mmmwmmimk WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 Mr. Songs, the streamlined Black atone waiter entertains sme friends at a northside business house. The RR boys are tops on servicci I on wheels. Linwood Hall. Mr. > Harry Swain. Mr. Richard McCain Mr. Rodney Williams and Mr. J.u ther Johnson are very much out in front. The Regis hotel and the White Horse Inn waiters are in the quick step service at all times. Bro. John Evans the veteran Serviceman of the Hotel Rome is on the job at all times. — Tho Fontenelle Hotel waiters are serving with a smile at all times. MAKE BEER from barley malt, stronger, better. Formula for making be®r by brewer of famous Nor weigan “Bock-Bayer” ewer sent for *1.09. J. RUSSELL, 201 South Brittain, Shelbyville, T< nn. McGiLL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. ’*423-25 NORTH 24th 8t. ■VINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS ts.iw Boon Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— «VF SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. F ree Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1a.m. JA. 9411 *VK CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS L Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME S TO RELIEVE BEfRHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Oootfnews travels fast—man; o! the thou sands of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, tor Allenru is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only •6 cents—Do It Mow. 0 The waiters at the Hill Hotel are j doing'the service joo in a very fine manner. The Paxton Hotel waiters are tops at all times on streamlined service. Mr. Charles Payne on the sick list. Mr. Goldie Davis, the rapid fire Doorman and bartender, can mix a highball rolling on the ground. THIS WEEK — Bill Robinson places wedding ring on wrong finger of his bride at his wedding to Miss Elaine Plaints in Columbus, Ohio. L. W. Ames of Desmoines, Iowa spotted his stolen car while he was riding on a street car. A deputy sheriff had seized it after a thir teen year old boy had stolen it from a parking lot. American Negro troops attend services at the Saulsbury Cathed ral in England. Democratic party is reaching o»t for the Negro vote. Secretary Wickard visits Tnske gee Wendell Willkie denounces lace prejudice in a speech in New York Philip Randolph, president of the Pullman Porters Union to speak in Memphis. Tt-nn. England working out a t’O year plan to educate Africans. Executive Secretary of the NA ACP, Walter White, to interview Eboue, Haile Selassie and Mahat ma Ghandi. Read The Omaha Guide for the NEWS! Dr. James Lowell named medical director of Freedman's hospital in Washington, DC. Two very important bills to the welfare of the Negro race are be ing sidestepped in the U. S. Con gress and Senate by politicians. Brigadier General B. O. Davis de clared examples of bravery Of Ne gro troops on foreign soil are the trend of faithul service. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Poi ters of Canada join the AFL of B Gov. Ellis Armal of Georgia has notified the NAACP that Negroes cannot vote in the primaries of Georgia. Representative Gifford of Mass., was struck by a street car in Wash .ngton. DC., Wednesday night, Jan. -’6th and injured vrey badly. Mr. Crawford of Chicago. Mr. W. B. Davis of Omaha and H. W. Smith have a friendly meeting *ast Sunday afternoon. U .S. Navy plans to take 96,000 men a month. U. S. Senator Guffey of Penn, said southern senators joined an unholy alliance with Republicans Crosstown Tailor Shop ATTENTION, LADIES! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. I Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... k -2022 NORTH 24th STREET ftii iwlH^Mii ifctlftiigiiiiljfifr(ifcUJy GENEROUS BENEFITS! BUDGET-PLAN Life Insurance Provides: DEATH BENEFITS for Death from Sickness or Natural Causes DOUBLE INDEMNITY Double Benefits for Accidental Death EXTENDED INSURANCE If you can’t keep up Policy, protection continues for a liberal period CASH VALUE If you want to turn m Policy TOTAL DISABILITY and other generous Benefits. FREE INSPECTION • Examine this amazing Policy without fail. Send coupon for complete FREE details and 21 day FREE INSPECTION offer. No obligation. Mail it today! I PIONEER LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1641 Pioneer Bldg.. Rockford, 111. • Now, every man, woman and child can afford reliable LIFE INSURANCE backed by Legal Reserves! No need to be without protection! BUDGET-PLAN permits you to decide how much insurance you want. Over 21 Billion Dollars budgeted insurance now in force proves its tremendous value! PAY A* YOU GO 1 Pay as little as 5c a week if you wish! 10c pays double benefits; 15c pays triple ben efits, etc. So easy on the pocketbook, so easy to own, all members of the family should have their own individual policy. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION No Red Tape—No Agents—No Collectors. ^ Pioneer Life Insurance Oo., 1641 Pioneer Bldg., Rockford, 111. please send me Fraedetails about Budget- • Plan Life Insurance and Free Inspection offer. | J Name.. j I Address.J jj3ty. State.J to defeat the bobtailed ballot bill for servicemen. I - I High ranking officers &f the army ^ ■ ngineers are schedul'd to be am- 1 t ong witness' testifying in behalf of | developing of the Missouri river. ! Capt. Joseph J. Clark of Chelae), Okla., is the first Indian to be ap pointed to Annapolis. NEWS j —BY BLACK— 1 NAACP NEWS The problems involved in the minority employment is with vs now and will be with us in the post-war days, and unless this writer is mistaken will be our child fo rgenerations to come. In a < transitory period we must of nec essity be prepared for a surprise at every turn in the road of pro gveas. Be ready to make decisions md face issues squarely. * * ** * W'e are n. it alone, the monster prejudice plays its hand against Jews, Mexicans, Indians to say the least or nothing about the religious and political prejudice. Education with all its force and influence must be injected into our minds and hearts with a follow-up of practical and healthy life. W must carry o neven when the load gets to0 heavy, when hope serins lost. Let iis look up to one star of hope and cheer. The N.\.\Ci\ Unity of group. Unity of Country will first of all win the war. Then we will be ready to throttle ail Hiters, mussers up, with apologies to old Blood and Guts and toad and snake in the grass Tojo, with apologies to the respectable toads and snakes. ***** Although last Sunday’s meeting was not so large as we had hoped and planned for, those who did at tend heard some interesting fa *ts and exteomporaneous speeches. Watch the papers for next big meeting and do not make any oth er arrangements for the afternoon. It is a pleasure to announce the receipt of (40) forty new member.-. Was your’s included in that num ber? OLD FOUtS HOME Don’t forget the drive for Dew members and the renewal of mem berships. Also the invitation to visit the home and inspect its per sonnel and give a cheerful word to the inmates. JIMMY JEW ELL Jimmy Jewell spent the week end with his mother, Mrs.. Cecelii Jewell who has been indisposed, but better at this writing. IMPROVING Mrs. Clara Willis continues to Improve and is sitting up some. Mrs. Katy Wilson is still in Her east but is also improving". HARRY BUFORD Harry Buford is up and down, mostly down, but is getting strong er. SGT. BAILEY' Sergeant Isaac Bailey, the o’d Indian fighter of the old wild west gets out occasionally to 10ok things over. How about a call on those ohut in? —HWB. A MARTYR (Dedicated to Dr. L. B. Landry) HP I A liny babe lay on her afflictive bed. With a sorrowful look, asking medical aid. It was known by the doctors wlio saw her plight, She had only one slim chance to win her fight. f ' 1 xAn operation was the one chance she had, Which probably meant death to the surgeon who dared: But like the old tale of the mice, we all tell. What martyr will put on the cat’s neck, that bell? One from the group with great sympathy came. Baying, “1’ii take the chance in .lesus’ name.” He attempted, was infected, and he died; Smiling, while dying, said, “I'm glad that Itried.” By Walter’J. Barker, Sr.. M. A. THE OMAHA GUIDE IS YOUR PAPER— READ IT WEEKLY. USO NEWS 1 CLUB TO OBSERVE THIRD ANNIVERSARY The 24th St. USO Cli'.b has plan ned quite an elaborate u osia.,n in observing the third anriv'i ary of Che USO. Over 100 persons will go to Lincoln on Friday night to par ticipate in the program cf the 12th St. USO Club of which Ilarvey Me DanieL is Director. This Club has Just been enlarged and this celebration will mark tbo first program in the new dance hall Th© USO Orchestra will accomp any the group and play for the dancers along with the G. I. Or chestra from Lincoln Air Basel field. On Saturday a double at traction has been carded. At T:30 pm. at St. Benedicts Gymnasium the Ft. Crook Basketeers under the coaching of Sgt. Floyd Brown will take on the Grand Island team from the air base at Gran l Island. Immediately following the game the Anniversary Dance will be held. On Sunday morning at tlho various Churches, short talks will be made in behalf of the USO and at 3:39 Su'nday afternoon, a program will be given at the USO Club in which service men and civ ilians will participate. The public is invited to share in these anni versary programs. BASKETBALL GAMES With the acquiring of the Saint Benedict's Gymnasium for activit ies on Saturdays, it gives an oppor tunity to promote basketball gam es. This weeks card finds the highly touted Ft. Crook team g i lng against the fast and Snappy Grand Island team. The local 1 team is being coached by Sergeant Floyd Brown of Omaha and who formerly managed the N, , S. C. team two years ago. He was sec ond high scoring guard in the Ur ban Senior League. Brown has been playing with the Ft. Crook Medics, and is one of the of that teem. This team rates Bfowr. as one of the beet guards lr. the national TMCA League. The Grand Island team b. -t i of outstanding stars and ins being coached by Corporal Donaldson, from New York. Donaldson lias been working his charges over time for this important contest. His team boasts of having outstand ing stars both collegiate and pro fessional and this will gjve an op portunity for basketball fans to witness a grand game. Other games scheduled for the month aie Saturday Feb. I9th, Ft. Crook vs. Kearney and Feb. 26th Ft. Crook vs. Hastings. tso to Receive NEW FURNISHINGS Word has been received from the USO Regional Office in Kansas City, Missouri, that new furnltu’.e and furnishings have been ordered from New York and that within the next two or three weeks, the 1 USO Club will undergo a consider able change, with anew paint job, new jping-pong tables, neon sign and many other changes which will improve the looks of the Club as well as the services. Keokuk, la., WAC Girl Receives Ovation — miwii'ii iin if ii ii i n hi .. |_i » At Fort Huachuca. Arizonia, . . Technician Fifth Grade Consuela Bland, who is an accomplished so prano, recently sang at the 92 o 1 Division Chapel where she received a hearty ovation. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bland, T-r>th Bland comes from Keokuk, Iowa, and is a graduate of Iowa Stats Teachers’ College and Illinois State Normal College- A picneor of the VVAAC, she entered the first class August 12, 1942. Before WACriom she was a private tut^r. A talent ed musician, she formerly studied voice under Mrs. Etta Barton-My ers of Keokuk, and represented the state of Iowa in 1934 in a music It isn’t TABOO any more for girls to know these truths Girls today can be grateful that seme subjects are discussed more rankly than they used to be. That's one reason why thousands af women have come to know about CARDLTs 2-way help. Some take it. as directed, three days before "their time" to help relieve periodic pain due only to functional causes. ; Others take it as a tonic to stl '.lu late the appetite and aid digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices, thus helping build up strength and energy for those fU‘ , manding days to come. A 62 year record says CARDOl may help. Try. won’t you? WANTS YOUNG LADY TO WORK IN CAFE: $18 A WEEK Dear Sir: I am writing you in regards to see if you know of some young lady I could get to work in a cafe. I will pay $18.00 a week, board and room. Will send a ticket. I am in need of some one bad, so would like to hear from you right away, Yours truly, Jannie Howell, 623 West First Street, Hastings, Nebraska. n ASSISTS IN UNVEILING | BISHOP KING ASSISTS IN UNVEILNG CRUSADE PAINTING Worcester, Maas.,—Bishop Lcr nzo H. King, DD., LLD., of At lanta, Ga., resident Bishop of the Atlantic Coast Area, of The Meth odist Church was one of a team of four bishops to participate in the ceremonial unveiling of the How ard Chandler Christy painting. ‘The Coming Peace and the Prince of Peace”, here last week. The painting is the famous art ist’s only religious subject and was executed to serve as an artis tic. symbol of the “Crusade for a New World Order”, the denomin ation’s mation-wide movement to arouse public opinion in support of post-war international collab oration to insure future peace. The unveiling followed an ad dress by Bishop King given before 1,600 New England church leaders assembled in the sanctuary of the cathedml-liike Wesley Methodist church here. The gathering was one of a series of a hundred sim ilar mass-meetings being held in key cities across the country this month. These all-day meiti.i?s, sponsored by the Co'in"ll ops of The Methodist Church, are being addresse dby traveling depu tations of bishops, and .a few other church leaders. Bishop Kink spoke also in Ban gor, Me- Brooklyn and Albany, N. Y. and. lat?r in Macon, Ga. and Orlando, Fla. Bishop Robert E. .Tones of Columbus, O.. was a mem ber of the team of bishops address ing meetings at Elmira, Syracuse. Rochester and Buffalo. N. Y. while the schedule of Bishop Alexander P. Shaw of Bajtimore calls for Wes tern appcaitances. He speaks in Fresno. Oakland, Sacramento, San Diego and Los Angeeis, California and Phoenix, Arizona. — MARRY AT TUSKEGrEE Edward S.- Flowers of the U. S. Army station ed at Tuskegee, Alabama and Paulina Adair, daughter of Mrs. Juliett Adair of 5612 Wabash ' Avenue (Chicago) were married Jan. 8th at Tus kegee. The groom who attended West Virginia State College is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard I). Flowers of Chicago.(Press Photo Service) lUflitior sponsored by the “Chicago Defender”. At Fort Huachura T-5 Bland is assigned to duties with Post Headquarters where she is chief mail clerk and receptionist. -Or the Post Ccmmandre. Col. Hd v'n N. Hardy. She also has a •ister in the WAC Section Mar ‘orie Bland. US. Signal Photo TTkiTvsT* PHARMACY —24th and Seward St.— Prescriptions —FREE DELIVERY— WE-1613 r_a FIVE OCD CHAIRMEN APPOINTED IN E-2ND WARD Five Precinct chairmen appoint ed by Mrs. Glen Olson, chairman of the OCD block organization in th east half of the Second Ward, com plete the organization for the dis trict, it was announced Monday by Mrs. C. D. Roxberg, executive sec retary of the OCD block organiz ation. The newly appointed precinct chairmen are Mesdames F. G Mundlin, Irene Geiger, Deo Daily, Joseph Roberts and Harry Stein daifer. Additionla precinct chairmen ap pointed in the west half Of Second ward, announced Monday by Mrs. Classified Ads Get Resuits! FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake 8L WEbater 2022 want“to1k7v Furniture of all kinds—dressers, oeds, end tables, chairs and chost of drawers or complete home apartment furnishings- Kettles anc fishes. Sell u£ yours. i IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 Frank Blackwell .chairman, are:— Mrs. Vera Cowan, Mrs. F. A. Jack son. Mrs. Leonard Herald. Mrs. O. B. Prestidga and Mrs. W. M. Ware. ll(llilllllllllll!ll!(llimillllHiiiillllllll LEGION SIDELITES by JULIUS E. HILL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiimiiiimiiiii As it is a fact tnat the Legion is not run by a clique, it is nation wide, in fact, world-wide organiz ation; and its affairs are, under the constitution, conducted by the en tire membership through duly con stituted officers, committees and commissions. The Legion is one organization that operates from the bottom to the top, rather than from the top to the bottom. There is no rank in the Legion and no distinction between home service and foreign service. It is an organization of veterans, run by veterans- Eacn. one has a voice. This article is from the January issue of the National Legionnaire. It is placed in this column for tho ‘ sole purpose of making Legion naires think and think hard. If you are a member of a post you should do your .part in conducting its business and affairs. For the Post is you and you are the Post. Insist that all business be conduct ed in ways that are prescribed in the rules and by-laws of the Am erican Legion—the NATIONAL A merican Legion is meant here and Dot by your specific post rulings. For if these rulings do not adhere! to the principle laid down in tho national setup, they are WRONG and are against the best interest of the organization regardless how sincerely those fostering the plans desire to play fair with the otheij members. But to take part in all Legion affairs and activities does not imean to go out and make a fool of one's self. Don’t find fault with everything that is done by those who have bene selecte dto do them; don’t go around offering sugges tions to others than those to whom the suggestions might be of help. No one is perfect. But anyone who will half try' can be honest, at least to a degree wherein others can see no fault in them of a na ture sufficient to cause dissention in the Post. And above all else don’t be angry if your suggestions aren't taken as a whole and used. ***** This may see a queer column this week, this may seem just a litile out of the ordinary,—it may even seem antagonistic to certain group.1;; but is not intended to be It is (merely that the writer, a paid up member of the local Post, real izes that not all Legionnaires lake iiiHiiiiiiimniiiiiHUimmiiHiiiiiiiui FUNERAL DIREGTGR 1 WE. 2022 In all out lives there is a time when the need of helpful funeral service arises. At such time our facilities are available plus ev ery means of thoughtful econ omy. Romas’ 2022 Lake Street _/ rimmiimmmiiinimiiiiniiimmmi NORTiTzithSTREET ^ SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 i UI'Ul.Ati i KiLL-S 1 OOK AT YOUH SHOES Ollier People Do iiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiimi WANTED S CHAMBERMAIDS We pay the highest wages for maids then any hotel In the city* One week’s vacation with pay giv en to all employees who work a full year, two weeks if you work taro years with pay. CALL JA 6492. DELMAR HOTEL, 2«th at Faroam Street fiiiiiiiiiiiiioiaiiBiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiii NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE A CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sites Shoes, No Stamps; Ladles Dresses, Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Oil Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N, 26th ST, .AuN DRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM~& SHERMAN 1401 North 24th WE. 6051 EMERSON LAUNDRY 4324 North 24th °t. WE. 10/4 time to acquaint themselves with just how they stand aid what part they should play in the Post. And as Roosevelt P-ast No. 30. The American Legion, is a wonder ful Post and known throughout the United States, we Intend to keep it that way, no matter how outside or inside influence ries to make it otherwise Alka-Seltzer ABC METHOD A—Alka-Seltzer, start taking it *""* at once to relieve the Dull, Aching Head, and the Stiff, Sore Muscles. B— Be careful, avoid drafts and sudden changes in tempera ture. Rest — preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi bly, drink plenty of water or fruit juices. Be sure to get enough Vitamins. C —Comfort your Sore, Raspy ' Throat, if caused by the cold, by gargling with Alka-Selt zer. If fever develops, or symptoms become more acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unnsuaPv effective in action. Take it for Headache, alu&cular Pains and for Indigestion, Gas on Stomseh, when caused by excess stomach acid. ' At your drug store — Large package 60*. Small package 30*, by the glass at soda fountains. « Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. All rC GET SPEEDY Id I I ■■ V RELIEF FROM I | kLaW ITCH AND BURN THEN WMK AND SIT IN COMFORT Use Poslam—the CONCENTRATED ointment — as thousands have. The oll.v base HOLDS Poslam’s medication on the smarting skin to cool and soothe that agonizing itch and burn. Sold from coast to coast tor 35 years. Ask your doctor. Only GOc. ail drug store* _________________ * | Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLYC® AND ONLY i.7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned JuM Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON- SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029