\ _ _ _____ _________ _ I>ARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY =^-=-- — .—.' - ..- ■■ ■ ■ .- =^=====-== _ Entered as Second-Class Matter at Under Act of March 8. 187-1— /VTTD ICO, -Wm A T» -AT AQ —CITY EDITION— the Post Office. Omaha, Nebraska. Business Phone: HA-0800. HA-0801 03rtUTf they paid the poll tax unless an a mendment were added giving 'ep resentation to ail parties on elec tion commissions, other subterfug es would be placed in the way r.f Negroes voting. Howrad sent the letter to 50 senators. The result •was that Sen. Bilbo from his own state pounced on it and read the letter to the senate in a strong ar gument against the poll tax bill. Dunjee writing in the Black Dis patch said: "We hope Negro Republican.! of the nation are waking up and tak ing notice of what is going on. Sen. Guffey of Pennsylvania arose in the senate the other day to an nounce that there is ‘an unholy al liance of Democrats with Republic ans to deprive service men and women-of the right to vote.* *'Already it is noted Republicans plan to join with Democrats in opposition to proposed federal poll tax legislation and along the en tire political battle front it app ears the Republicans are barricad ed to fight aaginst progressive ideas introduced in government during the presidency of Rooseve*t. "The recent educational bill, pro posing to spend 300 million dollars in the south for education, was also squelched by northern Repub licans, led by Sen. Taft of Ohio. "An tdo add insult to injury it seems that such political stooge* as Perry Howard and the late. Ed gar Brown, have thrown their sup “What’s Wrong with the Negro?” (Dynamite By H. George Davenport) Cliieago (For Press Photo Service— What?s wrong with the Negro? We will answer that ques tion bf saying, there is nothing so wrong that the Negro himself or herself cannot remedy. We shall not minimize or exaggerate the faults of the Negro race nor will we excuse the white man for ; ehis wrong against said people. We will endeavor to give our views based on over 30 years living be iow the Mason-and-Diron line (in New Orleans) and i 25 years living above the line in Chicago. We have come in contact with the best of the BLUE BLOODED WHITE SOUTHERNER and we have had con tact with the lowest types of both whites and blacks all over the country, Having worged as common porter and laborer in the south up to the post of fice, to waiting table, pulhnan porter, and other odd jobs to being our own boss for the last 23 years in Chicago, our answer to the above question will be based upon facts and experience gathered in over, half a century. d First of all, we are human, and as one of our greatest historians has said/ ‘to err is human.” Alfred T. father of our illustrious skin specialist, (Alfred T. Lawless. Jr.) once said in response to a. speech by x*x-Presdient Taft, in New Irlans, where Taft spoke to the colored people, “Mr. President, the Negro is a product of the white man’s civilization.” Taft's subject was, “You people, (meaning the Negro) have to worb out your own sal J vation.” Where some Negroes did not like those words coming from Taft, at that time President of the Uni ted States, we have never forgotten the President’s speech or the answer given by Prof. Lawless. port to this reactionary program of white Rpeublicans to sabotage the I , New Deal and destroy all the soc ial gains acquired by minority groups and labor during the past decade....." Perry Howard took umbrage at | Dunjee’s statement. He challeng ed the editor to debate and M. S. Stuart of Memphis simultaneously. Dunjee charged, suggested the de bate be held in Memphis. Fight Infantile Paralysis January 14th to 31st SHE KEEPS HIM GOINS LETS all I KEEP HER GOING// f 1 ! march! OF DIMES / fi TO PREACH INITIAL UNION SERVICE SERMON SUNDAY ! Rev. t. j. douglass wui preach at Zion Baptist Church in the Union Service on Sunday night January 16th. HEAR HIM. GA. HAS SOLDIER VOTE BILL BARRING NEGROES MEASURE SHOWS WHAT TO EXPECT WITHOUT FEDERAL LAW PASSED BY CONGRESS (BY CLIFF MACKAY) ATLANTA, Jan 12 (ANP) —If Georgia can be used as an example!* the federal government will still have to be depended upon to act if the thousands of Negro men and women from the deep south, who are n°w in the armed services, are to ever be given the franchise. The measure which Wednesday wsa given approval of the house and is virtually certain to be acted favorably upon by the senate of the Georgia legislature, now in special session, would remove the poll tax and huTdle the barriers of distance for the white servicemen, but is cleverly worded so that not a single black soldier risking his life for democracy on some far fung battlefield will be able to cast his ballot for democracy in his home state of Georgia. It was the issue of Negro sold iers being granted enfranchisement that resulted in southern congress men joining hands with reaction- | ary northern Republicans to kill j the federal measure last winter. Now Georgia, the first of the stat es to take action on the issu'e. clep.r i ly shows which way the wind is blowing. Gov. Ellis Arnau in his opening address before the special session of the Georgia legislature disclosed the ruse resorted to by Georgians to keep Negro servicemen and wo men from voting when he asserted Monday: “The effect of such legislation simply would be that all persons w-hO, were they in their own home ! county, could, vote in a general j election can vote in the general e- ' lection (where Negroes may vote), ; and that all persons who, if they were at home, could vote in the primary, can vote in the primary. Since only white persons are per mitted to vote in the Democratic primary, tantamount to election in Georgia, the Negro soldier or WAC is thus neatly barred from enjoying the democracy for which they are fighting. One represeontative. fearing that there may arise the misunderstand ing that Negroes may vote in the white Democratic primary elections ' made himself clear with this state ment: “There is nothing in this bill that will interfere with our white j primary elections.” Speaker of the House Roy Harris j of Augusta added that “these chang e3 are not permanent and do not | change a single election law perm anently under the guise of an em ergency.” In brief, those who were disfranchised before Peari j Harbor, because they have donned the uniform of their country and go forth to risk their lives in de fense of its democratic professions. TO HOLD MEETING THIS SUNDAY . The NAACP is calling to 14 or 15 thousand Omahans to Come to a big meeting on January 16th. 1944 when an interesting program will be rendered for you. This call to broadminded and interested cit izens is to help you prepare f0r the day when you may be in dire dis tress and in need of the NAACP’s influence. Every day in some part, of Amer- j ica the Association is taking on \ some person’s fight for life, free- ; dom or right to enjoy the guaran tees of our Constitution. We must give more time and thought to oru welfare. Discipline in the homes first, so as to keep straight ourselves, insist on discip line in the home that juveniles as well as adults edlinquency will de cline, send out a trainel product j from the home that will make a favorable impression where con tacts are necessary. Our citizenship rights and respon.' -abilities are before 11s and we must not equivocate; we dare not fail—we are on the spot as never before. Press releases of group and national activities tell us of post war planning, just how to best how to itnegrate ourselves in the new order of things. A good way to take our place peacefully and to the g’-eatest ad vantage is to be prepared when the time comes. Start now, unless you are in the ranks of those mak ing a sacrifice of some kind. A $1.00 membership means less than one-third of a cent a day. THINK of it. FOR FREEDOM. $2.i0 in eludes the Crisis for (1) one year, and so on up to a ($100.00) One Hundred dollar Life Membership. Come out on January 16th, 1944 to the Paradise Baptist Church at 23rd and Clark streets at 3 pm. Hear more about tb# X»- ACP and. > an interesting program. WILL YOU BE THERE0 HWB. — ■ ■ - are still disfranchised, insofar es the Georgia legislature is concern ed. Many queries came concerning the Negro vote in primaries after | it had been announced Sunday night by Walter Winchell over the j NBC that the passage of the bill meant that all servicemen and women would be given the ballot free of poll tax. This was erroneous in that the bill as far as primary elections are' concerned is for white only and does not include Negroes in or out of service. It was learned that* Gov. Arnall had wired Winchell that the bill was for free voting of Georgia servicemen and women, without any reservations being made in the teolegram from Geor gia’s chief executive. DR. GORDON B. HANCOCK LISTED AMONG VIRGINIA’S GREATEST MEN OF 1943 Richmond. Va., Jan. 12 (AXP)— Dr. Gordon B. aHncock, teacher, preacher, lecturer, scholar and As sociated Negro Press columnist, was among the 12 outstanding Vir ginians recently selected by the Richmond Times-Dispatch to the ■ tate’s 1943 honor roll. ‘ This newspaper salutes at .l.e end of each year a limited number of persons who have reflected credit upon the State through the display of patriotism, courage, a bility, intelligence .generosity, or1 unselfishness.*’ declared the news paper in outlining the qualificat ions necessary for selection 'o its honor roll. Dr. Gordon B. Hancock. ABA, and BD., f Colgate university, en MA. of Harvard, has studied : t both Oxford and Cambridge. Tle has lectured at Princeton and Columbia, travelled in practically every country in Europe and in the middle east. But Dr. Hancock’s chief Concern seems to be about the welfare of his race in the south “Not only so.” said the Times Dispatch, "but Dr. Hancock made an important and perhaps historic contribution to better interracial relationships in 1942 and 1943. He was director and co-founder of the all-Negro Durham conference at Durham. N. C., in October, 1942, the most significant gathering of its kind held in this Country since the war between the states. He was the keynoter at the white-col ored conference in Richmond last TO MAKE DEBUT Mrs. Marva Louis Barrow, the charming and exotic wife of S g t. Joe Louis Barrow, has completed her long and strenuous rehearsals and is now ready to make her de but as a concert singer on Febr uary 4, in PhiladelphiO. After spending the holidays in Chicago at her palatal home wher she helped to celebrate her baby. Jacqueline’s frst Christmas, mother and baby left for New Tork. Press Photo Service. June, whaoh included leaders of both races from all over the aouth, and which was a direct outgrowth of the Durham meeting.” Dr. Hancock was born in Ninety Six, S. C., 69 years ago, probably made his greatest contribution to the cause of better race relations when he established the Southern! Regional Council which is expect ed to bring more justice to mem bers of his race throughout the south. Headquarters for the coun cil will be Atlanta. Beside heading the department of economics and sociology at Vir ginia Union university. Dr. Han cock served as pastor of Moore Street Baptist church in Richmond. GEORGIA OFFICIAL WON’T TOLERATE MOB VIOLENCE Atlanta, Jan 12 (ANP) Declaring that "mob violence and intimidat ion of any citiz ns—white or black —will not be tolerated in Georgia" Capt. George A. Spence, director of the Georgia Bureau of Investi gation, Saturda ayssigned agents of his department to the investiga tion of two signs warning Negroes residents of the Cove section in Meriwether county to “clear out." Offenders. Capt. Spence said, when brought to light by his agents will be prosecuted to the full ex tent of the law. The Cove, which is located seven niles northeast of Manchester. Ga. was opened to Negro residents a Dout five years ago. the FBI dir ector revealed, when a large peach orchard owner opened some cot ages for colored workers on his property. There are now approximately SO Negro families living in the area. Spence said. When the landowner asked two white families working at Man chester cotton mill to vacate his houses recently, he was asked if the homes were to be occupied by Negroes. GBI agents reported. The owner, they said, replied that it was "my business." Wooden signs appeared Thurs day morning in font of two Negro residences. On^ said, "Warning all Negroes to be leaving Cove. Not wanted here." The other said "Warning all Negroes to be mov ing out at once-” A request from Sheriff C. H. Col lier, of Greenville. Ga., brought GBI Agents Delmar Jones and James Addy into the investigation Florida Chef Fed Leaders at Cairo, Teheran Tallahassee. Fla., Jan 9 (ANP)— When leaders of the "big four” in the united nations sat down to din ner at Cairo and Teheran, they en joyed the cooking of a Florida ex pert in the preparation of delect able fo°d, it was disclosed here this week. Serving as chief cook at both confereices was Aleck Walton who before his induction in the army was chef cOok at the Florida State College for Women, white. News of Walton’s selection as cook dur ing the history making meeting, was contained in a letter passed by the censors from Walton to Miss Anna Mae Tracy, white, dietitian at the school here. Lincoln Airbase Soldier Still in the ‘Pink' »■— . - . ~— Released by U. S. War Department. Pmop of Public Relations WITH THE GREATEST OF EASE—Private John W. Brooks, a member of the United States Olympic Team in 1932 and 1936, pots an a demonstration of his specialty of broadjumping. Now takhqf basic training with the 604th Training Camp, Lincoln Army Air Fiet^ Nebraska, the Chicagoan has garnered over 260 medals and trnphton (Fboto by AAF Training Command.) Bob Weaver to Head Chicago Race Relations Chicago, Jan, 10 (ANP)—The Ma yor’s Committee on Race Relations at its meeting Wednesday after i noon appointed as its executive Ji Georgia Daily Hits Talmadge Klan Appeal Augusta, Ga., Jan. 12 (XP) Roundly condemning ex-Gov. Eu gene Talmudge’s appeal to racial prejudice in a recent address be fore the Porterdale, Ga., KuKlux Klan, the Augusta Chronicle, influ ential white daily here. Wednesday editorially asserted: “Unless the people of Georgia unitedly and with considerable force voice their [ disapproval of this new plot to ds turb the peaceful relation of the j various groups and races of our people, these nests of intolerance i and bigotry will soon be hatching new birds of prey to plague us and array class against class and race against race.’’ Continuing .the Chronicle said: “If we are ever to win the fight for tolerance, brotherhood and good will, we must lash not a* their enemies every time they ap pear on the scene. They were there in person at that Porte rdale meeting, where Eugene Talmadge^ attempted to put back together the pieces of his broken political car- I eer. AjJparently eh has not chang ed one whit since he was defeated for governor last summer; we should know him for what he is, and be ready to thwart any come back that he might attempt to make, trading, as usual, on the prejudices and fancied dislikes cf certain groups of our citizens."— Gets 90 Days Cooper Lee and his white coin panion was given a sentence of *)0 days in jail Monday morning in police court on the advice of De tective Green who told Judge O’ Brien he thought they should get the limit. They were charged with the theft of three cases of wine from a place at 14th and Farnam streets, and articles from automo biles. Both of the young men had but a few dasy before completed jail sentences. Cooper Lee one of 120 days, his companion one of 30. _ Receives Fines MOn., Jan. 10th—Olonao Bradford 2731 Q Street, was fined two dol lars and costs in police court for not having a sticker On his car. He told the judge that he had one but it had been stolen off his car. Mrs. Davis was fined a dollar tnd costs for a minor traffic viola tion. rector. Dr. Robert C. Weaver. n<-w chief of minority groups service of the War Manpower commission Mrs. Rheua Pearee. who has been serving as executive officer of the Committee, will continue as eo-dir ector. Commenting on the appointment 'idwin R. Embree, chairman Of th. mayor’s committee, said, ‘‘I regard Mr. Weaver as the very top man in the younger Negro group of the. entire country. Chicago is honor ed in getting a man of his high ability and national standing to di rect its city planning in race rela tions.” Mayor Edward J. Kelly said, "I have wanted this important com mittee to get the very ablest man in America as its director. I be lieve they have that man in Mr. Weaver. I congratulate the com mittee and the city of Chicago.” Born in Washington, DC., in 1907, Mr. Weaver graduated with honors from Harvard college and received the degree of doctor of philosophy in economics from Har vard university. After a year of teaching at the North Carolina State college in Greensboro, he re turned to Washington In 1933 to serve as one of the technical dir ectors of the Joint Committee on National Recovery and as advisor on Negro affairs in the depart ment of the Interior. Since that time he has been in various feder al services in housing, education, and manpower. In his vario'is of ficial connections, he has spent much time in the midwest region with headquarters in Chicago. Mr Weaver has served as Con sultant to the housing division of Public Works administration, as special assistant to the U. S. Hous ing authority, and as consultant to the President’s Advisory Commi’ tee on Education. He directed the staff of 1800 workers who made the national survey of Negro wh io collar and skilled workers, 1935-2?. During 1940 and 1941 he was art Hillman in the Council of National Defense, which preeeeded the War Production board. In 1942 he w.,3 appointed chief of the Negro man power service of the War Man power commission and in 1942 was made head of all minority group services of that commission. Mr. Weaver is widely known for his writings ip books and national magazines. His best known works in addition to the monumental re port on Negro skilled workers in the United States, are recent art icles in the Atlantic Monthly: “With the Negro’s Help’- and ’The Negro Comes of Age in Industry." — - - Buy More War Bonds & Stamps!