cTke WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 — — — —*■- .. ^ . Race horse head waiter and H. W .Smith were in a northside bus (ne8R house at the same time, Sub day evening, January 2nd. The HR. toys are tops on fine service on wheels. The Omaha Club waiters are very much out in front on service with a smile. The Fontenelle waiters are al ways in the running on taking care of the very fine guests at all tim es. Congratulations to all the wait ers .'or the fine service given on all the New Year Eve parties. Kedp the good work up boys, —you will be rewarded. THIS WEEK Mr. Walter Jones ofDesmoines, as in Omaha on New Years Bay. Goldie Bavis on North 24*h st., with a beautiful lady. Ned Moore in Omaha in 1J43 and 1944. MAKE BEER from barley malt, stronger, better. Formula for making beer by brewer of famous Nor weigan “Bock-Bayer” beer sent for $1.00. J. RUSSELL, 201 South Brittain, Shelbyville, T< nn. McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill. Prop ?423-25 NORTH 24th St 'VINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Boom Open 8 p. nu t* 1 a. » Ui« n for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— V, K SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. m to I a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS ^ try our good ^ 4 ATTACHMENTS •ORDER TODAY $2.75 C.O.D. Plus Postage a»nd no jtate color or Mir or tond sample . . . Your hair proporly' matched , . . satisfaction guaranteed. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST OF OTHER ATTACHMENTS MADE TO ORDER. RENA HART BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY H3I Savanth Avo. New York 27. N. Y. Alka-Seltzer ABC METHOD A — Alka-Seltzer, start taking it at once to relieve the Dull, Aching Head, and the Stiff, Sore Muscles. B — Be careful, avoid drafts and sudden changes in tempera ture. Rest — preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi bly, drink plenty of water or fruit juices. Be sure to get enough Vitamins. C — Comfort your Sore, Raspy Throat, if caused by the cold, by gargling with Alka-Selt zer. If fever develops, or symptoms become more acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unusually effective in action. Take it for Headache, Muscular Pains and .for Indigestion, Gas on Stomach, when caused by excess stomach acid. > At your drug store — Large package 60*, Small package 30*, by the glass at soda fountains. « U. C. uaiiuwo/ aUermua auuuay evening service at the Omaha Gos pel Tabernacle Jan. 2nd. Omaha enjoyed .spring weather on New Years Day. Duke Ellington .vas selected the Pinup Boy by the WACs at Fort Desmoines, Iowa. Perry Taylor. the streamlined barber very much on the job. Mt. Moriah Baptist church all dressed up and attracts the atten tion of everyone pasai-tg. 1943 left many problems to be solved by 1944. Union service attended by a large crowd. It was at St. John AME. Church. Mrs. J. E. Rector and her dau ghter, Mrs. Luther Moore who have been visiting Mrs. Wm. Davis the other daugter and sister, living jn Sout Omaha, left for their home in Little Rock. Arkansas Tusjday, January 4th. FBI files Charges against De kulb County police officers for violating the Federal rights statute of the U S. They wore charged with beating two colored men in in attempt to obtain a confession from them. Read the GREATER OMAHA GUIDE and get all the news. Do you know the days are 17 minutes longer today Four convicts escaped from the Anamosa, low Raeformatory but were recaptured 31 hours later af ter they had staged the violent! breakaway. Mayor LaGuardia of NY. City criticized the administration's sub sidiary program as being very un fair to the consumer. He said grade A large eggs are selling at 61c a dozen when they should be only 40c. An army bomber plane crashed on a farm near Honorick. Iowa— killing seven men it was reported. U. S. Senator V/heeler of Mon tana said Sunday Jan. 2nd that lie was willing to join forces with any group to settle the difference v.-ith any foreign policy for the good of America. Are you a member of the NAA CP? Why not become a member today? This writer had the pleasure of having dinntr with Mr. C. R. Trimble and family on Sunday Jan 2nd in the afternoon and a very pleasant visit with his mother who ihas been ill for some time. And as we are always treated as one of the family it was an afternoon, of real joy. Republican members of con ress believe that the equal right* -amendment will greatly influence the next election in 1944 in the 20 year campaign demanding equal ity for women u'nder the law. Flash! Now as 1944 has got away to a good star let us all make up our mnids to be a good spoke in the wheel of prgress and at all times be Op the up and go for our mutual benefit and help lay a god foundation for the next gen eration. SMILE AWHILE RATION POINT BLUES How ration points do worry me! Soon quite nutty I will be. If I wnat a juicy steak I’m short on points so no can take.’ If at pork I take a look I have with me the wrong point book. If points are red I’m sporting blues. Or trying to buy with stamps for shoes. When other folks are using A’s I'm way out front somewhere in K’s I'm Crossed up every way I go; What points to use I never know. I hope I live again to see A day when points won’t worry me! Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME | TO RELIEVE Mb'RHEUMATIC PAINS Monev Back—If This Recipe Fails „9°od news travels fast—many ofthe thou sands of folks who now take lemon Juice *'°J., rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of "fter. they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago Its no surprise either, for Allenru is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if It does not helD -your money back. What could be fairer? «c4utHKSTo£ “y Uve druggUt-0nJ* DON’T RE TOO SURE! I Mike and Pat were discussing a I rrlend. Mike said, “I wished O’Brien hadn’t died until I ana a -nance to pay him the five Jb tais 1 owe him.’’ “Well, Mike,” said Pat. “You can pay him when you' die and ra'e him.” ‘ Say! don’t try to be smart. Hov do you know I’m going to he’l when I die?” Replied Mike angri ly. YEAH? Young dauhgter._.“Mamma why did you marry daddy?” Her mother... “Darling, that very question has been puzzling ma ev er since I did!” —Hill. LEGION SIDELITES by JULIUS E. KILL lllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiikiiiiiiiniiniQ In spite of the earlier closing hour that ahs been forced on Ro )sc velt Post it has made very little if any difference in teh nightly at tendance. Throughout the week just passed the Lounge was the sctne of many gay parties Friday and Saturday and Sunday, from early in the evening until < losing time things were at top pitch. The Matinee Dance drew an Unusual large crowd and what a thne they had! Sunday evening Gregg 'Williams tok over with his three piece combination and again the jitterbugs and some that were not quite so jittery, had a Roman holiday. **** * A few blocks off 24th street the Open Huose at Legionnette Esther Hicks, 1814 1-2 North 27th street, which she sponsored for the Wom an’s Auxiliary, was well attended. Quite a number of prominent per sons came to partake of hoghead and blackeyed peas as well as re freshments. From there the Lounge seemed to be the destina tion of the majority, it being New Years Day in the bargain, and there they started all over again. ***** Oh by the way—you who are eligible to join the Post or the Auxiliary, should do so at once. Why wait? You can’t imagine what ito means to be a Legion naire or Legionnette now. They are really doing things worthwhile Get in and help them to do them. —.— — ■ -. 1 SECIALS by HILL— MBS. MAUPIN AND TIN CANS If anyone has an extra wheel type can opener. .. .you know, the kind that smooths down the edges of the cans as it cuts them. .__wc, would like to hear of them turning it over to Mrs. Maupin before she worries herself sick over the tin cans piling up on her because she can’t prepare them for the tan salvage as the government has in structed the public to do. She is very busy in her little tps taurant at 24th and Blondo streets but if given the proper tool to work with she raises heck with every tin can that can be found in her place of business. And she even might be going out and round ing them Up for all we know. But even so we didn't suppose for one minute that her zeal to do her pan in the can salvage would prompt her to go to the trouble she did last week. To be sure she had to close up her restaurant so she could go downtown to take care of some important business. But with her restaurant clsed when she could have returned sooner and started selling meals to her customers did she do it? No! Instead she took up a lot more time huptinc. around for a can opener of the right type with which to prepare cans for the salvage. And mp were one of the hungry souls won dering where the heck she was! How is that for doing one’s part In helping to win the war? Yeah, we agree with you; for it’s tops! ***** PATRIOTIC TOMMY We met Tommy Williams in the J and S Restaurant, 2711 Q street, South Omaha. The conversation p tar ted between us as so map} conversations have a way of start ing: with “Hello”. From ther • on we talked of different things unt'l we finally worked around to strik os and the war. And that seemed to be his favorite subject—strikes and the war. Seeing that he was not a bit adversed to airing his views we got out pad and pencil and more or less, craftily led him I bn. By doing so we got these facts: He is a staunch union member but decidedly against outlaw strik es. He told us that in his opir.i m there should be a greater effort made between capital (employer;) and the working classes to settle their differences without the nec essity of strikes that slow up the production of much needed war materials. Ho o;>in ‘d that he thought men shouldn't complain Congressman’s Deb Daughter Takes Bow . —•- - _I WINS $55 Putting ideas to work to improve | production at General Electric, Schenectady, is helping the war ef fort and also helping John Murphy, above. He recently received two checks totaling $55 for suggestions to save time and labor. One check for $50 was for an idea to attach a wheel skid on the end of electrical transporters, thus providing greater panel-carrying capacity. Congressman Wm. L. Dawson is shown at left, in the picture above, congratulating his daugh ter, Barbara, who had just been presented as a de butante of the season by the Royal Coterie of Snak es Club in Chicago Christmas Week at the Parkway Ballm m. Pictured at right is the club’s President, Leonard 0 Pall. Miss Dawson is 17 years old, was a Northwestern University student and is at pres ent attending Fisk. Four other girls were present ed along with the Cingressman’s daughter. Press Photo Service.} SHEER COMFORT ■ * ** »■«*»111 over having to w rk or being asked ‘c wc’k cx'ra burns even though they don’t recede ovetime pay. If they sincerely want the allies to vin the war, and lie doesn’t think ito ran be won as quickly as is possible unless labor and capital become more willing to make sac rifices. *ji*\ - • ‘‘After all,” be said, “Most ff us are making no.7 more than we have ever made in out lives, yet the majority aren't satisfied. But as lo-"g as it is passible or until I am inducted into tin? army, I am going to put in every hour 1 can, I' make certain that Iwon’t be. classed among’ those who laid down on the the boys who are g'/ing up their lives for us for less a month than some of us nakj in a week!’ ..■••....•uniiiiiiiiuiiiminiiiiini RAINY DAYS A > F orjy natural that one do .sires to live better when an.oppor 'unity presents itself- But to live better shouldn't mean to burn one’s candle at both ends. It is never w'se to completely live up one’s earnings. What of the future? Surely it is realized that the fu ture should be considered. For when the war ends, most of the lucrative jobs that are now to be' had .will end with it. For ihe war is the creator of the majority i of these jobs. The earning power j of many will drop to zero and stay there weeks and months before an other job. even affording a mere living wage, can be secu'red. Of course this may not happen im mediately after the war, but cer tainly too soon thereafter for the unprepared. Before sitting down at her dress ing table for her nightly beauty ' ritual, lovely Georgia Schreiber, Chicago, draws the window shades to keep her bedroom warm as toast. Yes, cloth window shades drawn to the sill help keep rooms cozy and comfortable even when ' you are wearing as . fragile a negligee as this one of sheer black lace over pale pink chiffon. The layer of air trapped between the shade and the glass seals warm air in, cuts heat loss through window glass by one-third. north’"4th street" SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 - FOFUi.AK FKM h - LOOK AT YOUR SHOE8 Other People Do. There was no audience— just we j two. So there was no m*ed forj dramatics or display of false patriot j ism on his part. Neithe-' did he know that he was t-liking; to a re porter until we informed him. He was taken track abit when we did. but readily consented to hav ing 11s quote him ;n this paper. And as nearly as possible in iris earact words we have written him u' in this edition. fcVow we consider him quite a pa triotic young man. What is your oi^nion? When they return the fighting men will get first consideration. Most employers have agreed to give them back the jobs they left to fight to preserve—our way of living. If this promise is kept as it should be, then we who hcid them now will be out of luck. So now, while the sun is still shining, is the time to make hay. Now is the time to lay aside something for a rainy day. (Clip these instructions lor future reference.) Public Air Raid Warning Signals WHEN YOU HEAR Air raids arc Two-minute steady blast of probtiblc^ whistle, or other similar audible signal. (BLUE WARNING) i Raiders are Intermittent warbling, or near< short blasts of whistle, or ether similar audible signal. (RED WARNING) Raider* n-»es. Two niinute steady blast of but may uluiil whlstle’ or °ther sim““ audible signal. (BLUE WARNING) Raiders are N« no siren, gone, danger Suoc. ooiae on. is past. (WHITE WARNING) YOU DO AS FOLLOWS: If a member of the Civilian Defense forces, you remain at or proceed to your post. ' •> Blackout your home, building, and non essential lights. Turn out street lights, ezeept traffic lights, if shielded from sky glow. If operating a motor vehicle or street ear, you proceed at reduced speed with caution and low beam lights. If a worker, you remain at your job. If a Civilian Defense worker, remain at your post. Blackout all lights. If operating a street car or bus, stop; passengers take shelter or disperse. If operating a car, stop, park at curb, turn out your lights. Take shelter. If a member of the Civilian Defense forces, you remain at your post. ** Mrc!:out of your home, building, and non-essential lights continues. Only ; traffic lights go on, if shielded from sky | glow. I If operating a motor vehicle or street car. you may resume travel at reduced j, speed with caution and low beam lights. If a worker, you resume your job. Every one moves with caution. If a member of the Civilian Defense forces, remain ON DUTX UNTIL DIS MISSED. The blackout ends; all lights may be turned on. THE SIGNALS MAT NOT BE GIVEN IN THE ORDER LISTED ABOVE. Should the enemy ar rive suddenly overhead, the “red warning’' signal would precede the “blue warning” signal. A “blue” warning signal will always follow a “red" warning signal. Discuss these signals with your friends so that you will recognize them and know their meaning. Emergency vehicles should be properly marked so that they may be identified by air raid wardens and police. In case of daytime air raids, the same instructions apply except for blackout provisions. Obey orders and instructions ol police and Civilian Defense authorities. Approved, Commanding General, Se.entb Service Command. Omaha. Nebraska. Director. Seventh Defense Region 0. C. D. i Classified Ads Get Resuits! House for Sale FOR SALE—MODERN HOUSE 5 rooms, all modern, clear. Corner lot, oak floors, hot water furnace, nice basement, room to sleep or live. Kitchen terrazzo floor, cab inet sink, bath built in tub, insul ated brick siding, double garage, fowl house, both cement floors, nice lawn, plenty hardy flowers and shrubs, Possession within ie days after sale, 2401 Maple. Owner leaving state. GIRL WANTED Girl between 20-25 for shipping de partment. Typing knowledge nec essary. Call JA-5288 for appoint ment. WATCH THAT LINE miiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimini, mmmmmi WANTED 3 CHAMBERMAIDS We pay the highest wages for maids then any hotel in the city. One week’s vacation with pay giv en to all employees who work a full year, two weeks If you wcrk two years with pay. CALL JA 5492. DELMAR HOTEL, 24th at Farnam Street iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii illinium mu NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladles Drosses, Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Oil Stoves. "We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, Li A ON DRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLmT SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6061 EMERSON LAUNDRY 4324 North 24th WE. 102'» FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 202? iVANTWw^ Furniture of all kinds—dressers, i