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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1944)
CIh*> j WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 Mr. James Ward is enjoying a very much needed vacation. Capt. Langley and H. W. Smith on 24th and Grace Street chatting. Mr. Johnnie Malloy is suffering with a very bad cold as also Mr. Theodore Thomas of the Paxton. Mr. John Davis a very good pool player. Mr. Roy Glenn a good time-mak er. Mr. Toney Jackson one of the pio neer roast beef knights back in Om aha, Nebraska. Musician headwaiter enjoying the breeze of the trees and green grass after a very strenurous week of hard work at his beautiful home on North 28th street. Are You a Member of the local N A AGP? WHY NOT? .... Mr. Joe Alls one of the regular BUY MORE BOMBS ★ 5TH war loan drive ★ SINCE mVVjllSIHP OMAHA 1864 IfftJb JlNEB BREWING COMPANY VICTORY Bowl' * 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 *! j Hours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning “Bowl for Health” Crosstown Dresss”Pakins i—TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— M ATTENTION, LADIES! 1 You can get band tailored suits, dresses, % and slacks designed to suit your personality ■ by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We f Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies ■ general repair work done. We also special- m ize in Tailored sliirts. M Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... ■ -2022 NORTH 24th STREET- \ j waiters with headquarters at the good old Rome hotel. Mr. Henry Webster in the univer sity hospital for a checkup. Mr. Hiriam Greenfield the star front doorman at the Omaha Athlet ic club greets all the members with a smile. Mr. Chas. Andrews very quiet at all times. Mr. Shirley Kennedy remodeling his home on Willis avenue. Capt. Earl Jones a very prominent figure on North 24th street. Mr. Joe Brown always on the top continuing to make friends. On Monday morning, June 19 at 10:30 a.m. a very interesting Bond diive and instruction meeting was held in the main dining room of the Omaha Athletic Club. Mr. Jack Alger the efficient assistant manag er was at his very best in asking tn - waiters and waitresses and bus boys to buy a U. S. Bond also he gave strict intructions about the work and duty that must be obeyed also Mr. Reno the obliging chef made men tion of waste of food and supplies, as we are all expected to be very careful and pay close attention to the little items as the big ones will take care of themselves and by so doing we are producing a great help to the club and to ourselves. THE WEEK by Smith The five hundred thousand dollai appropriation bill asked for by the P'EPC was passed by the U. S. Sen ate. Executive Board of the NAACP. and the Coordinating Council both held very interesting meetings. U. S. Congress has been asked to investigate the KKK of Indiana. The McKesson Robbins Drug Co., of Baltimore, Md., has approved the employment retiring plan. 4,980 Servicemen in the army have asked for the absentee ballots. NAACP has secured a new trial for Melvin Evans in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Mrs. Jensen one of the outstanding speakers of the NAACP will deliver an address at Hillside Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening June 2o at 8 pm. Simon P. Mangan of Denver, Colo., was struck and killed by an auto Fri King Yuen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 2010'/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes ! Meet Your Friends MyRTIS’ TAVERN -2229 LAKE— formerly Rabes Buffett:; BEER & LIQUORS “Alwavs A Place to i: ‘ Park”’ HOW 1 PROVEN FORMULA WORKS 3 WAYS TO BEAUTIFY YOUR SKIN _-—Weather-Beot^j | Make this Amazing | 25c TEST i Are you a victim of a too dark I tanned, blotchy, weather beaten, un-natural surface skin that seems such a terrible handicap in | your fight for success in business and society? Then be glad and b rejoice for Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener is actually made to lighten, brighten tanned dark skin . . . soften, smooth, clear I ... the easy, quick bleaching way. Loosens blackheads, too, for f easy removal. Just try Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener yourself. Get a 25c box from your druggist. Use for 7 DAYS according to directions. Then, if you’re not simply delighted , with results, just return for Your Money Back. Don’t wait, but go now to your nearest drugstore. TRY THIS COMPLETE SKIN BEAUTY TREATMENT 1. WASH with Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Delight Soap to cleanse away dirt, grease and grime. Only 25c 12. PROTECT skin by rubbing on Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Delight Vanishing Cream. Helps prevent pimples, blemishes and rough chapped skin. Only 25c 3. BLEACH skin with Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener. While only 25c, there’s no finer bleaching ointment at any price. GALENOL CO., Box 264, Atlanta, Georgia NPC Places First Rehabilitated War Veteran.... The first Omaha placement of dis abled veterans of the present war through the Veteran’s Rehabilitation Program has been made in Omaha. Glenn Tharpe, 21, graduate of Boys Town, began work last week in the appliance repair department of the Nebraska Power Company. Tharpe, while in training in a Lou isiana army camp, was beaten by an escaping prisoner. His injury hos pitalized him for several months, af ter which time he was released to civilian life. I liable, because of the nature of his injury, to return to his pre-war trade, as a machinist, he was given work along a similar line, but in which he lacked training. Through a system of pay-while-you-learn, he will soon be able to make his way a lone. day June 16th. Grady Beridith was seriously in jured when he fell from a train near North Bend, Nebraska. Earthquake -shocks in Los Angeles and southern California were felt Sunday, Jun^l8th. Leading Republicans are sure Gov. Dewey of New York will be the lead ing man in the nominations at the Re publican Convention in Chicago. Two persons were killed in a wind and ahil storm near Oskosh, Wiscon- j son early Monday, June 19th. 2.1 persons were injured in a Santa J Fe RR crash near Fowler, Colorado.' - I Austin Cox the murderer of five persons was executed in the Utah state prison Monday morning June 19th. Municipal Judge John W. Battin, died Monday morning June 19th. He j had practiced law in Omaha since j 1893. i 7 persons narrowly escaped death | when a house boat broke loose in the Cedar River near Waterloo, Iowa Sunday night June 18th. A Philip Randolph made a very eloquent speech at the Blackstone'ho tel Saturday before the Interracial meeting Sat., June 17th at a noon day luncheon. 24 persons were injured and 3 kill ed and the motorman in an inter-urba” collision in Oklahoma city Saturday night June 17th. Mrs. Laura Drew of Montgomery, Ala., was found in a ditch, murdered Friday June 16th. The home economics of the nation will convene in a four day session in Chicago Tuesday, June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sturgas liv ing in a trailer near Glendive, Mont, stepped in a flash flood that swept I - LOCAL NEWS HOME ON FURLOUGH. Pvt. First Class, Reuben Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor of 2515 \Y irt Street, is at home from the army on a furlough. Pfc. Tay lor may well be remembered as a promising young amateur still and movie photographer of our city. UNDERGOES OPERATION.... Mrs. Helen Wilson, 2115 Grant St. under a major surgical operator last Monday morning, and at this time is doing fairly well. KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY HOLD BUFFET DINNER. The Gamma Beta Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha held the last of their regular meetings Saturday June 10, 1944 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Solomon. This was a Buffett Din ner honoring the Alpha Kappa Al their two little babies from their arms Friday night June 16th. Omaha had the low temperature of 56 Monday morning June 19. Read the Omaha Guide for all the news at all times! We often wonder if discrimination is increasing or decreasing. It is very strange that we are asked to be patriotic. We shall at all times use our best efforts to be loyal to the U. S. flag and to keep in the trend of law abiding citizens and do all in oui power to help win the war as did our forefathers. Regardless of the whip and las hwhich they were subjected to. They helped build the highways, by cuting down the trees and the hills, and straightening out the roads hoping and also feeling that their children would receive the same treat ment as all American citizens and be respected and given the same oppor tunities at all times and their places in the United States. Let us hope the day is not very far away. --1 "Were getting along OK on Our Party Line . . “When we moved we had to go on a party line. Couldn’t get an individual line because of war shortages. “At first we ran into the calls of other folks on the line ... pretty often, too. But then we decided we’d plan our telephone use more carefully. My wife does her grocery ordering early in the morning and keeps all other calls to 5 minutes or less. The children don’t make so many evening calls and we’ve urged them to be brief, too. “We can’t kick about our party line neighbors— and we hope they feel the same about us. Party line service is going to be all right with us until this war is over.” NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY fiiiimisiiiiimiiiwiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiii WAREHOUSE MEN! ^ anted for essential industry. Good Pay. Fine Person. Omaha Paper Stock Co. 18th & Marcy Phone: JA-0159 ii mfimTLTiTmm^^ pha graduates, Mildred Green anr Elena Bradley. There will be special call meetings during the summer to continue preparations for the Mid Western Regional Conference which will be here in Omaha in the fall. Mrs. Gladys Ervin, Pres., Miss Rozella Thomas, Reporter. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Motto: OVFF. (906 North 24th Street, Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose M. Oliver, Reporter unday School .9:45 a. m. Horning Worship .11:15 a. m. ivening Worship .7:30 p. m. Thursday night Service . 7:30 p. m. Sunday throughout the day was grand. We really had a wonderful time in Sunday school. We had a large attendance and the children were very active. The pastor preach ed a soul stirring sermon both morn ing and night and did the spirit run high. The Pastor’s subject for Sun day mornnig, June 25 will be “The Lord will fight for you and you will hold your peace.” Night “Prayer will change things.” June 25th we are having our Pas tor's Anniversary and there will be services all day. We are asking ev eryone to come out. MRS. STARKS HOME . Mrs. E. N. Starks of 2890 Ohio Street, Omaha, had a safe trip home from Chicago on Friday June 16th, 1944. She left her sick brother on the road to recovery. Famliy and friends gave her a hearty welcome home because she was greatly missed j by all. THE AME. ZION CHURCH 968 North 27th Street, Sunday school .10:45 a. m. Service .11:30 a.m. Anyone who plays a piano and wishes to direct a Junior ctioir Call AT. 3685. Our guest preacher June 25th at 3 pm. will be the Rev. D. A, Camp bell pastor of the Fellowship Baptist Church and Vice Moderator at the Western Distrcti Assn, of the Iowa State Conuvention will preach. You are invited. The Rev. A. Davis is Pastoi of AME. Zion. i -- ASSIGNED TO AIRFIELD AT TVSKEGEE Second Lieutenant Oliver W. Kerr who was commissioned from the Ar my Air Forces Administration Of ficers’ Candidate School, Miami, Fla. on May 27, 1944, was recently assign ed to the Tuskegee Army Air Field. The newly assigned officer, a for mer member of the Corps of Engin eers, progressed to the grade of ser geant before receiving his appoint ment to Officers’ Candidate School. He attended Howard University from 1934 to 1937. Lt. Kerr is the son of Mr. and Mrs Reavis T. Kerr of 2867 Corby St. Omaha, Nebraska. He was employed by the post office of Washington, D. C.. prior to entering the armed forc es. AS GOD SPOKE TO PROPHET HESS. The Glory of God is still in the children of men. His works are es tablished in truth, Obedience is bet ter than sacrifice. After 2 years’ labor telling what thus said the Lord you failed. But I obeyed and took leave of your city at the command or God. For one year at His will not mine, I have returned. In the name of the Lord. That year is almost up and time draws near. My home is the House of prayer. You arc always welcome in God’s house. Te who kept the faith, rejoice and be afraid as the power of God must prevail. He is still unchanging, the same as at the Beginning and will be at the ending. Join me in prayer lot peace and watch the papers for open ing date of First Mission of God Sent Light. GREEN LANTERN | f ■_I “THE HOME OF GOOl) FOODS AND HOME OF GOOD PEOPLE.” Fresh Food, Strictly ' j Fresh —2116 North 24th— JA-9275 Mr. E. Britt, Mgr. iimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiit uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiii 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS WE. 0609 DUFFY Pharmac; ifiiiiiii:miimiiiii:iiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiii Classified Ads Get Results! .. HOME FOR SALE on Caldwell near 24th, reasonable | down payments, balance monthly, in ; quire 1321 First Nat’l. Phone JA. 3811. ‘VANT lO 111! '. l1 urniture of all kinds—dressers. • ; ds, end tables, chairs and chcsl >1 drawers or complete home -ipartment furnishings- Kettles ana Ashes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITCRE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and O' Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, F UNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 202 Charles F. Davis, Atty. Notice by Publication on Petition for Settlement of Final Administration Account. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Bk. 51, P. 231, No. 23297. In the matter of the estate of Willie Galloway, deceased: Al' persons interested in said mat ter are hereby notified that on the 6th day of June, 1944 Charles C. Gal loway filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final adminis tration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharg ed from his trust as Administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 3rd day of July, 1944, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 3rd day of July, 1944, at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said pet ition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said es tate may be finally settled and de termined. Robert Troyer, County Judge, beg. 6-10, 44 end 6-24, 44. A \ NOUNCES CANDIDACY I OR BISHOP IN ’48. Augusta, Ga., June 21 (AXP) - The Rev. Allen R. Cooper, pastor of Bethel AME church, who made a \aliant race for the editorship ot the AME church quarterly Review at the recent general conference in Phila delphia, is being urged by his friends to enter the race for the bishopric at the 1948 General Conference. Commenting upon his proposed candidacy, Dr. Cooper stated “My laihci was a pastor and presiding el der for 47 years in the AM E. church. I have given 28 years of unbroken ser Ace to the great AME. church and I believe that my friends in and out of Georgia will elect me one of the bis hops in 1948.” Dr. Cooper is serving his fifth year is pastor of Bethel. PROMINENT CUBAN VISITS AMERICA. New York, June 22 (ANP)— Dr. Raul Suarez Rocabruna of Havana, is visiting New York City while on i brief tour of the United States. He :ame to this country to attend the Graduation of his daughter from the school of the Sisters of Oblates, op trated in Baltimore. Dr. Rocabruna who is president of he famous Atenas club of Havana, s one of the promnient physicians of hat city and frequently has acted as tost to distinguished American Negro ■s when they have visited Havana. NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 - POPULAR PRICES - COOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Wanted! Burned, Wrecked or Dilapidated Cars and Trucks “Bring ’em in” PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 Oinana FOR SALE Post War Opportunity — Income property reduc ed for cash. Separate en trance and hath. Large, light apartment, always rented. Ample closet and yard space. Arched and ■ French doors, built in cab inet, Kitchen insulated. Garage, driveway, large shade trees, large attic, suitable for apartments. Sorensen 2112 Miami St. '.AL NDRIES & CLEANERS ediiolmXsherman !401 North 24th WE. 606J EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th WE. 105>i He plans to visit Hampton and Tus kegee institutes where several color ed Cuban students are studying be fore returning to Cuba. Subscribe Today! PileSufferersUrgedToAvoid CONSTIPATION Hot Water and Krasehen Salts Before Breakfasf. No Forelag! No Stralalagl Here’* amazingly effective way to moist en bowel contents and obtain more gentle "easy” movements. Every morning for 5 days, 15 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of hot water to which one teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts has been added. Bowel contents become soft, moist, easier to expel. No need to strain and thus risk painful rectal Irritation. Usually within an hour wastes are expelled smoothly and gently. Get Kruschen Salts at all drug stores. Over 245 million bottles sold in the past 100 years—it must be good. I Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA-4635 formerly at Z4tn and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16 th ST. ALKA-SELTZER ^RlOHT^NS ^mMY DAY w -- % Occasionally, i wake up in the morning with a Headache. It sometimes wears off along the middle of the forenoon, but I don't want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of sparkling ALKA-SELTZER. In just a little while I am feeling a lot better. Sometimes the week’s ironing tires me and makes me sore and stiff. Then it’s ALKA-SELTZER to the rescue — a tablet or two and a little rest makes me feel more like finish ing the job. And when I eat “not wisely but too well,” ALKA-SELTZER relieves the Acid Indigestion that so often follows. Yes, Alka - Seltzer brightens my day. It brings relief from so many of my discomforts, that I always keep it handy. Why don’t you get a package of ALKA-SELTZER at your drug store today? • Large Package 60t, Small ZOt. • —■ ====3 Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLYCII AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. ®OC This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029