WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6*58 Chicago and Northwestern RE promote 5 waiters to dining car stewards. Now let's all sit up and take notice. Time brings changes efficient servee and good conduct helps one on to a good promotion. *♦**« Two waiters of (lie Milwaukee imimiiiiiiiiiiiimimmmniimiimm SHEEN LANTERN CAFE TIIE HOME OF GOOD FOODS AND HOME OF GOOD PEOPLE.” Fresh Food, Strictly Fresh —2116 North 24th— JA 9275 Mr. E. Britt, Mgr. mmiiitiiiI'1'i»iiiii»■ • • • p''1"* road have been chosen to repres ent the UR company in a drive, .nr two mi'lion dollar? for the Red ' Cross. r**** lie U. P. ooys are taking ve-y good care of the traveling public > in a very fine way. ***** We all extend our Jeep symp athy to the race horse headwaiter Mr. Maurice Corbert, who is sick in Desmoines, Iowa, arid we hope | for him a speedy recovery as he | i.? a joll ygood fellow at all times, | and is ready and willing always I to lend a helping hand ***** ITho Omaha Cluh -vaite's eie ops a* service at all times. Ti e Fontenel’e hotel waiR-rs re se: vjng with a smile ***** The liia' kstone hotel waiters are always out in front on polite and, quick service ***** Now fellow workers we are on the short-end cf the last winter month and we are w nderiri;* if it isn't about time we should pro duce some plan to put our n.ckc-ls and pennies and dimei together in ome kind of a group to build up ■omething for the future, as our contact with the v\ beclass f real business men shoui 1 be of ome benefit to help Improve our selves. ***** B’Other John Eva is, top man ut the Rome Hotel and gO’nP oTl good, THE WEEK Representatives of 'he Negro rWHY GIRLS BY THOUSANDS^ prefer this way to relieve distress of FEMALE WEAKNESS With Its Cranky, Nervous Feelings— Take heed If you, like so many women and girls on such days suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, weak, Irritable nervous feelings, are a bit blue — due to functional monthly disturbances. Start at once — try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It’s famous not only to help relieve monthly pain but also accompanying weak, nervous feelings of this nature. This Is because of its soothing effect on ONE or WOMAN’S MOST IMPORTANT organs. Taken regularly—Plnkham’s Compound helps build up resistance against such symptoms, rr helps nature. Thousands of women report benefits. Also a fine stomachic tonic! Fol low label directions. I Lydia E. Pinkham s VEGETABLE COMPOUND J Crossto wn I—TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— tf ATTENTION, LADIES! 1 You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, w and slacks designed to suit your personality K by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We m Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies ■ general repair work done. We also special- m ize in Tailored shirts. M Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... ■ -2022 NORTH 24th STREET- \ Newspoper publisher association were guest at the Great Lakes Naval Training- station for 3 (lays. March 1, 2 and 3 and fourth. ***** NY. noted Town Hall will sp. >n o.- a tc. ti.non.al musical concert and • neeting on Sunday evening. April 2. in honor of A Philip Ran 1 -Iph who was given the Clt-ndenin Award. ***** L. Hufstcad .' is I., nas invent ed A Tell the t.rae Around the. World Clock. The late I>r. Richard Arnett 'A'*!li.t-T» founder a-lJ president <•' he Rova’ Circle of Friend». left m estate of half a miti'O-l driJa.-s I t -'is death in Cnic-ig-. ill ***** I I j Rn :gn U. C. Rus3?1! was a nietn I '■ r s,f a (-lass of 193 th it graduat ed f.'-m flie U. S. coast G'.uird A cadeniyia: New L iiiai.i. Conn, lie a from R.chmond. Va. ***** Port-war housing for NY. city li.anj a $10,000.Oil} po3' war h >u.c r’g project for lower Hi.-lr-m. I ***** i Wijberforce univer-' l i elebr.it , i.<: its founder’s day of o.je bund led anniversarys. Risiu.jj R. c. Ransom who has be? a chairman if the trustee board for Cl years! was the main speaker, and to.'d if Negro leadership which was ia-gely supported by Negro People. ***** Vote for C. C. Galloway for State Senator and help keep race rep -es ented. Now let's all be united and win. ***** Sheriff M. Claude Screws of iiak ' er Cou'nty, Ga„ and two deputies have been sentenced to three yrs. imprisonment for violating the Civil Liberties statutes in Connec tion with a lynching. The Appe - ate court upheld the decision of ' e lower court. They were alto fined one thousand dollars each. 4 i *** Perry Howard Republican Nat ional Committeeman from Mjsf... .~ V3 there was no riff at the Chi cago Republican meeting. ***** T-Sgt. Joe Louis and Cab Callu | way are snapped by a camera on I a. record visit in Chicago ***** Tlie NAACP is making fine pro gress in the membership drive— — Take a membership and be a good spoke in the wheel ***** Walter White executive secy, of lie NAACP relates some Of the horrible sights he has looked at ! in London and his travels in Eng land. ***** K'd Green the giant city fire !i :n and H. W. Smith Chat on 24th ind Lake streets. ***** •less Harding a very good boost er for the NaACP. Let's til give li-n a good»hand. ***** Charley Payne hopes to see the NAACP get two thousand members ***** Goldie Davis entertains some THEY KEEP 'EM ROLLING* THE RAILROADS ARE THE BACKBONE BE OEEEHSE friends in a northside business house ***** Are yoi* a regular reader of the Omaha Gsfde- If so. tell others! ***** Two soldiers killed in a firo at Ft. Sheridan, 111., Sunday March 12. ***** The National Negro Council at a meeting in Chicag-o Sunday, Mar. 12t hcontended that the refusal of President Roosevelt to give the slightest personal or word toward the passage of the anti-poll tax bill helped block the Senators con sderation of the bill. ***** Congvessman Charles A. Hillock called on all Republican women to write and tell the boys in the ar my the truth about the manner which the administration has mis used the powers. —BT BLACK FORWARD WITH NAACP! Our problems are with us. All sorts and of every kind. Our ques tion is the same, what are we do ing to rectify some of ouv griev ous errors? Can’t we stop making excuses and get down to real hon est to God work and make some contribution, no matter how small or insignificant. The persons ear- . rying on every effort are as a rule the last to profit by or through our constant work. How can the bulk of those that reap the most of the profits be so indifferent. Why ignore the NAACP and other organizations until their inf'uence is in need? Numbers and motley are two important essential". in building'—The Omaha branc.a is anxious to build up a 1,000 member ship and there is no excu-c for Omaha not mal:!ng the grade There are many cities in the C.s. with from 2,000 to 8.000 that boast of memberships from 500, to 2.090 We believe there are many who are willing and anxious to heip us to accomplish this so we are ask ing interested persons to put for th an extra effort to contact some of our members and place a mem bership in: 1 a year, $2.50 adds the Crisis, the Association’s Journal; $5.00 includes all the literature put out during the year. Our next big meeting will be held on Mach 26th at 3:30 pm. at Clair Chapel. An interesting pro gram is being planned. Come out ind bring a friend. ***** WE QUOTE: Mrs. Roosevelt told another one of those planning- conferences last week: "\Ve must face the whole thin^j (Race prejudice) as a dac - tion of citizenship in a democracy." Very true. Negroes have been fac ing it for years. The First Lady says we cannot have a democracy without equality and then contrad icts herself by saying. "We arc a great democracy, etc.” Fact of the matter is that there has nev er been a democracy, here nor e^e ‘ where. I Reports from abroad as well as at home say that the morale of the Colored soldiers, sailors, etc is very high which puts to shame t’ne disparaging tatements made from time to time by prejudiced brass hats as they are dubbed. We have every reason to believe our boys measure up in every trust and re sponsiblity. Let us be so organiz ed that when the war is over and the rehabilitation is taking place our leaders can help in placing our group members in positions such as they are fully entitled. Unity, Harmony and Co-ordinatioU. Think of it. Act it and make its power a reality at least to a grea- • c-r degree than we now enjoy and understand it. What say you? ***** Don’t forget the Old Folks home —what it stands for—what it is doing—what it means to the com munity and the splendid record it “SOMETHING FOR THE BOYS” Carrie Smith, a sun-made maiden from Sunny Cal ifornia was chosen by several members on the steam ship Robert L. Vann, as a “wallet gal.” Miss Smith resides at 411 E. 41st. St., Los Angeles, Calif ornia and is at present taking a Business Course at a local university there. Members of the steamship unit have requestd ea sufficient number of photo graphs for their wallets. (Press Photo Service). “For My People” ,.by Margaret Walker For the cramped bewildered years we went to school to learn to know the reason why and the answers to and the people who and the places where and the days when, in memory of the bit ter hours when we discovered we were black and poor and small and different and nobody cared and nobody wondered and nobody understood.. ... .For my people standing staring, trying to fash ion a better way from confusion, from hypo crisy and misunderstanding, trying to fashion a world that will hold all the people, all the races, all the adams and eves and their countless gen erations: Let a new earth rise. Let another world be bom. Let a bloody peace be written in the sky. Let a second generation full of courage issue forth; let a people loving freedom come to growth. Let a beauty full of healing and a strength of final clenching be the pulsing in our spirits and our blood. Let the martial songs be written, let the dirges disappear. Let a race of men now rise and take control. has made in Omaha. Every citiz en is a share holder and has a re sponsibility to carry out- Several of our Civic, Fraternal and Relig ious Organizations have in the p ist and present made fine contr:b • tions to its welfare for which we are grateful and thankful and it is tlie intention of the Association, to at some future time, tell of these and let the Community knn*> nore fully of them and their work ***** IMPROVING It is a pleasure to hear of Lieut Harry Buford’s improving very satisfactorily in St. Catherine's Hospital after an operation. He is expected home by the first of aext week. ***** HARD TO KEEP DOWN Mrs. Katie Wilson has shed her irmou'r and is making the rounds rf her home and office once again —maybe a little slow but she's get ting there just the same- It's h 'd ;o keep a good person down. —HWB. ‘PIGS—MORE OR LESS” OVER now, MARCH 21ST Produce*' C. P. MacGregor will >restnt Sterling Holloway as his ?uest star on the Hollywood Radio rheatre over WOW, Tuesday Ma, - ;h 21. Mr. Holloway will star in m original radio play entitled,—— 'Pigs—More or Less.” VICTORY Bowl 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 !| Hours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning i “Bowl for Health” Answer these Questions and make a good laxative choice Qu'es. Can any laxative be of help when you feel listless, logy, or have a coated tongru'e? Ans. Yes, if those conditions are the result of consti pation. Ques. Why has Black Draught been such an outstanding ly popular laxative with four gen • erations? Ans. Because it is purely herbal, and usually prompt, thor ough, and satisfactory, when direc tions are followed. Ques. What’3 an other reason for Black-Draught’s 1 great popularity? Ans. It costs only 25c for 25 to 40 doses. Don’t wait! Get Black-Draught in the familiar yellow box today. Many prefer the new granulated form. Caution, use only as directed. In these concluding' verses <,f Margaret Walker’s title P°em. she speaks for her people, the Amer ican people- She speaks for the Negro through poetry as Richard Wright has spoken for him in prose. Although she directs her poems most explicity to the dis inherited Negroes of our country, she speaks for all the poor and underprivileged. Born in 1915, the daughter Of a Methodist minister, Margaret Wal her, graduated fom Northwestern University and has worked as a typist, a newspaper reporter a magazine editor .and a writer on the Federal Writers Project. At present she is professor of English, at Livingstone College in North Carolina. Out of these experienc es she has written poems, but she has also written them out of the experience of the Negro people, and out of all Amer'Ca. She is the first Negro poet to win the Yale Series of Younger Poets award. It is not only Miss Walker’s in-, dividual contribution, magnificent as it js, that strikes us, but .he ex tent to which the longings of genoerations of Americans have been g\ven voice by the Negro. For her music is the tune we all know best: her idiom is oar fam iliar spoken language: her ballads of Negroes in the southern slums are part of the folklore of all A inerica. As Stephen Vincent Benet points out in the book’s foreword Mar garet Walker has a thorough mas tery of widely varying techniques the Biblical free verse of her soc ial poems, the blues rhythm of her ballads, the condensed and power ful sonnets of her personal expor ience. In a poem five pages long Mgs TTmTrST'* PHARMACY —24th and Seward St.— Prescriptions —FREE DELIVERY— WE-1613 I Katie's Beauty Shop SPECIALIZING in SCALP Treatment TREATMENTS FOR SHORT STUBBY HAIR AND DRY, ‘ITCHIE’ SCALP. ALSO “ALL” HAIR STYLES 2201 Grant JA. 3236 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©S©©©®®©©®©©©©©®©©©©©©©©©©©©©©®*®©©* Classified Ads Get Resuits! WANTED Wanted a room In a Christian home for an elderly gentleman that has four sons in the service. Would like to have the accommodation as follows: room on same floor ns bath and a privilege to cook once in a while. Would like for thi« room to be in the area between Grace, south; Binney, north, 20tli | Street east and 30th west. Willing to pay a reasonable price for the above accommodations and will be a permanent roomer. Call WE. 0710 and ask for Mr. W. E. ErOwn. H'fTNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME £022 Lake St. WEbcter 202.’ WANT ID »(* '. - •urniture of all kinds—dressers, •eds, end tables, chairs and chest ! if drawers or complete home— I ipartment furnishings- Kettles and iisbes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—VVE. 2224 Walker is able to sum up past, present and future of the farm workers of the Mississippi Delta. In a group of ballads she records Molly Means, the witch, Poppa Chicken, the pimp, and Bad-man Stagolee; the violence and terror of life under lynch law present themselves, side by side with the unconquerable vitality that lynch ers can never suppress. FOR MOTORISTS WITH NEW PLATES Motorists who expect to receive • new car license plates this spring should nevertheless put their old numbers on the gasoline ration ' coupons now in their possession, the Office of Price Administration , announced. I When the new 1944 numbers are I issued, motorists may simply write the new number on the cover of their ration books; they will not be required to change the endorse ment on the coupons themselves. Coupons endorsed with the old 1943 numbers will be acceptable at filling stations if the ration book cover carries both the old number endorsed on the coupons and the new number shown o nthe plates on the car. z I iiiiiimiiiiiimmiimmimimiiiimm I FUNERAL DIRECTOR WE. 2022 In all our lives there is a time when the need of helpful funeral service arises. At such time our facilities are available plus ev ery means of thoughtful econ omy. Romas’ 2022 Lake Street oiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiii' NORTH 24th’ STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR PRICES - LOOK AT YOUH SHOES Other People Do. ("page BOYS j HUMAN HAIR * | $3.75 with a Free Jar £ Grower ! I IVERY FINE QUALITY HAIR We carry a full line of beauty and barber shop supplies. i —Write for Price List— |B “We Ship Anywhere’’ BKI.AREX BEAUTY PRODUCTS! I B 1722a Fulton Street. B B Brooklyn. 13, New YOrk.B **0*0*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 £ NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all slses Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds. Gas Stoves and Ot Stoves. ‘‘We Buy and Sell’’ — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM~& SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE «"• i _EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th P‘ WE. inr |Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME M TO RELIEVE [*■/RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It’s no surprise either, for Allenru Is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if It does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Oet Allenru today at any live druggist. Only 86 cents—Do It Now. c ECZEMA EASE THAT ITCH SUCCESSFULLY! Don’t bear the torments of eczema another day. Do as thousands of happy people have—use Poslam for quick, dependable relief. At night, when itching is worse, one applica tion of this CONCENTRATED ointment brings soothing comfort and lets you sleep. 18,000,000 packages sold during 35 years show It must be good. Recommended by many doctors. Sold from coast to coast. Only 50c at all druggists. Gross JEWELRY k LOAN CO. Phone ja-4635 formerly at Z4tti and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16™ ST. READ THE OMAHA GUIDE Weekly - HEN Functional Nervous Disturbances such as Sleep lessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Restlessness or Nervous Headache interfere with your work or spoil your good times, take Dr. Miles Nervine (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Nervous Tension can make you Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner vous Tension can cause Nervous Headache and Nervous Indiges tion. In times like these, we are more likely than usual to become overwrought and nervous and to wish for a good sedative. Dr. Miles Nervine is a good sedative -—mild but effective. If you do not use Dr. Miles Nervine you can’t know what it will do for you. It comes in Liquid and Effervescent Tablet form, both equally soothing to tense and over-wrought nerves. WHY DON’T YOU TRY IT ? •Get it at your drug store, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*, Liquid 25* and $1.00. Read direc tions and use only as directed.