WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 W'e are all glad to see the race horse headwaiter on the street af ter a very serious illness. Mr. Chester Hodges one of the veteran roast beef knights and star golf players says hello to all BUY YOUR POULTRY ’ AT THE ; NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204 6 NORTH 24th ST. i (let the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE —LOWEST PRICE— ; Phone WE. 4137 1^-- ■ .. MAKE BEER from barley malt, stronger, better. Formula for making beer by brewer of famous Nor weigan “Bock-Bayer” beer sen| for $1.06. J. RUSSELL, 201 South Brittain, Shelbyville, Tenn. L McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. ^423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m> Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. on. to 1a.m. JA. 2411 WB CARRY A FULL LINE OP BONDED LIQUORS IMix Lemon Juice AT HOME' M TO RELIEVE aft RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands of follts who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only •6 cants—Do it Now. q the boys. I Capt. Burns improving at th' Vet's hospital in Lincoln. Musician headwaiter arid Tht wide awake crew at the Chamber of Commerce very much on the job. The Fontenelle Hotel waiters are very much out in front on service. The Regis Hotel and the White Horse Inn waiters are serving with a smile. Th ewaiters at the Hill Hotel are on the up and go at all times. The waiters at the Blackstor.e Htel are in the running at all tim es on fine service. The Omaha Club waiters with Capt. Earl Jones are taking care of the service in a very fine way. The Omaha Athletic Club with the matride from the srtiow-me state. and the two streamlined cap tains from the razor-back hOg state and one from the Lone Star State and the very fine crew ate always on the job serving with a smile. THE WEEK Sixteen hundred persons attend ed a mass meeting at the Fir»t Methodist Church in DesMoines. Iowa, January 19th. Bishop .1 ■ Ralph Magee presided and said in an address: ‘while speakers at Un meeting would indorse eventual collaboration of all nations for a permanent peace there was no at tempt at regimentation of thought among Methodists. Ben F. Farley, head of U. H Steel Coi^p., said Friday, January 21st: ‘justly aroused American pi?'< pie will not allow strikes.’ Chicago police intensified their hunt Friday Jan. 21st for the slay er of Mrs. Frank Williams, wife of an American diplomat. U. S. Bomber plane crashes in a take-off at Camp Kearsey, Cal and all 13 members were killed. Mrs. Elma F. Loyd of the Urb an League, a streamlined. The OPA Washington. DC., ad justed wholesale prices of milk. The Federal Power CommissioB may hold a joint hearing with the Arkansas Department of Public U tilities involving the capital struc ture of the Arkansas Power and Light Company, it was learneJ Tuesday, Jan. 18th. Read The Omaha Guide and get all the news first hand. Louisiana will have a rub-off pri mary for governor on Feb. 29th. Executive Board of the NAACP. had a well attended and fine meet ing. Bud Payne a very active mem ber of ROosevelt Post No- 30, Am erican Legion. Crosstown Tailor Shop ATTENTION, LADIES! ! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. Mable L. Williams, Proprietress. . -2022 NORTH 24th STREET Orchard & Wilhelm Co. i -Since ’93 | PLAIN SATEEN COMFORTS | Filled with a mixture of 50% wool and 50%|* AC \ cotton. .Good quality, scroll-stitched.... ' NEW FIELDGREST DOUBLE BLANKETS 75% Cotton, 25% wool, very high pile, bound with rayon satin good colored C QC plaids. .... ; EXCEPTIONAL JACQUARD BLANKETS 25% wk>ol, 75% cotton, woven with a warm, lofty pile. Handsome border pattern in new and beautiful cotton top and bottom binding i AC of rayon satin. Size 72x84. Special value. ALL-WOOL ARMY BLANKETS These blankets were rejected by the army be cause they were either too long or too short. Otherwise they are fine blankets, 100% T QC wool and of unusual wearing quality - • ■ •w«l Third Floor ^ ortforrrrrrrrrmnnrrr rrmnwirtMiffi USO NEWS COMMITTEE OF MAXAGEMNT ORGANIZES The newly formed Committee of .Management of the USO Club held their meeting on Monday night for the purpose of organizing and dis cussing the plans of operating. The ollowing officers were elected: Ralph Adams, Chairman, Mrs. Henry Monsky, Vice Chairman. Mrs. Ora Glass, secretary and Mrs. D. W. Gooden, treasurer. This Committee has the responsibility of the complete operation of the CSO club with respect to person nel, budget, program and building. Other members of the committee are Dr. Herbert Wiggins, Mr. Ar thur McCaw, Miss Belle West and Rev. E. F. Ridley. VOLUNTEERS MEETING A number of volunteers both senior and juniors met at the USO Club last Friday to disuss the wo k of the USO and the part that the Volunteer pjays in the conduct of a good program. Special assign ments were made and already a different atmosphere around the club has been noted because of the appearance of these workers. The ollowing persons were present. The Mrs. Josie E. Baltimore, Gertrude Marie Brooks, Mildred Louise Bail ey, Minnie Lee Dorch, Ora Leo Glas3. Estelle Gray, Georgia A. Goosby. Paulise Hawkins. Olive Hawkins. Isbell Hill, Clara Hanna, Frances Kelly. aFye Loyd, Thelma Newte, Jeanne Rose. Jenne Scott, R. R. Brown, the Secy of the Ur ban League doing good for others at all times. Milton Johnson very active at the drug store serving customers with a smile. Jake Carey, veteran letter car rier. always doing his route early in the morning. R. C. Price, the wide awake bar ber, giving fine service at all tim es. The NAACP should have three thousand members in Omaha. F. Wrenn of Los Angeles, Calif., Jn Omaha. Richard Joyner and H. W. Smith in a northside business house. Ben Gilleland. Geo- Dean, two U. P. star dining car employes oh 24th street. • 17 year old girl found dead in an auto in Council Bluffs. Clair Chapel 4fh Quarterly meet ing on Sunday January 30th. G D. Hancock is Dist Sifpt. St. Louis, Mo-, City Council pass es Equal Rights Law. Petition with one hundred thou sand names presented to CJ. fe. Service for the passing of the Anti Poll Tax Bill. Organized labor seeking Negro v«t« 4C Club Credit Union held a very fine annual meeting at tile Urban League Bishop H. King of the Mtehodist Chu'reh tells what the Church must do to be Chrstiians at the inspirat ional meeting in Brooklyn, NY. Bishop J. A. Gregg of the Meth odist AME. Church address at the Elks’ Auditorium in Memphis, Tenn., on Sunday. Jan. 23rd. National Medical Assoc. will meet in Saint Louis, Mo., Aug. 15. NY. Mutual Life Insurance had a very large volume of business in 1943. Lily-white Republicans fail to overthrow Perry Howard in Miss. Everyone should attend the NA ACP meeting at St. Johns AME. Chu’reh Sunday afternoon at 3 pin. Mrs. Adam Lee of 2814 Caldweii St., is improving after a very ser ious operation. RKIIVS PHARMACY —24th and Seward St.— Prescriptions —FREE DELIVERY— WE-1613 Louise Wiley and Katherine Walk er. About thirty five persons have. Consented to do Volunteer work for the USO. They are now a part of over 1,000,000 volunteers ali ov er the country who are serving in this important task. SURPRISE PARTY FOR SOLDIERS The staff and volunteers of the USO club were pleasantly surprise ed on Monday when a number of the men from the Kearney Air Base walked in the Club and an nousced that they would be in O maha over night. Mrs. Ruby Reese together with socme of the junior hostesses went into action with the result that a surprise party, was held on Monday night for the men. Over 75 persons were pres ent and everyone expressed them selves as having a good time- Na turally the men left with a feeling of gratitude for the USO and the Citizens of Omaha who are classed as the most hospitable persons in the country. PRESIDENT’S BIRTHDAY BALL In keeping with the March of Dimes Program to help fight in fantile paralysis a President’s Bir thday Dance has been arranged by the USO to be held at the St. Bene dict’s Auditorium for the service men and their friends, Saturday night. Through the kindness of Father Morlan, the use of the build ing has been granted the USO for use on Saturdays and a number of outstanding programs are being planned. The music for the dance will be furnished by the USO Swing sters a group of young men who are rapidly developing into a very good orchestra. This is an (,ppor V lunity not only to enjoy the activ ities but to also help in this nation wide effort to fight infantile par alysis. I SO TO LINCOLN As a part of the Third Annivers ary of the USO work the North 24th Street USO Clifb hostesses will journey to Lincoln on Friday, Feb. 4fh to assist the 12th Street • USO in their celebration- Harvey McDaniels director of the club in Lincoln has announced that the dance hall will be completed by this time furnishing adequate space for the program^ Arrangements are being made to take the ocal USO Orchestra with the group to compete with the soldier’s orches tra which will be playing on this occasion. Transportation will be furnished by the Lincoln USO Club. Over 100 persons are expect ed to make the trip. -» I SMILE i AWHILE OLD FRIENDS ARE BEST When the peddler came to the door and asked the woman if she jihad any old erlics around the house ;she would like to sell or get i!d jof, she said: “Well, I guess not. You see I married him nigh, on to fifty years ago. And although he isn’t much account, I have grown so use to him that I would hate to get lid of him now.” WELL! WELL! WELL! With a grin on his face the col * ored tramp watched as the white tramp scratched himself, ra-risg notice of his apparent amusement the white tramp asked him what he saw that was so funny. The colored tramp replied: Ah warn Jus’ think' riotic lice must be. Here we have been together fo’ a long time and dey nevah bother me.” “How do you account for that?” asked the white tramp. Replied the colored traanp, “Dey is so patriotic dey jus’ won’t deal in the black market.” A DOG'S LIFE Little boy (to his father) “Dad, you love mamma don’t you?” Father_“Why yes, of course-’ Little boy .“You love dogs too don't you dad?” Father. .“Yes son. I do. But why do you ask?.” Little boy. .“Because yesterday dad. I heard mother tell Mrs. Dool i ey that she has had a dog’s life with you. But since you love dogs maybe it hasn’t been too bad at that!” —HILL. UNIQUE NEGRO HISTORY PROGRAM A unique Negro History Pro giam and Tea is being planned 1 y the Missionary Society of Cleaves Temple CME. Chu'rch to be given there, 25th and Decatur on Sunday February 13th at 4 o'clock pm. Ladies, they used to say: “That’s TABOO!”. Now Read these facts Not long ago, many a woman would prefer to suffer in silence from periodic, functional pain rath er than talk about this subject. Nowadays, women and girls openly praise CARDUI’s 2-way help. Taken as a tonic, it usually peps up the appetite and aids di gestion by stimulating the flow of gastric juices; thus it often helps; build up resistance for the trying days to come. Or taken as directed 3 days before the time, CARDUI may help rel*eve pain due only to periodic functional causes. Try CARDUI. For 62 years thou sands of wome nhave said they be lieved it helped them. WANTS YOUNG LADY TO WORK IN CAFE: $18 A WEEK Dear Sir: I am writing you in regards to see if you know of some young lady I could get to work in a cafe. I will pay $18.00 a week, board and room. Will send a ticket. I am in need of some one bad, so would like to hear from you right away, Yours truly, Jannie Howell, 623 West First Street, Hastings, Nebraska. HOW’S THAT FOR A MUSCLE, PAL? ( Two year old Johnnie inspects the muscle of his , little white chum, Tommie, at the James Whitcomb Riley Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, where they have been receiving the Kenney treatment for in* fantile paralysis (Polio) for nine months. Both of the children were so crippled when they arrived at the hospital that they could not walk unassisted. They are two of the approximately 12,000 cases of the disease recorded during 1943, four times the num*. ber reported last year. The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, through its over 3,000 chapters, which finances the care of many of the cases, Negro and white, throughout the nation, is conducting its eighth annual MARCH OF DIMES from January 14 to 31. JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES. Send your contribution to The President at The White House. Mr. H. J. Pinkett is to give a. brief sketch of Negro History, ind a Negro-White team with Mrs. Gladys Ervin and Mrs. Margaret Fischer, a white Attorney of our city, will discuss “What I wouid Do If I were a Negro in these War Days.” This promises to be most inter esting as there will be alloted time for discussion and questions from the floor. Each Negro person is asked to invite a person as their guest for the day in order to make it a real Interracial program and audience. You will miss a r,-al treat if you fail t° be present. Other musical numbers will be rendered by some of the best tal ent of the city. ^ _ _ — _ _ _ _ \ “How Much Taxes Public Ownership j Might Cost You” ★ HEAR TOM ZACEK Prominent Omaha J Attorney , SATURDAY ! 6:15 P. M. i W0W*K0IL*KB0N | Classified Ads Get Resuits! FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 WANT TO IHlV Furniture of all kinds—dressers x>ds, end tables, chairs and chest if drawers or complete han't ipartmcnt furnishings. Kettles anc fishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 Helps to Improve Race Relations within YWCA. 1 ■ 1 11 1 " ■ 1 1 """----I Mrs. Helen J. Wilkins Mrs. Helen J- Wilkins. Minnesota who recently helped complete a study of race relations within the rWCA. A staff mem: er of the National YWCA board, she was appointed along with Miss Juliet O. Bell of Aiken, S. C., to form a team that visited nine cities in search of data to find ways and means to improve race relations within that organization. (ANP— Photo) Pan American Wallpaper and Paint Company Regardless of race, creed or col or, persons trading at the Pan-Am erican Wall Paper and Paint Co., store at 1608 Webster street, are treated with proper consideration and courtesy at all times. For years this concern has been serving the public in Omaha faith fully and correctly. Mr. Charles R. Garbart, the present manager, although comparatively new to O rnahans has in a short time gained the like and respect of those cf our group who use and sanction Pan-American products. George Patterson, better known as “Pat’’ to his many friends of both races, has been with the com - pany for years and many of the pajperhangers and painters whom he gives service to. were his school mates. A World War veteran and a legionnaire, he is well acquaint ed with the majority of the mem bers of Roosevelt POst No. 30, es pecially those who by the nature of their work, use his company’s produtts or §o to him for advice. Pat is Pan-American’s city sales man. Floyd Childs, like Pat. doesu t care for any handle such as mister to his name, is the same good-na tured type of being as is Pat ar.d Charles Garbart. And in his rolc of stockman, puts the customer's orders up accurately and carefull'. And the wanm smile with which Miss Avis Wink, the bookkeeper greets all who enter the office, ..iiiiiiihim FUNERAL DIRECTOR WE. 2022 In all out lives there is a time when the need of helpful funeral service arises. At such time our facilities are available plus ev ery means of thoughtful econ omy. Efjomas’ 2022 Lake Street itiimiimiiiimiiiiimiimmiiiiimiiH NORTH* 24tV STREET1' SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 t’OPUi.AK PklCh.-s LOOK AT YOUH SHOES Other People Do iiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WANTED 3 CHAMBERMAIDS We pay the highest wages for maids then any hotel in the city. One week’s vacation with pay giv en to all employees who work a full year, two weeks If you work two years with pay. CALL JA 6492. DELMAR HOTEL, 24th at Farn&m Street. fiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiminiiimii NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses, j Rugs, Beds. Gas Stoves and Oil Stoves. | “We Buy and Sell’’ — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLMT SHERMAN S401 North 24th WE. 6061 EMERSON LAUNDRY 4324 North 24th P*. WE. 10P< there is little wonder that trading at the Pan-American Wall Paner and Paint Store is a pleasure.. _ and a profitable one. NOW, more than ever, you want •to stay on the job and do your full share of the work which must ! be done. Headache, Muscular Pains, Simple Neuralgia, Func tional Monthly Pains slow you down, interfere with your work, spoil your fun. Have you ever tried DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills when any of these common pains have made you miserable? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are pleasant to take, and prompt in action. They do not upset the stomach or make you constipated. A single tablet usually brings relief. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are compounded under the super vision of competent chemists. •Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store. Regular pack age 25*, Economy package $1.00. Read directions and take only as directed. .» Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising ▼ r Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16™ ST. ECZEMA EASE THAT ITCH SUCCESSFULLY) Don’t bear the torment* of eczema another day. Do ae thousands of happy people have—use Poslam for quick, dependable relief. At night, when itching is worse, one applica tion of this CONCENTRATED ointment brings soothing comfort and lets you sleep. 18,000,000 packages sold during 35 years show It must be pood. Recommended by many doctors. Sold from coast to coast. Only 50c at all druggists. Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLYC® AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON-SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 102*