The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 04, 1943, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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By H. W. Smith
WE. 6458
The RR boya are very much out,
in front in fine service on wheels.
While Mr. Felix Metoyer is in
the land of sunshine and flowers.
Mr. George Brown is with the
Regis hotel and the White Horse
Inn waiters are up to the minute
in good and quick service.
The Fontenelle waiters are very
much on the up and go as Mr. Gro
Brown is a very good entertainer
on a park east street car gluing on
* ****
Mr. Goldie Davis is very much
out in front in making it pleasant
for his lady friend in a nOrthside
business house.
Read The Omaha Guide for ail
the news!
The Race horse head waiter and
his very quick stepping crew at
the Paxton hotel are in the -Tinning
at all times on quick service.
The Blackstone waiters are al
ways stepping on the gas and al
ways know when to shift g'ars.
H. W. Smith and Mr. William
PenisOn have a very pleasant v'sit
on a downtown tram car.
All waiters should read The Om
*00*0*00 r> m 0 0 0 000*0^00
Gen. Repairing Motor Tunc-uu
Body and Fender Work
Battery, Etc.
N. E. Corner 24th & Grant Si.
*0*0*00 000 00 0 00*0*0*0*0*
1 M V
NOW, more than ever, you want
«to stay on the job and do your
full share of the work which must
be done. Headache, Muscular
Pains, Simple Neuralgia, Func
tional Monthly Pains slow you
down, interfere with your work,
spoil your fun. Have you ever tried
Anti-Pain Pills
when any of these common pains
have made you miserable?
Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are
pleasant to take, and prompt in
action. They do not upset the
stomach or make you constipated.
A single tablet usually brings
relief. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills
are compounded under the super
vision of competent chemists.
Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills
at your drug store. Regular pack
age 25*, Economy package $1.00.
Read directions and take only as
directed. ,
aha Guide as we always use our
very best efforts to keep them sup
plied with the latest news.
Have you any stock or shares in 1
the Credit Union? If not, why not?
Elmer McCoy a farmer, his wife,
Mary and their daughter Mildred,
were shot and killed at their home
near Washington Court House, in
Dale H. Cramer, 24 year old far
mer who killed his infant daugh
ter was found guilty by a jury at
Alma, Nebraska—the jury recom
mended life in prison.
Pope Pius XII has undertaken
a mission of peace mediation be
tween Germany and the Allies.
U. S. Senator Sheridan Downey
of Cal., told in Washington DC.,
that influencial Germans are at
tempting to open peace negotiat
ions for their country’s surrender
and some allied leaders expect a
collapse at any time.
Read the Omaha Guide for all
the news!
Howard Darnell a great lakes, 111
Bailor went on trial Friday for the
shooting of a policeman.
Chicago police believe that Ed
ward Dariak was killed by one of
the notorious Touhy gang who es
caped from Statesville prison a
year ago.
Cadet Donald C. Williams of
Whitney, SC., was killed and Ca
det Donald J. Boyle of NY., was
injured in an airplane crash Sun
day near Greenville, Texas—Sun
day, November 28.
Nick Kataika and his wife kill
ed and their three children injur
ed when their car crash into a
filling station hear Youngstown.
Are you a member of the XA
ACP? If not, why not?
The War Labor Board held a
public hearing on educational for
um in Omaha Thursday Dec. 2,
sponsored by the Chamber of Coin.
Garwood, N. J., a town of 5.000
inhabitants will be without a Doc
tor Nov. 30th Dr. Leon J. Ani30u
reports to the army medical corps
A bath tub shaped like a man
with arms extended and legs
spread like a V has been designed
by Dr. Neal Owen professor of
plastics Surgery at Tulane univers
ity of NO., La.,
27,000 business firms in Chicago
will go On 48 hour week plan af
ter the first of January 1944.
One of the dikes of the subway
processing company broke and wa
ter flowe odver Syracuse NT.
* ****
The Natioanl Association of R-'al
Estate boards of Cleveland, Ohio,
was exposed by the Pittsburgh
Secy of War Stimosn has bjen
asked for a statement on the re
port that the All-Neg>-j 93rd div
ision has been broken Up and as
signed to guard duty on the Pac
ific coast.
Gov. elejt S. S. Wolj, of Ken
tucky says justice sm.-; p*vvai:
A group of U. S. Senators who
are supporting the Anti-poll fax
bill met with Senator Van Noyvs,
chairman of the Judiciary Comm
ittee to work out a plan to Over
throw the filibuster.
Mrs. Robert B. Parker of J333
Madison avenue, of Balamore, Md
has the honor of being the first
Smith Bros, has served the public since 1847.
In that period America has fought five wars.
Only during wartime has there ever been any
shortage of Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Our
production now is war-reduced but we're dis
tributing it fairly to all. Still only 5?. A nickel
checks that tickle!
1 .
35 complete lessons-over 700 Dtatratiom
Special SI .00 Introductory offer
United tine eely!
These lessons are designed for young and old . . . >3^
u takes them ttep by-itep through the various stages
of drawing. For those desiring to take up drawing, as a profession, these lessens if
diligently followed will help prepare your entrance into a very profitable field.
We believe that not even a *10.00 book could be more complete — there era
lessons on lettering . . . how to make comic strips ... cartoons . • . haw la draw
pictures to make money.
Here’s a perky hat for those of you who are handy with a crochet hook.
Smart and youthful, it is “right’’ for all occasions. You might make K
In a soft, deep color, topped with glossy beads for a festive appearance.
Or crochet it in several other combinations as gifts for your friends.
Directions for making the hat may be obtained by sending a stamped,
self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper,
specifying design PC-1534*
This rag doll is a victory model, for she can be made of left-over scraps
of yarn and cloth. Dressed in overalls, she’s ready to do her share in
winning the war. Imagine the delight of the youngster who receives
this soft, lovable toy for a Christmas gift. And think of the fun you’ll
have making her. Directions may be obtained by sending a stamped,
self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper,
specifying design S11-31.
Negro woman under the employes
Beletcive sponsor plan to Chr sfcn
a liberty ship at the Baltimore'
* W ~ V r - i B ft k ft ft ft ftl ft C I
your way.
Mrs. Raymond Brown, Director,
Mason M. Deverreaux, Jr., Public
ity Director.
The Muse Drama Guild lakes
great pleasure in announcing to Ps
many friends its new opening pi:>’
for the season. “Aaron Slick from
Punkin Lick.” which will be given
sometime during the holiday sea
son. At the regular meeting last
Friday, November 26, 1943 tryouts
were held. Watch for the date ne
cause you will sure miss a treat
(take a tip from us) if you let this
laudable, loveable, sapstick comedy
of how a rural farmer put it over
on the city “slickers”. Tes, you j
must see “Aaron Slick from Punkin
Lick.” He’s funny, he’ll keep you
roaring with mirth, he’ll tirk'.c
your sides ’til they burst. “Aaron
Slick from Punkin Lick” is headed
1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240
Other People Do
Fort Worth, Texsa Dec. 4 (ANP)
Negro citizens of Fort Worth work
ing through the Negro Welfare
council hung up a proud recoid
this week when they contributed
an additional $5,000 to the Comm
unity War Chest. The term addi
tional was used, it was explained
a tthe “Victory Dinner” held at
the McDonald YMCA Monday ev
ening .because many of the contri
butors had already given a; usual
through their plant. s of employ
ment or the business groups thru
which they had Contributed in the
Rev. W. S. Brent and Rev. S. R.
Prince, chairman of the budget an
president respectively of the Ne
gro Welfare council, directed the
drive assisted by Mrs Almita Rob
inson, executive secretary. Rabbi
Lipman of Tempi3 B?th-El was
the dinner speaker, dde praised
the community efforts of the Ne
gro citizens of Ft. Worth. Others
on the program included E. C.
Gipson, former TMCA secretary,
now in the U. S. Navy,'F. V. T.iom
son .secretary Ft. Worth Commun
ity chest and Miss Margaret P.
Yates, secretary Courcil of Social
Agencies. Especially notable was
the work of the churches, 43 con
tributing from ’O ?225 each.
. . ' .v.v/rt"
24th and Lake Sts.
WE. 0609
DUFFY Pharmacy
Join—Reliable Friendship Club—
'or Pleasure. Send Dime for menu
•ership blank. H. Brookes, 3J7
Wendell, Chicago, HI.
Saxaphonist Charles “Chuck”
Thomas, former MGM player and
musician, is shown here swinging
out at the Hollywood Canteen on
a recent trip to the Movie Capitol
with members of a Fort Huaolt’iea
entertainment troupe. Pvt. Thom
as who is a St. Louisan by b'rth,
came into the Army from Los An
geles. where he played with Alton
Redd’s orchestra. MGM pietur'
.in which he played include "Cabin
In the Skv,’’ "I DOod It,’’ aid
■'Right About Face." He ia now
a member of the Post Swing Band
at Fort Huachuca's Special Service
Divis.on. 92nd Infantry Division
^ote* Don t worry needlessly ... when your mind is weighted down with worry
and you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend
. please write. Your problem will be analysed in the paper free . . . just include a
clipping of the column with your letter. For a * private reply" send 25c for
ABBE’S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive
free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analysing three (3) ques
tions. Please send a stamped (3c) envelope for your confidential reply, and ei-n
your full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your cast fully and
confine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . .
E. R. E.—I am in hopes that you
help me on my problem as it :s
mightv important to me. I met a
man about two months ago and he
) asaed me to mar.y h m. He’s a
gambler and I am a little afraid I
will b° made imhoo-w. P'^ase tell
me if he will change and what
i -hould 1 dr?
Ans Men who have gambling
in their blood .seldom if ever,
change. Therefore .you should not
marry him thinking that he can be
changed over night, lie has mon
ey in his pocke*£ today.he's
broke tomorrow. A happy home
cannot be built on such insecurity.
And at your age you want secur
ity of a home more than anything
else. It is fortunate that you arc
not no madly in love with him that
you are blind to his faults.
C. B.—I have a good paying job
but the work is hard and keeps me
tied down. For years I have had
a secret ambition to write songs
and I wonder if I were to give up
my job and put my whole time on
writing could I make a good liv
Ans: Hard work and regular
meals are far better than starving
to death trying to write songs. You
have several hours of leisure each
day and you can try your hand at
writing songs if you like. People
are at their best when they have
■ a hobby or enjoy some form of
. wiversion from their every day
duties. You haven’t reached the
professional stage in song writing.
Until you do, you shouldn’t give
up your job.
M. L. W.—I have been married
8 years and have 5 children. We
lived in 2 rooms in the house with
his mother all this time. He stall
ed running around and on top of
all this, he only half fed the child
ren, so I came back home to my
mother. She says she will keep
the children while I work. Did I
do wrong?
Ans: The change you have made
may prove to be what it will take
I to open his eyes. Go to work and
do the best that you can for your
children. Also insist that he con
tribute to their support. If and
when he gets out and finds you a
place of your own and agrees to
assume responsibility of you and
the children... .go to him.
E. L. M.—I’m 17 and in love with j
a boy 20. Things •sere going on I
swell until my mother saw him
kiss me and I responded. After he
j left, mother said a lot of mean
things and told me not to see him
any- - , I want t0 continue be
ing a tr-e tn • for I’ve b“"n clean
- -no^tK j merelv kissed
il’P b-v I don’t want to have to
-In' o”* to s“" him. D-1 you th’nk
moth-r w'll forgive and forget?
Please help me?
Ans: She will_but you must
tend ninke a -hab*t of ’•spoon
i-g” w!*b the boys. A g’rl grows
coarse and common if she engages
n po+t'"g PT-t;e- and your mother
is trying to show you the danger
of allowing your friends to kiss
you. Keep the fellows at a dist
ance_save your embraces for
your future husband.
D. X.—I read your column week
,ly for consolation. Six months ago
my husband went away and left
me and recently I have fallen *n
love with a man who is kind, con
siderate and a hard worker but ho
is uneducated. He’s very persis
tent about wanting to marry me.
I cannot in any way love my hus
'bnd. Should I divorce him and
marry this man? I am a teacher
and he promises to help my p‘ o
Ans: Before your husband left
you two agreed to a permanent
separation. Proceed with your
plans for a divorce. You admit
that you made a bad choice the
first time you married... .be cau
tious and don’t rush into marr
iag.e The man loves you. Can
you honestly say that you love
him whole-heartedly, that you can
take him as your husband and feel
proud of him, that you won’t lave
reatson to resent his not being ed
ucated? If so, then he’s the man
for you. But, it is too much for
you to expect him to keep up your
King iutii cute
2010/2 N. 24th St- .'Ackson 8576
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. in
American & Chinese Dishes
j Negro Dolts j
2 Christmas— The present, tliai 2
5 w ill bring the greatest joy will J
1 be a Colored Doll. We offer in ?
< this Sale three flash numbers. J
? with hair, mama voice, movirgj
? eyes, nicely dressed at $3 SS, J
2 $4.95 and $5.98. Order Now! — }
Z Bend M. O. National Co., 254 W !
| 135th St.. New York 30.
Lena Horne, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film player, places the
official "Food Fights for Freedom" pin-up chart in the kitchen ef
her own home to emphasiie food's importance to the war. Retailers
are distributing the chart, one of the several Food For Freedom
Month informational helps, to inform every American about food's
importance to the war. Chart's plea is "TO SPEED OUR BOVS
HOME" by producing more food, saving more food, sharing and
"playing square" with our food. _
Camp Atterbury. Ind.Lt. Co!.
Oscar Randall, the former DuSable
High School teacher in Chicago,
returned there on a short furlough
to visit his wife and friends this
week. Col. Randall was forraer'y
of the 8th Infantry and 184th F eld
Artillery and is now executive ot
ficer of the 366th Infantry h re.
He was a University of Illinois
graduate of Civil Engineering.
(Press Photo Service)
Bureao ot Public Rciaticns
U S War Oruanncnt
SECOND NEGRO medical officei
of the United States Army to weai
the silver oak leaf. Lieutenant
Colonel George McDonald, recently
promoted at Tuskegee Army Ail
Field. Alabama, has established a
brilliant record in the control and
prevention of venereal diseases.
The other Negro medical officer of
similar rank is Lieutenant Colonel
Midian O. Bousfield. commanding
officer of Station Hospital No. 1,
Fort Huachuca, Arizona. (Photo
by U. S. Army Air Corps.)
it’s a Feast far the Eyes and Heart!.u
★ ★ ★ ★
It’s M-G-M’s Musical Comedy Hit
“Girl Crazy"...
★ ★ ★ *
Bringing a holiday mood to your theatre.
★ ★ ★ ★
With the festivities headed by Mickey
Rooney. Judy Garland and Tommy
Dorsey and his Orchestra!
And a gala of beautiful girls...
told a gay round of song and dance.
★ ★ ★ ★
‘‘Girl Crazy’’ has sparkle and dash,
jlamour and gaiety.
★ ★ ★ ★
The marvelous music of George Gersh*
win—“who could ask for anything
more?” * * * +
“Girl Crazy” is a big show with plenty
to show you—in the line of laughter,
song, dance and romance!
it * it it
Keep your eyes open and go “Girl
Crazy” when this M-G-M film hit*
your town.
* * * *
I’m that crazy.
P.S. Save your money by buying Wai
» r- tr—a
DIARY packs a
punch!" says Lee
Mortimer, N. Y. Daily Mirror! Great
motion picture! It has everythingi"
says G. E. Blackford, N. Y. Journal
American! It's the great Victory pic*
Hire of 194 3 with Preston FOSTER,
Lloyd NOLAN, William BENDIX,
Richard CONTE and Anthony QUINN!
* A A
* A picture for America to frame in its heart is HAPPY
LAND with Don AMECHE, Frances DEE, Harry CAREY Ann
RUTHERFORD and that great negro actor Leigh SHIPPER!