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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1944)
Largest^Accredked \tgro Kemxpap rr West of Chicago amd North af KC Saturday, June 10, 1944 OUB 17th YEAR—No. 18 Entered as 2nd class matter at Post- of nee. Omaha. Nebr, Under Act of March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street. Omaha. Netr Annual New Era State S. S. & BTU. To Convene at Mt. Moriah ‘Remove Economic Barriers- There’ll be Enough Jobs in South for Black and White’ says Arnall of Georgia Cafe Society Ruban Bleu MAXINE JOHNSON. cttrvacious lovely who is better known in the swanky night spots as Cafe Society. Raban Bleu. Chib Caravan in Green wiefa Yillasre is one of the attractions at the ApoEo in Harlem with Roy Eldridae and his Orchestra, bv Flovd Snelson for PPN'S. Commander at Fairmont Air-base Praises Colored Soldiers in His Section Says We are all working T* ward One Goal.... 241st AAF Base Unit fOTU-VH) ! Sec. C, Fairmont Army Air Field Geneva. Nebraska 30 May. 1944 j Omaha Guide. Omaha. Nebr. Gentlemen : It is with great pleasure that I take i this opporttmity of expressing my ! pleasure and feelings as Commanding Officer of Section C. this station. Since April Lt, 1944. it has been my privilege to be associated with j this Squadron and I car. truthfully j say they are the most enthusiastic group of soldiers I have every had ' the pleasure of working with. We are all working toward one goal that of freedom for all regard less of race, nationality or color. My ; men are true soldiers and are striving toward that goal with all their heart 1 and soul. If only those persons who are not doing their share could see what j these men are doing here. They are j all living examples of the true Amer ican spirit, and in so doing, are mak ing splendid examples of themselves . as new leaders of a race in a new era. j Sincere!y. MILFORD M DELZELL. ' Air Corps. C Tmmandmg. DILLARD UNI. SECURES $3,000,000 ENDOWMENT. New Orleans. La.. May 3’—At the close of the commencement exercises cn Wednesday, President A. W Dent of Dillard University announced that j the University had secured three mil lion dollars in endowment through '■ gifts from the General Education Board, the Julius Rosenwald Fund, the American Missionary Association of the Congregational Church and the Board of Education of the Methodist Chnrch. These four organizations entered a cooperative agreement m 1930 to merge Straight College, established here by the Congregationalists in ISOo and New Orleans University, founded in the same year by the Methodists. The merger also includ es the Flint-Goodridge Hospital. Dillard has become one of the most important educational centers tor Ne groes and this year has enrolled stu dents from 23 states. The announcement stated, “the es tablis hment of this permanent endow ment fund is an expression of confi dence rr. the past work of Dillard University and an evdence of faith in its lumre. The income on this S3.- ! 000,000 of endowment will equal the i average annual contribution made h these four philanthropic organizat ditional operatngi income, it does give security to the present program. For future development Dillard Uni versity must seek additional funds which it is hoped will be f wh-nr-c' from other friends of Negro develop ment. The University is one of the 27 private colleges now conducting the United Negro College Fund Cam paign to raise additional funds for current operating expenses." NAMED TO COMPENSATION POST Brooklyn. June 6 CAKP) —There was much raising of eye-brows am ong certain reactionaries when State Industrial Commissioner Corsi. ap pointed Richard L. Baltimore, an at torney. as a workmen’s compensation referee. Mr. Baltimore was immediately sworn in by Thomas Curran, secre tary of state. He began his duties June t. This is a quasi-judicial of fice and Arty. Baltimore is the first of the race to be selected. WILL ASK REHEARING IN WINFRED LYNN CASE New York—A rehearing will be asked of the United States Supreme Court by attorneys for Winfred Lynn whose application for a writ of Certiorari was refused by the court May 29. Lynn is seeking to test the quota ‘ system by which Negroes are being inducted into the armed services. His attorneys charge that the no-discrim r.utior. pr visii a of the Selective Ser vice Act is being violated. In denying the writ the Supreme I Zourt said that the question has be- ' :ome moot because Lytm is no longer n the custody of the respondent Col. (ohii W. Downer, commanding of fie m at Camp Upton. Attorneys for the XAACP. who tiled a brief amicus curiae, point out that the reason offered by the court s hardly intelligible, for, strictly speak mg. Lynn was not in the cus tody of Col. Downer even before the tase was taken to the Circuit Court of Appeals. It is pointed out that this question was not raised by the government in the lower court, and was merely suggested, but not urged, bv the Solicitor General in his brief filed with the Supreme Court. It is also pointed out that if the reason offered by the court should be given any weight, it will always be possible for the government to de feat the jurisdiction of the courts by Asks Negro’s Friends To Join in Freight Rate Fight.... ATLANTA, June 6 {ANP— A proposal that “race idealists who want to help the Negro join in the fight to eliminate unfair freight rat es," was made Wednseday by Geor gia's Gov. Ellis B. ArnalL He said the elimination of discrim inatory freight rates to give the south economic equality will ''eliminate the real source of race discord." The governor's remarks were made as he looked over across scores of letters which commended his recent actior in instructing the attorney gen eral of Georgia to file a suit in the United States Supreme court seeking removal of discriminatory freight rates. The governor said that if the south were given economic relief it would be able to give better schools, health facilities and opportunities to both white and black. He asserted that race relations in the south is largely an economic problem. “When you remove the e conoiruc barriers — discriminatory freight rates—yon will have enough jobs for white and black and you re move the cause of discord." “If the authorities at Washington want to help the Negro." he said, "then they should help the south by aidnig us in removing economic bar riers such as discriminatory freighi rates.” Searching through the pile of let ters on his desk daring the impromptu press conference. Got. Amall saw one which particularly struck his fancy. It was from T. C. Griffith of Fort Worth, Texas, who declared, "when and until our present prejudicial and discriminatory rate structure is knock ed into a cocked hat. the railroads, the north and the east are doing more to j retard the Negro than anybody in the ; sooth." Milwaukee Road To Employ Negro Stewards The Milwaukee Railroad has a greed to the employment of qualified Negroes as stewards in its dining car service, it was announced today by- j Ehner W. Henderson. Regional Dir ectur of the President's Committee on j Fair Employment Practice in Chicago Negotiations between the company j arid FEPC had been instituted on the basis of complaints received from rep , resentatives of the Joint Council of i Dining Car Employees, AFL. and the United Transport Service Employees : of America. CIO, that qualified Ne- 1 gro waiters and waiters-in-charge were denied positions as stewards solely because of their race. In order to effect this change in policy it was necessary for the com pany first to conclude a special a greement with the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainment which has juris diction over the stewards which per- r mined a change in existing seniority rules. Now that this has been ac crwiplisbed the company is in a posit ion to proceed in accordance with the President's Executive Order banning discrimination in employment in war industries. This is a significant forward step by the Milwaukee Railroad and we are malring- an effort to secure sim ilar committments from other rail roads in this area. Henderson said. The Pennsylvania and the Chicago and Northwestern railroads have al- * ready announced that Negroes would be employed as stewards as a result of negotiations with FEPC. simply transferring the petitioner from one camp to another, and thus taking him out of the custody of the commanding officer who will be the ; respondent in the first instance. — ' — - ~ -—~——■ ——— HOXOR if EX ‘ Honor men at recent graduation exercises tor Service School sttsdents at the U. S. N'ava! Traininz Center. 1 ' jreat Lakes. Illinois, ore pictured with Captain H. R. Harris. Gntmrand •itur Officer of the Service Sch'Tcl Command and Patrick B Prescott. Chicaz attorney who grave the com mencement address. The honor men are: felt to right: Walter if Com- I ish, F2c. 1712 Annin St- Philadelph ia. Pa.. Edward W‘. Geathers. S2c 322 Ave. “O" SW'. Winter Haver.. Fla.. Norman Cox. S2c. 226 V. !76rh St.. New York City. James L. S"ak fey. S2c. 538 Grand A»e_ Sebring Fla.. Roy Rogers. S2c. Bay Spring-. Miss Official U. S. Natr Photo. by PPN5 . BESJ. DA VIS, JR. SOW A FULL CO LOS EL Naples. June 7 ( PPN5 ) Lt- CoL Beniamin O. Davis. Jr, today wears eagles on his shoulders, the result of his promotion to a full colooeL For merly head of the <«th Pursuit f 'tj'1 ron. Ik is now coanandirts another all-Negro fighter groap on the Ital ian front. CoL Davis is a West Pointer, the son of Brig General Davis of the Inspector Generals de partment in Washington. DC. June 12th to 18th ' The public is cordially invited to attend the 27th Annual New Era State Baptist Association of Nebras ka Sunday School and BTU. Con gress at the Mount Moriah Baptist I Church. 24th and Ohio streets be ' ginning Jane 12th to the 19th. 1944. There will be interesting discussions i —good preaching and also cotmnend 1 able singing fay various choirs and choruses of the District. Pre-Convention Program. Monday | night. June 12th. Come early so you 1 can get a good seat. The Rev. L. W. Anderson is Mod • erator. Rev. David St. Clair, Host Pastor. Probe Discrimination in New York State Four of the members of the State Temporary Commission art’otrt'--J Governor Thomas E. Dewey to study discrimination against inhabitants be cause of race, color, creed and nation al origin and to make recommendat ions for the enactment of foots to e radicate the evils. The Commission has a budget for SSS .<)<)•) for tk;s' study. Left to right Dr. Akin John- \ son, Director of the Sew School for Social Research: The Rrr. George H. Sims. Sr., Pastor Union Baptist Church. New York City: Dr. Ed mund E. Day. president Cornell Uni versity. Athaca, .V. Y., and Dr. C. \ B. Powell, publisher. New York A rnsterdam News and member of the! New York State Athletic Com mis- i sion. Gov. Dewey Names N.Y. FEPC Members ALBANY. X. Y.—Governor Tho mas E. Dewey last week made a ma jor move to wipe out discrimination in New \ ork when his newly created 23 member Temporary Commission was officially established. It is New York's chief instrument to tight in tolerance based on race, creed, color nr national origin. New York thus becomes the first state in the Un; w to set the machinery that will bring into being a State Fair Employment Practice Law. Fifteen of the commissioners a lay members, appointed by Governor Dewey. The other eight are mem icts of the Legislature, three of whcm are senators appointed by the President Pro Temp .re of die S> n ite. and other five are asseuih!<-men named by the Speaker of the Assem bly. Among the lay members of the New Commission are Dr. Jv is Johnson, director of the New Se t "I jf Social Research New York Cny: .the Rev. George H. Sims. Sr . pa-'t>r ?f the Union Baptist Church. Near Yorkk City ; Dr. Edmund E. Day. president of Cornell Universitv. Itha ca. X. Y.: the Rev. Elijah J. Ech ols, Sr., of Buffalo, pastor of First Shiloh Baptist Church, vice president at large of the New York Colored 1 Baptist Convention: and Dr. Clilan B. Powell, publisher of the New ' York Amsterdam News and member of tbe New Y’ork State Athletic Commission. Duties of the Commission are to make studies of practices of discrim ination because of race, color or creed, or natoinai origin, and to make recommnedations designed to eliminate such discrimination. In or der iso accomplish this, the Commis sion is empowered to take *estimony subpoena witnesses, and require the production of books, records and pap ers. It has all the powers ot a leg islative committee under the Legisla tive Law. The commission has an appropriation of $25,000 for this study. It is a model for other stat es, as well as for the national admin < Continued on Page S#" S1 INVASION! BATTLESHIPS BLAST INVASION COASTAL AREAS The above Naval photo shows an ening up" process that preceded the American warship blasting enemy invasion.! Official U.S. Navy Photo 1 shore installations, part of the "soft You Can’t Let Them Down A ow! Back The Fifth War Loan Drive - Back 'em Up!! Negro Newspaper Publishers to Convene in New York City YEW \ ORK—The 5th Annual Convention of the Negro Newspaper Publishers Association will convene here beginning Thursday, June 15 and run through to the ISth. A series of discussion groups on Advertising. Editorial, Administra tion. Mechanical. Promotion and Cir culation will be the features of this year's convention. Oik entire day, Friday. June 16, has been set aside for discussion groups which will be lead by men and women from mem ber papers who are specialists in the discussion areas which they will chair j Douglas County Court House Led in Prayer by J oseph Stolinski.... On the morning of the invasion by ■ the Allies on the Caen, Joseph Stol- i inski proved true to his name. The ! following is a prayer he passed a- j round among his employees: A PRAYER For Peace and Victory O' Prince of Peace, in this hour 1 of great sorrow and trial, we hum- ' bly petition Thee to protect all our : service men everywhere, and to give unto them unflinching courage to defend our country with honor, dignity and devotion to Thy Holy Will. Guard our churches, our homes, our schools, our hospitals, our factories, our buddings and all therein from harm and perd. Pro tect our land from enemies within and without. Grant unto us an early Peace and Victory, founded up‘jn justice, and instill into the ! hearts and minds of men every where, a firm purpose to live for ever in peace and good wiU toward all. AMEX. Nihil Obstai ARTHUR A. SCANLAN, S. T. D. Censor Libroriun. Imprimatur t FRANCIS J. SPELLMAN. D. D Archbishop of New York. January 12, 1942. Prior to initiating business Thurs day afternoon, the delegates will be welcomed to New York City by New bold Morris, chairman of the New York City Council. While in New \ork, the delegates will be the guest of Governor Dewey at the Waldorf Astoria and will visit Mayor LaGoar dia during his regular weekly radio prigram on Sunday afternoon. June 18 This year's sessions, marking the Assocfatoin's 5th Annual Convention, will run for over 4 days, rather than the customary 2 days, A number of resolutions involving newsprint, war advertising, the motion picture in dustry and other problems have al- j ready been received by the Discus-1 sion leaders. Plans are underway to initiate a newspaper award plan for Negro papers similar in scope to the Pulit zer Prizes. The Award Committee is expected to take steps which will make it possible to make the 1944 a wards by December of this year. At the Annual Banpuet. to be held at the Roosevelt Hotel at 8 p. a on Friday. June 16, Dr. Max Lerner. drier Editorial Writer of the News paper PM. will be the principal speaker. The Assoc iaton anticipates that more than T5 delegates will be in at- j tendance. AH business sessions and discussion J groups will be held in the 133th St. j YMCA. | The Hotel Theresa is cooperating also in making for the success of tri Convention. Dr. C. B. PoweH. publisher of the Amsterdam News, is host to the Cor. vention and Chairman of the Comm ittee on Arrangements. Howard H Murpbv of the Afro-American News papers and NNPA Secretary-Treas urer will be in charge of all busines" j during the Convention. Other Association officers are: — John H. Sengestacke of the Chriy Defender, President; Alexander Barn es of the Washington Tribune, East- i era Vice President: C. A. Scott of the Atlanta Daily World. Sootherr Vice President: Frank Stanley of the Louisville Defender. Central Vice A RETIRED SOLDIER OF THE NINTH CAVALRY . Opens Home-Mission Tabernacle_ SGT. BIVENS, has opened a Home Mission Tabernacle at 2711 North 24th Street. His opening date was Sunday. June 4, 1944 at 4 p. m. He was assisted by Dr. Heinz. Music directed by H. L. Preston. Sgt. Bivens is now a member of St John AME. Church, which he joined about tom: years ago. Since Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7. 194f, Sgt. Bivens has been on the March even day, putting every ounce of his en ergy into trying to do something in our community for the betterment of the human family. He has been ac tive in the American. Legion and has sponsored several programs under the auspices of the Elks and at one time had charge of the L'SO. He is known by <3 as a hard worker in the things that he believes in and it work will do the job, Sgt. Bivens Is bownd for success. Sgt. Bivens wishes to state that his subject at II a. m. at his Home Mis sion Tabernacle at 2711 North 24th Street, Sunday June 11th will be:— “The World and Its Privileges” also "A Soldier of Two Kingdoms”. Everybody welcome. MRS. BETHUNE IMPROVING ... Washington, June 5 (ANP)—Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune. a patient tor the past several weeks at Freedman's hospital is improving. At one time an asthmatic condition is said to have necessitated her remaining under an oxygen tent, but now she is looking forward to an early return home. The attack began in Florida whose clim ate seems unsuited to her though she loves the state, her school and her work there. Mrs. Rethune last week told Miss Etta Moten. one of the visitors to her flower filled room, that Dr. Jame Lowell Hall, her new physician, found her allergic to many things she had never paid any attention to. “I even carry a me heated pillow with me now", she said with a chuckle as the irrepresssible mood spirits which characterize the famous woman lead er rose to the surface. President: C. A. Franklin of the Kansas City Call. Western Vice President. William O. Walker. Cle veland Call and Post: Miss Olive Diggs. Chicago Bee, and Carter Wes ley. Houston Informer, are iretiV-' of the Executive Committee From the Factories to the Fronts, Americans Celebrate Flag Day June 14 —111 ..*» - --—■-* * *v. Mil —rr- .. - —— ~i—S—-7"-*-- ■ -w --- ——_ ,.M. ....... • — -y.——..mnm U.1W. a*;. M(T - AHB rwiga. Participating in the national celebration of Flag Day on June 14, 1944, Negro Americans on the home and battle fronts were doing their part to carry our message of promise and freedom into all comers of the world. At the left, one of the tens of thousands of Negro women war workers is shown carrying on the tradition of Betsy Ross. In the center, Sgt. Joe Louis, now overseas with the Army forces, is shown carrying the colors in a review of the crack Eighth Training Squadron at Fort Riley. Kans. At the right, a four-man color guard stands alert as the bugler sounds “Attention!” at the U. S. Naval Training Station. Great Lakes, BL In his Flag Day Proclamation. President Roosevelt declared: “It is the flag under which men and women of varied heritage, creed, and race may work and live or, if need be, fight and die together as only free men and women can.”