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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1943)
‘Let’s eat folks!’ How familiar the ring of the merry voice.... how pleasingly welcome was mother's or dad’s, “Come and get iti.” But this years those words will have a tinge of saddness for those whose empty chairs around the table... .for those who are serving their coun try on the far-flung battlefronts of this global world.perhaps it’s dad, aunt Helen, uncle Bob or brother Bill or sister Mary-perhaps they may never again occupy their chair- •. .but when you sit down to eat.... with every forkful, every spoonful, every handful, every bite you take. think of them.... have you done your part on the home front for them.say a little prayer for those boys and girls of ours who are not with us this season.whose absence grimly reminds us that we are at war.that we here in America owe to them much... .that they stand between us and our enemies. .. .fighting for the very foundation of the day for which we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who exemplified the ti*ue way of life... .and which they do battle to preserve. To these dear absent ones we owe very, very much, standing on the battlefields as Christ once stood, for us . .. .that we, Americans, particularly, may enjoy this season, without fear of shattering bombs, devastation and the horrors of war in our beloved land. Oh! Happy Day! when once again the lights of the world come on again and peace shall reign • •... .when our beloved ones take their places be side us as someone hollers, “Let’s Eat Folks!” A Festive Cake on Christmas Eve Forecasts Happy Holiday Cheer AFTER the children are tucked all snug in their beds on Christmas Eve and you've finished trimming the tree and the last carol has been sung, it's time to bring out a refreshment tray. On the night before Christmas, everyone will appreciate something festive. A raisin fruit cake decked with holly is a happy foretaste of holiday cheer that’s sure to win applause. It's wise hostess tech nique to co-star it with this novel Yuletide Froth made with decaf feinated coffee so that everybody can relax taut nerves over extra toasts without worrying about pil low tossing later on. Be sure to "perk" the decaffeinated coffee a little longer than the ordinary kind to bring out its rich coffee flavor. A raisin fruit cake takes the place of expensive fruit cakes of other years and is a happy choice for in formal refreshments throughout the holiday season. It keeps well, can be made ahead of time, and it enjoys traditional sanction as a special Christmas treat. Yuletide Froth 1 cup evaporated milk teaspoon vanilla Cinnamon 4 cups freshly made, hot decaf feinated coffee Chill evaporated milk thoroughly. Then whip rapidly until stiff Add vanilla. Place in serving cups, fill ing half full. Sprinkle with cin namon. Fill cups with decaffeinated coffee Makes 8 ser* rtemerr per. when making decaffeinated coffee in a percolator to give It a little longer "perking" to bring out its full flavor. Raisin Fruit Cake 4 cups seeded raisins 2 tablespoons grated lemon or orange rind 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon allspice 2U cups water, or water and strong decaffeinated coffee 2 Vi cups nut meats 4 cups sifted cake flour 5 teaspoons double-acting baking powder 2 teaspoons salt Hi cups sugar cup shortening 2 eggs, well beaten 2 teaspoons vanilla Combine raisins, rind, spices, and water in saucepan. Cover and cook gently for 8 minutes. Drain, press ing ont as much liquid as possible. Measure liquid, add water or coffee to make 1% cups, and reserve. Grind raisins with nuts. Sift flour once, measure, add bak ing powder, salt, and sugar, and sift together three times. Cream shortening very thoroughly, add flour mixture, eggs, vanilla, and re served raisin liquid. Stir until all flour is dampened. Then beat vig orously 2 minutes. Add raisin-nut mixture and mix well. Turn into two 9x4x3 inch loaf pans which have been greased, lined with brown paper, and again greased. Sprinkle with chopped nut meats, if desired. Bake in moderate oven (350eF.) 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until done. Let stand 5 minutes on cake rack; remove from pan, leav ing paper attached. Cool. Wrap in cloth to store. W ^ _ gJJJJifNpirtolf r"",oam Authorized Bottler: HARDING’S—Omaha SENTENCE SERMON by Rev. Frank Clarence Lowry for ANP A hard head usually presents a problem that no doctor can solve, and the undertaker must cover up. HERE’S HOW TO SAVE POINTS AND TIME Here’s a recipe which is easy on your ration points and easy to serve. All you have to do is ask your butcher for Old Fashioned Loaf. There’s no waste or shrink age for it’s baked when you get it. Stuffed Old Fashioned Rolls % lb. Star Old-Fashioned Loai (4 whole slices, each about inch thick) V* cup bacon drippingc or margarine 1 cup onions 6 cups toasted bread cubes (about 6-7 slices; 1 V > teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon poultry seasoning is cup boilina water Merry-Making Christmas Cake Here’s a cake that really says “Merry Christmas "-Fruited Choco late Marble Cake. It has dates and nuts for festive flavor, is baked In a tube or square pan and topped with creamy chocolate frosting! Of course you’ll want to send the same kind of cake to your boy girl in the service. Well, bake theirs in square pans, wrap well in waxed paper and fit into sturdy boxes. This cake stays fresh, keeps moist a long time. Bind travels well. Point-thrifty Spry, you see. is the pure bland shortening that gives you cake with wonderful stay-fresh-ness »"■< rich flavor. As a Gift Cake for friends, a birthday or special-treat cake any time. Fruited Chocolate Marble Cake is a winner. Let it win carols of* praise for you this Christmas! Fruited Chocolate Marble Cake % cup Spry 3 cups sifted floor 1% teaspoons salt 1 Cop water lVi teaspoons vanilla 1% ounces chocolate, melted l?i cups sugar 3 tablespoons water 3 eggs, unbeaten % cup nuts, finely chopped 3 a teaspoons baking powder V- cup dates, finely chopped Blend Spry, salt and vanilla. Add sugar gradually and cream well. Add eggs, singly, beating well after each addition. Sift baking powder with flour 3 times. Add to creamed mixture, alternately with 1 cup water mix ing after each addition until smooth. . .. Divide batter into 2 parts. Add chocolate and 3 tablespoons water to V, of batter; then add nuts To other half of batter, add dates. Place the two batters by tablespoons alternately in Sprycoated 10-inch tube pan. Draw a tablespoon through batter once to give marbled effect. Bake in moderate oven (350° F.) 1% hours Frost with My Chocolate Frosting-Variation. Place two batters alternately by tablespoons in Sprycoated 10 x 10 x 2-inch pan. Draw a tablespoon through batter two or three times to give marbled effect. Bake in mod erate oven (350° F.) Ii4 hours. My Chocolate Frosting Melt 3 tablespoons Spry with 2 ounces chocolate over hot water.... Pour 4 tablespoons hot milk over 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar and % tea spoon salt and stir until sugar is dissolved. . . . Add % teaspoon vanilla • I then chocolate mixture and seat until thick. ‘ |(177) Make dressing, melt drippings, add onions; cook until clear. Pour over bread cubes. Add seasonings. Pour boiling water over mixture. On each slice of Old Fashioned Loaf, place a few spoonfuls of dressings. Roll slice around dress ing; fasten with toothpick. Bake 30 minutes in 350° F. oven. Serve with vegetable cream sauce. 1 _ ' Z-JSSI . . .. *1 'Information Aide Appointment of Mrs. Edna G. Harris as aide to the District informa tion executive in Cinncin nati, 0., was announced this week by John E. Bob ; inson, Director of the Cin j cisnati District OPA. 'ftimmimimiiiimiimiiiimmiiiimiiimimmiimimiiimiiiiiiiimiiimiiiii A Help Yourself Cheese Buffet Is Sure of Applause as Holiday Treat O'VERY day is a red letter holi ' day when the boys in service ire home on leave; and, of course, rou’ll want to give party plans in :heir honor an A-l priority rating. k sure way to win their applause is a successful hostess is to arrange i cheese buffet, starring prime male favorites like Camembert and Lie Jerkranz cheese that don’t appear pn camp menus. Then give your guests the “come and get it" signal for mixing their favorite sandwich pombinations. Basic strategy calls for a tray or platter of cheese flanked by gener ous supplies of sandwich makings md fruit. You can follow pre-war stiquette and let the cheese lovers put their own portions of Camern Pert and Liederkranz cheese be pause both these favorites have low ration values. For three brown points you get six generous wedges pf Camembert. and only two brown points are needed for a package of Liederkranz cheese that serves -ix. There’s no waste to these epicurean treats, either, for even the crust of Liederkranz cheese and Camembert is considered a delicacy. Like other pheeses. they are excellent sources pf protein and are so rich in butter fat that no butter at all is needed for sandwich alliances. Toasted split rolls, crackers and rye and pumpernickel bread have a special flavor affinity for these high-flavored delicacies. Co-star apples, grapes and winter pears in your fruit bowl. Sophis ticated cheese usage prescribes slices of apple spread tvith Camem bert cheese. Big black grapes stuffed with Liederkranz cheese are another traditional delicacy that will add interest to your refresh ments. Lettuce Heart Appetizer For a highly flavored appetizer, spread crisp curly leaves from the very heart of a head of lettuce with a dab of Liederkranz cheese. Liederkranz Cheese and Onion Sandwich Spread 1 package Liederkranz cheese 2 tablesioons beer 2 tablespoons finely minced onion Mash Liederkranz cheese with a fork -until soft and smooth. Add beer gradually and blend to a smooth paste. Fold in onion. Keep in tightly covered jar in refriger ator. Use as a sandwich spread on rye bread or spread on crisp crackers as an appetizer. May also be used as a stuffing for celery. Cream Cheese Reindeer Sandwiches Star as Christmas Party Treats NO matter how little entertaining you do nowadays, it's good strat egy to manage a Christmas party for the children. Whatever age group you have on your invitation list, the fundamentals of a success ful party are the same—plenty to do and plenty to eat. Your young guests will be de lighted if you cut sandwiches with Christmas cookie cutters and ar range a scene from Santa Claus land, with Christmas trees, rein deer and the jolly saint himself, as a centerpiece Cream cheese is a ration-wise choice as a sandwich spread because, besides being thrifty and nutritious, it is so rich in butter tot you won't have to touch the family's precious butter quota. You can count on a six ounce wedge cut of cream cheese, which costs only two brown ration points, to make generous filling for a dozen triangular sandwiches—or a whole flock of little sandwich reindeer. The cream cheese wedges come in chive, pimento and relish, as well as the plain variety, so an appetizing assortment of fillings is easily and quickly achieved. With a good supply of these festive sand wiches as a starting point, milk or fruit juice, ice cream and cake can be counted on to round out a prop erly gala menu. Cut tbe sandwich shapes before' spreading them, and use the dis carded bread for crumbs and crou tons It’s quite satisfactory to make the sandwiches ahead of time if you wrap them in waxed paper, then in a cloth wrung from cold water, and store them in the re frigerator until half an hour before needed. Remove from the wet cloth and leave, protected by the waxed paper, at room temperature until needed. Cream Cheese. Nut and Orange Spread Blend half a six-ounce wedge cut of cream cheese. 2 tablespoons or ange juice and pulp and 2 table spoons finely chopped nut meats with a silver fork. Makes V4 cup. Cream Cheese and Peanut Sandwiches Vt six-ounce wedge of cream cheese % cup chopped salted peanuts hi teaspoon lemon juice H teaspoon salt 6 slices white or whole wheat bread Cream the cheese until soft. Add nuts, lemon juice and salt. Spread between slices of bread. Makes three sandwiches. NA/vCF URGES SUBSIDIES Washington. D. C . —In a statement to the Senate Committtee on Banking and Currency Dec ember 10, the NAACP urged the continuance of sub sidies to hold down prices and prevent inflation. Failure to retain subsidies, said the statement, will GREETINGS —OF THE— SEASON from the MILLERS 9MAR Wonder Flour v____ 3far (Christmas Ifospitalitg • Turkey is king of the Christmas feast! Be sure yours is tender, brown and juicy —let it be filled with a good old-fashioned bread stuffing, deliciously savory with its subtle blend of seasonings. And here’s the tip-off. For a smooth, unbroken, golden-brown crust on the bird, plus tender, juicy meat that fairly melts in your mouth, roast your turkey or chicken this new way. Just fol low directions in the recipe. Also be sure to fry the bread crumbs and onions lightly in hot Spry. Spry, you see, is the purer short ening that lets all the savory goodness come through. Share your Christmas and share your feast with some of the boys in the service. Better clip the recipe now, so you’ll be all set for the big occasion. Roast Stuffed Turkey or Chicken Roasting: turkey or chicken (rub inside with salt) Savor) Stuffing Melted Spry Brush trussed, stuffed turkey or chicken with melted Spry, cover with a piece of white cloth, and brush cloth thoroughly with melt ed Spry. Leave cloth on during roasting. Boast bird in moderate oven (350° F.), allowing 20 to 25 minutes per pound. Turn during latter part of roast ing to brown bird uniformly all over. Savory Stuffing 8 quarts soft 2 tablespoon* bread crumbs parsley, chopped 2Vic teaspoons salt Vi cup Spry, melted V* teaspoon pepper Vi cup onion, minced 1 teaspoon sage Vi cup butter \ teaspoon thyme ft cup boiling water (about} Combine bread crumbs, salt, pep per, sage, thyme and parsley, and mix thoroughly. Melt Spry in skil let, add onion, and fry 2 minutes. (Do not brown onion.) Add bread crumbs and fry until very lightly browned, stirring constantly from bottom. Melt butter in boiling water and pour over crumbs, tossing lightly with two forks. Add more water if additional moisture is needed. Makes enough stuffing for one 8-pound bird. DON’T FORGET Union Church Services will start the first Sunday of 1944. Rev. Goodlett will preach the openisg sermon. start “an endless and vicious procession until every veslige of economic stability in the country is des troyed. Mixed Vegetable Juices Accent Turkey Flavor Your can of mixed vegetable luices does double duty for T. . .V: _ Serve ice-cold in glasses as the appetizing prelude to this hearty feast and use a full cup in the basting of that noble bird. Then try this special gravy combination for a flavor accent that is simply delicious. V-8 Gravy 2 tablespoons tat or drippings 5 tablespoons tlou; 1 beet bouillon cube 1 cup boiling water 1V2 cups V-8 Vegetable Juices 1. Melt fat or dripping.s; gradually add flour and brown over low heat. 2. Dissolve bouillon cube in boiling water. 3. Add to browned Aout mixture slowly, stirring until smooth. 4. Add V-8; bring to a boil and cook 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Makes 2 cups. Use with left-over meat for pies, ragouts, croquettes, serve over mashed potatoes or slices of enriched white bread. “So tbat peace ma^ prevail for all mankind” Christmastide, hallowed season of joy and happi ness, this years finds all of us in America striv ing constantly to hasten the day of Victory. Neevrtheless it is fitting that we should pause both to recall our Christmas days of yesteryear and to look forward into the future with prcfoi nd confidence and hope. We people of Safeway— including those who have taken leave of absence to join the fighting forces— unite in sincerely wishing every one of you a Merry Christmas! your families be happy and well. May your dinners be hearty. And may the Christmas prayers of all of us be answered, “So that Feace may prevail for all mankind_” _ J