WAITERS’ ! COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 The RR boys are serving on the wheels with a smile. The Paxton Hotel waiters are tops <>n fine service at all times. The Fontenelle waiters are very much out in front on service. The waiters at the Hill Hotel are in the running on the up and go with service and a smile. The Blackstone hotel waiters are headliners on service IIAKE BEER I from barley malt, stronger, i hotter. Formula for making beer by brewer of famous Nor weigan “Bock-Bayer” Ifcer sent foi $1.00. J. RUSSELL, 201 South Brittain, Shelbyville, ! T<>nn. McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. '>423-25 NORTH 24th St. VINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blae Boom Open 8 p. at. to 1 a. m Open for Private Parties froai 2 to 7 p. m. —No Chargee— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. t>ree Delivery from 8aa.lt 1a.m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL UNB OF BONDED LIQUORS »^»################### Mx Lemon Juice AT HOME | TO RELIEVE 1/RHEUMATIC PAINS looey Back—If This Recipe Fails Good newi travels fast—many of the thou ands of fonts who now take lemon Juice ce 'rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoon luls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru is a IS year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—If It does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Oat Allenru today at any live druggist. Only M cants—Do u Now. 9 (s ATTACH#EATS ( ^_»7C!3>~^rC£3PJ •ORDER TODAY J $2.75 C.O.D. § ; Plus Postage Sand no money, state color of Ivair or tend sample ... Your hair properly' matched , .. satisfaction guaranteed. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST OF OTHER ATTACHMENTS MADE TO ORDER. RENA HART BEAUtY PRODUCTS COMPANY R131 Seventh Ave. New York 27, N. Y, Complex Vitamin re quirements of the aver | age person are: « A 4.000 USP Units, D 400 USP Units, B1 333 USP Units, B2 2,000 wiicrograms, ana ap proximately 10,000 Micrograms Nico tinamide. The required amounts for other B Complex Vitamins have not yet been established. Many people do not get enough of these essential Vitamins. DO YOU? Why not play safe by taking ONE-A-DAY BRAND Unt-h-Prt I VITAMIN TABLETS Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablet contains 25% more of the cod liver oil vitamins than the mini mum daily recommended quantity. Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin 'B Complex Tablet contains full mini mum daily requirements of Vitamins B1 and B2 and 10,000 Micrograms of Nicotinamide together with a sub stantial amount of other B Vitamins. When you buy Vitamins, compare potencies and prices. Note how ONE A - DAY Tablets conform to the average human requirements. See how reasonable the cost. »Get them at your drug store. . — * ■ ' — > ■■ -w . ^ -p."' The Omaha Club waiter* are very much on the $ulck step and are wearing many smiles after the hoi- i days. I (di yes! The Regis Hot°l and the White Horse waiters are quick stepping with a pleasing smile al ways. We should at all times be ready for improvements and new ideas, a: lime brings changes. And bv careful thinking as to what we can add to bring about desirable chang es from former customs so that the very fine guests we serve will always think kindly of us and make it known to their friends. And in the long run it will be a great help in building tfp a solid service foun dation. THIS WEEK— BY H. W. SMITH Gov. Walter S. Goodlund, 81. of Wisconsin, may run again Cor of fice. Douglas M. Stewart was sentenc ed to 90 days in jail in Washington, DC., for contempt of court. He was formerly publisher of Scrib ner’s Magazine and the Lake Gen - ava. Wisconsin Herald. Paul Robison, noted singer, has beep asked to accept an honorary membership in the CIO. our first President. George Washington and vice President, iehn Adams were selected by the electors 155 years ago, Friday Jan. 7th. Six men working in the -quarter masters Dept, in Philadelphia were sentenced to prison for bribery. Four escaped German prisoners were captured near Topeka, Kan sas. Stanley C. Arthur, executive di rector of the Ala. State Museum, Friday, January 7th recalled that: -ocket warfare is old enough to put the British behind the eight ball a« it was the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans. Paul Robeson said in an address made 1 nNY.,: Te promises made in the emancipation proclamation have not been fulfilled. U. S. Navy denies the report, that Battleship BoOktr T. Wash ington has been sank. NAACP meeting and installation of officers at Paradise Bapt'st church tomorrow, January 16th.— and we hope you have a crowd as Rev. Adams is a 100 percent mem ber. Investigating Committee and other individual organizations were unanimous in placing the blame for the Detroit riot, June 21-22nd, 1943 On the laxity of the motoy-i cycle officers. — The NY. Post has named Walter | White Executive Secretary of the I NAACP War Correspondents. Shirley Kennedy, Guy Robbins and H. W. Smith had a short visit, in a northside business house. San Francisco had a $100,000 fire On the water front. Gov. Charles Edison of New Jer sey says Federal patronage i3 all Jthat keeps Mayor Frank Hague* alive politically. Women defense workers in Chi I | cago asked to be arrested for a ! murder committed 15 years ago. Read The Omaha Guide and keep posted. Dr. Robert Weaver, chief of the minority section War Manpower Commission and a government e:n ployee, resigns. I t Bishop J. A. Gregg of the ME. Church highly honored at West minister Abbey in London, Eng land. Plans for the first Negro para 1 chute unit, in American Army have , been completed. President Roosevelt has appoint ed a committee of three in the UK case. Judge Walter Stasy of Raleigh, N. C„ Judge Wm. H. Hally, Chic ago, Mayor Dauchie of Cleveland, Ohio, National Council of Negro Women in new quarters in Wash ington, DC., Mrs. Mary Bethune is in charge. Crosstown Tailor Shop ATTENTION, LADIES! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... _——2022^NDRTH 24th STREET These Questions Answer many a laxative problem Ques. Are all laxatives alike? Ans. Certainly not. Ques. Are all laxatives herbal laxatives? An3. No, some are saline, emollient, etc. Ques. Is Black-Drau'ght herbal? Ans. Yes, Black-Draught is purely herbal—usually thorough and sat isfactory if directions are follow ed. That’s why it is often called “the friendly laxative.” Black-Draught has been a popu lar-selling laxative with four gen [ erations. Costs only 25c for 25 toj 40 doses. Comes powdered or gran ulated. which many say is even [ easier to take. Caution, use only as directed. Next time, try Black - I Draught in the familiar yellow box. Don't Let GRAY HAIR Make You Look Old You feel as young as you ever did— , you still love a good time—still enjoy the admiration of men. But gray, drab hair makes people think you’re old—a “has been”. Win the look of youth and loveliness through the rich, beautiful color Larieuse will give your hair. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER j Color Your Hair This Easv Wav To give your hair new, rich, natural-looking color (black, brown, blonde) start using Gode- A froy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring H NOW . . . Acts quickly—goes on X evenly, easily—won’t rub off or ^ wash out—unaffected by heat permits permanents and stylish f hairdos . . . Known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give / your money back if you're not ( 100% satisfied. . \ BEAUTIFULLY £ \ COLORED £ \ NATURAL X. \ LOOKING ' \ HAIR For Best Results. SHAMPOO with Larieuse Shampoo Before Applying Larieuse Hair Coloring. CAUTIOM: drnler U.-jCnly o« * doesn't have D treated en Larieuse Lobel (LARRY- , USE) send $1.25 direct to . . . Godefrov Mfg. Co. 3510 Olive St. St. sosa — Louis, {3) Mo. MOUNTED COAST GUARDSMEN PATROL NEW JERSEY BEACH '.NS r JSS -^ 7 1 ST * - i vT Woe betide the would-be saboteur or invader who runs afoul of this staunch member of the Coast Guard Mounted Beach Patrol. Shown atop his mount Whitey” while on patrol, Lee Perkens, Boatswain’s Mate, Second Class, Dallas, Texas, is a member of a Coast Guard horse patrol unit which natr'ds beaches in the New Jersey area. Illl!imiill!llllllllll9llill(ltimi!llllllll LEGION SIDELITES by JULIUS E. HILL iiimimiHMiiiiiitimiiiiiiinifiiiiiir; Now that the holiday season is •iVtr members of ROesevelt Post No. 30, The American Legion have rolled up ther sleeves aid gone to fork on their 1944 program. And they iiave no intentions of allow ing this program to be c”rta;led be r'ouse there hai been forced up ,n them an ealier clising hour by t’ e city officials. To do so at this time would in dicate a less of faith in the public and especially the patrons ef The Lounge, t'^eir night club. And this is no time to lo=-e faith in anyone or anything that has contributed to President Roosevelt was advised by his physician not to deliver his message to Congress as he was too weak. Five thousand persons visited tile Government prison camp at Clar inda, Iowa. C. S. Senator Wherry says:—If coffee can be removed from ration ing because of a surplus the same should hold for pork. Mrs. Kllen, 1114% Pierce street and her daughter Mrs. Rya Jones. 1104 Wilson avenue, wlere over •0111c by gas coming from a stove. Six schools gather ten tons of ‘‘ va tc paper in Council Bluffs. Are you a member of the .WVA "P'-' If not become a member to day! ft"! Mount Moriah Baptist Church. 24th and Ohio streets, raised ten thousand, seven hundred dollars rind took in 62 members without a revival in 1943. And the men's B;ble Class with the very fine lea dership of brother Perry Taylor, raised $160.11 the 4th Sunday in December. All honor to Reverend D. St .Clair and the faithful mem bers and friends. the success of the Post the past year. _ Furthermore,^the public is pliable —It loves its fun and will have it if it can be found. Even if it nec essitates going- where it can be found earlier than has been the custom, it will g0 earlier. And those preferring the Lounge to oth er night spots will continue to pa tronize it. Therefore the earlier closing hoifr isn’t likely to hamp er < nlv until the public becomes re adjusted to changed conditions. LOCAL NOTES COMPLETES ARMY FIRST AID COl'RSE Mrs. Esther Hicks, 1814‘2 North 27th street, who has been tak.ng First Aid training required for wome nedsiring- to become Army Nurses, completed her eight, mon ths' course Tuesday night January !1th with double ’A’ ratin.g In her final examination she turned in a perfect paper, as she answered ev ery question correctly. She is an active member of the Women’s Auxiliary of Roosevelt Post No. SO. tile American L-gion and is head SMILE AWHILE First wife—“My husband is a good lawyer.” Second wife—‘‘So is mine ” First wife—“Oh I thought you told me he is a barber?” Second wife—"He is, but I tkot you said ‘liar’ ” ***** Oloria—“I married my husband on a bet.” Ilea.—‘‘Yes, I know. He told me he got cheated!’’ ***** Young mother—“My husband is a good story teller and often tells fairy tales to our children.” Old mother—Mine is a good story teller too, and often tells fairy tales to ME.” ***** \ May—“What would you do if you had your hulsband to marry ov er again?” Fay—"Plead guilty to first de gree murder.” PLEASE SAVE GAS! ing the membership drive- She. will receive her medal Wednesday, January 12th. IMPROVING SLOWLY Alfred Allen, 2608 Decatu;- street who has been suffering fjrom an attack of rheumatism for the last/ six weeks, is improving slowly. He is a son of Elder Allen. BACK FROM PUEBLO Mr. Larry Peoples has returned from Pueblo, Colorado, where he went to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law Mrs. Jesse L. Peoples, who passed December 30, 1943. BOYSTOWN TO HAVE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES The Senior Class of the Boys town High school will hold Com mincement Exercises Sunday Jan uary 16, at 2:30 o’clock in the Boys! Town auditorium. CORPORAL WHITESIDE LEAVES FOR BASE Corporal Harold Whiteside, who just recently graduated at Peoria, III., as an diesel engineer, was here last week on a ten day furlough, visiting with his mother, Mrs. Benj. Whiteside and sister, Mrs. Ray 1„ Williams of 3007 Ohio Street. uurpuiai W IUWC01UC, night to return to his further stud ies in the art of diesel engineering. PROMOTION GRANTED OMAHA HOY Great Lakes, II!., Janua-.y 7—A promotion to the rate oi Kosp'tal Apprentice second class was grant ed to Bluejacket Ha.'c'.d J. Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs John Lane 281S Seward, Omaha. N-braska. in recent graduation ceremonies at teh Hospital Corps School at the V. S. Naval Hospital here Graduatios terminates a six-, i week course of preliminary train ing at the Hospital Corps School. Included in the course is the study of anatofy and physilogy, hygiene, add weights and measures, first i aid and bandaging, nursing, trans- I portation of casualties, and diet etics. The newly graduated man will cotninue to train at another Naval hospital before being sent to duty •t sea or at another shore station. JOE GLASS JOINS NAVY Joseph Glass, yOuhgest son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Glass, 3r>39 Burdette street, deciding- that lie would rather join the Navy and see the world than go to school any longe.r Thursday, January 6 liied ihmself to a recruiting sta tion and proceeded to enlist in that branch of the military service for the duration. He passed all phys ical requirements and would be now, hvae bee non his way to some training station but for a little Je crepancy in his age, it being a bit below par, which made it necessary for him to get the consent of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glass mu'cli prefer red that Joseph wait until he was Called into teh serveie, but after holding a family council decided to give him their consent amt pa.-ent al blessing. So if things proceed according to plans Joseph will leave Omaha Monday January 17, , for some naval training station. \ llis enlistment recalls to mind similar action by his brothel" Book er nearly three years igo- He too.’ went down town on what was sup posedly a harmless mission out re turned home and amazed his par ents by informing tnem he had joined the army. So now with Joseph soon to leave to do liis hit there will be two silver stars in stead of one on the Glass’ Service flag. MACK GIVES UP LUNCH STAND AT POST Tuesda ynlgnt Olonzo Mack Me Gruder gave up sreving lunch at the Lounge. It was stated that it was because of his health. Douglas Redman, a member of the Post took over Wednesday. He is an expeirenCcd cook and will try to give the same fine sov e that was given by ‘Make’ MeGrud er. MARRIED Miss Anna L. Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s John Henry An drews, was married to James Rog ers recently. M.r and Mrs. Rogers plan to make tehir future home- :n Ogden, Utah, wehre she is employ ed at an airfield. RECOVERS Miss Valeria King, 958 25th Ave. North, has recovered sufficiently from the operation performed on her throat several weeks ago to re sume her work at Ma * plant. Her co-worker, Miss Char lotte Harvey who carries her and several others back and forth to the plant, is back on the job again after being off for a few days be cause of illness. DIES WHILE READING It was reported that Ruth Mar tin who lived between 27th and 28th street on Caldwell, died on Thursady while reading a book. , UNCLE HAD OPERATION J Miss Wilda Welch, a bomber plant wrker, has returned from . "'- ' ■■-^==== - ~------ - - Classified Ads Gef Resuits! House for Sale FOR SALE—MODERN HOUSE K rooms, all modern, clear. Corner lot, oak floors, hot water furnace, nice basement, room to sleep or live. Kitchen terrazzo floor, cab inet sink, bath built in tub, insul ated brick siding, double garage, fowl house, both cement fleois, nice lawn, plenty hardy flowers and shrubs, Possession within ie days after sale, ?401 Maple. Owner leaving state. GIRL WANTED G-irl between 20-25 for shipping de partment. Typing knowledge nec essary. Call JA-5288 for appoint Manhattan, Kansas where she went to attend the funeral of her grand mother. Thursday of last week it was reported that her u'ncle Wen dell Welch, was operated on at the Methodist Hospital at 10 a. m A later report stated he was still in a serious condition. LOSES POCKETBOOK Starlet Peterson, a new waitress at the Lounge, reported to the management Sunday night the loss of her pocket book which contain ed four dollars and some small change. She said she believed it was stolen from the pocket of tier jacket while she was serving some patrons. NEW BAND A new four piece band went to work at the Lounge Sunday. It will play six nights a week with Monday off- The Post has had an orchestra platform built in the southwest corner of the Lounge and was u'sed for the first time Saturday night. RECOVERING Last week the three children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, 2103 North 27th street were taken sick at the same time. Sunday night of this week Mrs. Bell told a reporter that they were greatly improved. She is night waitress at the Green Lan tern Cafe. iiiiiiiHiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiD FUNERAL DIRECTOR WE. 2022 In all our lives there is a time when the need of helpful funeral service arises. At such time our facilities are available plus ev ery means of thoughtful econ omy. QHjomag’ 2022 Lake Street HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiimiiiiiiimn NORTH 24th STREET ^ SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —PUPULAK PRICES - LOOK AT YOUH SHOES Other People Do. nil PC onSPEEDY I# II h W RELIEF FROM I I la mm W ITCH AND BURN THEN WA1K AND SIT IN COMFORT Use Poslam—the CONCENTRATED ointment—as thousands have. The oily base HOLDS Poslam's medication on the smarting skin to cool and soothe that agonizing itch and burn. Sold from coast to coast for 35 years. Ask your doctor. Only 50c, all drug stores. rjm.- iwm'i PWCBaLKA- SELTZER^nffer. Bliffrl relief for Headache, Pf4*\AM^6,mpl* Neuralgia, "Morn EujA^hI *n8 After", Cold Distress, Muscular Pains and RrKT\8tu»*Ti.Acid U,di,"tion lit LAW Ask your Druggist — 80 Cents and 60 Cents Dr. Miles Nervine for| : Sleeplessness, Ner- Xli/L#... V- .A I I vous Irritability, f fTncnTOU \l Excitability and ( A eg Nervous Head* i /I ache. Read direc- \ NrDJ/@ff£)\ tions and use only I as directed. jj | iiiiniiinimiininiin;miiiMinniinmi WANTED 3 CHAMBERMAIDS We pay the highest wages for maids then any hotel in the city. One week's vacation with pay giv en to all employees who work a full year, two weeks If you work two years with pay. CALL JA 5493. DELMAR HOTEL, 24th at Farnam Street iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiHiiin NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE A CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses, Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Oil Stoves. “We Buy and Sell’’ — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 36th 8T, TaT,ISDKIES & CLEANERS ~ EDHOLM & SHERMAN £401 North 24th WE 906t EMERSON LAUNDR» (324 North 24th St. WE. loyi FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 WANTtobTiv Furniture of all kinds—dresatrs, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings kettles and dishes. Sell us y^urs. tDr.AL Furniture Mart, 24th Jfc Lake Sireet—WE. 2224 FIGHTS POLL TAX Speaking before a huge mixed au -dience during the holiday week, at the Blackwell Memorial Church her, Chicago’s Moyor Edward J. Kelly hade a plea to his audience for its help in t|je passage of the anti-poll tax Bill, which comes up before the Senate on January 17. The Mayor said that there were six million whites and 5 million Ne groes who are victims of the Poll Tax Law and that every Good A merican regardless of race or creed should write his or her Senator now and demand him to vote for cloture. Press Photo Service. TAKES SECOND WIFE AT 113 Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 10 (ANP) A 113 year old resident of this city Tuesday became Florida’s oldest bridegroom, courthouse officiate be lieve. County Judge Ben. A. Mo ginniss said he married Ben. J. Walker, who claims that h® is 113. to Mrs. Icey Ida McBride, 52, a widow. He said Walker told him he was born April 15, 1839, he had been married once before for 80 yeaps and has 16 children. Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA-4635 formerly at 24th • and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16™ ST Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLYCO- AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St.WE. 102® [