The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 25, 1943, CITY EDITION, Image 6

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    “A Man that’s Worthwhile is A Man that’s Not A Child”
Especially when Important Public Questions that are of Such Vital Interest to the Life
Cord of Every home in Our City is being discussed.
There are a few people living in this world yet with backbones and not wishbones. We haven’t been one sided in this matter. We are admit
ting we haven’t been in a position to talk with all who might have been willing to state their position in this public issue, for this we apolo
gize and hope you may be privileged to join with us further down the road in this important question that the Citizens of Omaha must at some
time another pass on in the voting booth. We have stated to those who we did talk to and written to that we wanted their statement for pub
licaion. The following is a list of Omaha Citizens who have shown they have the STAMINA, the COURAGE, and the CONVICTION to pass
their opinion on public issues of importance regardless of the effect it might have on their future statistics in life ECONOMICALLY, POLIT
ICALLY, and SOCIALLY. To tell you where they stand on this NEBRASKA POWER CO. question and why.
Has given courteous and
sufficient service.—Mr. &
Mrs. W. H. Triplett, 2711
Wirt St.
All right with me as is.
—Mamie Thomas, 2713
Wirt St.
Very satisfied as is.—
Mrs. C. M. Andrews, 2847
Wirt St.
O. K. as is.—George
Jones, 28th and Wirt Sts.
Am pleased with the
satisfactory service that
has been given in the past.
—Esther L. Woods, 2875
Wirt St.
Has given efficient serv
ice ; see no reason to
change.—George Bryant,
2875 Wirt St.
Want it to stay just as
it is.—Streeter B. Turner,
2877 Wirt St.
Fine service; see no rea
son to ehange. — Chas.
Rose, 5223 So. 31 St.
No kick as to past serv
ice. — Aubrev Holloway,
5213 So. 25th St.
All ways fine service.—
Robert Rickie.
Just fine as far as I am
concerned. — Fred Toles,
3021 R St.
Leave it as is. — Albert
P. Hayes.
O. K. as is. — Oliver
Hayes, 3310 Emmett St.
All right with me as is.
—George G. Graves.
Just like it is all right
with me.—Adon Cofield,
2609 R St.
Like it is suits me.—
Johnie Williams.
Be all right just like it
is.—Jonie Halmon.
As it is all right with
me.—WJllie Young.
All right as it is.—Ray
mond Bradley, 2811 */2 Q
Just fine as it is.—Eli
jah Ransburg, 1632 N.
23rd St.
Would rather have it as
is.—John Bradley, 2811V2
Q. St.
i’ve always found the
N. P. Co. efficient.—Hal
let Barnett, 2709 Wirt St.
I like it as is.—Eliza
beth Hughes.
Fine like it is.—C. E.
Payne, 2018 Lake St.
Fine like it is.—William
Johnson, 2222 Franklin St.
Like it is O. K.—Chas.
B. Mayo, 2801 N. 24th St.
I like it just as it; see
no reason to change.—
Chas. Turner, 2420 Lake
Know what it is now,
why change. — Russell
Moss, 2420 Lake St.
Just alright as is.—Ar
lene King, 2428 Lake St.
So far as I know, very
satisfactory. — Margaret
Grant, 2502 Lake St.
Stay just as is, as far
as I’m concerned.—Wm.
Perkins, 2504 Lake St.
All right as is; don’t see
any difference. — R. E.
Leave as is.—Minnie Da
Like service as is.—
Montgomery Gro., 2631
Lake St.
Don’t want it changed;
prefer just what we got.
—Forest Conley.
Like service as is.—Mr.
Tuggy Simpson.
Prefer just what we got.
—Geraldine McCraty.
Prefer just we got. —
James McCraty.
Like it the way it is.—
Harold Smith.
So far as I’m concern
ed, I am satisfied.—Leslie
L. Washington, 2708 Lake
Satisfied as is.—R. L.
Henry, 2719 Lake St.
All right as is.—Ger
trude Bastedo, 2722 Lake
I want it like it is.—
Amelia McGill, 2724 Lake
Conditions are fine just
as it is.—Mrs. Woodrow
Allen, 2724 Lake St.
N. P. Co., fine as is.—
Vadis Coleman.
Service coming along
fine.—Jos. C. D. Melton.
Stay just like it is.—
Frank Owens.
I like it just as is.—
Mrs. Luther Johnson, 2406
N. 27th Ave.
Way it is, I think it’s
all right.—Lola Coulson,
2424 N. 27th Ave.
Very Well pleased with
it, as it is.—Mrs. Mary
Speese, 2712 Erskine St.
As it is.—Mrs. J. Bron
son, 2710 Erskine St.
Just like it is.^Mrs.
Lillian Williams, 2708 Er
skine St.
Just like it is.—Andrew
Williams, 2708 Erskine St.
Suits me fine.—Lucille
Booker, 2706 Erskine St.
It’s all right as is, so
far as I’m concerned.—
Mrs. Lulu Bryant, 2702
Erskine St.
Personally, I am satis
fied as it is.—David Stev
ens, 2316 N. 27th St.
Rather keep it just as
it is.—Carrie Washington,
2314 N. 27th St.
Leave it as it is.—Clara
bell Mays, 2312 N. 27th
I would rather it remain
as it is.—Mrs. S. Woods,
2323 N. 27th Ave.
Doing pretty good as is.
—Rev. H. H. Swader.
Would rather have it
remain as is. — Marie
Wills, 2762 Lake St.
Just let it be as is.—
Edna Littlejohn, 2764
Lake St.
I like it just as is.—Mrs.
Violet Fields, 2519 N. 28th
I like it as is.—Mrs. Ethl
Morris, 2812 Ohio St.
Like it as is.—Chas.
Dickerson, 2814 Ohio St.
As is at present is all
right with me.—Mrs. Eea
N. P. Co., as is all right
with me.—Valaria Lee Mc
Caw, 2806 Ohio St.
Like it as is at present.
— Ludie Thomas, 2802
Ohio St.
Keep it the same way;
don’t see no reason to
change.—Julia Galloway,
2814 N. 28th St.
In favor of no change.
—John Pitts, 2723 Binney
Has always pleased me
so far. — Paul Barnett,
2709 Wirt St.
Has dealt fairly with me
in the past.—Chas. Bar
nett, 2024 Vz N. 24th St.
Giving good service as
is.—Mrs. Albert Johnson,
119 So. 27th St.
Stockholders are most
ly all Omahans and need
our support for this capa
ble enterprise.—Wm. H.
Davis, 2122 N. 24th St.
Doing a good job of
service, might as well keep
it. — James H. Holmes,
2218 N. 24th St.
We’re acquainted with
this set-up, why change
it?—Cleo H. Mortimer,
2716 Ohio St.
Satisfied with it as is.
—Josephine Davis, 2118 N.
29th St.
Satisfied with manage
ment in the way delt with
me for last 20 years.—
J. L. Taylor, 2407 Lake St.
Given good service.—
Mildred Sandwich Shop,
2409 Lake St.
Giving good service, see
no reason to change it;
they are fine.—Standard
Wood Working Shop &
Hardware, 2416 Lake St.
Service O. K., rates rea
sonable.—S. W. McGill,
McGill’s Bar, 24th and
Lake St.
Going on all right as is.
—R. L. Lewis, 24th and
Grant Sts.
Giving good service
now.—T. C. Oliver, 2414
Binney St.
Giving satisfactory ser
vice thus far.—Mrs. Percy
Johnson, 2420 Binney St.
Don’t have any reason
for not being satisfied.—
C. Leffall, 2508 Binney St.
Giving satisfactory ser
vice thus far. — Mrs.
George Harris.
Want N. P. Co. to stay
as is.—Mrs. R. Ellis, 2518
Binney St.
O. K. as is.—Mrs. A. B.
Young, 2624 Binney St.
We get good service.—
Mrs. S. Stallworth, 2610
Binney St.
I am satisfied with pres
ent service.—E. S. Grant,
2612 Binney St.
Satisfied with service.
Mrs. Lester Lovelees, 2818
N. 31st St.
Like it as it is.—Sylves
ter Waites, 2626 Binnev
Want it to stay just as
it is.—Mrs. M. Long, 2638
Binney St.
I feel like the N. P. Co.
has delt fairly with us.—
Mrs. Ola M. Williams, 2642
Binney St.
As it is suits me.—Mrs.
Art Sampson, 2802 Binney
In times like these, we
should continue with pres
ent conditions.—E. A. Ma
son, 2804 Binney St.
All right with me as is.
—Mrs. H. Drennan, 2625
Wirt St.
Quite all right with me,
as is now.—Mrs. C. Car
ter, 2623 Wirt St.
All right as is with me.
—John L. Elliott, 2612
Wirt St.
I like it as it is.—Rebec
ca Wittman, 2610 Wirt St.
Giving good service as
is. — Josephine Pullum,
2608 Wirt St.
Like the present system
as is.—Sue Willie White,
2606 Wirt St.
Not in favor of any
change that will reduce
service.—Mrs. Fred Col
lins, 2602 Wirt St.
In favor of the present
as is.—Mrs. B. T. Burton,
2605 Wirt St.
Ail right as it is.—W.
C. Nelson, 2605 Wirt St.
Suits me very well as
is—Isabel Crouch, 2524
Wirt St.
The present set up suits
me. — Clara Anderson,
2522 Wirt St.
I like the way it’s run
now.—Mrs. M. Taylor,
2515 Wirt St.
The present set up suits
me all right. — A. J.
Greene, 25th and Wirt St.
I like the present set up.
No reason to change.—
Mrs. Viney Walker, 2422
Wirt St.
All right the way it is.
—Lloyd Hunter, 2926 N.
25th St.
Present set up is satis
factory, citizens wish to
vote, that’s their privilege,
should not be denied.—W.
H. Black, 2923 N. 25th St.
I have been satisfied
with present set up.—Wil
bur J. Allen.
Like the present set up
as is.—Mrs. Burden.
All right with me as is.
—Mrs. R. Dailey.
For my part, I like it
as is.—Mrs. L. Johnson.
Like present set up as
is.—Ralph Willis.
Like present set up as
is.—Mrs. M. Lambert, 2917
N. 25th St.
Satisfied with present
set up, see no reason to
change. — Mrs. Vernice
Lee, 2417 Maple St.
Like present set fine.—
D. L. Yancy, 2408 Maple
Perfectly satisfied with
set up.—H. D. Wiley, 2412
Maple St.
Satisfied with present
set up, have had no com
plaint so far.—Mrs. C.
Partridge, 2414 Maple St.
Very well satisfied with
present set up.—Russell
Cook, 2309 Seward Plaza.
Satisfied with present
set up and would like to
retain it.—T. P. Maham
mitt, 2116 N. 25th St.
Like it just as it is.—
Mrs. Z. Brooks, 2216 No.
25th St.
Satisfied with service
so far.—L. F. King, 2306
N. 25th St.
Dorothy Abrams, 2310
N. 25th St.—Satisfied with
service as is.
Have no reason to com
plain.—Booker Jones, 2314
No. 25th St.
Personally, I would like
to see it stay as is.—Kath
ryne Steele, North 25th on
I would rather leave it
as is.—Mrs. J. P. Pierman,
2502 No. 25th St.
Just as is.—Mason Dev
ereaux, 2209 N. 25th St.
In my opinion, I like it
just as is.—Mrs. E. Reeves,
2201 N. 25th St.
Would prefer the pres
ent ownership.—2512 Bin
ney St.. Mrs. E. M. Wright
Would like to see the N.
P. Co. stay as is.—Mrs.
B. M. Waddle, 3515 Binney
Want it just as is.—
Mrs. Nilum, 25th and Bin
ney St.
It’s all right as is.—
Elizabeth Vener, 2537 Bin
ney St.
Suits me as it is. I think
it’s nice. 2541 Binney St.,
Mary L. McCarthy.
It can stay as is.—Mrs.
J. E. Blaine, 2910 N. 26th
I would like to have it
just as is.—J. M. Jackson,
2908 N. 26th St.
From what I know, I
would like to have it as
is.—Mrs. A. Kerr, 2906 N.
26th St.
I would rather have it
remain as is.—Mrs. A. P.
Caldwell, 2902 N. 26th St.
In favor of the same sys
tem as being used now,
which is satisfactory.—
Rose Littlejohn, 2626 Ma
ple St.
Present set up all right.
—Mrs. Robt. Harris, 2537
Burdette St.
Present set up all right.
—Alice Mosley, 2537 Bur
dette St.
Am in favor of present
set up.—Mattie Walker,
2827 N. 27th St.
Want to keep N. P. Co.
as is.—Julius E. Hill, 1835
N. 23rd St.
I like the present set up.
—J. D. Lewis Mortuary.
Just as is.—Cola Pear
son, 2314 N. 24th St.
Like present set up fine.
—Wendell Thomas, 2022
Lake St.
Don’t want it changed.
—Edward Turner, 2206
Paul St.
Don’t want present set
up changed. — Alfred
Bradford, 2608 Hamilton
For the N. P. Co. 100
per cent.—Flora Pinkston,
2506 '/2 N. 24th St.
I wouldn’t want it
changed, no chance to
complain. — Mrs. C. T.
Murray, 2417 Ohio St.
Want the N. P. Co. as
is.—P. Jones, 2427 Ohio
Want it just as is.—
Mrs. Katie Caldwell, 25th
and Ohio St.
All right wth me the
way it is.—Mrs. Carl Bry
ant, 25th and Ohio St.
Leave it like it is.—Ma
rion Marshall, 25th and
Ohio St.
Satisfied the way it is.
—Mr. A. L. Redd, 2428
Ohio St.
Let it stay like it is.—
Mrs. T. Louis, 2229 Ohio
Stay as is, have no kick.
—H. A. Pankey, 2219 Ohio
Very efficient service so
far. — 2428 Binney St.,
Russell E. Reese.
It is a very well man
aged company, and I don’t
think we could beat the
present set up.—Dail C.
Riddle, 5241 S. 25th St.
Like the way it’s run
now.—Anna Graves, 2104
Lake St.
It’s O. K. with me—
Earle Graves, 2104 Lake
In favor of it like it is.
—Christine Althouse, 2422
N. 22nd St.
In favor of N. P. Co.—
Hattie Prestidge, 2108
Lake St.
Never had no reason to
kick against the N. P. Co.
—Mrs. H. F. Russell, 21st
and Ohio St.
Satisfied with it myself.
—Mrs. Elmer White, 21st
and Ohio St.
I am quite satisfied with
N. P. Co. as is.—Adrill
Baltimore, 2109 Ohio St
N. P. Co. should keep
it.—Mrs. Walter Wagner,
2103 Ohio St.
We have no kick at all.
—Mrs. L. A. Jones, 2107
Ohio St.
Satisfied with present
service.—Mrs. O. Schmidt,
2033 Ohio St.
Very much satisfied
with service so far.—Ida
Willis, 2025 Ohio St.
Leave as is.—Ethyl
Hunter, 2116 Ohio St.
Keep it, renders awful
good service. — Alma
Longmire, 2122 Ohio St.
Renders good and cour
teous service.—Poch P.
Allen, 3517 Blondo St.
Leave as is.—M. G. Al
len, 2710 Caldwell St.
Satisfied wth the pres
ent service.—Mrs. Ned
Moore, 2011 Ohio St.
Satisfied as is.—James
G. Robinson, 2112 Ohio St.
Satisfied as is.—Mrs.
Jewel V. Robinson, 2112
Ohio St..
Leave as is. — Mr s.
Charles E. Mason, 2114
Ohio St.
Satisfied as is.—Mrs.
Lester Rippatoe, 2312 N.
27th Ave.
I like the way it is set
up now.—L. V. Turner,
2227 Ohio St.
Don’t know what will
come if changed.—Mrs. D.
A. Jackson, 2223 Ohio St.
There is nothing wrong
with it as is.—Mrs. Wm.
I. Beasley, 2221 Ohio St.
Satisfactory with me as
is.—Mrs. M. F. Jackson,
2219 Ohio St.
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