The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 26, 1944, Image 1
- ———_____—_- ( largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago. North of K.C. Saturday, Feb. 26, 1944 OUR 17th YEAR—No. 3 Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Omaha, Nebraska, ITnder Act of March 8, 187-1— Business Phone: HA-0800. HA-0801 o Bomber Plant Goes C. /. 0. linion Gets 60.3 of Ballot \ote Run-off Production, maintenance, garage and cafeteria •employes of the Martin-Nebraska bomber plant Wednesdav voted in favor of accepting the OIO United Auto Workers' Union to represent them as bar galling agent Of the total votes cast. 60.3 pei cent were polled by the CAW CIO. The number of votes against ac cepting the U AW-CIO equaled 39.54 percent. The percentage of eligible* vrt . ing totaled 87.5. while the percent- j i age of eligible* casting valid votes equaled 87.18. Void ballots equaled j .0023 percent, while 00154 percent j were challenged. The election was carried out un der supervison of Hugh B. riperry. i regional director of the national labor relations board. The election Wednesday followed plant balloting February 5 in which the UAW-CIO obtained 45.6 percent of the valid votes cast., while 37.4 percent favored no union and 16.2 percent chose the AFL international Association of Mach inists. The runoff was between the CAW-CIO and no union. GOP. HEAD CHALLENG' ES NEGRO DEMOCRATS Miss January Lillie Morgan, 5602 Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, won the distinction and title of “Miss January” by aSignal Corps unit somewhere in Italy, according to reports received by representatives' of this pub lication. A national magazine has mailed to serv icemen throughout the fighting fronts, weekly, and at the close of each month, cover girls and pictures appearing in the publication, put up in competition by units for a monthly pin-up queen, hencpe the sel ection of Miss Morgan. The rettv pin-upper is a student at DuSable High School in the Windy City and has many postwar plans. She was selected ( over Girl on a National Magazine on February 14. (Press Photo Sendee). * ASKS THEM TO TAKE A FORTHRIGHT AND UNEQUIV OCAL STAND ON NEGRO ISSUES Chicago. Illinois.—R. R. Church, Memphis. Tennessee, president of the recently formed Republican Or ganization issued a challenge to the Negro Democrats, schedu!e-J~lo meeting in Washington next week to take a forthright and unequiv ; oca I stand on the issues vitally af fecting the American Negro. The GOP leader had the follow ing to say, “In our recent meeting here, the Republicans, in a fearless and straightforward manner, draft ed a program that leaves no doubt In the mind of anyone that the welfare of the Negro was upper | most and that party consideration i was secondary. In that vein, rhov criti^ised those Republicans who had formed an "Unholy Alliance” with the poll-tax Democrat and served notice that the party would be held strictly accountable for their reactionary and obstruction- j 1st tactics.’’ "If the Negro Democrats, in their meeting, fail to take a rtete’. mined stand upon these issues, the Negro electorate will know that the Negro politciians in the Demo cratic Party are not concerned with the Negro problems, but are look ing only for the loaves and fishes ” He continued. “The Democrats will have an opportunity, in can vassing the situation of the Negro, of calling t° the attention of tap adn^'nistration the abdomipab’e discrimination and segregatn-n which exist in the armed force s and the utter indifference of toe Commander-in-Chief and the adm inistration to the general of sec ond-class citizenship as it affects the Negro ” Mr. Church was conscious of the fact that the public is waiting anx iously for a statement from the Democrats. He was very doubt ful that they would speak out on any question affecting the admin istration where Negro rights are concerned. This is reflected, be said, in the attitude of William L. Houston. National Director of Ne gro Democrats, who refused to make a statement, when requested, on the appointment of race-hat ing, race-baiting, white supremacy advocate and bribe-taker Bilbo, as virtual governor of the District of Columbia, a federal controlled city. A BATTLE IN GOSPEL SONGS There is to be a “Battle in Gos pel Songs” by two musical organ izations belonging to the army and navy respectively. From advanc ed repoTts, both groups of singers are well trained so those attending this affair, should enjoy it- The date is Sunday. February 27, at 3:15 pm., at St- Johns AME. Church. Navy Launch New Policy on Negroes Navy to Commission Negroes in Naval Reserve As a result of plans which have been under development by the Navy Department for several months, selection of Negro c.tndi- j dates for commissioning as officers, in the U. S. Naval Reserve is now being made to fill approximately 22 available billets. Twelve qualified enlisted men will be selected as line office? s, with the rank Ensign. Ten professionally qualified Ne groes will be commissioned as staff officers, with the rank of Ensign or Lieutenant {junior grade depending upon the ages and pro fessional qualifications of the men commissioned. It is in anticipat ed that these officers will ap pointed from civilian life. Two fficer.- will be selected for each of th- following Naval staff dut ies: Chaplain Corps. Dental Corps. Medical Corps. Civil Engineer Corps and Supply Corps. The Negro enlisted men commis sioned as line officers will be giv en a special training course of from three t° six months duration at the U. S. Naval Training Sta Negro Crews to Man 2 1 Antisubmarint Vessels Two new u. S. Naval anti-sub marine vessels will be manned pre dominantly by Negro crews. AdestrOyer escort under con struction at the U. S. Navy Yard, Boston. Massachusetts. init ally will have an enlisted crew of 160 Negroes and 44 whites. The white ratings will be limited to billets requiring Specialized training or . xperience not yet had by Negro es. It isa nticipated that as socn as Negroes qualify, they will re place the white enlisted members so that the entire crw eventually will be Negroes- The vessel will be cormissiond within the next tion. Great Lakes, Illinois. Upon completion of this course, the of ficers will be assigned to duty init ially at the U. S. Naval Training Station .Great Lakes. Illinois. The staff officers also will be i given a short indoctrination cours at the U. S. Naval Traiinng Sta tion, Great Lakes, Illinois and af terwards assigned initially to the U. S. Naval Traiinng School. Ham pton. Virginia or the U. S. Naval Traiinng Station, Great Lakes. 111. ) Tew weeks. A patrol chaser, (PC) building at the Consolidated Shipbuilding Cor poration, Morris Heights, New York, will have an initial crow of 52 Negroes and nine whites. It is anticipated that this vessel, which is scheduled for commissioning late in March, also will be manned •ventually by an all Negro crew. As is customary for all XT. S. Naval personnel assigned to this type of duty, all members of the crews assigned to these two vps els wtll receive specialized train ing. Th crew of the destroyer es ?ort already has reposed to the> .Destroyer Escort School at the i Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Virginia, and the crew of the ' P C" soon will be assigned to the Submarine Chaser Training Center Miami, Florida. STEALS MONEY JAR Socn-eone low in morals and pat riotism entered the Victory Beauty Salon, 2118 North 24th street and stole a jar placed there by the Auxiliary Women’s Voluntary Ser vice for collecting money w!th which to furnish smokes for the fighting men. "America, Democracy and the Negro Press!” INDIVISIBLE AND INSEPARABLE SINCE THE FOUNDING OF THE FIRST NEGRO NEWSPAPER - 117 YEARS AGO The first Negro newspaper came into being for the purpose of guarantee ing to all men * full and equal enjoyment of a free, rich and stimulating existence under the greatest flag in the world. Today the Negro press is still dedicated to that high purpose. Through the years it has provided the platform from whicb could be made the pleas and demands of men seeking that equality of opportunity to which every human, black or white, is entitled. Progress has been made. Barriers have been re- , moved. Broader vistas have been unveiled. But a further job lies ahead . . I the k»b of helping America to see that no one can be truly free until all " sue free. To that job the Negro press continues to dedicate itself. . . . with the firm conviction that the full concept of Democracy can, and will find ful! flower in the fertile soil of our own beloved country. D Today, as never before, the ideals of service and devotion to the common good are uppermost in the mind of every man. To the Negro in America, who has risen to that challenge of de votion and responsibility, this National NegTo Newspaper Week is dedicated. > HEAR THESE SPECIAL RADIO PROGRAMS . _ l jm nr—i-mn NBC—FEB. 26th- 2:00 P. M. CWT CBS—FEB. 28 10:30 P. M. CWT BLUE—MAR. 2 3:00 P. M. CWT PRESENTING: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, See’v of the Naw % Frank Knox, Donald M. Nelson. Paul Robeson. ^ " '_ _' _~ Basel Scott. . .1— ; Willie Bryant, r -th Spencer, Wings Over Jordan. Dnke Ellington._1 “_; Overseas Negro War Correspondens, Negro Army, Navy and Merchant Marine Heroes . . . and many others. -*-A “NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEEK” PROGRAM OVER NBC TO HONOR RACE’ CONTRIBUTES TOWARD VICTORY PAUL V. McNUTT to join ENTERTAINERS, WAR HEROES AND CORRESPOND ENTS IN HALF-HOUR TRIBUTE NEW YOKK, Feb. 24—In tribute to the contributions of the Negro people to the war effort, the Na tional Broadcasting Company will observe "Negro Newspaper Week" with a half-hour program on its (toast-to-coast network Saturday, Feb. 26, (3:00 pun. EWT) Paul V. McNutt, chairman of the WPB. and Dr. C. B. Powell, publisher of the Amsterdam News, will be the principal speakers. Leading Negro entertainers and war heroes also will take part. McNutt will report on the Negro in the defense industries. Dr. Powell's topic will he "The Negro Press and the War Effort.’’ Dr. Powell is a civic leader and member of the New York State Athletic Commission. Canada Lee .noted actor, will be master of ceremonies He wall be joined by Hazel Scott, star of radio and motion pictures. The Willie Bryant USO Overseas Unit also will entertain. The Negro war heioes will be in terviewed by four newspaper cor respondents—Randy Dixon. Pitts burgh Courier: David Orro, Chicago Defender; Ollie Stewart. AFRO American and Thomas Young. Nor folk Journal And Ou!de. DixoU will speak from London “Negro Newspaper ’Week" U be ing celebrated this year from Feb. 27 to March 4. The program lias been arranged through the co operation of the Negro Newspaper Publishers Association, whose pre sident is John H. Sengstake. pub lisher of the Chicago Defender. Ira Avery directs o-t behalf of NBC and Richard McDonagh pre pares the script. A COURAGEOUS MAN SPEAKS OUT ’GAINST RACIAL THEORY, DISCRIMINATION Tells Christians to Live What They Profess DR. HENRY SLOANE COFFIN HEAD OF THE PRESBYTER IAN USA. Last night at the First Presby terian Church, at 34th and Farnani streets, the Rev. Dr. Henry .SInane Coffin. Moderator and head of the Presbyterian Church, spoke to a packed congregation on "Behold Now is the Accepted Time ” He said we are fighting two wars, one is external and the oth er inteornal and if we lose the lat ter, we will have lost both wars. He pointed out four strongholds which must be broken down: National Selfishness: Economic Injustice. Racial Discrimination Denomination. He also challenges the Chute: to trust God and believe what they profess. He scored the An rlc Saxon theory of race superiority. He showed the absurbity of separ ate blood banks in violation oi scientific and Bible teaching where God made of one blood al' nations He proved no man >■' superior to another if the same opportunities are given. *= ■■ ========, - — ‘L. B. 204* Nebr. Power Co. Issue i - maKaRik There are people in Omaha who think soberly, sin cerely and have the interest of the city at heart. But they are somewhat puzzled over the constant controversy between the city and the Nebraska Power Company in regards to whether the people of Omaha, as tax payers, should buy or not, Tne strange thing about the whole matter is that the Speaker of the House, who assisted in drafting the L. B. 204 Bill, said to the Mayor and City Coun cil, that the bill was intended to give the people of Omaha an opportunity to vote on the issue and say whether or not they wanted to buy the Nebraska Power Company. The City Council in session to a man except the Mayor—said, as they stood to cast their ballot in the voting of the Power Commissioners appointment : ‘ that the people would have an opportunity to vote on the issue concerning the buying of the Com pany.' The Power Commissioners who were ap pointed said through the columns of the press, ‘that before the NPC. was taken over, the people would have the privilege of voting on the issue, as to whe ther they wanted it.’ The Nebraska Power Company in an open session of the City Council, stated that they were perfectly willing for the people to vote on the issue. Due to differences of opinion in this matter, there was a petition tiled with 61,000 names of citizens thereon, requesting the City Council to call a special elec tion for thepurpose of settling the controversy once and for all. It landed in the District Court of Douglass County, i After the Court, listening patiently for several days to the best legal minds of the city and giving the matter careful consideration, the Honorable District Judge Frank M. Dineen, Monday afternoon an nounced that he will rule that the City Council’s re solution appointing the PeoplesPower Commission must be submitted to a vote of the people. And in a letter to attorneys interested in the Power controver sey case Judge Dineen stated he will enter an order granting a writ of Mandamus to force the City Conn cil to call a special election. The puzzling thing about the whole situation is: all all concerned say the people must decide this issue by vote. 1. The Legislative body says: L. B. 204 was intend ed for the people to have the authority to decide this issue by vote. 2. The City Council says: The people must decide the issue by vote. 3. The appointed Power Commission says: that the people must decide this issue by vote. 4. The Nebraska Power Co. says: through it’s re presentative that they want it decided by vote of the people. 5. The Honorablt District Judge Frank M. Din nen says: the people must decide this issue by vote. Now why have a number “6” which would be the State Supreme Court and possibly several other numbers, which would tie this matter up in the courts for God knows how long with thousands of dollars of the public money wasted ? For after all, it makes no difference vho wins this case, “Mr. Jones’’, the taxpayer will have to pay the bill. And another thought that should be given serious con sideration: it is ridiculous to have all these muster minds tied up in a) question that everyone seems to agree on when the blood of the youth of this coun try is being spilled on the firing lines at the rate of 367 everv* second. It seems to me these great minds should be interested in matters more vital* in the safety of this country and the ending of this war. So we say, why go any farther in court with thp argument, why not satisfy all parties conncemed in this matter and carry out the mandate of the will of the people and call a special election and settle this issue. Who will it satisfy! All indication seems as though it will satisfy all concerned about this cpn troversey. So we say, Mister Mayor: thisi is one time you should use your commanding power as Mayor of our city council and call this special election ordered by the Honorable Judge Frang M. Dineen. First Colored Navigators Feted on Flight - Pittsburgh, Feb. —<ANP)—Twenty four colored navigation cadets from Hondo, Tex., airfield, were the guests of the Pittsburgh Courier last week at a banquet in their honor, marking the first time in the history of the nation colored men have been trained to serve in that branch of the armed forces. Highlight of the banquet was ar. I address by John J. McCloy. assis tant secretary of war, who accom panied the colored navigator-cadets here ut>on an invitation of the Courier McCloy predicted that the young airmen will perform their duty in the highest American mili tary manner and added. 'They are. by their example, going to point their race to higher achieve ment and higher objectives. They are Paine- to undergo severe strains and tests to which the most ut us have never been nor never will be subjected, and they will advance the inteiests of thej-- country ani (Continued page 3)