EXTINGUISHES FIRE IN HOME WITH OCI> IIAN'J) PIMP Clyde Betts. 3129 South 18th St., earned his appointment as senior fire guard of Vinton school district by extinguishing a fire in his own home with a hand pump fire e> tinguisher furnished by the Omaha Civilian Defense fire guard organ ization. Awakened early Thursday morn NEW WORLD LOOMING by Roi Ottley . . REVIEWED ON PAGE 3 and other books, maga zines and pamphlets of special interest to the Negro reader. ... —AVAILABLE AT. ... New World Bookshop 1403'/* Douglas JA 3965 *_ J BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. » to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS ing by smoke, Betts found ceiling rafters in the basement ablaze, the fire having started from a di?ojn nected furnace pipe- With th< fire extinguisher he had received as an OCD auxiliary policeman and fire guard, he put out the f»i c without calling the city fire depart ment. When i t tePorted the incident, Harry Owen, chief fire guard, ap pointed him senior fire guard of Vinton school district which v ill hold its fire guard organization meeting at the school March 9. Castelar ^ehool district file guards will be Organized at a meet ing at the school at 8 pm. Monday, with Dwight Eckles as senior fire guard, and Sherman school district with Chester Light as senior fire gu’ard. will be organized Marc a 3. Owen announced. OCD auxiliary police of District Two will meet at South Side city hall Wednesday night, when 90 members will be graduated as fir 3 guards with James Riha, distct auxiliary police commander as sen ior fire guard. Graduation as fire guards of 110 auxiliary police of District one. un King Yuen Cafe CHOP STTEY 2010/a N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes ##^»########################### - > i > « > : i < » < > •M_-._ Riiz BEAUTY SHOP 2031 N. 24th Phone WE 6285 “Quality Service and Comfort > Cost No More.” ► Peggie L. James, Proprietress, * —Operators— Bernada W. White ... Anna Gray Live W ire Shining I arlor -2020 NORTH 24th STREET M. T. Thomas, Prop. SOFT DRINKS & CIGARS “Why Go Somewhere Else,—Get Your Shoes Shined Here.” TIPTOP TAILORS ill CLEANING Ml TAILORING WEU GONE Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Morris, Props. —“For the Quickest and Best Service”— PHONE AT-6138 1804 NORTH 24th ST. Omaha, Nebr. GENEROUS BENEFITS! BUDGET-PLAN Ufa Insurance Provides: DEATH BENEFITS for Death from Sickness or Natural Causes double indemnity Double Benefits for Accidental Death EXTENDED INSURANCE If you can't keep up Policy, protection continues for a liberal period CASH VALUE If you want to turn in Policy total disability and other generous Benefits. FREE INSPECTION • Examine this amazing Policy without fail. Send coupon for complete FREE details and 21 day FREE INSPECTION offer. No obligation. Mail it today! •1 ~1 PIONEER LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1642 Pioneer Bldg., Rockford, 111. • Now, every man, woman and child can afford reliable LIFE INSURANCE backed by Legal Reserves! No need to be without protection! BUDGET-PLAN permits you to decide how much insurance you want. Over 21 Billion Dollars budgeted insurance now in force proves its tremendous valuel PAY AS YOU CO I Pay as little as 5c a week if you wish! 10c pays double benefits; 15c pays triple ben efits, etc. So easy on the pocketbook, so easy to own, all members of the family should have their own individual policy. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION No Red Tape—No Agents—No Collectors. Pioneer Life Insurance Co., 1642 Pioneer Bldg.. Rockford, 111. ■ Please send me Fr«e details about Budget- ; I Plan Life Insurance and Free Inspection offer. | j Name.I . Address.I jjCity. State. tTloSW** Smith Bros, has served the public since 1847. In that period America has fought five wars. Only during wartime has there ever been any shortage of Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Our production now is war-reduced but we're dis tributing it fairly to all. Still only 5*. A nickel checks that tickle! tt SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS j ^ BLACK OR MENTHOL— 5* tt RATIONAL War Fund leaders meet at the Waldorf-Astoria in New *’ York to make plans for the 1944 campaign for seventeen war-related philanthropies. Left to right: Orlo F. King, Executive Director, Illinois War Fund; Channing Tobias, member of the Board ef Directors, and Maxwell Hahn. reDresenting the Field Foundation. _ - - — m ^ ^ ^ ^ii dec Vernon Moore, senior f-re guard, will be held at Central po lice station Monday night, Mai 'h 6, and 74 auxiliary police of V'f trict Four will be graduated as firp guards at Pearl Memorial Mtth odist ChuTch, 24th and Ogden sts.. Friday night, March 10. “ABOUT OUR FRIENDS.” INKSPOTS We have heard of folks having spots before their eyes; we have heard of folks even getting ink spots on their clothes; But it was left to Mrs. Hattie Allen, 2114 Clark, to come up with a new oih : inkspots on her mind. The Ingspots we refer to are the four who were at the Orpheuin Theatre a few weeks ago. They hav been here before but Mrs. Al ien didn’t go to see them. They came again and still she didn’t make a move to do somtehing a bout it. But she didn’t do some thing about it those times she cei tainly did the last time. She just couldn’t get her mind off them. She really had the Ink spots on her mind. So when they returned this year she got herself together and went to see them. And that’s just part of rhe story. Her going to see them attests to their wonderful drawing power and popularity if nothing else do es/ For it has been so she tells us, ten years since she has set f°ot in a theatre- She enjoyed the ex perience greatly until it was time to return home- It was then that despite her having been relieved of ‘inkspots’ on hr mind she wa*= very unhappy about the whole thing. She isn’t any too fond o.1’ walking and doesn’t like waiting for street cars. And she couldn't get a taxi. Now you folks can see what the inkspots did to Mrs. Hattie Allen. J.E.1I. # ELKDOM NEWS Iroquois Lodge No. 92 is glad to report that Brother Charles Cleve land, who was taken ill on the train and removed to a hosptal in Alliance. Nebraska, this past week, is now recovered. ***** The Ralph Bates Marching Club No- 367 and the auxiliaries of the, Cherokee Temple No. 223 wish to thank the many hundreds of peo ple who came to the Saturday nite party, which is held weekly for young and old. If you have not attended one of these parties, don’t miss this Saturday night. Plenty of fun for all! Have a party! Come to a party! Tell your friends! We thank you. ***** The GMC. Marching Club of Cherokee Temple No. 223 is expect ing their former president, rii>s Hnrine Bakr back to the oRy in the near future- She was a won derful help to the club and a tire less worker in this unit. ***** The Ralph Bates Marching Citih No. 367 wishes tO announce to old and new members that the regular meeting of this unit are the Cirri and third Tuesday of each month. Please be present at the first meet ing in March. Prsident Herbert Richardson has been looking for ward to accomplishing many things Each member shotTd be present to hear the program that is to planned. ***** Iroquois Lodge No. 92 IBPO. Of . .1-- -' “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL' MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. ----—.. -i MILDRED’S Sandwich SHOP 2409 Lake St. JA-0836 “A Clean Place to EAT at MILDRED’S” HOT BAR-B-QUE, CHICKEN, | FISH AND CHITTERLINGS. “Patronizing Us is like making Love to A 'Widow’.” “You Can’t Overdo It.” - J W. has been very busy this yen I accepting new members into the lodge. A very fine group of fif teen new members joined this or - ganization during the month of January. ***** The GMC. Marching Club Girls, are adding new members in bis club. Th-.y arc making arrange ments for Grand Lodge in Chicago this summer. This club of g-'ns are a fine unit to be a member of Iroquois Lodge No. 92 are vert proud of this Unit. GMC. Gills wish to impress on all new and o’d members that the (regular) m-^et Ings of this club is the first and third Sundays of each monih. All members please he present. Busi ness of importance- Pres. UOpp.a Sudduth, Vice. Clara Wilson, Se'-y, Vera Williams, Treas. Rose White. PRAISEWORTHY A splendid home front contribu tion on the part of two leading Chicago top-ranking Social Clubs brought high praise this week from Major C. Udell Turpin, Deputy Ad ministrator. U. S. Treasury Depart ment. The President’s of these social organizations are shown a bove who are left to right, Miss Bernadine McGee. President of the Winsome Misses Club and Miss Helen Kerry. President of the Rov alties Social Club. Members of both clubs have bought an unus ual amount of War Bonds and Stamps, have contributed a lot to wards morale building of service men by creating correspondence clubs to the fightng men and lend ing a helping hand to Bond drives service Centers and Red Cross work Such home front contributions are typical to the thousands of clubs thruout America said Major Tur pin. Press Photo Service. -I WALLET GAL Pretty Clemonteen Rivers of 4218 W. Warren Ave., Detroit, Mich was selected “Wallet Gal’’ by con valescenot Marines in the U. S. Naval Hospital, ward 5 at Hadnot Point, New- River. N. C. Miss Rivers was one of the prize winn ing beauties of 1942 and is attend ing Detroit University with h pa of becoming a physician some day. Press Photo Service. THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA. 0800 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. C. Galloway_Publisher and Acting Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA ONE YEAR — — — — — $3.00 SIX MONTHS —. — — — $1.75 THREE MONTHS - — — $1.25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN ONE YEAR — — — — — $3.50 SIX MONTHS — — — — — $2.00 1 All News Copy of Churches and all organiz 1 ations must be in our office not later than 1:00 i p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertis i ing Copy on Paid Articles not later than Wed i nesday noon, preceeding date of issue, to insure i publication. National Advertising Representative:— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC., s 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone “ MUiray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. REPUBLICANS AT LINCOLN DAY DINNER Judge and Mrs. Francis E. Rivers, of Tew York and their hosts Mr. and Mrs E. C. Wiggins of Washington, D. C., on the occasion of the Republican Lincoln Day Dinner held in Washington’s fam ous Mayflower Hotel on February 10, 1944, at which Judge Rivers was one of the principal speakers. Reading from left to right: Mr. Wiggins, Mrs. Wiggins, Judge Rivers, Mrs. Rivers. ATTENDS BOULE Dr. Connie R. Yerwood-Odom of Austin. Texas and who is Medical Consultant for the State’s Depart ment of Health was one of the several hundred delegates who at tended the Alpha Kappa Alpha Boule which closed Feb. 20. Con sidered as one of the top ranking physicians and surgeons in her state. Dr. Yerwood, who is a Me harry graduate, holds the distrnc tion of being the first and only physician of her race on the hone Star State’s Medical staff. She lauded the work of the Municipal Tuberculosis and Provident Hos pitals. where she made extensive visits and marveled at the hospit ality shown members of her sor ority during its period there. Dr. Yerwood is a South Central Reg ional Director of the AKA Soror ity and was the house guest of Mr and Mrs. Fred Meredity of South Michgan Ave. Wanted! JURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRUCKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2561 Coming St. Phone AT. 5656 Omaha BUY i UNITED STATES SAVINGS ► ON DS D^TAMPS IiSBfiaiEiiiaSEBBSiBSJirTOI I “A Negro Owned Business” _**_ A t riendly Greeting and ANNOUNCEMENT from Ryland E. Melford 1 I _ 1 TO OUR FRIENDS, old and new. We offer a complete selection of Exclusive Beauty Prep arations. .. Choice Colognes, and Fine Perfumes. Our face powders are delightfully fragrant, triple silk-screened and Shade Toned for your complexion. Our service includes individual blending if you prefer. Consult with us and let our friendly representatives help solve your beauty problems. BON NITA Products 2916 H. 28th St. JA 2189 RYLAND E. MELFORD, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST k It used to be TABOO for girls to discuss this kind of helo Many a girl has suffered from cramp-like pain and other distress es du'e only to periodic functional causes simply because that was a subject people didn’t talk about. Nowadays, thousands of women rely on the 2-way help of CARDIJI Started 3 days before the time ai d taken as directed, CARDUI should help relieve purely functional peri odic pain. Used as a tonic, it often perks up appetite, increases the flow of gastric uices, thu's aiding digestion and thereby helping to build up st—*ngth and resistance for the time it's most needed. CARDUI may help you. A 6? year record says it’s worth a trial. Use this easy home treatment If you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises caused by catarrh of the head write us NOW for proof of the good results our simple home treatment has accomplished for a great many people. Man^ past 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing to wear — no one need know. Send today for p.oof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! THE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 375 • Davenport, Iowa - KOL-SAVER BURN CHEAPER COAL GET MORE HEAT Proper combustion h the answer. KOL-SAVER assures proper combustion and pro vides greater heating effici ency. Cuts coal consumption 20% . . . eliminates soot and smoke. No installation cost, just place or. grate. Investi gate now . . . Where to Buy— KOL-SAVER IDEAL FURNITURE MART —24th and Lake St — Phone WE-2224 ARMY SHOES FOR SALE! at the RITZ SHOE SHOP 2016 North 24th St. —FRANK POMIDORO— 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS H riv fl«l»v WE. 0609 DUFFY Pharmac:' ^.V/.VAV.W.VW.V.VM ^Scratchins,H„ For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves i t, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for O. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. . v-c 4 1 , I Alka-Seltzer ABC METHOD A — Alka-Seltzer, start taking it at once to relieve the Dull, Aching Head, and the Stiff, Sore Muscles. B — Be careful, avoid drafts and sudden changes in tempera ture. Rest — preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi bly, drink plenty of water or fruit juices. Be sure to get enough Vitamins. C — Comfort your Sore, Raspy Throat, if caused by the cold, by gargling with Alka-Selt zer. If fever develops, or symptoms become more acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unusually effective in action. Take it for Headache, Muscular Pains and for Indigestion, Gas on Stomach, when caused by excess stomach acid. 'At your drug store — Large package 60*, Small package 30*, by the glass at soda fountains. • do you Have trouble with your ieet? Do they perspire too freely and crack file skin between the toes? Do they ache and burn? Are yon troubled with painful corns, cal louses or Athlete's Foot? Thao try I.D .1—an amazing new formula guaranteed to bring re lief —or double your money backl EASY TO USE—easy to buy, get LDi' "IDI FRED WALKER, AGENT 984 N. 25th ST. PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— Subscribe Today!