SMILE AWHILE • CORRECT • f son—“Father whfn is something suppose to-be ‘in a mess'?’ Father (who has just piid his in come tax) “When something be Iilll!Iiili!illlt!Iiiiniil!l!!!!l!tillil>II!IBIIlli!lilll!!Ill!ji;il!iii!!iilir>!Klillli!!l1!!IIilIIIIIlllil* Do You Want To win love, happiness, money? If so, I can help you. No hard woik. Easy system brings quick results. Write for information. J. CALLENDED, Box 91, College Station, New York 30, N Y. «nm*mnin rmrrr.iniiini an tawnwitii iiiiiii—11—i I Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th FREE DELIVERY We. 0998 BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning-thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT— a whole family auoolv costs nnlv 1 n,* — Try This New Amazing Cough Mixture Outsells All Others in Canada on Merit Alone—Made in USA The King of all cough medicines for coughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds in cold wintry Canada is Buck ley’s CANADIOL Mixture—Fast working, triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes—clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam and other soothing healing ingre dients Buckley’s CANADIOL Mixture is different from anything you ever tried. Get a bottle today at any good drug store. y If You Had MYJOB Keeping house, helping take care of the family—you would realize that business girls are not the only ones who some times get Headache and Tired Aching Muscles. We home girls often work just as hard and have just as many Headaches, just as many Stomach Upsets and get just as Tired. About a year ago, I first used ALKA-SELTZER I find that it eases my Aching Head, takes the kinks out of Tired, Aching Muscles and brings relief when I have Acid Indigestion. The family says I am a lot easier to live with since I have known about Alka-Seltzer. *Have you tried ALKA-SELT ZER? If not, why don’t you get a package today? Large package 60#, Small package 30#, also by the glass at Sdda Fountains. » comes useless or almost so.” Son (noticing his father's billfold lying on the floor) “TheVs your billfold lying on the floor, daddy.” Father—“I know it ” Son,—“Don’t you want it any-; more?” Father—“No, son.” Son—"Why?” Father—“Because it’s in a mess.” ***** NOW ITS TOKENS Ration books have always been A solid pajn in my neck; i And with me now half wise to them, They tr°t ou ta ration check | Why they do such things to me I just can't understand Won’t I look silly running round With books and checks in rny hand? I’ll never learn which is for what. Or how many of ea' h must I give. If I care to keep this life That here On earth I live ysssssssssssssssssssss* I REDDEN’S Lunch | DINNERS FROM 4 TO 11 %\ «ALA CARTE ORDERS 11 TO IX 1 X 8 % American Legion | 24th & Parker Sts. | (upstairs) | X “POPULAR FOODS AT | POPULAR PRICES” X WEfcster 5217 “The Latest Smart Styles” i Victory r Beauty Salon —2118 North 24th St.— Omaha, Nebraska MRS. CLEONE HARMON'. Proprietress. ***** Operators:— HATTIE JOHNSON. Poro System, MARIE ROBINSON. LOOSE COOPER. ROSE ROACHE, ETHEL SMITH. ~-r* ' ■d hmlr that fa atraakad, burnt or diaeoloBoi and dr«M It vith MeBRADY’a Hair SIMmt lor Mon and Woman to A <11 uiiJii/a !>nn«< . within i few minute*. Does C not torn hair rad. Repeat 1 aa conditions demand. It’s 11 GUARANTEED not to^ harm your hair or acalp. | SEND NO MONEY Just mail coupon below for^» uiijjejar. pyauiuuiuw; —— »■ itax included) plus postage, with a GUAB lNTEE of complete satisfaction or von may return the unused portion within? days and getback your 66c. Deal with good old reliable firm that hat been in butinett ever 4 8 yean. I- --1 Why Look Old Before Your Time? Enjoy love, romance and success with black, well groomed hair. Don’t wait! JUST MAIL THE COUPON TODAY for our famous HAIR SLICKER I-RUSH COUPON TODAY-1 ! J. E. McBRADY A CO, Dept. 230 1041-49 Van Buren St, Chicago, IIL I I Send me a full-size jar of McBrady’a Guaranteed . Bair Slicker. I’ll pay postman 66c, plus postage. I | Name | i Address | ! WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES IN OUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER IENCED OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. EDH0LM&SHERMAN 2401 NORTH 24th STREET -PHONE WEbster 6055 rTMS -s made especially to relievo 'PERIODIC* FEMALE PAIN Ana its weak, Cranky, Nervous Feelings— Take heed If you, like bo many women and girls on such days suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, weak, nervous feelings, distress of “Irregularities”—due to functional monthly disturbances. Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound to re lieve such symptoms because this famous medicine has a soothing effect on one op woman’s most im portant organs. Taken regularly thruout the month—It helps build up resistance against such symp toms. Thousands upon thousands of 0women report benefits! There are no harmful opiates In Plnkham's Compound—It Is made from nature’s own roots and herbs (plus Vitamin BO. rr helps nature. Also a fine stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Worth trying! I Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND J I’m groggy now from carrying four books; My brain is clouded and hazy, And if they keep this rationing up, I’m going to be plum crazy. I’m worried and all fluttered up; That’s why I’m here so outspoken Why don't they leave things just as is— Why make them wrose with a token? —Hill. iiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii LEGION SIDELITES by JULIUS E. HILL simiiiiiimmimiimimiiiiiiiiiiimmi ANYTIME IS THE RIGHT TIME After all, ex-servicemen, yon don't HAVE to wait until there’s a membership drive before you jnjn the post. You can do that any time. But NOW is the right tin e. ***** PERFECT DI O Comrade Bridges likes to cat — and we DO mean eat. Post cock, Comrade Redden likes nothing better than to feed him. That why they are a perfect duo. ***** WHY NOT? One of these days the Post is go ing to wake up and give a free banquet for the members. Hope it is soon; Don’t you? * * * * * BIRTHDAY A Legionnette who holds an of fice in this post’s auxiliary', had a birthday last week. In some way she and GeoOrge Washington who was a hundred or more years ago, the President of this country and incidentally the man who started the fad of crossing the De’awate managed to be horned the same day the 22nd day of February. Now don't set this wrong. Remember we said the same day, meaning of the month and (mentioning noth ing whatsoever Concerning the year ***** HENRIETTA Every two or three nights we gc to the post and find a new face a mong those of the waitresses. They come and go like soldiers on pat ade. Yet there is one face that we can be sure of seeing; and that is Henrietta’s. Mrs. Henrietta Claxton worked for the post the latter part or' Us ‘crawling days’; and when it was able t° stand up and walk like u plan she caught step and went with it to ts prsent locaton and went to work in its new nighl club, the LOUNGE. She is one waitress who can he depended on when all others fu'l Most all the patrons know' an! like her and she knows how t° fret al ong with them nevertheless. And while she serves the public here in Omaha, four who are very dear to her heart, her husband, son, son-in-law and nephew are serving an even larger public in the armed forces of the USA. ***** YOU NEVER CAN TELL Just because a miss waits table, isn’t proof that she can do ng else* For Mss Starlett Peter son not so long ago was a waitress at the Lounge- But the uniform one sees her wearing now. and look ing very spiffy in. Certainly is not worn by a waitress. It is the uniform of a Civilian Aviation Pil ot- What’s tmore I Miss Peterson, who lives at 2418 Maple street, is a captain. Now who would havj thought she was air-minded. But you never can tell about folks. Sunday night she was seen at the post in the company of Cpl. Eu gene Gentry of the Medical Corps. I AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th JA-2821 “WHEN YOU COME IN — PLEASE ACT LIKE CITIZENS” | BE GOOD | NATURED !’ Are you the man your \v>fe !; !| married? Or have you grown ! i! old before your time? Do you ;! ' still have the same old desire j; !; for the things she 'ikes to do.. ! or are you another one that’s i! ; just too tired? If this is true, j! ;; BEPEP may help you by giving |; !; you Vitamin B in concentrated! i! form, the vitamin that builds;! ;i pep and energy. Send today;; !; for your bottle and start to build !; !| towards better living through '! '! better health and pep. ;'! 50 Tablets $1 ;! 100 Tablets $1.75 (Plus C. O. D. Charges) || !| If you. send cash, we will pay !; !| postage. ;! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE AGENTS WANTED I’ MAIL YOUR ORDER TO BEPEP SALES Corporation _ ;| !; 201 South Craig Street Dept. 65, Pittsburgh, (13), Pa. ![ 1 r Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Etta Moten, currently star I ring in “Porgy and Bess” in New York, photographed following their discussion of Edwin Embree’s 13 AGAINST THE ODDS over WQXR’s "Other People’s Business.” Mr. Wright is one of the thirteen most emi nent contemporary Negroes (others are Paul Robeson, J. Philip Ran dolph, Marian Anderson, and Joe Louis) whose life stories the author of Brown Americans sketches in his new book. Neil Scott of Interstate United Newspapers arranged the radio discussion. New W o r I d A-Coming... by Roy Ottley A MUST READ!!! “Inside Black America.” the sub title of Roi Ottley's book, perhup best explains it- He tells the story of Harlem from the time, when in 1626 eleven Negroes were imported in the then Dutch Colony of New Amsterdam and a way of life for Black America began. Although Mr. Ottley deals most specifically with Harlem, that most complex of colored communities, this description serves as a mirror to reflect the many intricate parts of Negro thought and action throughout the United States. He use soutstanding individuals such as A. Philip Randolph. Rev. Clay ton Powell, Joe Louis, James W. Ford and Father Divine to reveal the influence of broad social forc es. “NEW WORLD A-COM IN'"}” is a very shre'vd, objective and ac curate survey of Negro life m A merica by a reporter who spent ten years in preparing this book. Especially interesting because of the present national and world conditions are his chapters on “Freedom of the Black Press,” “Executive Order Number 8802” — (whereby the Fair Employment Practice Committee was set up,) “Made in Japan,” wherein he dis cusses the influence of Axis pro paganda disseminated among the Negroes and his chapter on "What Negroes are Saying.’’ Mr. Ottley points out that we are again approaching a crisis and that, as in the time of the Civil, War, our nation could not remain half free and half slave, it is now a question of whether the whole world will become truly free o” will sink into the slavery of fascism. The author says, “The Negro's cause in America is the barometer of democracy. If it falls here, it falls everywhere, for colored men will lose hope, and the whole wo-Id be be plunged into a racial con vulsion which may very well krin-? about the destruction of civiliza tion. The Negro’s cause will rise or fall with America, He knows well that his destiny is intimate y bound to that of the nation. Am erica stands today as a symbol of freedom: The loss of this symbol will mean the loss of hope for white and black alike- This war un deniably, belongs to the Negro a« well as to the white man.’’ There fore. now is the time for us ail to Join forces behind the leaders who are struggling to do away with the myth of “White Super / iority” and restore all of the col ored peoples of the world to their rightful equality in the ' Nov. World A-Coming.” “NEW WORLD A-COMING-’ — may be purchased at the New World Bookshop, 1403 !-2 Dougins St., JA-3965. SPRINT CHAMPION SERVING IN COAST GUARD Eulaee Peacock, BIMc of tin United States Coast Guard, is a. tached to the Communication sec tion at Coast Guard Headquarters in New York. The national sprini Champion. who holds countie ;s na tional and Olympic records, mis been serving as an instructor in Manhattan Beach Training Sta tion. The 29 year old runner has hung up his track shoes for the duration, although he has partic ipated in several special War Bond meets in New York, and is being featured during the Fourth War Loan drive when he raced in spec ial events, at the Millrose. K cf Co., and IC4A meets at Madison Square Garden. Peaeocg is a grad hate of Temple University where he achieved collegiate track dis tinction and is a native of Linden, New J< rsc.v. Press Photo Service. RELAX-ENJOY Your Paper—the Guide rCITYCIGARSTOREfi 12510 N. 24th .. JA-9370:; u SOFT DRINKS & ALL BRANDS !| OF CANDY & GUM I; Mgr. MR. C. MACKLIN, u Partner, JACK WILLIAMS. !| — ..- - -- , BARGAINS and UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS - WATCHES, Hi JEWELRY “PRESENT THIS AD” and Rtceive A Dollar Credit on any item of jewelry $10.00 or over. MARCUS LOAN & JEWELRY CO. 320 North 16th ' —Phone AT 8840 V----.---j I MRS. MATTIE TAYLOR,. 2611 BINNEY AT 3308 AVON’S PRODUCTS LUX Barber Shop 2045 NORTH 24th STREET “This is the Home of Corn Fix” at Royal Theatre EARL HINES and his 27 piece nil to invade the Royal Theatre of Baltimore. The band is mak ;• it: fourth appearance jn one year at this house. (photo by Curley Read) ***** “BACKSTAGE . . GOSSIP” (BY Cl'RLEY E. REEI)) Baltimore. Md.—Now that the inimitable “Savannah Churchill”,, •lid marry Pittsburgh’s ace play I) v, 1 do hope the boys in the band don’t take it to heart. Savannah, b i g the “Bob-o-link” in the Ben ny Carter’s band. The husband, or should I say makeshift being the Rob "t Dews of Pittsburgh, Pa., looking in on many more things to happen we find that the gor geous and most lovely ‘‘Evelyn Hunter,” of the Royal Theatre, can by paged at more places then !> theatre- Mpr yet. she in lore with one known as only “B-B”, —Earl Hines, moves in the Royal Week of March 3. The case of what will Lucky Milljnder do with Out "Sister ROsetta Tharp,'.''.... Can? "Judy Carol." cut it — tune in next week for your answi—. or | .’an ‘‘Effie Simith,’’ take ‘‘Ada Jam es," place >n “Erskine Hawkins’” band—yes? and lots more- Can “Marva Louis," hold her spot with OMAHA’S best NAT TOWLES’ band-1 wonder? and on the other hand, why is Towles losing all his best musicians? To the ar my, NO! Next is "Billy Eckstein” .loing better by his self Or better when with “Earl Hints,” “No.” — Next is the "Sweethearts of Rhy- < thm”, better then Eddie Durham's All girl band. The answer is this one plays music, the other has plenty of wardrobe, Dunham plays music. Sweethearts looks cure,— "Ethel Waters,” has high hatted more people than anyone 1 knov, in show business, who is next-j “John Cheatham,” and ‘‘Walter mag" Wright. The case of “d* and don’t” Do I think the Colored bands of today will have musicians shortage—Yes? only to better their condition—Look at the bands of Jay MeShann”. ‘Nat Towles", "Lips Page.” an dmany more .... ihoi. d a home musician have home to travel with a touring band, yes! j HICK’S ™ j| i:For Popular Brands of :j i: BEER & LIQUORS —2229 LAKE— ;; “Always A Place to ji Park’” STREAMLINED BARBER SHOP 1708 North 24th “PLEASING YOU KEEPS US IN BUSINESS” >.---J II Hollywood gals and gaiety go ^ "Over There" in FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP, a knockout musical romance featuring KAY l-RANUo, CAROLE LANDIS, MARTHA RAYE, MITZI MAYFAIR, j with JIMMY DORSEY and His Orchestra, JOHN HARVEY, PHIL SILVERS and introducing DICK | HAYMES! Also these great Guest Stars: ALICE FAYE, BETTY GRABLE, CARMEN MIRANDA. GEORGE JESSEL, Master of Ceremonies! ★ * ★ | It’s fighting mad! DARRYL F. ZANUCK'S greatest I production THE PURPIE HEART tells the , thrilling behind-the-headlines drama of Yank? v bombing Tokyo! if they want to get anywhere, yes. Now i.s your chance to go. Sec you next week, “DO YOU THINK.?” BEFORE you get your;| i;Shoes Shined, SEE.. ;! BUSTER at the Ritz : 2016 NORTH 24TH ST. \\ ]; -—BUSTER SMITH. j! /if ) 1 Those with tanned-dark skin, <9 externally caused, who want it M lighter, smoother, softer, should try Dr. FRED Palmer'* Skin i|§ Whitener. I Tse 7 daysasdirected. VH If not satisfied MONEY RACK. V| 25c at druggists. GALENOL, v Box 204. Atlanta. Georgia. 1 DR. FRED PALMER’S 1 SKIN WHITENER What’s in a name? ■to ★ ★ ★ When it’s “A Guy Named Joe” the answer is—"plenty”! ★ ★ ★ ★ For that’s the title of MGM’s exciting film, revolving around airmen and air women... and a sky-high romance. I With Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne at the controls, this is a great story of fearless courage and deathless love. ★ ★ ★ ★ Spencer Tracy gives a knock-out per formance. ★ ★ ★ ★ And Irene Dunne matches it, clinch for clinch! ★ ★ ★ ★ You won’t feel earth-bound when "A Guy Named Joe” takes oyer and speeds you to the heavenly thrills that are in store for you. ★ ★ ★ ★ MGM has made a great and important picture of this one. ★ ★ ★ ★ Don’t miss it! —Lt& F.S. Don’t miss your chance to help. Buy a Bond today. v4- a.a *■ two' v NEBRASKA POWER IS OMAHA’S BIGGEST * TOTAL 1943 TAXES . . . $1,936,822.79 Federal Taxes.$988,493.49 In 1943 our Company paid nearly one million dollars in taxes to help pay the cost of winning the war . . . dollars to buy ships and planes and tanks for our armed forces. Our Company is proud to have been able to make these tax payments which are helping to bring our fighting men home more quickly. Local Taxes.$948,329.30 This great sum was paid in 1943 to help pay the cost of maintaining our schools, parks, fire and police departments, and other necessary functions of gov ernment. Again, as Omaha’s biggest taxpayer, our Company is glad it is able to assist so greatly in the communities we serve. NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY * Low Rates * Good Service * Omaha's Biggest Taxpayer