The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 25, 1943, CITY EDITION, Image 7

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    American Dance Festival
Thrills New Yorkers
New York, (ANP—This city was
treated to a genuinely festive en
tertainment in African fashion
As you tie up your
Christmas packages'
think of us. We’ll be
thinking of how good
you’ve been to us in
thinking of you....
1943 and of what a
pleasure it has been
to serve you. And
we’ll be wishing you
a very Merry Christ
(Littles Hut
1 2006 North 24th St.
JA 9312
Merry Christmas
to All Our
Friends and
C. H. HALL. Express
12<»6 North 24th St.
JA. 8585City
and A Happier New
to Roosevelt Post
No. 30, American
Monday night when the recently
formed African Academy of Arts
presented “An African Dance fes
tival at Camigie hall, and heard
Mrs. Elleanor Roosevelt call for
understanding among the peoples
of the world if we are to have last
ing peace.
It was indeed a sympatneuc
audience that nearly filled the
large auditorium to witness the
initial public attempt on the part
of the academy to create a wider
interest in Africa through the me
dium of cultural exhibition. Kings
ley Ozuomba Mbadiwo of Nigeria,
a student at New York university
and author of the book “Axis and
British Aims in Africa,” is direct
or of the organization.
Appearing along with the First
Lady as a sponsor of the festival
was Mrs. Mary McLood Bothune,
president, National Council of
Negro Women. She too spoke
Beside Asadatn Dafora who
staged and was featured in the
unusual production, Pearl Primus,
rapidly developing interpretative;
dancer currently headlined at
downtown Cafe Society, was the
only professional on the program.
She was a show stopper. Others
in the cast, however, gave com
mendable performances.
The themes of the dances were
those of the love ritual. They [
were developed to tell of the young
man visiting the maiden village,
selecting his bride-to-be, and of
the acceptance of the offer of
marriage both by the girl and her
mother. Miss Primus, as a visit- j
I Dry Goods - Shoes
—24th & Lake St.—
1911 fatini
An old adage assures
us that ‘‘silence is
golden,” but, on the
Eve of New Year’s,
we can hardly agree.
We believe this is the
time to speak up and
tell you how much we
have appreciated
your patronage dur
ing the past year, and
to wish vou good luck
in 1944.'
Shoe Repair Shop,—
your work done while
you wait.
2012 North 24th St.
To all our old friends and acquaint
ances. and also to the many fine new
ones we hare made during 1943, we
send sincere Christmas greetings and
the wish that the holidays will he as
happy as possible.
'Harris’ Grocery Store
and Meat Market
5302 SOUTH 30th STREET MA-0741
With A Full Line of Fresh, Dry Picked Poultry
for your Christmas dinner.
or the village, makes her first
appearance and does a typical
Afircan dance which she took her
reportoire. The insistance of the
audience brought her back with a
a dance that carried more of the
Caribbean flavor, but evidence of
its derivation were to be noted.
The rythms were handled by a
group of seven drummers.
Mrs. Roosevelt, for whom a box
of honor had been reserved, was
presented to the audience during
the intermission. Mr. Mbadiwe,
himself an African prince, made
the presentation. She concurred
in the remarks of Mr. Mbadiwe
that “the world is growing small
er” and declared that “for that
reason, one of the most import
ant things today is that we must
learn about our neighbors.” She
said they are going to be our
neighbors and therefore “we are
going to build a foundation for!
She cited the prejudices that
have grown through ignorance of
Africa. Speaking generally, the
First Lady said that “some of us
have allowed ourselves to build up
within us prejudices. Prejudices
are really nothing but ignorance.”
She concluded saying that “all men
should be able to work together
and only when that day comes can
we hope for a better world.”
Mrs. Bethune also addressed the
audience. Another African, Prince
Akiki Nyabongo of Uganda, grad
uate of Howard university, Yale
and Oxford, spoke briefly. Gifts
were presented to Mrs. Roosevelt
and Mrs. Bothuno.
Bleack December!
Tis passing strange
that this month
which furnishes the
least light out o f
doors, should furnish
the most light within.
It’s the Spirit o f
Christmas, and the
Merriest of Christ
mases to you!
2114 North 24th St.
Launch SS James
Weldon Johnson
U. S. Maritme Commission ..
One of the most talented of
American Negroes was honored
Sunday, December 12th, when the
Liberty ship SS James Weldon
Johnson, was launched at the Wil
mington (Calif.) yards of the Cali
fornia Shipbuilding Corporation.
It was the 301st Calship built for
the U. S. Maritime Commission
and the seventh of a series that
the Commission has named for
outstanding Negro Americans.
Mrs. Charlotte A. Bass, editor
of The California Eagle, of Los
Angeles, christened the vessel, and
I her secretary, Miss Bernice Cook,
served as maid of honor.
Joe Louis to Go
Weshington, (ANP)—Champion
Joe Louis, now a Sergeant in the
U. S. army, will visit overseas
camps in various theatres of op
erations, as soon as he has ended
his exhibition tour of army posts
in this country, around Jan. 20th,
announced the war department
Louis and his assistants are
scheduled for 21 appearances be
tween now and the completion of
his U. S. tour which will take him
to camps in Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia, Florida, South Carolina
and North Carolina.
To date the group, traveling
under direction of the army spec
ial services division, has visited
more than 70 army installations
in every section of the United
States except the southeast. Ac
We remember, and
will always remem
ber, your kindness
and loyalty to u s
through this and
other years. We wish
you and yours for
1944 the best of ev- ,
Where you get your hot!
biscuits cooked to order’
Plate lunches served!
from 11:30 to 8 p. m.
—Popular Prices— «
1810 North 24tth St. j
AT-5072 i
u E set up a fast pace for service in
1943, but “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
Just watch us step up our service in
Come in and see us. And, say, folks.
Happy New Year to all.
1516 NORTH 24th STREET JA 7056 j
Here at bit • wecMllow-ant, iC-w*OTee poky wt* ba*6«« «p «• JISOO » S*
death, $1 $00.00 for damembettnent. ttaspitai, Doctor and too BI ■ iflb
and even a $100.00 emergency allowance inchaded foe every pokey holder, afl aa pan.
vided for in your FREE pokey. Read it in the privacy of your Bona. No nfiliioftaa
Yau never know when tragedy might strike. Accidents are mere aaaa Am fM
dunk. Play tale. Let Independence Insurance give fw quack cask «a Mp pap
READ IT tkoee many tolls. Ro waiting period Ho red tape. No delagrs. Mail eawpon today.
Last year one person in every 14 was painfully disabled thro accident We
know wboH be next. A whole year's premium only 13 65—a penny a Aaj iMi
than one day j stay in a hospital. No increase in rates. No doctors asaonoM
Wc take your ward. No matter how old or where you wort, apply today.
BIG, STRONG RELIABLE INSURANCE; mdependence msurance co. «•«"
You irl d, conmu^oo, Rrowmbrr. thrre I »W- *>. IDUOnUX. UlTUdt «U1 OU
are thousands and thousands m U S Government Bonds J Ptesse send s^ Independence pokey far TKKM
back of Independence policies- Your regular full-size pokey • hupectwa at enet. Na atoigsrvw af any toad.
sent postpaid if you act now. ^ 5 „_ pmsflsra ■
wTTTtwT^rTnmTTrrm«*« z_~~
n Till ^b 11 111 i I 1 Mb i i j I i 1 ^m ■
•MMMUMMMMMMAAJLMBiMW • fT ■■ ■ --t--MMfa——mmmereem
cording to the war department,
at the end of the tour more than
630,000 soldiers will have seen
the exhibitions with an average
attendance of 7,000 at each ap
His assistants are Sgt. James
Edgar, Cpl. Walker Smith( Sugar
Ray Robinson), Pvt. George Wil
son (Jackie Wilson), Cpl. Bob
Smith and Cpl. Robert J. Payne,
Duke Ellington Complete
ly Sells Out Carnegie hall
New York, (ANP)—Duke Ell
ington and his orchestra gave a
markedly enjoyable concert at Car
negie hall Saturady night and as
one might expect attracted a sold
out house that amply proved its
devotion to the organization by
humbly waiting way past the hour
for the concert to begin.
A typical Ellington concert can
be summed up principally by re
ferring one to a group of record
ings and radio movie arrange
ments by the band. One recalls
choruses of popular hits and
“blues” georgeously harmonized
and elaborated with introductions,
interludes and codotti, each feat
uring one or more reed and brass
soloists (last night a violin for a
change!). However there was an
added aspect to this concert be
cause of the presence of “living
music.” The tone of each player,
almost without exception, was so
beautiful and the precision of the
band as a whole wras something ai- j
most uncanny. There is no su:h
thing in this country as a Negro
symphony orchestra, but the play
ing that fell upon our ears last
night, especially from the brass,
would convince the most hesitant
that such a proposition, physically
at least, is more than possible.
Mr. Ellington acted as his own
“omeoo” and “made” and made
comparatively few changes in the
program, enabling us to follow
Happy Day
Even Santa Claus is smiling at the
general hilarity occasioned by his
visit to a naval training station. The
recruits in front of the barracks
may be many miles from home, but
they’re still celebrating Christmas
with as much enthusiasm as ever.
It's about time for us
to wake up and thank
our many friends and
customers for their
valued patronage
during 1943. tVe can
not tell you how
much we appreciate
your kindness. May
your Christmas b e
very, very happy.
2501 North 24th St.
1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240
Other People Do
READ The Qjjpp
Subscribe Today!
Charles Britt
Ernest H. Britt, Sr.
Samuel E. Britt
^ in a, « ^
Ernest H. Britt, Jr.
quite comfortably. There was
“Take the A Train” by Billy!
Strayhorn, assistant arranger! in
spired on a New York independent
subway train by that name; “Moon
Mist” by his son, Moreor, now in
the army. Here the famous dance
band leader deviated with a set
of variations on “Tea for Two”
from “No, No Nanotto trumpet,
because of the indisposition of the
trombone soloist. Then came
“Pyramid” by Tizol, one of the
bandsman, variations on Fats Wal
ler’s “Honeysuckle Rose,” and
variations on “Star Dust” contain-1
ing some sequentially beautifully'
treated pharase-ends.
The two following words proved
to be the most important as to cal
ibre of the evening, almost attain
ing symphonie proportions: the
“Brown”excerpt from Mr. Elling
ton’s “Black, Brown and Beige”
and the premiere of “New World
A Comin”‘ based on Roi Ottley’s
book of the same title.
Mr. Ellington informs us that he
conceived this music of the pro
gram variety. Music of this char
acter is quite a difficult to create.
One may either be trite in its ex
pression, or subtle. In our opin
ion, the composer of these two
works neither. In fact, we doubt
seriously that a knowledge of the
history of the Negro or the read
ing of Mr. Ottley’s book would
addat all to the enjoyment of them.
The appreciation lies in the works
themselves separate and apart
from any program, for Mr. Elling
ton has gained much recently in
musical creation in the matter of
loftiness of the Ottiey numser a
faint suggestion of the quieter mo
ments of the first movement of
the Brahs d Minor piano concert.
The piano celo passages played
by the composer, alt ho not overly
inventive, revealed some concep
tion of the piano concerting form.
“Floor Show” and the highly pop
ular “Don’t Get Around Much
Anymore” concluded part 1.
After a brief intermission, Mr.
Ellington presented his “Rir.g Dem
Bells” featuring orchestral chimes;
award winning compositions (we
think we recognized, “It Don’t
Mean a Thing,” “In a Sentimental
Moo d,” “Sophisticated Lady,”
“Solitude,” “I Let a Song Go Out
of My Heart,” and “Caravan” in
the order named), “Jack the Bear,”
featuring the string bass; “Do
Nothing Till You Hear From Me;”
“Cotton Tail;” Miley’s “Black and
Tan Fantasy;” Carney’s “Rockin’
in Rhythm” and again Ellington’s
One in the Army,
One in the Navy,
One in the Marines
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Britt,
2525 Blondo Street, are the proud
parents of three sons in the Serv
; ice. Charles Britt the Navy, Staff
j Sergeant Samuel Britt in the Army
in England, Sidney Britt a Ma
rine somewhere in New Zealand
and Ernest H. Britt, Jr., expect
ing a call any day. Miss Ora Lee
Britt is in Governmental Services
as a Secretary in Chicago, 111.
Mr. Ernest H. Britt and Mrs. Alice
Britt were school mates in their
childhood days in Little Rock, Ark.
After their marriage in Little
Rock, Ark., they came to Nebras
ka and made Omaha their home.
They are now proud parents of
five children, all graduates of Om
aha High School. Mr. Britt is a
successful business man. For
years he has been in the ice and
coal business, of late he bought
the Green Lantern Cafe at 2116
No. 24th St., of which he now oper
ates, giving a round the clock;
night and day service. If you need
coal, call Britts Coal Co. If you
need ice, call Britts'Ice Co. If you
need a palatable v meal call at
Britt’s Green Lantern Cafe, where
you get home cooked meals and
service with a smile.
Synev J. Britt
“Sentimental Lady.”
The program concluded with El
lington’s “Trumpet in Spades”
which reminded us of the old time
cornet solo with variations asso
ciated with summer brass band con
certs. And we cannot refrain from
mentioning Rex Stewart’s trumpet
exhibition in not only tonguing
range from a pedal tone (bass B
flat) to a treble E flat. The final
: number proved to be Mercer El
j lington’s “Things Ain’t What They
i Used to Be.”
We are not ashamed to admit
that we went to this concert with
the anticipation of being greatly
bored. Swing music exhorts phys
ical motion and there is no pro
vision, you know, for jitterbugging
■ in Carnegie. But we came away,
make no mistake, utterly refresh
ed. May Ellington’s Jband set an
example for other bands to fol
> low.
| S£«Son >
With this glowing background to remind us,
we are ready to speak our piece. It is a
very simple one.the same as last year
and the year before: Thank you one and all
for your kindness to us and. .....
Merry Christmas!
14th & Dodge OMAHA
“The House that Value Built”