESw or Aoi** JOIN THE U. S. CADET NURSING CORPS. Free education, snappy nurse’s uniform, your complete tuition, room and board, and a regular allowance of $15 to at least $30 a month will be furnished. i For information about all nursing schools writes j V. 1 CADET NURSE CORPS BOX IS NEW YORK. IS According to the beal authorities, the mini mum daily A, D and B Complex Vitamin re quirements of the aver age person are: Si A 4,000 USP Units, D 400 USP Units, B1 333 USP Units, B2 2,000 Micrograms, and ap proximately 10,000 Micrograms Nico tinamide. The required amounts for other B Complex Vitamins have not yet been established. Many people do not get enough of these essential Vitamins. DO YOU? Why not play safe by taking ONF A DAY BRAND WIN C-A-U/V I VITAMIN TABLETS 1 Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and I D Tablet contains 25% more of the cod liver oil vitamins than the mini mum daily recommended quantity. Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin B Complex Tablet contains full mini mum daily requirements of Vitamins B1 and B2 and 10,000 Micrograms of Nicotinamide together with a sub stantial amount of other B Vitamins. When you buy Vitamins, compare potencies and prices. Note how ONE A - DAY Tablets conform to tha average human requirements. Sef how reasonable the cost 9 *Cet them at your drug store. X To relieve distress of MONTHLY \ Female Weakness (Also Fine Stomachic Tonic) Lydia E. Plnkham’s Compound Is famous to relieve periodic pain and accompanying nervous, weak, tired out reelings—all due to functional monthly disturbances. Made espe cially for women—if helps nature! Follow label directions. IYDIA E. PINKHAM'S SSJraKS -' J MILDRED’S Sandwich SHOP 2409 Lake St. JA-0836 ‘‘A Clean Place to EAT at MILDRED’S” HOT BAR-B-QUE, CHICKEN, FISH AND CHITTERLINGS. ‘'Patronizing Us is like making Love to A ‘Widow’.” ‘‘You Can’t Overdo It." “Time and Tide Wait on No Man” . .NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work” LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street Announcing: NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY’S Electric Range Now you can make sure to get your new electric range and water heater as quickly as possible. This great plan is designed to help you join the parade to Better Living Electrically after the war! Remem ber. your new electric range and water heater are the first steps toward your all-electric home of ■ tomorrow. And this plan gives everyone a "first come . . . first-served" chance to get these great appliances as soon as they're available. Here's how the plan works. 1 When you order an electric range ■*"* or water h'aier, or both, from a Nebraska Power Company repre sentative, your name will be placed on the priority list for those j appliances. You will receive a membership card in the RANGE AND WATER HEATER PRIORITY CLUB, showing your exact priority number for the appliances you t want. » 9 You designate your own brand *** preference. When the new electric ranges and water heaters come in, the distributors will issue them to the dealers and you may name the dealer you prefer to deliver your appliances. Both the distributor and the dealer will recognize the priority of the customers who have been listed in the Electric Range and Water Heater Priority Club. T When you sign up, you arrange * to make a down payment and reg ular monthly payments on the appliances for which you sign. Nebraska Power credits your ac count as you make your payments but immediately re-invests your dollars in War Bonds to help speed Victory, and the day when your range and water heater can be delivered. A Your dollars will earn 4% interest '* for you. The Nebraska Power Com pany will pay this interest at the time your electric range or water heater is delivered on all the money you invest. If you want your money returned to you at any time before delivery of the mer chandise, your money — without interest — will be returned to you immediately. Watch for the man with the Priority Plan or stop at the Electric Shop—17th & Harney NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY , Courtesy ★ Service ★ Low Rates LESSONS AT HOME IT’S never too soon to teach your ’teen-age daughter the first steps in practical homemaking. Today, with the need for clothes conserva tion, it’s especially important that she know how to make her clothes last longer by ironing and pressing them properly. Many simple devices for prolonging the life of clothes are available in stores today. Among these is a new pres-mit, used as a tailor’s cushion when pressing gathered sleeves, curved seams, and other hard-to get-at places. Still another important pressing aid, shown on the ironing board, is a chemically-treated pres-cloth which gives a revitalizing steam 1 rest to all types of fabrics. Both of these are especially easy for chil dren to us:. Dad Makes a Cake! Fun In the kitchen—that’s Dad making his favorite cake, Bowl Chocolate," now that he has found out how easy it is to whip uj?a cake in two easy mixing steps—cake that looks and tastes like a million! And does he enjoy surprising the women-folks with his luscious, perfect cakes' Richer tasting cakes with such soft melting texture! Here’s how-cUp the recipe^ and try it yourself! __ One Bowl Chocolate Cake Pour % cup boiling water over 2 ounces chocolate (cut in pieces) In mix ing bowl and stir until melted. While chocolate mixture is cooling, meas ure other ingredients. Dry Ingredients | 1 cup gifted cake flour p 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon soda *4 cup Spry Liquid Ingredient# 14 oup milk (sour or sweet) 3/a teaspoon vanilla _• J 1 ecgr. unbeaten Step lm Mix dry ingredients with chocolate mixture. Sift flour, sugar, salt, and soda into mixing bowl containing chocolate mixture. . . . Drop in Spry. . . . Beat until smooth—about ICO strokes. Scrape bowl and ■poon, and mix well. Step 2. Add liquid ingredients: beat and. blend. Add milk, vanilla, and egg and beat until smooth. Avain serve and mix. Bake in Spry-coated 8x 8 x 2-inch pan in moderate oven (CuO ’ F.) 35 to 45 minutes. Frost with Penuche Nut Frosting. Penucho Nut Frosting Into saucepan, put 1 cup brown ever (firmly packed), ’,1 cup m!Tk, Vi. cup Spry, Vl teaspoon salt. Bring tlzv.-ly to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly, and boil 1 minute. Add Vs teaspoon vanilla and bea- until thick enough to spread. If the frosting becomes too tmek, add 1 teaspoon cream. Add Vs cup nuts. —-,-'l MR. AND MRS. CRAIG,— are Happy to Announce that MRS. GERALDINE CRAIG IS OPENING A Grill & Sandwich Shop IN HER COZY LITTLE HOME Saturday, June 17, —4 p. m. at 2615 N. 24th St OPEN FROM 4 P. M. TO 4 A. M. CALL FOR RESERVATIONS—JA. 4336 v — THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA. 0800 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 19S7 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. C. Galloway_Publisher and Acting Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA ONE TEAR — — — — — $3.00 SIX MONTHS — — — — $1.75 THREE MONTHS - — — — $1.25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN ONE YEAR — — — — — *8.60 SIX MONTHS — — _____ $2.00 _____ \ All News Copy of Churches and all organiz ations must be In our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current lasue. All Advertis ing Copy on Paid Articles not later than Wed nesday noon, preceeding date of issue, to insure publication. National Advertising Representative:— ‘ INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC , 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone MU'.ray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. auirmzw at ^ < xf# "CARELESS TALK—GOT THERE FIRST." VITAMINS Of course everybody gets SOME Vitamins. J Surveys show that mil- 1 lions of people do not get ENOUGH. A pleasant, convenient economical way to be sure that you and your family do not lack essen tial B Complex Vitamin is to take ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex tablets. V 1 An insufficient supply of B Vy VJ Complex Vitamins causes In >\Y digestion. Constipation, Nerv ousness, Sleeplessness, Crank iness, Lack of Appetite. There are other causes for these conditions, but why not guard against this one cause by taking a ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex Tablet everyday? • Important — Get your money’s worth, always compare potencies and price. — ONE]a| day 1- ) - ...I...:.. —J "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL' MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAtffc ST. I r— GOOD READING Your Paper—the Guide Bring new loveliness to your hair quickly and easily with Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring—obtainable in 18 beautiful, natural looking shades. Goes on evenly— won’t wash out or rub off—permits attrac tive sets and permanents—leaves your hair soft, smooth and shining. Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring has been used successfully for 48 years. Your dealer will refund your money if you’re not absolutely satisfied. xi o A GODEFROYS /akieuAc hair y - ^-- COLORING label GODEFROY MFG. CO., 3510 OLIVE STREET. ST. IOUIS 3, MO. Nervous, Restless On “CERTAIN DAYS” Of The Month? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restless, “dragged out”-—at such times—try fa mous Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It helps nature! Plnkham’s Compound Is also a grand stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. Worth trying! LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S COMPOUND -. | fWOMENnUI’si Do You Hate HOT FLASHES? If you suffer from hot flashes, feel weak, nervous, a bit blue at times —all due to the functional “middle age" period peculiar to women—try Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Made especially for women—it helps nature/ Follow label directions. »m»E.nwag«BWaJ Orchard & Wilhelm Co. -Since '93- \ New Ready-to-Hang DRAPERIES Faille Draperies 50 inches wide, floor length, in floral pattern, white, rose or blue grounds, pleated and ready to hang. 1 Per pair. Crash, Sailcloth, Glosheen and Damask Draperies, pleated and ready to hang— 6.95 to 10.95 New Metal Curtain Rods 24-in. to 48-in. Single Extension Rods.30c 24-in. to 48-in. Double Extension Rods.60c Sew-on or Pin-on Hooks for Draperies.10c Doz.