The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 22, 1944, Image 1

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    Largest Accredited Negro Newspap er West of Chicago and North of KC
Saturday, July 22, 1944 OUR 17th YEAR—No. 24
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice, Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of
March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr.
The Georgia Primaries and the Poll Tax <N|
The recent denial to Negroes of the right to
vote in the Georgia primaries highlights once again
the need for securing a free franchise in the poll tax
George refused to heed the lesson set forth
by the Supreme Court’s decision in the ’‘white prim
ary” case declaring unconstitutional a Texas sta
tute that deprived citizens of the right to vote be
cause of color. Georgia insists on a test of her own
statute, and such a test will be made in the courts of
Georgia and further on appeal, if necessary.
As long as the poll tax exists in the southern
states, the license is given to the poll taxers to con
tinue their limitations on the franchise. Only na
tional legislative action can effectively assure the
abolition of the poll tax. Nor will “white primar
ies” long stand in the wav of a full franchise now
that the Supreme Court has pointed! the way to their
It remains for the people to continue to tell
their congressmen and senators that they will no
longer tolerate the undemocratic poll tax during a
war to preserve democratic rights, that they will
not permit limitations on the franchise in a nation
where a free franchise is the essence of its democ
Oklahoma Bishop to Conduct 10-Day Revival Here
Washington, July 18 (ANP) The
navy has just appointed its first med
ical officer, it was learned here Sat
urday. Dr. A. L. Thompson was
sworn in as assistant surgeon with the
rank of lieutenant (jg) at Detroit,
his home, last Wednesday. It. Thom
pson, who was an instructor at Mc
harry Medical college when he trans
ferred from the army medical rescrv»
corps to the naw, is the son oi Dr.
and Mrs. W. A. Thompson of Dilrolt
American Negro, White Soldiers Clash in England
London,—United States troops have
been forbidden to enter Bristol since
a fight among two hundred Negro
and white soldiers there at midnight
last Saturday.
One Negro soldier was wounded
fatally. Three Negroes and four white
men required hospital treatment army
authorities said." White and Negro
military police finally quelled the
troops and placed four under arrest.
The Daily Mail said no British
troops were involved.
Prominent Figures in JSlAACP Conference at Chicago
Walter White, executive secretary
of NAACP who made an exhaustive
report on his fourteen iveek trip ob
serving the conduct and treatment of
Negro troops abroad, to the Chicago
conference last Sunday.
War Conference Makes
Frontal Attack On
Key Problems.
Chicago, 111., July 19 (PNS) -
Starting last Wednesday of last week
and ending Sunday in a gigantic open
air mass meeting in Washington Park
the war time conference of the NA
ACP brought out a wealth of salient
lacts and resulted in many impres
sive fndings..
Attended by more than six hundred
delegates from every state and a host
of observors, the conference discus
sions were led by men and women
familiar with the multiplicity of pro
blems both of war and peace which
significantly affect the security, hap
piness, and geenral welfare of the 13
COO,000 colored citizens in America.
The sessions were held at the Metro
politan Community Church, 41st and
South Parkway.
Among the array of talented and
well informed speakers to address
the gathering were: Judge Hubert
Delaney of the New York City Do
mestic Relation’s Court, who deliver
ed a sharp keynote address denounc
ing American type Hitlers such as
Bilbo, Rankin, Ed Smith and Martin
Dies; Rev. Archibald Carey who
flailed the practice of jim-crow; Cab
Calloway, the Hi-de-Ho King, taking
time out during one of his rare vaca
tions to put in a plea for equ^l
rights; Thurgood Marshall, special
counsel for the NAACP; Capt.
Grant Reynolds, retired -army chap
lain; James B. Carey, secretary-treas
urer of the national CIO; Odell
(Continued page 3)
The Rev. Archibald Carey, whose
address before the opening meeting
of the NAACP conference struck
hard bloivs against jim-crow.
i i.n .a .... . J9_iumm
Judge Hubert T. Delany of the Do
mestic Relatoin’s Court of New York
City, zoho delivered the keynote ad
dress of the NAACP conference.
• The Hi-de-Ho K'ng, Cab Calloway
who attended the NAACP confer
ence with his wife and daughter and
made a short ta'k amid a tremendous
round of applause.
Sees Progress in
Brewing Industry
Self Regulation
OMAHA—-“Development of a keen
er realization among Nebraska beer
retailers of the obligations they owe
their communities and society gener
ally has been a major objective in the
brewing industry’s self-regulation
program since it was first inaugurat
ed in this* state sin years ago, and we
have made substantial progress to
ward attaining it,” Charles E. San
dall told the-executive board" of the
Nebraska Commtitee, Brewing In
dustry Foundation, at its sixth annual
meeting last Friday at Hotel Fon
tenelle. Mr. Sandall is the commit
tee’s state director. The organizat
ion’s annual meeting usually attended
by about 100 persons, was this year
limited to -board members in compli
ance with the government’s request
t orestrict conventions during war
“Besides making encouraging pro
gress with the retailers, also among
•itizens generally have we won a bet
ter understanding of the work we
are doing in the public interest,” Mr.
Sandall said, and added, “Both are
necessary to achieve the maximum of
mutually beneficial results.
“Nebraska’s very good liquor con
trol law, and the work of enforce
ment officials aided by the force of
public opinion and the influence of
the beer industry itself all have been
important factors in giving Nebraska
a better type of retailer than when
beer was first re-legalized a decade
ago. In 1936, local councils were
disposed to grant licenses to too
many applicants, many of whom were
lacking in ability and experience in,
retailing of alcoholic beverages. From
"Next Door” By ted shearer
1 C-thim Fwtom |
“That sure don’t look like an all-out effort to us,
Arthur B. McCaw, 280ji Ohio St.*
court house employe in Stolinski's of
fice and for a long time prominent
and active in Republican political ac
tivities, last Wednesday night was
elected chairman of the Second ward
republicans at a meeting held at the
Other officers: Mrs. Anna Mary
Kennedy and William Davis, vice
chairmen ; Mrs. Cloma Scott, secre
tary and Mrs. Mattie B. Gooden, as
sistant secretary.
McCaw announced that precinct
chairmen and chairomen will be sel
ected later at regular precinct meet
H. J. Pinkett, attorney, gave a re
port on the recent Republican nation
al convention at Chicago, attended by
both he, and McCaw.
year to year the number has been re
duced and we have a better class of
licenses. Many who lacked the wall
or ability to meet the standards re
quired by the public and the industry
have been weeded out,” Sandall said.
He noted that records of the liquor
control commission show that this
spring noly 14 applicants—less thai,
1 percent of those seeking renewal
licenses—were rejected by the com
mission for improper operations.
‘‘Six years ago, at meetings of beer
retailers, it was disturbing to hear
tavern keepers ask questions which
indicated a desire to know how far
they could go without violating the .
law, lvxr. sanaau recalled. today,
nearly all retailers' seem anxious to
keep clearly within the law. It is
healthy sign, ami all who show this
spirit of cooperation deserve encour
agement by the industry, public offic
ials and the public generally.”
A field representative travels al
most daily for the Nebraska Commit
tee, checking tavern conditions in a
bout 450 towns. He has traveled
nearly 80,000 miles and filed reports
•on 7,342 tavern inspections since the
program began.
i ____
Los Angeles, July 16 (ANP) -
Preparations are afoot for a testi
monial program and reception honor
ing one of the pioneer leaders in the
religious development of California.
Dr. J. M. Wilson, editor of the Wes
tern Christian Recorder. The pro
gram, which is being developed un
der the leadership of the Rev. F. D.
Jordan of the First AME church,
will be held July 24. Associates of
Dr. Wilson in his career as editor,
churchman and leader in fraternal
j activities, will pay tribute for his
Dr. Wilson came to California a
bout 1900 and as pastor and presiding
elder has been identified with the
growth of the church here ever since.
He retired as editor of the Western
Christian Recorder at the recent AM
Blasts White
Attorney Oliver Randolph
Newark, N. J.Attorney Oli
ver Randolph, veteran political lead
er, and an alternate deelgate to the
recent Republican National Conven
tion in Chicago, this week blasted
Walter White, Executive Secretary
of the NAACP for his attack on
that part of the Republican platform
dealing directly with Negroes.
In a newspaper article last week
Mr. White criticized all but one of
the four planks roncerning Negroes.
“I not only am surprised,” Rand
olph said, "out I am disappointed in
White. No one has a higher regard
for Walter White than I have. Thru
the years, he has done a grand work
for our people but unfortunately, it
seems now that he has become a New
Deal partisan first and a champion
of Negro rights second.”
“It appears also,” continued Ran
dolph “that White is concerned and
works hard only for those projects
w'hich he himself conceives and plans.
I don't like to see him fall into the
category of men who believe that
(Continued on page 3)
E General conference held in Phila
delphia last May on account of ill
health. Bishops Noah W. Williams
and J. H. Clayborn and editor Char
lotta A. Bass will be among those
scheduled to speak.
For allegedly threatening his wife
and others with a shot gun, Otis C.
Keys, 20, of 1911 North 28th street,
last Saturday night was fined $10 and
costs in police court Monday.
Police said Keys got into an argu
ment with his wife, Clarence Leroy
Proctor, 23, of Fort Crook, and his
wife’s sister, at Keys’ home and was
holding all at bay with the gun when
officers arrived. Proctor was book
ed as complaining witness. The gun
was confiscated.
“Their Sacrifice
Could Not have
been Greater- •”
Says Admiral Wright
of Chicago Port Victims
by Ted Poston OIV1
Rear Admiral Carleton H. Wright
Commandant of the 12th Naval Dis
trict, San Francisco, today issued the
following statement on those who
gave their lives in the service of their
country in the Port Chicago Depot
explosion, July 17th,
“The Navy personnel and civilian
ivar workers who perished in the port
Chicago Naiy ammunition depot ex
plosion, near San Francisco, July, 17,
1944, gai’c their lives in the sendee
of their country. Their sacrifice
could not have been greater had their
loss occurred on a battleship or a
beachhead on the war fronts. Their
conduct was in keeping with the high
est traditions of the U. S. Navof
Deaths by the explosion have been
estimated at 350. The Depot was
chiefly manned by .Negro sailors and
a scattering of white Naval officers.
The public is invited to come out
beginning, Thursday, July 20 and
hear Bishop J. L. Henderson of
Chickasha, Oklahoma preach at the
St. George E. Biven’s Tabernacle,
2711 North 24th Street. Morning (
services will also be conducted by
Bishop Henderson.
Rev. Sgt. Bivens says, “Come and
hear the whole truth about Salvation.
Ye shall know the truth and the
truth shall make you free” from the
lips of a great gospel minister from
The following subjects will be dis
cussed by the Bishop during his Re
vival :
1. The religion that will finally
2. Unstop the wells of Salvation.
3. Give God A Chance.
4. The Right Way to Heaven.
5. How to Find God.
6. The Whole Truth about “Sani
7. The whole Truth about the
“Holy Ghost”.
Patriotic Services were well attend
ed at the Tabernacle last Sunday and
Sgt. Bivens wishes to thank Rev.
Stell, Rev. Rucker, and Rev. Baker
for their support and attendance.
Scenes of American ]\egro Music festival at St. Louis
FORMANCE of the American Ne
gro Musical Festival, begun in Chic
ago in 1940, attracted 16,000 persons
to Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis, Mo.,
Monday, July 10, where they heard
W. C. Handy (top) now 70 years |
old, play his own “St. Lousi Blues."
Center row, left: Handy receiving a
scroll for his contribution to Americ
an Folk Music. (Right, top,) Mme
Lillian Evanti, soprano star of Negro
opera; (right, below), Portia White
Canadian contralto, hailed as a ..pos
sible successor to Marian Anderson.
Bottom row (left) : Richard Bonelli,
abritone star of the Metropolitan Op
era; (center), part of the 1,000 voice
chorus, which was directed by Wirt
D. Walton and C. Spencer Tocus;
(right), Don Ameche of Hollywood,
who spoke briefly in a plea for an
end to race prejudice and a pledge to
13,000 See Handy Steal St. Louis Show
With His “Blue Trumpet”
(from the St. Louis-Star Times, July
11th by Arthur Kuhl)
He stood there rigidly straight, his
black face gleaming brightly in the
moist, hot night and accented by
white mustache, a fringe of white
hair, the gleaming white of tuxedo
shirt. The orchestra began i swing
ing vamp; he raised the muted trum
pet to his lips. Then it began, slow
and moody, rocking:
I hate to see that evenin' urn go
down. I
7 hate to see that evenin’ sun go
Because my man, he done left
this town. Yes, sir!
Got the St. Lou's blues, just as
blue as 7 caji be.
William Christopher Handy was
back home, blowing his own horn,
lowdown, bouncing with a steady
Handy was giving out on his own
“St. Louis Blues,” and though it flat
ted once in a while, was tinged with
(Continued on Page 3W3)
*f. y|, \
Omaha, Chicago Packhouse Workers For FDR.
CHICAGO—Political action means postcards—and big ones,
too—to this city’s vigorous packinghouse workers. Here repre
sentatives of packinghouse locals from every part of the Windy
City tell their story to President Roosevelt in urging him to
accept a Fourth Term nomination. More than 2,500 worker#'
signed the huge card at a recent “Draft Roosevelt” meeting
With cheers and whistles over 600
packinghouse workers called for the
nomination of President Roose-eP
and vice president Wallace last Wed
dr v night in Omaha at a political ac
tion rally. The rally was arranged
by the Packinghouse Workers Joint
Council Political Action Steering com
mittee. The call for Roosevelt came
in a resolution introduced bv Brother
John Henry, Financial Secretary of
Local No. 8. The following tele
gram was sent to Democratic Chair
man, Robert E. Hanregan by Chair
man George Fletemeyer of the PWIC
-CIO Omaha:
Representatives of '0.000 packing
house workers met July 12, i!:44, un
animously went on record to support
Henry Wallace for renomiiution as
Vice President of the United States
of America
Brother A. T. Stephens, Dist-kt
No. 3, Director of the UPWA-CIO
addressed the meeting Albina Brir
ton, Field Representative, ep \ .v.ned
the need of packinghouse workers
participating in political action. She
told the story of a sausage room girl
in Armours plant who has everyone
in her department doing precinct
work, and who he.-self spends eve.-/
evening talking with her neighbors on
political action. Mrs. Brintoo said.
"The sausage room girl is fighl!ng
the same fight that our boys and girls
are fighting on the battle frcn\ Our
guns are moving the United Nations
towards victory over the commo.t en
emy of mankind. Political Action *s
moving our nation forward in this
same victory and is defeating our
common enemies, whether they are in
our Congress or in the fifth colutnn.
O. J. Johnson, Chairman of the
Steering committee on Political Ac
tion reviewed the history of packing
house workers struggle and stressed
the need of all groups to par he'pate
in political action. He said, “No one
group can do the job. We must
have mass support, so that on election
day in November we can turn out the
vote.” He then introduced three
steering committee chairmen . George
Prosenek, Chairman of Public Rela
tions. Adolph Ulfers, Chairman of
Precinct and Ward Committee and
Wes Mora vie, Chairman of the Reg
istration Committee. Each of these
chairmen reviewed the duties o; his
committee and called for volunteers.
A large percentage of the audience
Girls in the PWJC. hall voluntcci
ed their time to serve refreshments to
the assembled crowd. The arrange
ments were mad by Fred Wendell.