HOW TO SHOP WITH RATION TOKENS New System Saves Time, Trouble, Manpower and Paper >-\s \r a ( ALL RED and BLUE stamps FIVE BLUE stamps become THREE RED stamps become I in War Ration Book 4 are valid beginning Feb. 27: valid beginning Feb. 27: BA, 8B, 8C, 8D and 8E 8A, 88 and 8C Ntw stamps b*com« IMHSFAMi WORM 10 FORM yolid #v#ry J W«Bks •ACM SIAMF WOITM 10 FOlNIS /-V \ RED and BLUE TOKENS are RED and BLUE TOKENS are In/MKIT used to make CHANGE for ^POlIlT EACH RED and BLUE stamps only when #5^4 — M r \r — - Us. RED Tokws wirt RED Stamps Us. BLUE M* wirt. BLUE Stamps IMPORTANT! POINT VALUES of BROWN and GREEN STAMPS are NOT thonged MOWN STAMPS, T and z *" *ook No. 3 Good till Mar. i0. 1944 ' C*lM S,"»« •«. I o„d M <» *~k NO. 4 Good M Mar. TO. ,944 TOKENS REMAIN VALID INDEFINITELY_ I I McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. m to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS ONEIaI day VITAMIN JL=d TABLETS 'T'HINK of it! Your min imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of B Complex Vitamins, in one pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. MILES NERVINE , T| O TENSE nerves make you Wakeful, Cranky, Restless? Dr. Miles Nervine helps to lessen Nervous Tension. Get it at your drug store. Read directions and use only as directed. Alka-Seltzei \tr HEN Headache, Mus ” cnlar Pains or Simple Neuralgia, •Distress after Meals, Gas on Stomach, or “Morning After" interfere with your work or spoil your fun, try Alka-Seltrer, Mrs. Mary Jane Butler Keeps Her Promise “I’ll outsell other women of the Auxiliary”, she said. And so far she has. (by J. E. HILL) (Special to the Omaha Guide)— She being a LegiOnnette and I a Legionnaire, Mrs. Mary Jane But ler and I are quite good friends and kid each other a Jot. When she started selling Bonds and. Stamps, naturally I had a few wise cracks to make concerning her a bility as a salesman. And she, be ing who who can give just as well as she can take, told me that she intended to outsell any women in the Auxiliary who even acted as if she were going to try to sell Bonds and stamps. And don’t you know so far she has made good on her word? The last time we discussed bonl King Yuen Cafe CHOP STTEY 20101/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes REAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE j SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER |» I 1410 North 24th St. || ; —CARL CRIVERA— Rilz BEAUTY SHOP 2031 N. 24th Phone WE 6285 | “Quality Service and Comfort L Cost No More.” r Peggie L. James, Proprietress, —Operators— Bernada W. White ... Anna Gray Live Wire Shining Parlor, -2020 NORTH 24th STREET- I 1 M. T. Thomas, Prop. ( I SOFT DRINKS & CIGARS | “Why Go Somewhere Else,—Get Your ^ Shoes Shined Here.” TIP TOP TAILORS Dll GLEANING 111 TAILORING WEU DONE Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Morris, Props. —“For the Quickest and Best Service”— PHONE AT-6138 ’804 NORTH 24th ST. Omaha, Nebr Smith Bros, has served the public since 1847. In that period America has fought five wars. Only during wartime has there ever been any shortage of Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Our production now is war-reduced but we’re dis tributing it fairly to alL Still only 5 4. A nickel i checks that tickle! f | .SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPSk f BLACK OR MENTHOL— 5* M sales she had sold upwards of $2000 worth and was still going strong. Now that isn’t hay in anybody’s language, and it takes a lot of work to sell that many bonds with so many others on the northsirte' doing the -same thing. But still T wanted to make some wise cracks, and again she turned them to good, u’se and made me look more like a bum than ever. “Well,” I said, “For one who knows so little about anything you haven’t done badly at all. How did you do it ?” “And I believe you would really like to know!” she giinned. "I have a reason for trying to do so well- And it isn’t just a de sire to win over others in the Aux iliary.” “What reason?1’ I came back, trying to appear unconcened, but only succeeding in looking moi e foolish. She replied. "Well, the only way I can help to win this war is by selling as imany bonds and stamps as possible. In spite of the fact there isn’t the average amount of brain cells in your head and in spite of my doubts, perhaps you are well enough informed to know that they won’t let us women car ry arms and fight on the battle fields with the men. Therefore for those of us not in the WACs this is one of the best ways in which we we can help them.’’ After I had admitted that she was right she continued. “Furth ermore, I have another reason now for helping to win the war.” “What is it?” Iwas t°o curious to attempt any xvise cracks. “A seven pound baby girl,” she replied proudly. “T’ain’t true!” I gasped in amaze ment forgetting what little english I am suppose to know. • “T’is true,” she countered. “Don’t be dumb! I know what you’re thinking. You would! I became a grandmother the other day.” “Oh,” I murmured. “Yes,” she went on, “Tuesday morning at 4:15 there was horned to imy son and his wdfe, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Butler, 1819 1-2 Chari es street, a baby daughter, whom they ihave named Carotene.My daughter-in-law and granddaught er are doing well at Frederick Hospital, 205 South 37th street I where they are at the present time” And that folks, is the answer tc the sixty-four dollar question. Yes, Mrs. Mary Jane Butler real izes now that she has more reas ons than ever to do all she can in support of the war effort- And with a look that only shows in the eyes of mothers and grandmothers with an “I’ll be seeing you,” she got to her feet, adjusted on her head one of those things women are so fond of. referring to as hats and left me in search of more bond buyers. And although I’im not a betting man, I’ll lay anyone odd? that she finds them: i l =1 —l-' 11 PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Wnrk A Specialty 2422 Lake st. MILDRED’S Sandwich SHOP 2409 Lake St. JA-0836 “A Clean Place to EAT at MILDRED’S” HOT BAR-B-QUE, CHICKEN, FISH AND CHITTERLINGS. “Patronizing Us is like making Love to A ‘Widow’.” “You Can’t Overdo It.” ' . .. Jl I ‘DISCONTENTED!” NAACP Yes and again discontented, the person that Is not contented with his lot in life is the one that will go ahead in life. The English people gathering at Runnymeade forced the Magna Charta from King John. The coming to Amer ica of Columbus followed later by the Pilgrims, all seeking a freeer broader life, The Colonists who fought taxation and the revolut ionary war; The praying Negroes and Abolitionists not satisfied with, the yoke of bondage were seeking the right to a place in the sun and were discontented. People the world over today are determined to make a change. There is a clearly drawn line, on one side is the group seeking a selfish policy of greed, power and intolerance; On the other side— those who believe in Love thy Neighbor as thyself. Justice, fair play, tolerance and all the Freed oms built upon a world wide de mocracy. But these conditions are not ob tained by wishful thinking. We must be willing to make sacrific es, which Come from financial con tributions, 'personal and moral sup-1 port, unified effort- We must get behind out National Leaders ard the efforts they are making. We must unify every field, remember the corrections to be made in the. army, navy, marines, air and div isions wherein the least of us are expected to make a citizen’s con tribution to winning the war and may I add, educate and civilize the biased illiterates of America and the world. Don’t forget the next NAACP. meeting at which a program will be rendered. Are you keeping up with the Poll Tax fight? Are you fol'owlng the assalRs on Jim Crow in the army, navy, Waves, etc? Do you knew the NAACP. is the entering wedge into that field of Democracy where all men are equal? Come in. * * * * * INTERRACIAL COMMITTEE Omaha was the recipient of a rare treat last Thursday a week ago by the presence in our midst for several days of Mr. Julius A. Thomas, Director of Industrial Re lations of- the National Urban Lea gue. Mr- Thomas spoke at the Annual meeting of the local branch to a house filled with some of O maha’s outstanding civic and com munity workers. Also a speaker at the monthly meeting of he In terracial Committee at the main YWCA, building downtown Here too was a larjrp gathering to greet Mr- Thomas. His subjects on press ent and post war conditions were handled in an imasetrly manner. He left his hearers in a mood to say. More and more telling facts and truths and Mr. Thomas come back very soon. We reed such, men, such arguments and such in spiration. Don’t forget The Old Folks Home is having a membership drive. This is a community institution and de serves the support of all commun ity minded citizens. The member ship is only $1.00 a year. Do you hold one? If not, why not? Visit the Home some time and familiar i-e yourself with the 1flstUu!?on. We promise you wil Inot bo disap pointed. The Executive Board is vor grateful for a fine contribution from the Iroquois Lodge IBPOW. which was $165.00 on the installa tion of a needed pa'r of steps on the outside of the Home and some changes of doors on the inside; in addition to this amount $25.00 was donated fo rOur Xmas dinner. The Lodge under the capable and efficient leadership of V Charles Davis is making a most worthwhile contribution to our c conomic and social life. Anothe | THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA. 0800 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1987 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. C. Galloway_Publisher and Acting Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA i ONE YEAR — — — — — |3.00 ' SIX MONTHS — — — — $1.75 j THREE MONTHS - — — — $1.25 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN ONE TEAR — — — — — $3.50 SIX MONTHS — _ _ _ _ $2.00 All News Copy of Churches and all organiz ations must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertis ing Copy on Paid Articles not later than Wed nesday noon, preceeding date of issue, to insure publication. Nati mal Advertising Representative:— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC., 545 Fifth Avenue, New Tork City, Phone MUiray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. LARGE CROWD HEAR RANDOLPH WEBSTER Alarge crowd gathered at Zior. Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. February 20th to listen to speeches delivered by A. Philip Randolph and Milton A. Webster, dealing with problems of vital importance to Negroes. Mr. Webster, Inter national Vice President of The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por ters, labor representative of the President’s Committee on Fair Employment Practice and a mem ber of the Post War Planning Com mittee of the AFL., spoke first and as advertised in last week’s issue of this paper, he as well as Mr. Randolph, spoke of many things. When A. Philip Randolph, Inter national President of The Brother hood of Sleeping Car Porters ad dressed the audience, he began by briefing an account of the estab lishing of the Omaha branch of the Botherhood writh special refer ence to how members use to slip up to the office of Dr. Hawkins, one by one to pay their dues be cause they didn’t know who might be a spy or stool pigeon- Then he proceeded to dscuss the broader aspects of the economc problems! that confront Negro workers of today with particular reference to the effect of the war situation on the problems that will confront the Negroes in the orientation of the world-wide economic condition as it was advertised he would do. The speeches were well received by those present and were worth while going to hear. Between the Speeches, musical numbers were rendered by St. John’s Choir. of our active patriotic organizat ions will be heard from in cur next news item. More power to our friends. We are suffering an awakening In our community and an agreeable one. So let us look around and see ju'st what contribution we can add. Be a good pitcher and a good catcher only when it is ab solutely necessary. _—by H. W. BLACK. “WITH PEN IN HAND” DRAMA OVER WOW FEBR. 2'J Producer C. P. Ma Gregor will present Isabelle Jewell as li.s guest star on the Hollywood Radio The atre over WOW, Tuesday, Febr uary 29. Miss Jewell will star in an original radio play entitled,— ‘‘With Pen in Hand ’ Golden Glove Champ Luke Baylark, the 205 lbs. of muscle and brain is clearly indi cated in the above photograph. He will represent Chicago’s heavy weight division in the Golden Glove Tournament of Champions which will be held at the Chicago Stadum on, February 28. 29 and March 1. Luke along with several others, earned places in the ‘ big show” after a long line of winnings in preliminaries. They will face able punchers from 29 cities at the windup- Baylark hails from Clurks iale Mississippi and through a no li mally known fight promote- ami match-mgr., Eddie Plicque, he has been dubbed the idcl of tli Savoy bv fig-lit fans dur'ng Ms fistic- id's here. PRESS PHOTO SERVICE Wanted! »URNE1), WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRI CKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 Dmana Quick and Easy Bread for Lunchboxes For a Itinchbox surprise, a dinner or luncheon treat, what could be more delicious than a moist, rich Fruit Nut Bread chockful of nuts, dates and figs? Here’s one that really rings the bell! Wizards In lunchbox success say: “Have two kinds of sandwiches— a meaty one and a dessert one. V-A-R-Y your breads! And don’t be stingy with the filling!” Your lunchboxers will say you’re a wizard, too, when they find these thick, satisfy4 ng Fruit Nut Sandwiches. Here are some fillings they will like: cream cheese and olives or celery or nuts—cottage cheese and jelly—peanut butter or any nut butter—honey and nuts. Quick and easy to make with creamy, all-vegetable shortening, this | recipe is one you’ll use over and over again because your family will keep asking for it. Clip now, and have for keeps! Fruit Nut Bread 1 cup dates, cut % cup brown sugar, or xk cup dates firmly packed and xk cup figs 1 egg, beaten % cup nuts, chopped 1 xh cups sifted all 1 cup hot water purpose flour % cup Spry 1 teaspoon soda % teaspoon salt x/z cup Graham flour ' Combine dates, nuts, and hot water and let stand. Combine Spry and salt. Add sugar gradually and cream well. Add egg and mix well. Add date mixture to creamed mixture, blending well. Sift flour with soda. Add white flour and Graham flour to date mixture and mix well. Bake in 9x5x3-inch Sprycoated loaf pan in moderate oven (350° F.) 1 hour, mm a-. ■ ■ — _ __ _ * * 0-gl flf ff * 37 « (f it.* M Nebr.-Kansas Missionary Society to Hold Meeting at Bethel AME. Church The Women’s-Parent Mite Mis sionary Society of the Nebraska and Kansas Branch will hold its second quarterly meeting of the Nebraska Area at Bethel AME. Church 2430 Franklin street. Mar. 3, 1944 at 10 aim. There will be an educational as well as a spirit ual program. The speaker for the morning session will be Rev. B. E. Jones pastor of Bethel AME. — — — — — — — — - Church. .In the afternoon there will be an educational program fea turing a panel discussion on tbef constitution and by-laws of our society. There will also be a lec ture on parliamentary laws and their uses by Mrs. Hattie Adams. At 4 pm. Mrs. A. E. M. Goodwin will condu'ct the Young Peoples’ Hour. Everyone is welcome to attend. Mrs. Isabell Ridley, is supervisor and Mrs. Mary Edmondson, is re porter. z “A Negro Owned Business” _**_ A Friendly Greeting and ANNOUNCEMENT from Ryland E. | Melford I TO OUR FRIENDS, old and new. We offer a complete selection of Exclusive Beauty Prep arations. .. Choice Colognes, and Fine Perfumes. Our face powders are delightfully fragrant, triple silk-screened and Shade Toned for your complexion. Our service includes individual , blending if you prefer. Consult with us and let our friendly representatives help solve your I beauty problems. t BON NITA Products 2916 H. 28th St. JA 2189 RYLAND E. MELFORD, ^I AN1TFAf'TT'RTYI! fTTEMTST It's no longer TABOO for girls to talk of this possible help You can’t expect a grin-and-beor it attitude to bring relief from the distress of periodic, functional pain. Perhaps that’s why so many .vomen use CARDUI. It has a 62 year record of 2-way help, when taken as directed: (1) started three days before “your time,” it should help relieve pain due to purely pe riodic, functional Causes; (2) taken as a tonic. CARDUI usually im proves appetite, aids digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices, and thus helps build resis tance. which often aids in minimiz ing periodic functional distress. Try CARDUI. You may be glad ' you did! BUY YOUR POULTRY AT THE i1 NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE i —LOWEST PRICE— Phone WE. 4137 1 wWvrtv>v.v.v. .v,-, t. . . . 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery— WE. 0609 DUFFY Pharmacy VAV.V.WAV.V.WAWW ■ VJH|A CHECKED ■ l %ll For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don’t suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. I', ex. for INS. / f3 — Don’t Let GRAY HAIR Make You Look Old Look Years Younger Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, < natural-looking color (black, brown, blonde) start using Gode froy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring NOW . . . Acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat— il permits permanents and stylish hairdos . . . Known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give I your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied. U If your dealer doesn*t have Larieuse (LARRY USE) send $1.25 direct to . . Godefroy Mfg. Co. 3510 Olive St. St. Louis, (3) Mo. «... ^_^ COLORING CAUTION: USE ONLY AS DIRECTED ON LABEL I TLet Me Get You Some OR. MILES ANTI-PAIN I 2... t.. m Wim W: K WITH YOUR responsibilities, can you afford to let a Head ache, Muscular Pains, Functional Monthly Pains or Simple Neural gia slow you down? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills have been bring ing relief from these common dis comforts for nearly sixty years. . «. • Countless American housewives consider Anti-Pain Pills almost as much of a necessity in the medicine cabinet, as is flour in the kitchen cupboard. They have Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills in the house, many of them carry these little pain relievers in purse or hand bag. They are prepared for these minor aches and pains that some times occur in almost every family —ARE YOU? Dr. Miles Anti Pain Pills are pleasant to take and do not upset the stomach. Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store. Regular package 25 tablets 25*, Economy package 125 tablets $1.00. Read directions and use only as direc ted. <« do you Hava trouble with your feet? Do they perspire too freely and crack the skin between the toes? Do they ache and burn? Are yoa troubled with painful corns, oat louses or Athlete's Foot? Then try I.D.I—an amazing new formula guaranteed to bring re lief—or double your money backl EAST TO USE — easy to buy, get LDJ / ^IDI FRED WALKER, AGENT 984 N. 25th ST. PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— Subscribe Today!