The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 25, 1943, CITY EDITION, Image 4

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By H. W. Smith
WE. 6458
W e congratulate the Plush
Horse head waiter and the mu
sician head waiter and the two
Streamlined Captains, one from
the Quaker State and one from
the Lone Star State for the very
careful way they have taken care
of the Service at the Paxton and
to co-operate together at the Pax
ton Hotel for one year. Now we
should all give them a good hand.
The Railroad boys are up to the
minute on service on wheels, and
the large number of people travel
ing. Also the many train loads
of service men and the trains run
ning late. All are taken care of
in a very fine way.
The Omaha Club waiters are
very much out in front as all of
the members are very well known,
and service with a smile are the
waiters motto.
The waiters at the Hill Hotel
are on the job at all times, with
quick service.
The waiters at the Regis Hotel
and the White Horse Inn are on
the up and go at all times.
The Fontenelle Hotel waiters
are improving in fast service, and
it is a pleasure to serve the high
class guests.
The Omaha Atheletic Club was
all dressed up for the 7th An
niversary Dinner Dance on Dec.
18th, and it was a riot of pleasure
and real fun.
The Streamline Manager and
the very polite office force, and
the Streamlined head waiter, and
the two Capt., and the Waldorf
kitchen crew were serving the
waiters in double quick time.
Sixteen persons were killed
McGlLL’S —
E. McGill, Prop.
2423-25 NORTH 24th St
Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 L m>
Open for Private Parties from
2 to 7 p. m.
—No Charges—
Free Delivery from 8 a. m fc*
1 a. m.
JA. 9411
w'm GOOD owun
$2.75 C.O.D. |
Plus Postage
Send no money, state color of hair or
tend sample . . . Your hair properly'
matched , . . satisfaction guaranteed.
1131 Seventh Ave. New York 27, N. Y„
when a four-motored bomber plane
crashed near Council Bluffs Tues
day, Dec. 14, at 9:25 P. M.
Gov. Griswold will not hold an
extra session of the legislature to
enact revision of the election laws
to expedite voting by service men.
Fats Waller, one of the U. S.
hot musicians found dead on a
Judge John W. Battin held a
municipal court session around a
dining table in a private home
Tuesday afternoon, December 14.
Fred Barios, 62, suffered a frac
tured leg when struck by an auto
at 29th St. and St. Marys Ave.
Subscribe for the Omaha Guide
and be a good spoke in the wheel
of progress.
The National Housing Agency
has approved construction of 85
homes in the area of Waco, Texas.
9,517 persons attended the open
ing of the Tropical Race Track
at New Orleans on Dec. 15.
76 persons were killed when two
Atlantic coast line trains crashed
near Lumberton, N. C.
Chermot Dance Hall destroyed
by fire.
Railroad officials and Brother
hood leaders are hoping for an ad
justment of their differences to
avoid a strike on Dec. 30th.
Are you a member of the N. A.
A. C. P.? If not take out a mem
bership today.
Mayor La Guardia of N. Y.
wants the number of saloons re
Two men, an ex-sailor and an
alien born in Vienna, jumped to
their death in N. Y. City. One from
the Manhattan building, and one
from the Empire State building.
Two sisters were found frozen to
death in N. Y. Police found no
fuel in the house.
Boy 10 years old bit into a ham
burger in a restaurant in Logans
port, Ind., and found a red ration
point coupon.
Major Andrew B. Galattien of
Toms River, N. J., was honored for
a 16-hour flight from the South
Four naturalized German born
Americans were found guilty of
espionage in Newark, N. J.
Rock Island passenger train
killed Raymond Horn, 18, at Avoca,
Wisconsin Baptist Association
buys the four million dollar estate
of Victor Lawson near Green Lake,
Wis. He was the founder of the
Chicago Daily News.
23 soldiers were drowned when
a U. S. government launch near
New Orleans, La.
We wonder if the U. S. senators
will continue to take a U. S. sol
diers rights away from him when
he is risking his life to help win
the war. We truly hope it will wake
up to what Pres. Lincoln put in
force. Liberty at all times.
Christmas day, 1943.
We should all bow our heads and
say a few words of earnest prayer
and thank our Almighty God that
we are living and at peace with one
another and living in peace and
harmony and using our best
thoughts to be of- some service to
ourselves and lend a helping hand
to others. Always do honor to the
birthday of Christ and let our lives
be looked upon as a true spirit of
the fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of man and the world
Mix Lemon Juice
Money Back—If This Recipe Fails
Good news travels fast—many of the thou
sands of folks who now take lemon juice
for rheumatic pain—have found that by
adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one
tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of
water, they get faster relief for the aches
and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago.
It's no surprise either, for Allenru is a
15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic
aches and pains. In fact—if it does not help
—your money back. What could be fairer?
Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only
85 cents—Do It Now. q
Vacant lot at 35th and Spaulding, 44x120 for
sale cheap to the right person. Will take pay
ment in exchange for carpenter work. Call HA
0800—Ask for C. C, Galloway,
WAKEFUL NIGHTS —how the time drags!
Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things
done and left undone. After such a night, we get
up in the morning more tired than when we went
to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful
night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner
vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and
Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after
you get to bed — try
(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets)
L#K. MIL.ES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension — to permit re
freshing sleep. _ When you are Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take
Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion.
Get Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large
Package 75#, Small Package 35#; Liquid, Large Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle
25#, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or
your money back. Read directions and use only as directed.
This award is offered by Doubleday, Doran and Company
and is open to any book that deals with American Negroes. It is
an award of $2,500 ($1,500 outright, $1,000 as an advance against
royalties). The offer will remain open indefinitely in our discretion.
It will not be based on manuscripts received during a particular
period but the award will be given whenever a full-'length manuscript
seems in the estimation of the judges to be worthy of this special
recognition. The judges will be the editors of Doubleday, Doran and
It is the hope of Doubleday, Doran that this award will
serve as one means of keeping alive the memory of a great American,
and that it will also help to give wide distribution to books about the
American Negro. It is certainly an exaggeration to say that, Uncle
Tom’s Cabin brought on the Civil War, but it is certainly no exaggera-'
tion to say that the moral indignation it aroused in the North had a
great deal to do with ending the inhuman institution of slavery.
Books are weapons.
A book entered for the George Washington Carver Memorial
Award may take any form as long as it is an effective book and has
something to say. It may be fiction, non-fiction or poetry. It may
be written by anyone who illuminates the Negro’s place in American
life. Doubleday, Doran reserves the right to publish any book sub
mitted even if it does not win the award, on terms to be arranged.
The George Washington Carver Memorial Award winners
will be extensively promoted and their authors will receive the fol
lowing scale of royalties: 10 per cent on the first 2,500 copies; 12%
per cent on the next 2,500 copies; and 15 per cent thereafter.
Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editors, George
Washington Carver Memorial Award, Doubleday, Doran and Com
pany, Inc., 14 West 49th Street, New York 20, N. Y.
Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc.
14 West 49th Street
New York 20, New York
I would like to submit my manuscript for the George Wash
ington Carver Memorial Award, at the same time submitting it for
regular publication by Doubleday, Doran and Company if it fails to
win that award.
Name .....-.
Address .....
at large can see that we are at*
all times saying “Peace on earth
and good will to all mankind.”
It is nearing the beginning of
a new year and Roosevelt Post
No. 30 American Legion is still
short of the number of members
it desires to have. Because of
those who have been faithful for
a number of years, and some dur
ing the entire life of the post, it
has reached it’s required quota
i long ago. But that is not enough.
' So the big question now is why do
non-member ex-service men want
to remain that way.
Surely in the last three years
the post has shown enough ad
vancement to prove to these vet
erans that foolishness, improper
management and unrelible busi
ness methods are out and out to
stay. And the worst of it is that
a great many of these veterans
visit the post almost nightly, ad
mire it, talk about it proudly yet
. won’t put down three dollars and
I become members. Why ?
| Come on you ex-service men
j and do what you know you should
I do and get it over with. Stop act
j ing as if you weren’t wanted as
members when you know darn well
.that you are! And what is more
you are wanted for this year’s
quota. So make it snappy and get
in before the first of the year.
Okay? . . . Then let’s get going!
The Post wishes to thank C. C.
Galloway, publisher and editor of
the Omaha Guide and his staff for
the loyal support given during the
year just ending, and extends the
Seasons Greetings.
Officers and Members
Roosevelt Post No. 30,
American Legion.
Carey Thanks the Public .
As another successful year
draws to a close we feel it our
duty as Commander of Roosevelt
Post No. 30, American Legion, to
thank you, the public, for your
part in making it so. Without
your unselfish support there could
not have been success; without
your patronage as a paying in
vestment the Lounge would not
now exist. Everything has depend
ed on you and you did not fail us.
The way in which you have re
sponded has been truly remark
We want you in the future to
allow us to depend on your sup
port as in the past. And Roose
velt Post shall make every effort
to continue worthy of your re
spect and patronage.
And again thanking you for
what it has been possible for us
to accomplish through you, we ex
tend the Season’s Greeting.
Signed: J. C. Carey,
Commander Roosevelt Post No. 30,1
American Legion.
Open House .....I
Mrs. Esther Hicks will hold
Open House at her apartment. 18
14% No. 27th Street, January 1st,
1944. Black eyed peas and hog
head will be the leading feature
of the day and evening. All
ladies who are eligible to join the
Womans Auxiliary of Roosevelt
Post No. 30, American Legion,
are especially invited to attend
as there will be someone on hand
to write them up.
Mrs. Hicks who is heading the
drive hopes to obtain a member
ship of two hundred by January
22nd. This number is not exorbi-'
tant when considered from the
standpoint of the many wives of
legionnaires who are not auxiliary
members. So she is asking that
they join up at once, pay up and
be among those belonging to one
of the leading auxiliaries in the
middle west.
There will also be a special treat
in store for all who attend the open
I _
By Ruth Taylor
It isn’t a bad thing to be intol
erant on some subjects. In fact it
is a good thing, provided you are
careful to be intolerant only of
the evil., to have good reasons for
your prejudices and dislikes. Keep
your intolerance only save it for
what your heart tells you is bad.
Remembering that the diction
ary definition of intolerance is to
“be unwilling to bear or endure,”
of what should you be intolerant?
Be intolerant of treason—of
those people who say “America
is all right—But” and then pro
ceed to repeat the enemy’s charges
against our nation. They are half
hearted patriots. They wouldn’t
live anywhere else, but because
they cannot get all they want, they
just won’t play the game, or do
their part in working for the good
of the country as a whole.
Be intolerant of discrimination—
of those people who, while con
demning our common enemies,
still ape them in this country by
putting personal prejudices and
dislikes ahead of democracy and
equality. They are the people who
won’t hire or work with men of a
different race, creed or color, who
really want to keep all jobs for
themselves, who don’t want com
petition except from their own
Be intolerant of hatred—of the
bitterness that condemns a whole
group for the actions of a few,
disliking what is not understood.
It makes no difference whether
the group against which haterd is
leveled be Black or White, capital
ist or worker, Jew, Catholic or
Protestant. We all have those in
our own group with whom we are
not in accord. If we judge other
groups by the actions of some of
their individual members, we can
not complain if we in turn are
judged by those we deplore in our
own group.
Be intolerant of condescension.
No man is good enough to look
down upon any other man. Con
demn the action, but not the in
dividual. Repudiate the individual
but not the group. Censure the
group if it acts as a bloc, but not
the individuals who—undesiring—
are classified with that group.
Be intolerant of all evil. B
bold enough to condemn it where
ver it exists—but condemn it,
don’t compare it! This country L
based upon freedom for ail, and
the right to think, speak, write
and worship as the individual con
science dictates—but it does not
include the right to try to keep
this privilege from any one else.
Never let our constitutional rights
be us^d by any one group to ue
stroy another which is e. iitl d !
the same rights, whether it be
labor or industry, or a racial ci
religious minority.
Be intolerant—of all that is evil,
and above all, be intolerant of in
By Howard Buffett
Washington is a city of beauti
ful churches. All sects and denom
inations are represented in Wash
ington, and most religious groups
have churches or cathedrals here,
built by National subscription. This
week Capital-City churches are
holding many special services, as
Washington goes through the mo
tions of celebrating Christmas.
The people of Washington have
approched this Christmas with a
sort of grim determination. The
atmosphere associated with the
phrase, “Merry Christmas,” is mis
sing. And rightly so, for the ber
ries on the Christmas holly in 1943
are too ‘red.’ But this greatest of
anniversary days can create hope
in all of us. The Christmas Spirit
is not enough. But if America will
live by the Spirit of Christ, our
present trials and tribulations
would disappear.
The World War is a product of
the disease of materialism with
which our civilization is afflicted.
Society has determined to measure
life in terms of physical comforts
and physical pleasures. But life
lacking the spiritual values quick
ly reduces itself to the level of the
animals and the jungle. As we ap
proach that level of existence,
people are becoming frightened at
the future.
The Child of Bethlehem and
twelve ordinary men, His disciples,
founded the greatest movement in
human history. Why? Because
they taught the moral and spiritual
truths that humanity must live by,
or perish. Ever since that time
great soldiers of the Cross have
carried the original message of
Christmas, “Peace on Earth, Good
Will toward Men.”
There is no story, real or imag
inary, more thrilling and more in
spiring than that of the great
Christians down through the ages.
From Saint Paul to Martin Nie-’
moller, those who have exempli
fied the spirit of Christ have kept
the lights of civilization burning.
Our craze for material possessions
has obscured this truth.
Who put up the greatest fight
against Hitler in Germany? It
was Martin Niemoller, alone and
unaided, preaching the great moral
values of the Four Gospels. While
the intellectuals fled, this Lutheran
‘minister fought the advance of
Nazism. Not until Niemoller was
behind the barbed wire of Sachen
hausen concentration camp did Hit
let start his march of destruction.
Niemoeller’s last sermon car
ried a message of hope and reas
surance. He pointed out that “If
those caling themselves Christians
j have ceased to practice Christian
ity, how can it exist—our respon
sibility is to live as Christians.”
America must again learn that the
reilgion of the lowly Nazarene was
founded upon individual respon
sibility and individual godness. If
we can achieve that goal in our own
lives, our individual future and
America’s future will again find
“Peace on earth, Good will toward
By Ruth Taylor
A newspaper man brought that
line back from the battlefields. It
was “news” in his eyes for it had
come as a surprise to him that those
who had been hurt most, hated
least — that those men, wounded
unto death, had risen above hatred
of those who had struck them down.
He went further. And he found
that where the hand of war had
been most heavily felt, there was
less bitterness, less desire for re
venge than where war had not
touched. i
He could have learned it from the
refugees. Those who lost most,
talked least and hated least. Those
who got out safely with some pos
sessions and found only their ac
customed way of life disrupted
were the most angry.
So it always is. Those who suf
fer, learn from suffering. They
see what the act of cruelty does
to the cruel. They know the warp
ing of spirit injustice vents uphn
the unjust. They sense the erosion j
of soul intolerance sets festering
in the intolerant. They have learn
Guard Duty
No—this sailor isn’t gunning for
Santa Claus. In fact, he’s on friend
ly terms with the old gentleman.
He is merely standing guard at the
Administration building of the Great
Lakes Naval Training station.
ed that hatred is a boomerang and
that he who hates lives only as
the hated.
“The wounded don’t hate.” They
who have brushed wings with death
have learned the truth; that life
can only be saved by willingness
to live and die in a good cause;
that no man liveth unto himself,
or for himself; that giving does not
impoverish; that humility and mer
cy are more important than ambi
tion and pride; and that righteous
indignation can be devoid of per
sonal hatred.
“The wounded don’t hate.” This
does not mean a withdrawal from
the battle but a resistance to any
weakening of the spirit through
those dagger thrusts of prejudice
and resentment which disable the
hardiest soul.
“The wounded don’t hate.” Not
only on the battlefields must this
be true, but here in the midst of
the tragedies in the battle lines
at home. Can we who are safe at
home have less self-control than
our boys overseas? Can we hate
our neighbors, at home or abroad?
We can and must despise and con
demn the evil deed. We can and
must determine to wipe out the
cruelty and oppression for all times
— but we must not becloud the
issue with the red mist of personal
hatreds. “The wounded don’t hate.”
—And we must not.
Read these excerpts:
, ‘‘I can truthfully say that KOL
SAVER has saved me $41.00 this
winter in the cost of coal to heat
my home, a 6-room, 1-floor house.
It used to cost me $92.00 to $95.00
to heat this house, using Bricketts
and Pocahontas Coal. Now I use^
Round-up Stoker Coal which costs
about half as much as Bricketts.”
“In regard to KOL-SAVER, in
my mind this is one of the best in
ventions of the day. Frankly
speaking, I wouldn’t sell mine for
many times the price if I knew I
couldn’t get another one.”
“My experience with KOL-SAVER
has been most satisfactory. I burn
nothing but North Dakota Lignite
getting the best results with the
regular nut or stove size. I would
not think of parting with KOL
SAVER if I could not replace it
im mcQiately.”
‘ I have been a user of the KCL
SA \TER for over three years and
consider it very good. It not oi'iy
saves considerable coal, hut makes
a very even fire, burns up ail the
gas from the coal that ordinarily
goes up the chimney, thereby mul -
ing :< big saving in fur.. I w'.u'd
nor be without one. ’
IN imes Furnished on Request).
KOL-SAVER costs little to owe.
and will pay for itself and over iv
just one season’s heating-.
There is no costly installation—
it simply sets on the center of the
grate. It is essential in operation
that the coal in the fire bed be kept
at least 8 inches above the top of
the KOL-SAVER. Some ashes
should be left in the furnace in
sure proper operation. In no 1 1
stance will the KOL-SAVER i,'.-ft
At This Season, let us resolve to assure an
early victory by greater sacrifice, harder work,
fuller support of our valiant men and women
serving their country, bringing to all, freedom
of speech—freedom of worship—freedom from
want—freedom from fear, that there may be
Peace on Earth and Good Will towards all men.
Thomas Funeral Home
WEbster 2022
Classified Ads Get Resuits!
House for Sale
5 rooms, all modern, clear. Corner
lot, oak floors, hot water furnace,
nice basement, room to sleep or
live. Kitchen terrazzo floor, cab
inet sink, bath built in tub, insul
ated brick sidling, double garage,
fowl house, both cement floois,
nice lawn, plenty hardy flowersi
and shrubs, Possession within 10
days after sale, 3401 Maple. Owner
leaving state.
Win Pay $150.00
CALL WA-9051
I *
In the shaking of the grates.
Because of the increased com
bustion afforded by the use of KOL
SAVER you can actually burn a
cheaper grade of coal and get bet
ter, more even heat from your
furnace. Even the cheapest grades
of slack can be burned successfully
and satisfactorily with KOL-SAV
| ER.
No. 4-W. Size 5”x6”, for small
domestic water heaters, Weight 8
No. 1. Size 10”xl0”. for all size
round furnaces and boilers with
grates 22” and over in diameter.
Weight 34 pounds.
No. 2. Size 7 3-4”x7 3-4”|for a'.i
furnaces and boilers with grates
21”, and under. Weight 17 pounds.
No. 3. Size 3 1-2x10 3-4”, for a'.l
cpok stoves and small heatro’as
with oblong grates. Weight 10
No. 4. Size 5 l-2”xl0 3-4”, tor
large heatrolas and hotel ranges
Weight 15 pounds.
KOL-SAVERS may be purchased
MART, 24th and LAKE STS., Ph.
Use The Omaha Guide
| As A—
Medium of Advertising
! —-I
in a Jiff if
-or Money Back
For quick relief from itching caused by eczema,
athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching
conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid
D. D. D. Prescription. A doctor’s formula.
Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and
quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle
proves it, or money back. Don’t suffer. Ask your
druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION.
V px. for INS.
Ray L. Williams, Atty.
Tu'chman building,
24th and Lake Sts.
Notice by publication on petition
for settlement on final administra
tion acount.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska, Bk. 50, P. 2S1,
No. 22847.
In the matter of the estate of
Lizzie Conners, deeased:
All persons interested in said
matter are hereby notified that on
ithe 23rd day of November, 1943,
W. L. Myers filed a petition in said
County Court, praying that his fin
- _
Don’t bear the torments of eczema
» another day. Do as thousands of
happy people have—use Poslam for
quick, dependable relief. At night,
when itching is worse, one applica
tion of this CONCENTRATED
ointment brings soothing comfort
and lets you sleep. 18,000,000
packages sold during 35 years show
it most be good. Recommended by
many doctors. Sold from coast to
coast. Only 50c at all druggists.
BPy L iBB? i a
For Rent
Half block from car line, 2 mo
dern furnished room at 2422
Erskine St. Call WE-5041.
We pay the highest wages for
maids then any hotel in the city.
One week’s vacation with pay giv
en to all employees who work a
full year, two weeks if you work
two years with pay. CALL JA
6492. DELMAR HOTEL, 24th at
Farnam Street
BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes
Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses,
Rugs, Beds. Gas Stoves and Oil
“We Buy and Sell” —
TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST.
Girl between 20-25 for shipping de
partment. Typing knowledge nec
essary. Call JA-5288 for appoint
Clothing for Rummage Sale, Call
before 8 a. m. after I p. m„ HA
2 in family wants to rent a 2 or 3
room apt. Call WE. 1517.
300 Ladies Dresses Reasonable.
100 Pairs of Shoes—No Stamps.
Rugs of All Kinds. Radios, etc.
We Buy and Sell. Tel. AT-1154
1715 NORTH 26th ST.
E401 North 24th WE. 6061
6324 North 24th St WE. 10Z*
2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022
Furniture of all kinds—dressers,
beds, end tables, chairs and chest
of drawers or complete home
apartment furnishings. Kettles and
dishes. Sell us yours.
IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th &
Lake Street—WE. 2224
al administration account filed
herein be settled and allowed, and
that he be disharged .from his
trust as administrator and that a
hearing will be had on said peti
tion before said Court on the 22nd
day of December, 1943 and that if
you fail to appear before said
Court on the said 22nd day of Dec.
ember, 1943 at 9 o’lock A. M., and
contest said j petition, the Court
may grant the prayer of said peti
tion, enter a decree of heirship,
and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
to this Court may see proper, to
the end that all matters pertaining
to said estate may be finally eet
j ted and determined.
Robert Troyer,
County Judge.
3t bg. Dec. 4 1943 end 17th
Phone JA-4635
formerly at 24th
and Erskine St.
514 N. 16th ST. |
Thrifty Service
7c For Each Additional lb.
This includes the Ironing of all FLAT
WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just
Damp Enough for Ironing.
2324 North 24th St. _WE. 1029