The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 19, 1944, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Little Rock, Arkansas, Feb. 17—
(ANP)—The O. S. Supreme court
la expected to review the case of
Tee Davis, sharecropper who was
sentenced last week to serve 10
years in prison for firing a shot
gun in protection of his two room
cabin at Edmondson, an Arkansas
cotton community.
The state supreme court upheld
Davis’ conviction even though he
explained that Harold Weaver,
town marshal of Edmondson tried
to break into his home in search
of a cattle thief, without a warrant
Davis surrendered to two deputy
sheriffs after he had shot Weaver
in a finger.
Davis is charged with assault
with intent to kill.
E. McGill, Prop.
2423-25 NORTH 24th St.
Bine Boom Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m.
Open for Private Parties from
2 to 7 p. m.
—No Charges—
Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to
1 a. m.
JA. 9411
King Yuen Cafe
2010/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576
.Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m
American & Chinese Pishes
, *~realTThoe*man~~jj
ii 1410 North 24th St.
^ ^Ska-Seltzer]
Try Alka-S«lticr for
"Moraine After** A china
Acid Indication. Pleasant,
prompt, effective. and IQf._j
High Vitamin potency at low eost—
ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A and
D tablets in the yellow box—B-Com
plex tablets in the grey box. \ i
For Sleeplessness.. Irrita
bility, Headache, and
Restlessness, when doe to Nerrous
Tension. Use only as directed. m ' 1
i I • Enter the TOTAL amount, before deductions for (axes, dues, insurance, bonds, etc., that you received
in 1943 as salary, wages, bonuses, commissions, etc. (Members of armed forces read_instruction_6)
Dtt Employer’s Same Cay and State _
ueiJrv smm co. aa/'/tou/*/. mich— *.am.q.. 00
Your ----- -
Income __ ■■■ ■ .
reed £600.90
2. Enter here any amounts you received in 1943 in dividends, interest, and annuities.. ..00
— 3. Now add items 1 and 2 to get your TOTAL INCOME and enter it here. .£.6£Si. QP
p 4. List the persons—other than wife or husband—who on July 1,1943, obtained their chief support
from you if they were not yet 18, or were mentally or physically unable to support themselves.
Same of Dependent I Relationship 1 If 18 years er over, pve reason for listing
Your MAGS JOfi/ES_pAV6Hr£&d
for ___!_ '
y._,_, You arc allowed a credit of *385 for each dependent. Howeeer. if you are not a married person Bving with wife or
IXpenaentS husband, you may nevertheless be the head of a family as defined in No. 6 on the other aide of the form. If you are
the head of a family only become e( the dependent: yon luted above, allow *385 for each lilted dependent except one. C/tr~ QQ
Enter total dependency credit here . .yf.P.7 .
L 3. Subtract item 4 from item 3- Enter the difference here. (Enter item 3 if item 4 is blank) £. ,■2,4.0'.Q<?|
~ 6. Turn over this form and check the box at the top which applies to you. Then, using the figure IK’Q DO
you entered in item 5, find your income tax in the table. Enter the amount here. ...... dyr-A. vV
7. In the space on the back of this form, figure your Victory tax on item 3. Enter the tax here. .£&■ ^
8. Now add items 6 and 7. Enter the total here.. .£/-7JQA\
Your 9. If you filed a tax return on 1942 income, enter the amount of tax here. However, before entering / J
Tax Bill rj / 7 bo a
, 10. Enter item 8 or item 9, whichever is larger.- --#*././••
an“ 11. forgiveness FEATURE: Don’s fill in A, B, and C below if either item 8 or 9 is fSO or less.
Forgiveness A Enter item 8 or 9, whichever is smaller.....-e3^4 !7..
B Take three-fourths of A above. Enter this amount or |50, whichever it A3 13
larger. This is the forgiven part of the tax. . . —
C Subtract B from A. This is the unj or given part of the tax. Enter it here.... \...£(..\P.T.\t.SL.Wt.
12. Add item 10 to the amount in item 11C, if any. Enter the total here. This is your total income and ‘7 7 0 0 7
a- Victory tax.... -..sdtAg..
. n3. A Enter here your ncome and Victory taxes withheld by your employer- I ill
W nit You ve B £ntcr the sums you paid last year on your 1942 income tax bill
Paid C Enter here any 1943 income tax payments last September and December..
and What D Now a(y ,he figures in A,B and C and enter the total here. s- .
You Owe 14. If the tax in item 12 is more than the total payments in item 13, you owe the difference. so
II— Enter it here. If the payments are greater, write "NONE” and skip items 15 and 16.
“15. You may postpone, until not later than March 15,1945, payment of the amount you owe up to Iq c*
Terms of one half of *tem 1 lc Enter *he postponed amount here. —
Payment 14. Enter the amount you are paying with this return (subtract item 15 from item 14)..1-3-- o v
_ , 17, If the TOTAL of your 1943 payments (item 13) is larger than your tax (item 12), enter the dif
Or Kef und ference. You have overpaid your 1943 tax by this amount....—•
_ Check (V) what you want done: Refund it to me □ Credit it on my 1944 estimated tax □
1 declare under the penalties of perjiiry that this return hasbeeu examined by me, and to the beat of my knowledge and belief, ii a true, correct and complete return.
Date. / _,1944 (Signature)^. _ (Signature)--—- j
(1/ rtm<04ro indu£n income of both 8 husband and wife, it mutt be signed by both)
Above is the front side of Income Tax Form I040A, filled out by the Bureau of Internal Revenue to show how an
imaginary John J. Jonas should do it. Reverse side, not shewn in the picture, contains tcbles to be looked at and a
tew more Questions to be answered.
Your Tax, form 1040A, Step by Step
The BuYeau of internal Revenue;
has made available th-e following
example of step-by-step procedure
in filling out Income Tax Form
John J. Jones filled out his in
come tax return the other day and
found out it was a lot easier than
he expected.
Jones is a clerk. He makes $50
a week. He has a wife and one
small child.
Because his income is less than
$3,000, he found he could use the
short form of income tax blank,
the one caled 1040A. The short
d s; j! ; .. c- « o cr ts 4S
2031 N. 24th Phone WE 6285
“Quality Service and Comfort
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* Peggie L. James, Proprietress,
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M. T. Thomas, Prop. j
“Why Go Somewhere Else,—Get Your *
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Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Morris, Props.
—“For the Quickest and Best Service”—
1804 NORTH 24th ST. Omaha, Nebr.
Smith Bros, has served the public since 1847.
In that period America has fought five wars.
Only during wartime has there ever been any
shortage of Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Our
production now is war-reduced but we’re dis
tributing it fairly to all. Still only 5t. A nickel t
checks that tickle!
form was written especially tor
people like Jones, who haven't
large incomes or complicated busi
ness affairs. On this form, you
don’t have to figure deductions and
things like that because- the form
gives you credit for an average a
mount of them.
If you" are like Jones* maybe it
would help you with your own in
I come tax return to see how ht> did
it, step by step, (see above)
First, Jones saved himself a lot
of trouble by reading the instruc
tions and the form carefully. Sec
ond, Jones made it easy by getting
together the figures he would need.
Here are the figures he collected:
a. The amount of his 1943 wag
es and the amount of income tax
and victory taken o’-t of his wag
es by his employer.
He got both of these figures
from hjs employer on a receipt.
(Form W-2) which the law says
you'r employer must g»ve you.
b. The amount of his other in
come. Jones had some money in
a savings account and he made a
note of how much interest the hank
paid or credited him last year.
c. The amount of nis 1942 tax
and how much he paid on it. Jon
es copied these figures from the I
slip (Form 1125) which was mailed j
him by the Collector of Internal I
Now. Jones was ready t° fill out
| his return. He put down his name>
' address, occupation and social se
curity number.
NOw let’s follow, what he did ac
cording to the numbers on the re
turn form.
Item 1—That’s wagv« and other
kidns of pay. Jones -arned $50 a
week last year, working as a Clerk
for the Henry Smit hoompany in
his home town. Of course, there
were a lot of tihngs such as war
bonds, taxes, and union dues de
ducted from his pyacheck every
week, but Jones had to put down
the full amount of his wages which
came to $2,600, opposite the name
of his employer.
Item 2—Here he put down the
$25 interest he received on his sav
ings. Incidentally, Jones owns
war bonds, t°o, but unless you o
lect to accrue bond interest on war I
bonds until you cash them or they
Item 3—He added the $2,600 an 1
| the *?5.
I Item 4—Jones has a young dau
ghter, named Mary, so he wrota
her name down and, as the form
directs, wrote his credit of $SS5
over in the money column.
Item 5—He subtracted the cvod
it he got for Mary from the 'ust.
zltem 6—He turned over the
form and looked over the boxes at
the top of the page to see which ;
one fit him. No. 4 was "it,” and
he put a check mark there. Tha:
meant that Jones would find iiis
income tax in column C of the ta
ble. Jone's figure in Item "• on
nhte front page was $2,249. He
looked in the table for a line where
that figure would fit. He found
a line which said ‘‘over $2,225 but ■
not over $2,250”, and then looked
across to Column C, where it said
$159. That is Jones’ income tax
and he wrote it in Item 6 on the
front page.
Item 7—This time, Jones had to
do some figuring at the bottom of
the back page, where It says “vic
tory tax.” On Une "a” he copied
the figure he had in Item 3 on the
other side, which was $2,625. On
line “b” he put his victory tax ex
emption of $624. Then he sub
tracted and put th defiefrence of
$2,001 on line ‘‘c”. Then Jones
noticed the twO-line table of per
centages, found the percentage
which fit him (married, one de
pendent). and put a circle around
it. His percentage was 2.9. lie
was a little rusty on decimals, so
he looked in the examples to see
how to multiply $2,001 by .029, and
again the examples helped him
move the decimal points around to
the right places. This arithmetic
showed him his victory tax was
$58.03, and he wrote that figure
in Tern 7 on the front page.
Item 8—He added the two taxes
together and found the tax on his 1
1943 income was $217.03.
Item 9—He already had made a
note of the fact that hjs income
tax for 1942 was $84.17, and he
wrote it down here.
Item 10—The fignire in item 8
was bigger than the figure in item
9. so he put the item 8 figure of
$217.03 here.
Item 11—Since the item 9 figure,
was smaller, he put that figure in
item 11-A. Next he had to figure
three-fourths of $84.17, which is;
Girls, does an out-dated TABOO
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Very few women cling to th2 , Id
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tress at least know about CARDTJI.
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and thus help build up energy for 1
the “time” to come; (2) started 3
days before the time, and taken as
directed, it may aid in relieving
purely functional, periodic pain.
Women have praised CARDUI’s
help for 62 years. Try it!
Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street
Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1937
at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under
Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
C. C. Galloway_Publisher and Acting Editor
ONE TEAR — — — — — $3.00
SIX MONTHS — — — — $175
THREE MONTHS - — — — $1.25 3
ONE TEAR — — — — — S3.50
SIX MONTHS — — — — — $2.00
AH Nows Copy of Churches and all organiz
ations must be in our office not later than 1:00
p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertis
ing Copy on Paid Articles not later than Wed
nesday noon, proceeding date of issue, to insure
National Advertising Representative:
545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone
MTt. ray Hill 2-5452, ^Ray Pock, Manager.
$63.13. That’s more than $50 so he
puts $63.13 in Item 11-B. This was
the forgiven part of his tax. Sub
tracting. he found his tfnforgiven.
taxe was 21.04.
Item 12—By adding $217.03 and
$21.04, Jones found his total tax
was $238.07. That would be a lot
of tax for Jones to pay all at one
time, but now we have a pay-op.
you-go-system, and Jones soor.
found how that helps.
Item 13—From the figures he
prepared before he started to fill
out his return, Jones put down in
Item 13-A th e$7116.0 atx his em
ployer took out of his wages, and
put down in Item 13-B the *42.09
he had paid on his $1942 tax. He
didn’t have anything to put down
in Item 13C because he didn’t have
to file a "declaration of estimated
tax’’ last September or December.
So he added up the other '.wo
figures and found he had already
paid $213.69 of his tax.
Item 14—That left the differ
ence, $24.38, which is all Jonesi
owed on account of his 1942 and
1943 taxes.
Item 15—But Jones found he
could postpone until next year
what he owes up to one-half of the
$21.04 he wrote in Item 11-C. Half
is $10.52 and he writes that in It
em 15.
Item 16—That left $13.86. which
is all that Jones had to pay before
March 15.
Item 17—Jones didn’t put any
thing here because he didn’t have
any refund coming to him.
Now, at the bottom of the page,
Jones wrote the date, signed his
name, and that was all there was
to it. He put the return, a check
for $13.86, and the statement (Form
1125) on his 1942 tax. in an envel
ope. mailed it to the collector in
his locality and he was square with
Unce Sam.
Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 16 -—Al
though the Fourth War Loan cam
paign closes officially on Tuesday,
February 15, Nebraska counties
that have been snow-bound for the
past week will have an opportunity
to complete their county canvasses.
W. Dale Clark, State Chairman
of the War Finance Committee for
Nebraska announced that sale of
"E”, “F” and "G” Series bonds
will count in the campaign, prov
ided purchases are made prior to
February 29 and if these addition
al sales are reported immediately
to the Federal Reserve Bank in O
"Many Nebraska counties are ov
er the top in their over-all quotas”
said Mr. Clark, ‘‘however, sales to
individuals and sales of the Series
‘E’ bonds have not been up to ex
Dectations. Adverse weather con
ditions are partially responsible bet
we believe that a part of our poor
showing in individual and ‘E’ scles
has been due in some instances to
complacency or over-optimism.
"The war is a long way from oe
ing over, and I urge Nebras:i 's, '
who have not yet participated in
the Fourth War Loan campaign
through bond purchases, to answ
er this urgent call for funds f.o
badly needed to prosecute a suc
cessful war.
‘‘If every Nebraskan, with avail
able funds, would buy an extra
$100 bond this week, I am sure Ne
br: ika would make its ‘E’ bond
quota and that the state’s indiv
idual quota would also be reached”
Clark added.
Chairmen of 93 county War Fin
ance Committees on Monday rec
eived a message from State Chair
man Clark, urging them to keep
their campaign organization intact
and continue the campaign until,
February 29.
"Nebraska Can and will make trie
various quotas assigned, if every
Nebraskan realizes that this Is his
war and does his part as an indiv
idual”, Mr. Clark stated.
.■—— tC—— — i
LatfieB and Children's Work
A Specialty
2422 LAKE ST.
. ~f .r=— . i
GUIDE Weekly -
Sgt. Joe Louis has been ordered; to embark for
overseas wiithiin a few days to entertain American
soldiers during their liesure hours “after the at-1
tack,” says the War Department. Joe will take his
troup along which inclludes the following persons:,
First Sgt. George Nichoison, Louis’ sparring partner
in preparation for the world title bout with James J.
Braddock in Chcago on June 22, 1937; Cpl. Walker
Smith, known in the ring game as Sugar Rav Rob
inson of Harlem, New York City; Cpl. Robert Smith
of Detroit; Cpl. Robert J. Payne, Cleveland, who
acts as secretary-valet to Louis; Pvt. George “Jack
ie” Wilson, and Sgt. James Edgar of Detroit.
Lena ‘Blitzs’ the Cadets
Wen the beauteous Lena Horne put in her appear-'
ance at the Tuskegee Army Air Field she captured |
the hearts of all the men on the field. Her personality1
and charm literally bowled ‘em over. She is shown
here surrounded by an admiring group of aviation
cadets who were endeavoring tto teach her all there
was to know about tthe Basic Trainer that they fly.
It is doubtful whether the lovdly star got in many
questions of her own as the boys were so busv shoot
ing queries of their own. The cadets were so*“sold”
on Lena that at the Cadt Graduation Ball she was
elected “Darling of the Cadet Corps” and had a pair
of silver wings pinned on, making her an honorary
member of the graduating class.
!r— - -
STORE HOl’RS—9 A. M. tn 5 I*. M. TELEPHONE AT 73:'.*
Beautiful casual coats to take you anywhere at
anytime. Tweeds, herringbones and natural
camel hair fabrics.. • - everyone is 100% wool.
A few have button-in leather linings.
I- . ..r~ -'I .
(continued from p. 3)
1.3 percent Negroes.
The chances are that a good
many nien now classified IV-F are
going to be reclassified if it is
found that “they can perform an.
Army job." Seriius cuts also are
going to be made into the III-A
classification, men with depend
ents. When Gen. Lewis B. Hers
hey. director of selective service,
says he is going to have to call
fathers in order to meet needs, he
is talking about a lot of Negro fa
thers as well.
At the present time the army is
above 10 percent in its calls and
inductions of Negroes and has been
for a long while although it is
still below the -10 percent leve in
its total of Negroes in that branch.
The army has been doing a rather
good “catch-up” job.
It is the navy which has shown
the greatest lag in inductions of
Negroes, but even here there has
been a tremendous (acceleration
The department has accepted a
considerable number of Negroes
since last summer in bringing up
the proportion to 10 percent. They
have not yet attained it, in fact,
are a “long way’’ froan doing so
For this reason the chances are
greatest that the navy will get the
most of the eligibles coming into
the induction cener. Both calls
and inductions have been ahead of
10 percent.
I-- -
Sandwich j
2409 Lake St. JA-0836
“A Clean Place to EAT at
“Patronizing Us is like making
Love to A ■'Widow'.”
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24th and Lake Sts.
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DUFFY Pharmacy
For quick relief from itching caused by eczema,
athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching
conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid
O. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor’s formula.
Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and
quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle
proves it, or money back- Don’t suffer. Ask your
druggist today for D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION.
Jo ex. for INS.
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WHEN the stresB of modern
living gets “on your nerves”
a good sedative can do a lot to
lessen nervous tension, to make
you more comfortable, to permit
restful sleep.
Next time _ a day’s work and
worry or a night’s wakefulnesss,
makes you Irritable, Restless or
Jumpy—gives you Nervous Head
ache or Nervous Indigestion, try
Dr. Miles Nervine
(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets)
Dr. Miles Nervine is a time
tested sedative that has been
bringing relief from Functional
Nervous Disturbances for sixty
years yet is as up-to-date as this
morning’s newspaper. Liquid 25*
and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 35*
and 75*. Read directions and use
inly as directed.
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they perspire too freely and crack
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lief—or double your money back!
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984 N. 25th ST.