Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1944)
'The WAITERS’ COLUMN MMMa nm i By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 Many RR boys in the city every day and they are very much out in front on appearance and good behav- ■ ior as they are serving on wheels with a smile. The Omaha Club waiters with Capt Earl Jones and Mr. Virgil Shobe,' and Mr. Harry Frazier and Mr. Frank Buford are tops on fine ser vice at all times. Mr. Gip Gordon and the waiters at the Hill hotel are on the up and go at all times. The Fontenelle hotel waiters are on the job on quick service and how! King ¥uen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 2010'/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m. American & Chinese Dishes i; Meet Your Friends I MYRTIS’ 1 TAVERN :; - 2229 LAKE— i; II formerly Rabes Buffett jj BEER & LIQUORS “Always A Place to i| ‘ Park”’ f 11 illfi mTTi i i i i i fiTm m fit nun m fu m m PAGE BOY WIGS Improve your appearance. For style, glamour, attractiveness, wear Page Boy Attachment. Price $2.89, 50c ex tra for gray hair. If COD. postage extra. We supply Wigs, Braids, Svt ches, Bobs, Curls. Write: National Hair Company, 254 West 135th St., New York, (30). imiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Are you a member of tb>'. Naacp? The Paxton hotel waiters are tak ing care of the service in a very fine way. The two front doormen at the Ath letic club are doing a very fine job as one of them is a ver\^ fast^ ^ ball mixer, rolling on the ground and the other one enjoyed a vacation with his lovely wife in the little town on the lake called Chicago. The Rome hotel waiters are im proving on the service ta all times. . The waiters at the Blackstone hotel are up to the minute on fine service , at all times. Read The Omaha Guide THE WEEK. .. The fine concert sponsored by the Usher board of Clair Chapel church at the Elks hall on last Thursday ev ennig July 13 was attended by a very large crowd. U. S. army lifts the ban on Colored nurses and we hope to see many more in service. Bishop W. C. Martin of the Meth odist church moved from Omaha to Topeka, Kansas. Federal Judge E. Marvin Under wood, oked teachers equal salary in Georgia. Paradise Baptist Church closed a very successful Bible institute Friday evening, July 14th. Rumor has it that Joe Louis and Billy Conn will fight sometime later on. A ship load of evacuees from Lon don were refused shelter and return ed to I.ondon, Friday July 14th. The concert given by Mrs. Evan ora Mills and Mr. Charles Washington on Sunday afternoon, July 15 a- S'. John’s AME. church was well at.end ed. A V*. Shotwell, Nebraska's Nvion al Republican Committeeman state! Nebraska’s goal for rund' is one hundred and twenty-f;ve thou sand dollars. When in Lincoln VISIT OUR Ice Cream Parlor Located between 18th & 19th on ‘P’ Street Lincoln, Nebraska “Music unth your Refreshments" VICTORY Bowl 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 I lours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning “Bowl for Health” I ITS A 8IG BARREL— but we're scraping bottom / Since the National Defense program began in [1940, the Bell System telephones in service have increased by over 4million. But there's no more new equipment now. The Army and Navy have first call on that. That's why We can't fill civilian orders as fast as we'd like. As we scrape the bottom of the barrel, we're trying hard to make what we have do the best possible job by * Stretching switchboards to make room for, more lines and calls. » Making former one-party lines serve two or more families. • Reconditioning all serviceable facilities and putting them to use. Nobody likes to stand in line. But it's different when the line forms behind our fighting men. WOKTHWESTEtN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY jy jj. Attack with War Bondi—Bor Mora Than Baton Lane Whitefield of Council lY'.trfs was killed near Creston, !o\va Fr:'iay July 14th by an electric wire carrying 6,000 volts. Mrs. Helen YVesherer of Morris town. Pa., was sentenced to prison ir. Munsy, Pa., for shooting her hus band. Gov. Griswold in a speech at Ger ing, Nebraska Friday, July 14, prais ed the pioneers of Nebraska of the North Platte’s half century club also Supreme Court Justice Robert L. Simmons and urged the support of American institutions and ideals of good citizenship. Mrs. Helen McDermott Creiger was sentenced to prison by Judge Gordon Thomson at Los Angeles, Calif., for child theft. Six persons were killed in a fire in a Denver, Colo., amusement park last Sunday, July 16th. Read the Omaha Guide and get the latest news! Tropical storm warnings were flashed on the North Carolina and Virginia coast Sunday, July 16th. Ballroom at Krug park destroyed by fire Monday morning July 17. U. S. Senator Gillette of Iowa raps 4th term and says he never has made it a secret where he stands. Gov. Dewey had a round table talk with Congressman from Maine and New Hampshire at a luncheon at the executive mansion in Albany, N. V.. Monday, July 17th. One of Father Divine’s subjects paid a hospital bill of $2114.00 in San Francisco. She said it was Father Divine who turned her ways into the right. The GOP Convention To our way of thinking the Repub lican Convention in Chicago was the best one to meet the condtiions of these times. Agreeing on two of thi very best men 1 One from the Em pire state and the other from the Buckeye state and a great demonstra tion of the approval of what was hop ed to be accomplished and some of the items in the platform that the colored race asked for and we notice the very important ones are very plainly stated. Now we. should give all our very best support and be a good spoke in the Republican wheel LOCAL NEWS l FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, Pastor Ora Robinson. Reporter We just closed a joyful meeting of the Lord’s, conducted for ten days bv Mother Mattie Lenord of St. Louis The spirit of God is Right. Toe wonderful it is for words of how Gor is blessing our people through our Prophet. Every meeting gets be*t|ij and something new is learned about the Lord. God is Love and truly our Prophet has been sent by God to de liver His people. Services Sunday night, preaching and messages. Tues day healing of all kinds of diseases. Nothing is impossible with God. Mes sages if desired. Thursday night,— blessing and messages. You can't a fford to miss any of these services. We are happy to have our pastor’s son still in our midst and we are ex pecting Mr. H. Homer Swader, Jr., eldtst son of prophet Hess on the 25, who is a student of Wislon Junior college of Chicago. All nations are welcome, 2734 Blondo St., AT. 6508. SUMMER FETE . A “Summer Fete” will be given by the Usher Board of Zion Baptist Church, July 3ff, 1944 at the North Send film negative of your favorite I photo to Thrifty Dan with only 19c ' (either coins or stamps) — you will promptly receive TWO 8x5 Luxurtone enlargements on beautiful, double weight Eastman Portrait paper. Satisfaction or money back guarantee. This “get acquainted" offer is limited so act now. Send your film or negative sir just 15c for TWO enlargement*. If you do not ha film or argalir#. •rod a picture or VMpehot. but in dud* 3Sc atira for making a am^atwa. *0 THRIFTY DAN "The Camera Man" PARIS AVE. «nrf COTTAOE GROVE ST. _GRAND RAPIDS 2, MICHIGAN _ to XTAVE yon tried Alka-Selt 1 11 ur for Gaa mi Stomach, J Soar Stomach, "Mornins 7 Aftor” and Cold DistnMt J If not, -why not? Pleasant. prompt in action, efl retire. S A Thirty canto and Sixty | cents, a Mill's NERVINE , TT OR relief from Functional Nor. , xone Diatorhancee euch aa Sleep. 1 1 leeaneaa. Crankineea, Excitability, i Nerrooa Headache and Narroaa la. , direction. Tableta 15# and 71#, Liquid 25< and tl.M. Bead dlreo 1 tlOQ» and uae only ae directed. :___ MMaiBiMIHilHW «i SINGLE Dr. Mil*. Anti- V A Pain Pill often relieves V Headache, Muealar Paina A or Fanetisaal Monthly c9 Pains — U for 2H, 12* /N forllM. Get them at pear / drop store. Read directions S and ose only as directed. # PILOTS FOR B-25 BILLY MITCHELL BOMBERS The latest crop of student officers who are taking their transition training on B-25 Billy Mitchell medium bombers at Mather Field, Calif. Left to right, front row: Lieutenants B. H. Lyle, C. E. Darnell, Ahmed A. Rayner, Jr., C. King, H. R. Alexander. G. H. Kydd III, R. W. Hayes, and Flight Officer C. E. Wilson. Rear row: Lieutenants V. Brashears, Jr., P. L. Moody, L. R. Shults, W. C. Coleman, Jr.f and A. Cousins, Jr. (Photo by Army Air Forces.) ^-- ryyv^^-rnrunriririnj-unj-LnjVT. CITATION FROM ARMY .. A citation was presented to the Lou Swarz chapter of the Women's Defense Corps of America recently. The award was made for service ren dered by members of the WDCA to the armed forces. of Ze*a Phi Beta sorority. Next is Above is shown Lou Swarz receiv-Mrs. Lcxie Jackson, captain of the ing the citation from Col. Lawrence chapter. Miss Swarz is national e ' r " chanter. pistolcus of the Zetas. The present behind her is Miss Louise Reeves ation was made at the army recrea financial secretary and Mrs. Lulalie tion center in St. Louis. (ANP) side YWCA. Hours 3 to 7 pm. Ev eryone is cordially invited to attend. Rev. F. C. Williams, Pastor, Otis Johnson, Reporter. LEAVE FOR HOME Mrs. Wnr H. Luster of Memphis. Tenn., accompanied by her son, Mr. Charles Luster, left Monday evening for home via Chicago, after spending a brief but delightful vacation visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Delmer Woods, 2115 Maple Street. EDITOR VISITS HERE. Mrs. McGregor Jones 1233 S. Tele machus St., New Orleans, 15, La., made her first visit to Omaha, which is *he home office of the magazine of 'The Lifted Baniers,- to which she is editor in chief. She arrived July 2, 1944. While here in Omaha, she was the guest of Mrs. L. Rober son general supervisor of the Church of God in Christ and daughter Mrs. Ida Baker. Mrs. Jones is a teacher at the Saints Industrial and Literary School. She enjoyed her trip very much. The official staff of the publication is: Mother L. Roberson and L. Cof fee, ex-officio, M. McGregor, editor in chief; A. C. Mallory, assocaite ed itor; B. Lott, foreign fields corres pondent ; Ida Baker, business manager A. McKenzie, circulation manager; Mrs. Ida Baker, reporter. The national of the magazine is at 2723 North 28th avenue, Omaha. LEAVES ON TRIP Mrs. A. Williams, of 2402 Seward Street, left this week for Cleveland, j Ohio, by way of Chicago, 111. From C'evcland she will go to Oakland, t n'ifomia for an extended stay. METCALFE BECOMES LIEUT New Orleans, July 18 (ANP) - Ralph Metcalfe, famous sprinter who ran for Uncle Sam in both the 1932 and 1936 Olympics, is now a lieuten ant. He has just been commissioned after graduation from the army offic ers transportation base here. After starring in Tilden Tech high \ Three New Methodist-Bishops | Bishop E. W. Kelly Bishop B. N. Brooks Bishop W. J. King The Centred Jurisdictional Confer ence of The Methodist Church which met on the Bennett College campus, Greensboro, N. C., early in June chose three new bishops. They are (1. to r.) Bishop Edward W. Kelly, assigned to the St. Louis Area; Bishop Robert N. Brooks, assigned to the New Orleans Area, and Bishop Willis J. King, assigned to Mon rovia, Liberia. Bishop Kelly was pastor of Union Memorial Church, St. Louis; Bishop Brooks for the past eight years was editor of the Central Christian Ad scnool in Chicago and at Marquette university, Milwaukee, in addition to his Olympic running, Metcalfe coach ed five years at Xavier university here before obtaining a leave of ab sence to serve with the Catholic Ser vicemen's organization prior to his induction into the army in Los An geles. WOMAN to Sort Rags Apply 320 Pierce St. Open Sunday vocate; Bishop King has been presi dent of Gammon Theological Semi nory in Atlanta' since .1932. Bishop King and Miss Emma C. Arnold were married in the chapel of Gammon Seminary in Atlanta, June 28, Bishop Lorenzo H. King of the Atlantic Coast Area, performing the cere mony. The four episcopal areas of the Central Jurisdiction in the United States Include 1,896 ministers, 330, 600 members and 3,115 church build ings. There are 19 annual confer ences. iiiinsmmniKiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim GREEN LANTERN CAFE “THE HOME OF GOOD FOODS AND HOME OF GOOD PEOPLE." Fresh Food, Strictly Fresh —2116 North 24th— JA-9275 Mr. R Britt, Mgr. iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiMiimuiiiiii’ Classified Ads Results! A ANT TO lit1 V — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, jcds, end tables, chairs and chest i ->f drawers or complete home— ipartment furnishings. Kettles and ilshes. Sell ua yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE:—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. “We Buy and Sell’’ — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th 8T, FUNERAL PIRECTOR8 THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St WEbster 202 iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimmiiimimi NEGRO COUNCIL SURVEY SHOWS DEWEY TREND. Chicago, 111—A poll last Friday of 220 delegates to the wartime confer ence of the NAACP showed 132 fa vorable votes for Dewey for presid ent and 88 for Roosevelt, Edgar G.' Bown, director of the National Ne ^rteips Nature .... . .. \ ■ ' j You who suffer suob pain with tir°d. > nervous, "dragged out" feelings— ; all due to functional periodic dis turbances—start at once—try Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Made especially tor women—it helps na ture! Also a grand stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. (LYDIAE.PINKHAM’S &£Si illllllllllllllllllllllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIII 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS I' rep !*•■' r % WE. 0609 DUFFY Pharmac}' lllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllMllllilllllllM PileSufferersUrgedToAvoid CONSTIPATION Hot Water and Kruschen Salts Before j Breakfast. No Forcing! No Straining! Here's amazingly effective way to moist en bowel contents and obtain more gentle "easy” movements. Every morning for 5 days, 15 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of hot watea. to which one teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts has been added. Bowel contents become soft, moist, easier to expel. No need to strain and thus risk painful rectal irritation. Usually within an hour wastes are expelled smoothly and gently. Get Kruschen Salts at all drug stores. Over 245 million bottles sold in the past 100 years—it must be good. WAREHOUSE MEN! Wanted for essential industry. Good Pav. •> 9/ Fine Person. Omaha Paper Stock Co. 18th & Marcy Phone: JA-0159 NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR ! 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR PRICES - LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Wanted! Burned, Wrecked or Dilapidated Cars and Trucks “Bring ’em in” PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 3501 Coining St. Phone AT. 5656 Oniulia >>vvvwvvvvwwvvww>w FOB SALE Post-War Opportunity — Income property reduc ed for cash. Separate en trance and bath. Large, light apartment, always rented. Ample closet and yard space. Arched and French doors, built in cab inet, Kitchen insulated. Garage, driveway, large shade trees, large attic, suitable for apartments. Sorensen 2112 Miami St. LALNDRiES~& CLEANERS ffDHOCM & SHERMAN E401 North 24th WE. 6061 EMERSON LAUNDRY 4824 North 24th »*. WE. 10J^ imiimiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiniimiimimi gro Council, said. Brown said a recent poll he took among Negroes in 23 states showed about the same trend. Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. PhoneJA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. ALKA-SELTZER BRIGHTENS ** /Zi4jL MY DAY sm u Occasionally, i wake up in the morning with a Headache. It sometimes wears off along the middle of the forenoon, but I don’t want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of sparkling ALKA-SELTZER. In just a little while I am feeling a lot better. Sometimes the week’s ironing tires me and makes me sore and stiff Then it’s ALKA-SELTZER to the rescue — a tablet or two and a little rest makes me feel more like finish ing the job. And when I eat “not wisely but too well,” ALKA-SELTZER relieves the Acid Indigestion that so often follows. Yes, Alka - Seltzer brightens my day. It brings relief from so many of my discomforts, that I always keep it handy. Why don’t you get a package of ALKA-SELTZER at your drug store today? • Large Package 60*, Small 30*. t | Thrifty Service j I 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY i | LAUNDERED FOR ONLYCR*AND ONLY | 7c For Each Additional lb. £ This includes the Ironing of all FLAT f | g $ WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just | | Damp Enough for Ironing. | I EMERSON SARATOGA f | 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 I CrosstownRStt !r i ipu can get hand tailored siTit, ,, i and slacks designed to suit ,, 1 Presses, « by an experienced lid ‘ • TaiiPerS°nality ( Specialize in stout figures' lk 7; We t general repair work done * Wp n?nd Ladies I ize in Tailored shirts We also special- f _ —2022 NORTH 24th STRE^ 8 ' ’ I