The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 20, 1944, Image 1

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    uar,i;r ~.;:r,:di:cd \egro A ezcspap rr llrcst of Chicago and North of KC
, Saturday, May 20, 1944 OUE 17th Year—No. 15
Entered as 2nd class matter at Past- oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of
Ma-ch - 1374. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street Omaha. Nebr.
With Decks-awash Negro Messmen Blast German Plane
First Minnesota Negro Will Serve As Demo-Presidential Elector
Tops In Entertainment
Lxdusm* IPS PhaU*
DON REDMAN and hi* famon* Victor Recording Orchestra, featuring Dick Vance, vocalist. Is teamed with Sister Rosetta Tbarpe, popular
Deeca recording artist. This stellar attraction is booked lor an extensive tour commencing May 28.
(from the pamphlet Committee to
Abolish Jim Croze Transportation in
United States, Natl. Office ISIS
Gratiot Azenue, Detroit, g, Mich.)
li hat is } our Answers
Have ycra or any member of your
family or friends been herded like
cattle into a filthy, dirty, and unsan
itary Jim Crow Car on a trip to any
point South of the Mason-Dixon Line
while being required to pay the same
tare as others?
Have you been compelled to change
cars between States in order to com
ply with some sttly State law requir
ing Negroes and Whites to travel
separately ?
The main purpose of this Commit
tee is to work for the abolition of the
antiquated, out of date and anti-Am
erican practice of segregating racial
groups in transportation wherever it
may now exist in the L'nited States.
National Unity is impeded, and the
morale of the Negro soldier and civ
ilian alike is lowered by such un
democratic practices.
How It Operates .
Local Committees will be establish
ed m as many Cities of the United
States as possible to work with the
National Committee in building senti
ment, and encouragng such militant
action as will make it very expensive
for those engaged in this nefarious
practice against Negroes and White
Americans alike. Many white citiz
ens are also very conscious of the fact
that they as free people, are prohibit
ed from exercising tehir rights under
our Constitution by these Jim Crow
laws and practices. These citizens
have expressed a desire to see the end
of these practices, and are willing to
join with Negroes to eradicate these
This means building sentiment thru
out these United States to the end
that Citizens, black and white, who
are now hampered by laws of the
various States which provide for
such practice contrary to the spirit
and principles of the Constitution of
the United States, will seek repeal
of such laws, and compel! the United
States Supreme Court to be more
specific on this subject.
Hera- Can Jim Croze Transportation
of Its Citizens by One of the ll'or Id’s
Leading Democracies be Justified
Under Documents Such as the At
lantic Charier Constitution
How can Americans declare with j
decency, and ask the world to accept
with sincerity and honesty what i>
proclaimed by them in the tenets of j
the Atlantic Charter, as long as there
exists m this country-, which 'boasts
of its being one of the leading demo
cracies of the world. Jim Crow Trans
pot-ration against a segment of its
population, its Negroes, as they trav
el between certain States which form
a part of this alleged Democracy?
The Supreme law of this land, the
Constitution, is at variance with >uch
undemocratic practices. Even though
the United States Supreme Court, m
Mitchell vs. Illinois Central Railroad
Co_ has declared that a Negro "Is
an American citizen free to trav.-l.
and he is entitled to go by this part
icular route whenever he chooses to
take ft and in that event to have fac
ilities for his journey without dis
crimination against him which the
Interstate Commerce Act forbids”.
And has further said. "The denial of
equality of accommodations because
Sadie Alexander Praises Mrs.
Roosevelt at AME Conference
Can you answer Dr. Stearns
It has been my privilege to put considerable time
and thought on C hristian Education as developed in
the Church School during the thirty years I have
been closely associated with Sunday 'School w®rk.
My aim and purpose has always been to help devel
A great revival is going on at the
Macedonia Spiritualist Church. 1201
North 24th St. Bishop Chas. P.
Murphy. Pastor of the Communit\
Spiritualist Church of Christ. Ire.,
of Cleveland. Ohio is in charge of'
these services.
If there be anyone who is sick, or
having trouble of any nature, we in
vite you to come to these serv e?;.
Bishop can be seen any day. be
tween the hours of from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m. For appointment call
Mother G. A. Green. Pastor, IvFss
Hazel Taylor, Reporter.
W e are pleased to learned that our j
friend. Joe McCray has taken over
the lunch stand at Mvrtis' Tavern.
W e will all have a good place to eat
from now cm with a man who we
know deserves and appreciates our
The place is Myrtis’ Tavern at 2229
Lake St.
Mr. McCray’s niece. Rosalie Payne
is the manager.
of his race would be an invasion oi a
fundamental individual right which
is guaranteed against State action bv
the Fourteenth Amendment."
The Lnited States Supreme Court
is still indecisive, and has not as yet
touched the root of the Jim Cr.w
system. In the Mitchell decision, it
merely gave its condemnation to un
equal accommodations, while it gives
its approval to the separate trans
portation system of the South. Ev
eryone know s that there is no such
thing as equal accommodation as long
as it is separate in the South or any
other place.
A? an American citizen who believ
es that Democracy should be proclaim
ed and practiced at home as we!! as
proclaimed abroad, what are you do
ing or willing to do to help abolish
these undemocratic practices? A spec
ial effort is being put forth to test
whether there are enough Americans
who are willing to join together to
abolish these practices. Why not
join the Committee to Abolish Jim
i Crow Transportation in the United
I States, so that the morale of its Ne
gro soldiers and civilians alike can
be bolstered, and real national unhr
assured ? Express yourself in an af
firmative. and positive wray by taking
out a membership today, and by def
initely contributing your time and
funds to this worthy cause.
op Christ-controlled lives.
The methods and materials have
varied from year to year, and I, have
hoped there would be definite pro
gress in the results as shown in
Christian living among our pupils.
I believe the personnel of leader
ship has been above the average a
mong the Christion men and women
who have been co-workers with me.
Many of us will differ on what
constitutes a Christian Youth: some
will say we have no right to pass
judgement. The oft-repeated phrase.
"Oh. they are not bad-just care
free youth"—does not answer the
really vital question, “Are they grow
mg Christians?" A large majority
(Continued on Page 3»~3'
Chicago. Illinois. May 18 (PPNS1!
\\ kh the passing last Wednesday of
James \\ \\ ashington. known over
the country as the original founder of
the American Negro Exposition at
1940, the Race-has sustained a great
loss. An aggressive leader and skill
ful planner. Mr. Washington devel
oped the idea for the Negro Exposit
ion which pertained the achievements
of the Negro since colonial days. The
Illinois General Assembly barked him
up with an appropriation of J73.160.
assuring its success.
At the time of his death. Mr
Washington was about to begin con
struction of Boy’s Town near Mon
roe, III., designed to train and care
for under privileged youths of ail
races and creeds. He was a native
of Balaba, Tenn., coming to Chicago
in 1904 to begin a successful business
! career.
Philadelphia. May 16 (AN'P) -
I Sadie T. M. Alexander, wife of the
| prominent Philadelphia attorney. Ray
| mond Pace Alexander, and herself a
Philadelphia lawyer, made a brilliant
response to Mrs.
Roosevelt, when
the latter appeared
as guest speaker
at the A ME Gen
e r a 1 conference
last Friday, before
an estimated aud
ience of 10,000 oer
Mrs. Roosevelt sibs.
Mrs. Alexander, speaking for the
bishops and members of the A ME.
General conference; of which she is
a delegate from the Philadelphia con
ference; thanked Mrs. Roosevelt f -t
not only standing for law and order
and for equality and justice but told
the audience that Mrs. Roosevelt her- j
self had been “A force for law and
order and a force for equality and!
justice.” Continuing Mrs. Alexand-j
er stated ou have by practice and
not merely by precept, Mrs. Roose
velt, demonstrated to our church, our
race, our nation and to the world,
that you respect the rights and priv
ileges guaranteed eyery man. not only
by the constitution of these United
States, but endowed by God, the
Creator of every good and perfect
The vast assembly roared their ap
plause. as this daughter of the church
a grand-daughter of Bishop Benjam
in Tucker Tanner, declared “History
proves that only those nations and
men. as well as women, become great
who value as great their moral obli
gations to mankind. Athens fell but
the teachings of Socrates, Plato and
Aristotle will never die. Rome tell
into decay, but the voices of Justian
i actitus and Quintillian will forver
live. The audience sat breathlessly
as Mrs. Roosevelt by referring to
that profound observation of Wend
ell Phillips: “How prudently most
men creep into nameless graves,
while now and then some bold mat'
forgets himself into immortality."
Said Mrs. Alexander, to Mrs. Roose
velt “the men and women of the Af
rican Methodist Episcopal Church re
gard vour life as one that is destin
ed to cast the name of Eleanor Roose
velt among the immortals."
Local Beta Gammas Urge
Support of FEPC
The Gamma Beta Chapter of the
A.plia Kappa Alpha met Saturday
evening at the home of Miss Mildred
Gi * en. Plans vere made for the
cksmg meeting of June 3 l*'+4. Th:s
v !i be a BnFfet Dinner at the h me
! r" ^frs. Ruth Solomon honoring the
Alpha Kappa Alpha graduates. Prep-1
arations are beginning for Mid-West
ern Regional Conference which will
| meet here in Omaha in the fall Two
letters were read from Senators But
ler and Buffett on the subject of the
Bill in favor of the FEPC. From
l the letters Butler seemed to be in fa
vor of the bill and Buffett not to be
in favor of any Legislature acts.
Each member is asked to have one
other organiation to write letters in
support of the bill The next meet
ing will be May 20. 1944 at the home
J of Mrs. K. Pierce.
Mrs. Gladys Ervin. Basileus. Miss
RozeKa Thomas. Epistolus.
Washington. D. C.. May 16 ( PPNS
I General George C. Marshall Chief
• Minneapolis. Minn.,—hor the first
time in Mim>esota history, a Negro
will serve as a presidential elector
for the Democratic Party
Frank Boyd of S'. Paul, s^cretnry
i treasurer of the Tv-in City division
| of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Porters and a veter in rember of
tint union, was chosen unanimously
by the Democratic Farmer- Labe t
sta'e convention Apr1 1b, v.hi n tlie
state’s two liberal parties, Deirn
and Farmer-Labor, met in joint tcn
vention to unite the stare's literal
forces for the first time since T91S.
Negro leaders pointed out that the
action was formal rec ignition oi two?
factors, the steady and now afeost
complete swing of N-grocs here a
way from the Oepublican Party and
into the Democratic Party, and the!
acceptance by all liberals of the Ne- j
gro cause as their own. This second I
factor, Negro leaders declare, obv
iously was paramount in the conven
tion's action, since the Negro vote'
here is comparatively small.
Boyd, although not continuously
employed as a sleeping car porter, has
been active since 1907 in the strug
gles of his fellow employees to bet
ter their wages, hours and working
conditions. He took a leading part
in the first controversy with the
Pullman Co., in 1909, when wages
were raised from $25 a month to j
$27.50. and he was a leader in the or-i
iginal Pullman Porters Protective
Union, formed under President Wil- j
son’s war-time order giving labor the
right to organize.
After the wai» the union was ab
sorbed by the company’s Employees
Sepresentatkm Plan. Boyd served 5'
years with the Plan, but broke from
it in June of 1925 when it became
apparent that sleeping car porters
would make few advances as mem
bers of a company union. He was
active that year in the formation of j
the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Porters, which held its first conven
tion in August of 1925. He was an i
organizer for the new union.
Mr. Boyd has been a Democrat
most of his adult life, but particular
ly since 1926 when he became a lead
er in seeking an amendment to the
Railway Labor Act which would ‘put
teeth' in provisions giving sleeping
car porters the same rights as other
railroad owrkers. Under Republican
administrations, he saw his efforts
continually blocked by the Federal
courts. “I fought the Republicans
all the way on this issue,” he said.
“And we got kicked out of Federal
courts all over the country. Then *n
1932 the people elected President
, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and in 1933.
the Railway Labor Act was amend
ed, so that we could live like men.
Yes, I'm 100 percent for President
New York—Tom C. Clark, assist
ant United States Attorney General,
has advised the NAACP that no ac
tion will be taken by the Depart
ment of Justice in the killing of Pri
vate Edward Green cm Carch 14, 1944
by a bus driver in Alexandria, La.
The facts in the case show that
Private Green was deliberately shot
and killed by a bus driver after he
had alighted from the bus and the
driver had followed him to the road.
Aiter the driver came out of the bus
into the road where Private Green
stood, he shot and killed him in cold j
An argument developed on the bus
between Private Green and the driv- |
er because the driver said Green was i
sitting in a section reserved for I
w hite people. Green refused to move
but said rather than have any trouble
he would leave the bus. He left the
bus and got out into the road where
the driver followed him and shot
After the XAACP had presented
the ctse to the War department, Tru
man K. Gibson. Jr., Aide to the Sec
retary of War wrote under date of j
April 1. 1944, saying that a synopsis,
of events prepared by an Army in- j
vestigating officer contained the fol
lowing statement:
"Considering the testimony of all
the witnesses and the circumstances:
surrounding this case, tne conclusion
is inescapable that there was no jus
tification, moral or legal, for the tak j
ing of the life of Private Edward
Green by Odell Lachnette."
In a letter to Assistant Attorney
General Clark, Thurgood Marshall.
XAACP Counsel said:
"The bus driver is still working in
Alexandria and we are repeatedly re
ceiving requests from Xegro soldiers
m that area as to what, if anything,
is going to be done about this man.
I hope you can realize the effect on
the morale of the Xegro soldiers who
realize that although one of their
member is killed withoue provocation
the same government for which they
are fighting refuses to take any ac
tion whatsoever to prosecute the
euihy party
of staff of the United States Army,
inspected Negro troops at Fort H;t-1
achuca while on a ten day tour of j
army centers recently. Officers and j
men of the famed 92nd t)ivision in
training for combat duty at the post
were ready for their chief. He was
favorably impressed with the pro
gress of their training.
Washington, D. C. May 17 (PPN
S)—Government officials. congress
men, and ordinary war weary citiz
ens here are still talking of the hero
ism of the hereto unnamed Negro j
mess attendants whom though wound
ed fired anti-aircraft shells at at
tacking German planes until one
crashed into the sea before they were
forced to abandon ship. The story!
from Lt. (j. g.) Frederick Gehlmann
of River Forest, I1L, one of the of
ficers of the U. S. S. Lansadie. a de
' stroyer sunk four weeks ago, in the
Mediterranean by enemy aerial tor
pedoes. While repeated inquiries at
the Navy Department have failed to
reveal the identity of the Negro j
fighters their names and photos with
official recognition of their valor is
expected in the near future.
by Ruth Rolen
Philadelphia, May 15 (AXP)
From the bobbing figures of shoe
shine boys to the stately personages
of the bishopric, people—crowds and
crowds of them—inched their way to
the Arena where the AME’s swung
gavels until Monday.
All. however, did not spend the
greater part of their time in the main
auditorium. There was much—very
much—to be seen on the sidelines,
and sight-seers were privileged to
satisfy the gamut of their tastes from
a copy of the Declaration of Inde
pendence to a fish sandwich.
The Co-ordinator, daily newssheet
of the conference, was sold in one of
the many picturesque booths which
decorated the corridors of the Arena.
One of the newspaper’s super sales
man was the Rev. I. A. McCoy, pas
tor of Bethel AME church, Ashbury
Park, X. J. Voluminous copies of
the sessions' souvenir programs, back
ed in blue, were also on sale.
Shades of Richard Allen were
here, there and everywhere in the
Mother Bethel AME church booth.
Folders and cards depicting the form
der's life and the history of the
church were yours for a price. Mrs.
E. L. Blake, wife of Bethel's pastor,
made it an all-Bethel project.
A cnglomeration of religious books
was in the offing at the booth of
the AME book concern, of which the
Rev. \Y. A. Hopes is monager. Mrs.
Eva L. Johnson, a member of Allen
AME church, was able to give pros
pective buyers detailed information
about the contents of the books. In
I cidentallv, her pastor, the Rev. Jam
es Winsmore Mason, was a candidate
for the bench.
Evangelist Lottie - Keaton had a
bevy of sacred literature, most of
which seemed to be free for the ask
ing. She is the pastor of two chur
ches which she has founded: St. Lcke
in Okarchi. Okla., and Walls Chap
el, in Stillwater. Okla.
An enterprising salesman, despite
his youth, was “Jerry” Wilson who
kept busy selling stamps, souvenirs,
song ballads and other trinkets which
catch the eye.
The Christian Recorder, the Rev.
G. A. Singleton, editor: the South
ern Christian Recorder, the Rev. E.
C. Hatcher, editor, and the National
Academic Cap and Gown Company.
Emanuel I. Conne. president drew in
terest from passersby.
Mrs. Harriet Wright Lemen. dau
ghter of Major R. R. Wright Sr.,
was an addeed attraction to the
booth conducted bp her father’s bank
Thrift, as usual, was its keynote. The
Citizens and Southern Bank and
Trust company also plugged a ballad
composed by Mrs. A. C. Bilbrew and
entitled “Let's Go. Americans.” Also
eye-catching were the National Free
dom day pictures. Major Wright is
the originator of that day, Feb. 1.
The American Bible society, with
Mrs. Marian B. Montgomery, also a
Representative William L. Dawson
of Chicago with his guest U. S. Ca
det Nurse Natalie West of Engle
wood, N. J.. who is enrolled at Freed
men’s Hospital Nurse Training
School. Washington. D. C., Miss
West is one of more than 96.000 A
nverican girls studying nursing under
the Public Health Services’ Cadet
Corporal Aladdin C. Pal~.frson
Headquarters, 13th AAF. South
Pacific—Corporal Aladdin C. Patter
■ son. 3448 Pinkney street, Omaha. Ne
braska, is operator and repairman of
a motion picture machine at his So
Pacific station. In addition, the sol
dier is heavy weapon's squad leader
with an Airbase Security Battalion ci
the 13th AAF Service Command.
Corporal Patterson has been over
seas for sixteen months and has neen
presented a Bronze Battle Star with
his Asiatic-Pacific ribbon.
In civilian life. Corporal Patterson,
was employed by the Northside Trans
ter Company in Omaha. His mother
Mrs. Bessie E. Patterson, lives at
"4^2 Hooper Avenue. Los Angeles.
member of Allen, in charge of the
booth, was freely givtnv little testa
ments and other Biblical literature to
all who paused at the stand.
A member of Ward AME church
the Rev. E. K. Nichols, pastor, pre
sided over the AME Review holding.
She was Miss Anna Belle Wilson
and did a good job advancing the!
Review, of which the Rev. M. W.
Thornton is editor-manager. Also
boothed was the Encyclopedia of Af
rican Methodism, edited by Bishop;
R. R. Wright Jr.
Glimpsed going the rounds of the
exhibits were Steward John David
Jamison, who was attired in the ’
navy’s latest and snappiest gray uni
form. Jamison, who has been award
ed Pacific, Atlantic, Silver Defense
and Good Conduct ribbons, has been
preaching for 10 years. Having been
in service four years before Pearl
Harbor, he has pastored out of the
I Nurses Corps program designed to
help relieve the serious nurse short
age. She took part in the of final
Induction Ceremony which was broad
cast on the N'BC National hookup
from Constitution Hall last Saturdav
May 13. Miss West is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George West of 120
Lafayette Place. Englewood, N. J.
Aboard a Coast Guard-manned as
sault transport somewhere on the At
lantic, Coast Guardsman Horatio
Thomas, pharmacist's mate second
tlass, stands his watch in the Sick
Bay. Thomas, whose home is at 102
Pendleton Avenue, St. Louis, Miss
ouri, attended the Coast Guard phar
macist's mate training school at Gro
ton, Conn. Before enlisting Ik attend
ed Creighton University, at Omaha.
When we think of styles and what
will look the best to wear this spring
and summer, we always think of
TULLY'S. because we feel satisfied
that we are patronizing a store where
we are really among friends .
where our patronage is not only ap
preciated. but we are dealing with
experienced salesmen who are capable
and willing of advising us as to what
we look best in and what is best suit
ed to wear this spring and summer.
We can always rely on our old friend
Mr. Tully, "The Hatter fn this Man's
Town," and owner of Omaha's most
popular Hat Store located at 15th &
Douglas Streets.
Central Arkansas conference.
Wilberforce dniversity pleaded its
canse through free literature One of
its boosters was the Reverc..d C. if.
K-id, pastor of Mr. Vernon A ME.
church, Columbus. O. Rev. Red at
tended the general conference here
in 1016 at Mother Bethel.
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