The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 24, 1944, Image 1

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Saturday, June 24,1944 OUR 17th YEAR—No. 20
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice. Omaha, Nebr_ Under Act of
March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street. Omaha. Xebr.
m + 111 • ^ H + lfc
Plan New Housing Program for Negroes Throughout the Nation
' Negroes Now Good
Economic Risk_”
A new program ior adequate housing
for Negroes is reported to be in the
making this week backed by the Na
tional Association of Real Estate
Board. The program is said to em
brace local and national housing for
While the race issue has been rais
ed, the association has stressed three
major points to be considered in the
solution of the housing problem.
"1. Adequate financing for hom-s
and rental properties must be secur
ed," the association contends. “Re
luctance of financial institutions to
purchase mortgages on Negro prop
erty must be gradually overcome.
Such tacts as we now have in han't
indicate that the Negro is a good e
conomic risk.
“2. Responsible builders should tie
encouraged to undertake the cots trac
tion of Negro housing, both m areas
now available and m the form oi new
neighborhood projects. Federal agen
cies will be found ready and willing
to assist.
“3. Management of Negro rental
properties should be of a kind and
character which is on a parity with
that given to other types. of property.
Following a senate subcommittee
bearing last week. Harry S. Wender.
president of the Federation of Citiz
ens associations, charged that Mrs.
Eleanor Rooseveh’s championship of
non-segregation in stun clearance and
rebuilding was the “kiss of death"
to public housing. Wender was ac
cused of raising the racial issue bat
replied that it had been raised long
In its call to the real estate business
to build more homes tor Negroes the
real estate associatoin sent out a mes
sage frmo tsi Realtors’ Washington
committee, declaring there was “eco
nomic opportunity, of which we. as
business men should take ad vantage'V
The message replied to "serous short
age of healthful an id safe housing
few Negroes" in many cities. The
real estate association did not make
any suggestion as to location of Ne
gro housing, exclusive of use of such
housing, or similar matters.
The Realtors' Washington comm
ittee has designated a special subcom
mittee to head up work on the Negro
housing program, the association an
nounced. Meanwhile the local real
estate boards have been a4»vad-by the
association to study the Negro hous
ing problem and how the economic
need may be met in each community'.
WASHINGTON. June 22 (A$.P>
Bayarbelle, formerly governor gener
al of the Carrier cons, has been named
acting governor general of French
Equatorial A frica. spokesmen for the
French delegation here said last week
He was handed the responsibility by
the French Committee of National
Liberation shortly after the death of
Felix Eboue.
No indication was given as to whe
ther the permanent appointment
would go to a black man when it is
(by H. W. Smith'
The 27th Annual meeting of the
New Era State Baptist Association
came to a very successful close at
the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church last
Sunday June 18th.
The Rev. L. W. Anderson, the
Moderator of the Assodatom. was
given the full support of all the mem
Brother P. B. Ware, the Recording
Secretary gave a very fine report at
the convention and all the auxiliaries
turned in good papers which showed
that the association was improving
on all items of business and education
al lines.
The young people in their meetings
were quite active and on the up and
go at all times.
Our daily prayer and hope is for
"Ged-speed to the Association and
success for all times to come.”
Detroit, June 21 i ANP Proof
positive that neither age nor poverty
car. kill an unquenchable thirst tor
education was demonstrated this week
when Mrs. Loola Fields graduated
from Miller High School here at the
age of 72.
There was a lapse of almost a half
century between school terms for this
honor student at Miller who had not
enough grade school background tc
enter high school but who took ad
vantage of the night school facilities
and attended one night a week over a
period of years until she had mad
suitable requirements to enter high
school then graduated after the reg
ular four year term.
Mrs. Fields said: “Hard t'mes an:
sickness all through the lean years o:
the depression held me back but
was determined to succeed."
Has More Than 30 Good
Reasons for Buying Bonds
Mrs. Lillian Bryant, 2624 Charles
Street, has more than thirty good
reasons tor saving her pennies and
nickels to boy War Bonds during the
Fifth War Loan Drive.
These reasons are two sons, two
sons-in-laws, and 27 nephews, all in
various branches of the armed servic
es, and a niece who has served with
the WACs.
Knowing that the war had to be
financed through the purchase of
W ar Bonds. Mrs. Bryant began sav
i ing pennies last January, and every
now and then put aside an extra mc
] kel.
As the War Bond campaign open
i ed. Mrs. Bryant’s pennies totaled
,425. She carefully wrapped these
; pennies, together with 40 nickels and
a $10 government check, placed them
: in a tin box and took them to the
“Baby-Flat-Top" booth at Sixteenth
and Farnam. where she purciiased a
' $50 and a $25 bond.
Her sons are Sgt. Gerald J. Br -
ant, serving somewhere in India and
Sgt. Donald E. Bryant, with th_
| Army in England.
Purchasing War Bonds is only
i a part of Mrs. Bryant's activities at
: helping win the war. She works as
a janitress at the courthouse, in or
: der tc release a younger woman for
defense work. On this job she is ac
tive in the waste paper drive, and
- during her spare time she takes care
of three grandchildren.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 16 (A
XP —A new experiment in the way
of street car cleaning service was an
nounced here last week when bhie
l uniformed colored women appearen
| tor the first tune in the city's history
' as street car cleaners.
Tiie women made their appearance
at five terminals. Their job. accord
■ ins v information from local trans
■ -rtarwir heads, will be tb clean all
i cars that were not cleaned during the
right at the car ban The appear
: nee c-t the women in the employ of
Kansas City Public Service Com
pany has been labelled as a tryout to
make up for the manpower shortage
j The women cleaning crews will
surround a base car. that is a car as
signed to regular duty, when it reach
es the end of its run. on some trip
after 9 a, m. The operator will pre
sumably have time for a smoke while
*he rush hoars' accumulation of dost
and debris is being removed. While
the "'tripper” cars will be cleaned at
the barns and garages as usual, the
trdley and gasoline busses will get
their extra cleaning at the hands of
women squads when they are taken
off their runs after the morning rush
and are held in readiness for the ev
ening rush.
The employment of Negro women
opens a new field for the titillzarkn .
of much untapped labor by the street
car companv.
Detroit Mich.. June 21 ( PPNS) —
First Lieutenant Clarence M. Daven
port. Jr_ a 1943 graduate of West
Point has been killed in action in
I Bougainville. He was a member of
18 Negro Delegates; 27 Al~
ter nates await Gop Meet
MAY BE OMEy ....
Charleston, S. C., June 21 (AN
P i—Citizens of this historic old
city are pondering what is m
store for Negroes seeking admis
sion into the Democratic party
since the passing of Mayor Henr
W. Lockwood last week after
nearly two weeks of illness.
Upoa learning of the supreme
court’s decision in the Texas case,
the late mayor is reported as hav
ing said in effect: “I’d rather die
than see Negroes voting in the
Democratic party.”
Less than a month afterwards,
the mayor was stricken ill from a
heart ailment. He did not recov
Biddle Gets Affidavits in
Alabama Vote Ban_
Washington, D. C-—Affidavits ot
seven persons who were denied the
right to vote in the regular Demo
cratic primary elections in Mobile.!
Alabama. May 2, have been present
ed to Attorney General Frauds Bid
dle by Thurgood Marshall, NAACr
Special Counsel.
The affidavits were made by Na
poleon Rivers, Raymond H. Perry.
Taylor Burroughs. Dr. John R. Tay- j
lor. Albert B. Davis, James G. Bat
tle and Bennie D. Nelson.
Tri view of the decision of tSeau- j
preme Court in the case of Smith v*
Allwright." Marshall wrote, “we re
quest prosecution of the officers in
volved. including Deputy Sheriff
Frank Pryor and Under Sheriff Wil
liam H. Holcombe for violation of
Section 52 of Title IS of the United
States Code.
“On April 3, 1944. we requested
you to instruct all United States at
torneys as to the implications of the
decision in the case of Smith vs All
wright. We also requested you to!
communicate this opinion to all offic-j
ers of the Democratic party in states.'
which had previously prevented Ne- '■
groes from voting in primary elect
ions. Since that time. Negroes have
been denied the right to vote in the
Democratic party elections in Ala
bama and Florida. The chairman of
the Democratic party m Georgia has
advised ail local officials to refuse to.
accept the ballots of qualified Negro I
electors in the Georgia primary."
Declaring that the responsibility for I
te enforcement of te Supreme Court |
opinion “rests squarely in the Depart j
ment ot Justice". Marshall asserted
“Unless affirmative action is taker j
by the Department of Justice, the de
cision of the United States Supreme :
Court in Smtfa vs. Allwright will be i
ignored throughout the areas of this
country which have prevousfy denied
Negroes the right to vote.”
Prescott framed Asst.
Secy of Chicago Confab
Judge Appointed by
Illinois Committeeman
CHICAGO. June 21 (AXP) -
Werner W. Shroeder. national comm
-itteeman for Illinois has announced
the appointment of Judge Patrick B.
Prescott Jr., as assistant secretary 01
the Republican National convention
which meets in Chicago June 26. Tne
appointment was made by the Repub
lican National Committee. Judge
Prescott's name was presented by sir.
Sefaroeder with the solid support ot
all Illinois leaders.
This high honor to a Negro comes
with significance, according to well
informed sources, and shows the dir
ection of the straws in the wind, i
indicates, some leaders say, the ex
pected intensity of the 1944 battle.
1 he assistant secretary is one ot
the important officials of the con
clave. He calls the roll, reads tne
resolutions and minutes, assists in .he
n.llv for president and vice-president
and generally acts as the official,
"mouthpiece” of the convention.
Judge Prescott declares that it :s
an honor for the race and further
pi oof of the fairness of the National
Committeeman Schroeder. Mr. Soft
roeder has insisted that all Negro del
egates live in the hotels with their
delegations, and has seen to it that
the hotels have agreed to follow the
laws of Illinois and desist from djs
crmrnation. National Committeeman
Perry W. Howard and his delegation
from Mississippi will be housed 2t
the Stevens hoteL
Chicago. I1L. (PPNSi—Chairman
Harrison Spangler of the Republican
National Convention Committee in
Chicago today announced that Bishop
Davdi H. Sims of the African Meth
odst Episcopal Church of Philadel
phia. would be one of three speakers
scheduled to address the Republican
National Convention during its ses
sion in Chicago beginning June 26.
Former President Herbert Hoover
and Congresswoman Clare Luce are
the ether two speakers on the pro
the 93rd Infantry Division and ac
cording to reports was slain while at
tempting to protect a comrade from
Japanese fun fire.
Delegates Reported
Favoring Brieker... .
(by Ernest E. Johnson)
There will be 18 Negro delegates and
27 alternates from 18 states and the
District of Columbia attending the
Republican convention which opens in
Chicago on Monday. The total num
ber of delegates will be 1.019 and an
equal number of alternates.
As is usual. Mississippi's delegation
headed by the veteran Perry %
Howard will be the largest single
group of Negroes. Howard w7I
have four delegates and five alternat
es providing they are not thrown one
as a result of a contest whch is a
foregone conclusion.
Four states, Illinois. Louisiana,
Michigan and New York, will send
two delegates each. One delegate
will come from these states: Arkan
sas. Kansas, Maryland, Missouri,
j Pennsylvania and the Distrct iof Col
Seven states which are not send
ing Negro delegates a-e. however.
senc'ng alternates. They are Calif
•:nia, Florida. Massachusetts. New'
Jersey. Ohio. Tennessee and West1
A part from Mississippi, contests
are anticipated in seatxg the FI irida
Gtorgia. Missouri and Tennessee deT
egtvlons. P»rhaps the more impor* - ■
art will be Mississippi and Georgia.
11 both the 1 lack and tan group will
h- opposed by lily-white elements.
One old time political observor her- j
who chose to remain unidentified, be
moiaed th; drop in the lumber of
Ni gro delegates atteodin/ the con
vert on. “We did mum bectm in
194J than we are dorng now,' l » f>d i
“W e have no one from Ohio, no one j
from West Virginia and only one
from Missouri whereas before we
had three.
“Colored votes are going to settle
thsi election. There will be four or
five million Negro votes this year.” j
Opinion here is that Negro delegat i
es will favor John W. Brieker of O- !
hio. “We can't accept Gov. Dewey
was one comment. “Look what he
did on that State FEPC"
Howard will be a member of the
important credentials committee and
will try to have his "24-year old" op
ponents knocked out. Dr. Redmond
also from Mississippi, will have a
seat or. the resolutions committee.
TED i 01 R AS TIQQL Es, Over the ether waves, by personal
COL RIOS. IS THE ASSLAL contact or in our dreams, we either
“HOBBY SHOH SOU hear or sense the idea that action is
« * »
; the hearts, brains and muscles of our
American Youth lies the future of
our country.
Bow your heads. Pray with mil
| Hons of mothers the country over, a#
their hearts reach out over the seas,
each one seeking out her boy. to pro
tea him with the shield of her love.
Believe that in this world there is del
i -mite strength in decency and honor.
BBelieve that in our devotion there is
moral force. Believe that our will
to vktory will aid that victory Seek
and ye shall find.
Let us seek added strength and
fortitude for our men in our own
; sacrifice and devotion. Let us focus
every thought, every aaioo. and ev
ery prayer on the boys fighting for
us. And. while each one bends to
his task with ever-growing fervor and
energy, let us adopt a common symbol
as our faith in Victory.
Let that Symbol be War Bonds.
Let us pour our money in a gigantic
flood of goodwill toward our sons
and brothers, as a spiritual shield for
This is the Invasion. The lives of
our boys are at stake. Let them see
that the Soul of America is with
let it not be too late not next
month, next week, or tomorrow, but
Today NOW!
needed to put into effect, the most
important issue of the hour. “By
Buying More Bonds”, we can and will
Back the Attack”, win the war and
bring our boys and gtrls home agair.
However: with simitar determin
ation. enthusiasm and the will to win
over fear and doubt. Omahans can
accomplish the seemingly impossible:
and also make that boy very happy a- ;
gam when he comes home. This can
be done by you contributing a bit of
your time and energy toward helping
to make the Annual Hobby show of
the Cinute Men’s Club a decided suc
cess. First, bring out that antique,
unusual creation of either your youth
or that of a friend and contact the
chairman. Then register it ano
someone on the night of June 30,
1944 will gain an inspiration, much
to your delight and happiness.
Spend an evening with your friends
— browse about and witness this beau
tiful display of most artistically at
ranged hobbies for your appreciation.
Your presence will aid much in the
campaign to put that roof on St. John
AME. Church before the cruel win
ter sets in. No charge for registra
tion. “Back the Attack”, Win the
l^ar-Attend the Hobby Show and
see the “Top Go On" Special Fea
tures at the show. Movies of the
“Negro Soldier” and an interesting!
talk on f ingerprinting by Paul Hoi-!
liday. Make a date for June 30. at I
St. John's Church. 22nd and Willis.
A. R. Goodlett. Chairman. Mrs.
Alice Sherwood. Co-Chairman.
GUIDE Weekly -
On Sunday afternoon at 3 pm. at
; the Hillside Presbyterian Church,
; 30th and Ohio Streets. Miss Nona
; Jensen, XAACP Field Agent, will be
the principal speaker at a meeting
called for members and friends, to
hear the reports of the branches local
membership drive campaign.
Miss Nopa Jensen, of N*: v York
an able and excellent orator will •K
j Ifv— an address of national import
ancc, particularly in the interest of
Negroes and the Association.
The Executive Board of the local
branch at this meeting, wi’l off— H
noenkatkm, delegates to the Natrna!
Con lent ion which convenes at Ch*c
| ago July 12 through the tfttii.
11 is to be hoped that each nu.'.Arr
| will be present to hear Miss Jeswes
| and the report of the campaign,
(By Maynard L. *» i.son
A. t. &r A. M. Grand Ljaje
The Masonic Grand Lodge of the
State of Nebraska, Prmce nail At il
lation, A. F. fit A. M., held their 2otn
Annual Sermon at the Freestone Bap
i ust Lnnrch, 2ttth and Harm,tor. Sts.,
on Sunday, June IS, 1944.
R. . G. L., C. C. Gui.tey uu
Master of the Day.
Clayton Lewis, D. G. M., of Lin
I coin, Nebraska and several other
Lmcotaites. prominent in the circles
| of Masonry and O. E. S. at filiations
i attended from Lincoln.
Among the many lodges who were
well represented at the program were
Rough Ash Lodge No. 1, Excelsior
Lodge No. 2, Rescue Lodge No. 4,
; Omaha Lodge No. 9, Hiram Lodge
No. 10, Nathaniel Hunter Lodge No.
The brilliantly prepared and deliv
i ered sermon by Rev. Charles Favors
was a outstanding oratory achieve
ment and enjoyed by everyone.
The program for St. John's Day
was as follows:
1. Hymn j Congregation * Led by H.
L. Preston.
2. Invocaton Chaplain Rev. D.
3. Selection H. L. Preston and the
Choir. Freestone Bapt Church.
4. Message Rev. Charles Favors
5. Selects jo t Church Doors Open >
% Free-Will Offering. *
7. Remarks: Acting M. W. G. M.
Clayton Lewis.
W. G. M. of OES. Mrs. Cloma
8. Benediction Chaplain, the
Rev. D. Nicholson.
The various committees who func
tioned for this grand St. John's Day
were: General Commttee : RWJGW
Leon Burden. Chairman. R. C. Stew
art. Secretary.
Procurement Committee: Rev. D
Nicholson, Chairman.
Finance Committee: R C Stewart,
Chairman. George Camper. Leon Bar
Arrangements and Program Com
mittee: W. P. Burrell Chairman
Macon. Ga., June 18 (ANP) —
Handed $474 which had been stol
en from a trunk in his art sc and
recovered by city detectives, Tobe
Howard sought the advice of the
police officers on how to keep tfw
money safely Wednesday.
"You mean to say you haven't
heard of the opening of the fifth
war loan?" quereid Detective L.
B. McCallum. Howard answered
in the negative.
"Well come with me.” the det
ective said. Howard is now the
proud possessor of $62> worth of
fifth war loan bonds
l -•
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