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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1944)
Curley’s Corner... “BACK STAGE GOSSIP” l by "Curley E. Reed” HELLO GANG l Walter "Snag” Wright, the inim itable play-boy of Baltimore’s ace play house, The Royal, can only be in love with the one and only “Sweet-meat” who wouldn’t ? Now I know why he keeps that $1500 in his kicks at all Do You Want To win love, happiness, money? If so, I can help you. No hard v.oxk Easy system brings quick results. Write for Information. /. CALLENDER, Box 91 College Station. New York 30. NY. Johnson Drug Co. ;! 2306 North 24th FREE DELIVERY 1 We. 099b : times.: A wire on my desk tells me that “Eddie Redtnon” passed away in Los Angeles, March 5.Eddie best known in the act of Smiley Happy and Curley Later known as the “Brown Budies”... Earl Hines band broke the New Hotel in here on their closing nite by breaking up the nice new furniture it all started over a little usher known as “Annie Mae Green.” Annie dear is you know you can’t go six rounds with a bottle. You^ should know you can’t go six rounds with six violin players Annie why don’t you learn the iron pipe-wav catch on What our adopted dad didn’t know is that “ALBERTA DIGGS” of Baltimore was the first lady to wear an UP-SWEEP hair-do She’s also becoming the best dressed gal in town, in case the sub is one of the lovelier Ah-tractions of the “Club Gamby.”... Floor -show . . she looks like “La-Home” in a crowded evening gown .. “Dot Kel ley”, the sophisticated, has a column ist drinking Zombies. he can’t get rid of the heartache. With “Erskine Hawkins,” in the army how will Jim my Don’t Cry Baby’ Mitchell do with the band "ALBERTA DIGGS” i mustuve migrated from heaven . No human has a right to be that sweet as the lovely “Alberta” then that is where I wanna go when I die!.... The Three Rockets are breaking rec ords at the Club Yoker, Portland, BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in 1 accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT— a whole family ■ntwJa i-ncta naaln 1Ai ! * us handle both jobs Burlington's fleet of passenger trains, headed by 14 diesel powered Zephyrs, is busier than ever before—for the nation's fighting men must be transported speedily and efficiently. But our job doesn’t end with military move ments. There is a tremendous amount of civilian travel which is vitally important to the war effort —and most of it must be handled by the railroads. Our ability to handle both jobs is due, in no small part, to | the patriotic cooperation of civilian travelers who follow these wartime travel suggestions: ★ Travel mid-week, thin avoiding woak-end travel peaks. ★ Secure tickets well In advance and accept accommodations available. If plans change cancel reservations promptly. ★ Travel light. Take only necessary luggage aboard train. ★ In planning trips, allow far possible delays. War traffic has Hie right of way. ★ Advance planning it highly Important. Burlington represeata Hves are available for traffic advice; you can profit by Ifar aeunsel of travel experts. JL W. SHARPE, General Agent lammn at 19th Ariantk MSI l____ __ _J Dudley E. Wright, Dies Mr. Eugene McGill received a telegram from .the government, March 23rd, stating that Dudley E. Wright, who was employed by the government at Hamilton, Washington, was dead and wanted to know what disposition to make of his body. f WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES IN I loUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER-1 ■ IENCED OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. 1 1 GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN C 1AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. ( 1EDH0LM&SHERM ANI f 2401 NORTH 24th STREET C £ -PHONE WEbster 6055- £ Oregon . The dancingnest trio to hit these parts in ages!.. John Mason, has Edna (Yak) Taylor in the act there riotious, laugh-provoking com edy, keeps the folks in the aisles. aSEE YOU NEXT WEEK.q Royalty's Hep-Cat Louis Armstrong, swingtime Gabriel appearing on “Spotlight Bands" Saturday night (Blue, 9.30 EWT), has worked his way from a waifs home in New’Or leans as a youngster to literally the hall of kings. The hep-cat trumpeter has played for royal ity in most parts of Europe, in cluding 12 Command Performan ces for Kings and Queens of England—some kind of a record for an American bandleader. SMILE AWHILE by Julius E. Hill May “Would you like to be the wife of the best man in this town?” Fay ‘“Certainly not or I would not have become the wife of my hus band.” Bill “When my wife left me she broke my heart.” Phil “Well, when mine left me my heart was alright. She just left ME broke.” Husband “Would you still love me if I were to lose my good looks?” Wife “‘What good looks?” Sweet Young Thing “They say beauty and brains don't go together. How does that affect me?” Catty Young Thing "Mmmmm ! You’r not so dumb-” Bessie “I hear that the young minister who married Freda is un faithful to her.” Tessie “Well, I believed all al ong he was too good to be true 1” Kate "Hump! What has Mary got that I haven't got?” Tate “I dunno—unless it’s a lit tle lamb.” —HILL. OMAHA STEEL WORKS GETSl ANOTHER STAR IN ARMY NAVY “E” AWARD FLAG Omaha Steel Works, first producer of war material in this vicinity to win the Armv-Navy “E”, has been award ed another star, it was revealed. The firm was advised by Robert P. Patterson, under secretary of war, that it may now attach a second star to its “E" pennant as the result of continued high production of war ma terial. Patterson’s announcement co incideed with the manufacture of the milliorth shell by the steel works shell department. High ranking Army officers and numerous ordnance contractors of this region witnessed the presentation of '.he millionth shell to Coolnel Merle H. Davis, District Chief of the St. Louis Ordnance District, with whom the\ made a tour of the Steel Works plant last Wednesday. In replying to Petterson’s announie ment, Earl E. Vogel, executive vice president anr general manager, prais Veteran Vaudeville Actor Televised John "Wonderful” Cooper, ventriloquist in vaudeville for about 50 years, is shown with his dummy before the cameras of WRGB, General Electric’s television station in Schenectady during an old-time vaudeville show called, “Gay Nineties." flaniHnnHanBWtinDMnuHiiimiuiiinfniimnninifniMiimifmiuitiiitiifiriiiniiiiiiiniainiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiiiniitiiiiHmitiimiiHiiiiniiuimDimijnii'iiimiiimTimuiutnnBm — ed the Omaha Steel Works employ ees whose work made the award pos sible The men and women of the shel1 department, Vogel said, have proved themselves genuine “soldiers of the home front.” A pioneer ordnance producer, the Omaha firm is also engaged in the manufacture of landing vessels for the Navy. PAXTON-MITCHELL AWARD ED SECOND “M” Brief ceremonies held Monday marked the presentation of the second Maritime Commission "M” award to the Paxton-Mitchell Companv, Oma ^>»»»^sy.■ “See Here, Private Hargrove”— you are shining in the klieglights now! ★ ★ ★ ★ Which is one way of announcing that MGM’s great laugh-hit, based on America’s beloved best-seller, is opening with a big bang on Broadway this week! ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars! Lights! Celebrities! A Big-time Premiere at the Big-time Astor Theatre ushers in this All-time Big Show! "See Here. Private Hargrove” is the rollicking story of a rookie! ★ ★ ★ ★ Robert Walker as “Private Hargrove”. ★ ★ ★ ★ And lovely Donna Reed as the girl of his day-dreams! ★ ★ ★ ★ Plus Robert Benchlev, Keenan Wynn, Ray Collins, Chill Wills—all adding up to the time of your life! ★ ★ ★ ★ Here’s the picture that’s packed with G.I. Jo-llity! It turns Life in an Army Camp inside out so everybody can see the goings-on! ★ ★ ★ ★ It’s a howl from induction—to con clusion! ★ ★ ★ * Watch out for “See Here. Private Har grove”. It’s heading your way soon. —I to. P.S. Buy Bonds—and Keep the Bonds You Buy. BARGAINS and UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS - AND JEWELRY 4 JUST ARRIVED!!! Luggage! 40 inch trunk, lockers and suit cases. Also some genuine calf zipper bill-folds. MARCUS LOAN & JEWELRY CO, 320 North loth —Phone AT 8840 I MRS. MATTIE TAYLOR,. 2611 BINNEY AT-3308 AVON’S PRODUCTS LUX Barber Shop 1 2045 NORTH 24th STREET j “This is the Home of Corn Fix” j ha manufacturer of metallic piston rod parking for Liberty ships, Corvet tes and other vessels of the victory fleet. The award is for outstanding war production and is in the form of a white star to be added to the “M” flag, which the company has held since early last year. James L. Paxton Jr., the companys president, said "We feel that this con tinued recognition of the war produc tion efforts of our employees by the Maritihe Commission stresses the CH/ HOSTESS Munchie Lewis, one of Harlem's outsianding socialites, who came to Cnicago a year ago to act as hostess fir the 113 Club on 47th “Pops" Lew is, Munchie is a favorite niece and is doing a great job. Munchie nuts the popular spot in big time fashion and holds the distinction of being the most outstanding hostess of such Cocktail Lounges in the Windy City. \Press Photo ServiceQ great importance of the job that is yet to e done. Now that our fighting forces are on the offensive, we must guard against the tendency to slacken the production tempo when reports of victories are received.” \We are proud of the loyalty and efficient work of our employees which makes possible the awarding of this honor," said Mr. Paxton. The award ceremonies were held at the plant, 2614 Martha street, Mon day at 12:15 pm. Alvin E. Johnson president of the Live Stock National Bank was Master of Ceremonies. Guests included Mayor Dan Butler, Lt. Col. Lloyd Rockwell and the per sonnel of Paxton-Mitchell, Brig. Glenn Ryan of the salvation army led the invocation. The employees were represented by Raymond A. Dull. P. A. Pounds accepted the award for the management. — Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LIGHTER GofMfite^uaU, Dr. FRED FalnMr't Skin ' I Whitenec lightens tanned lark skin! Easy way! 25c at l drug stores. Use 7 days as 'directed Satisfaction or i Money Back. G&lenol. Box | 2f>4. Atlanta, Georgia. DR. FRED PALMER’S i SKIN WHITENER 5c WORTH GOOD READING Subscribe Today! | REDDEN’S | Lunch j X DINNERS FROM 4 TO 11 1 | ALA CARTE ORDERS 11 TO $ American Legion £ 24th & Parker Sts. | (upstairs) $ $. ‘‘POPULAR FOODS AT | POPULAR PRICES’’ $ triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii i I i -i i : ir;::r, i.iSMll . Here's the story behind the _ r 11 «r ^^B headlines of Yanks bombing 0 {V ( S I-®8 Tokyo — taken prisoner by ' B WmF rage! You'll thrill with pride! 'By "BP m * * * v b ]j|I[- FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP is a musical treat featuring - f|l IIL KAY FRANCIS, CAROLE LANDIS, MARTHA RAYE, MITZI . 1| jig! MAYFAIR, with JIMMY DORSEY and His Orchestra, JOHN if jgj HARVEY, PHIL SILVERS and introducing DICK HAYMES Ilf and these great Guest Stars: ALICE FAYE, BETTY GRABLE, ' §1 H CARMEN MIRANDA and GEORGE "i BI JESSEL, Master of Cerem°niej '___' ’_ - - Nebraska Power Remains As It Is Under Court Decision DDoes NOT Have to Be Sold! There is nothing in the decision of the Federal Court in Boston, announced recently, that will prevent the Nebraska Power Com pany from continuing as it is. IT WILL NOT HAVE TO BE SOLDI TRYING TO MISLEAD PEOPLE The Nebraska Power Company will continue to serve the people of Omaha in the same manner, with the same organization, and under the same local management—unless the small group which is trying to force our Company out of business and to socialize electric service in this community, has its way This group consists of the World-Herald and a few others who have been making a strenuous effort during the past year to persuade the people of Omaha that the Nebraska Power Company must be sold or that it will be ordered sold. NO CHANGE IN OMAHA Even if the United States Supreme Court should sustain the decision of the lower court, the Nebraska Power Company would NOT have to be sold. American Power & Light has submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission plans which will make possible the distribution of its Nebraska Power Company stock to the stockholders of American. So far as the people of Omaha are concerned, that stock distribution would make no change except that the common stock of Nebraska Power Company would be distributed to thousands of individual stockholders, leaving our Company just as it is. JUST A MYTH The story that the Nebraska Power Company must be sold or will be ordered sold is a myth, created to serve as a background for promoters and other people who favor municipal ownership. These people have been using this myth as the EXClfSE for their fight to socialize the Nebraska Power Com pany, put it under municipal ownership, and thus turn over another business to a political bureau. NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Low Rates—Good Service--Omaha’s Biggest Taxpayer