The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 04, 1943, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Omaha, Nebraska, _CITY EDITION_
E nder Act of March 8, 18. f— Business Phone: HA-0800, HA-0801 Sutlirdfly* DCC. 4, lf!43 OL R lGt.ll 1 EAR ^ O. 43 PRICE FIVE CENTS
Lieutenant Hampson H. Fields Cracks Ice for Colored Officers ifc
Weds Australian Girl
by “Scoop” Jones ANP War Correspondent
Mrs. Hampson H. Fields, daughter of Mrs.
Ethel Baptiste, Sydney, Australia who recently
married Lt. Hampson H. Fields, Cleveland, Ohio.
(ANP Photo by “Scoop Jones)
Somewhere in Austrialia, Dec. 3 (ANP) The
Dr. G. W. Carver American Red Crss club was in a
mass uproar as Red Cross wokers and aids busily,
*/ 7 ,
hurriedly, decorated a two room suite in the still-in
process of modeling officer’s quarters. The answer
to a query as to what the grand rush was, “We are
preparing the bridal suite ”
A boot 2 nm a grorreous samole of Aussie fern
inine pulchritude attired in a coat1
suit of English gray and maroon
ed checkered tweeds, white shirt
corresponding with white shoes,
suiting with a background of wavy
brunette h*fr fstyled tn a semi
pompadour) wtcited from n taej.
She was followed by a tail, hand
some second looie in military
"pinks”. This was the bridal party
Lt- Hampson H. Fields, Cleveland.
One of the first to be commsision
ed over here, had ‘‘dood1’ it. The
first Negro officer to crack the ice
and marry an Australian girl.
Only a few days ago Lt- Fields
married Miss Norma Baptiste In
the historical old Roman Catholtc ;
St- Mary Cathedral in Sydney. Aus- ]
tralia. The affair was sen.i-milit
ary with the attendants being war
rant Officer Joel Price. Los Angvi
es, with bridesmaid Georgette He
Lodon. a friend of the bride. Jam
es ‘‘Pete*’ Tyson, Red Cross Field
director from "Washington, B. C.,
gave the bride away while her sis
ter, Mrs. Isabelle Jordan, was maid
of honor.
Like all weddings there was. of
course, the reception afterwaiJs
with champagn" and refeshments
galore. It took the groom almost
a year to snag through m.iitarv
red tape in order to get the nec
essary permission to wed. During
the course Of time, ration coupons
were collected from every' direction
so the intended Madam could have
the required cover charge for e
nough material to have a real gen
uine "peace time" wedding gown.
Subsequently the result was that
she was gorgeously attired in a
white spotted net affair created in
a Conception of Susan Hayward’s
i —. . _
j bridal costume from the movie “I
[ Married a Witch.” The gown re
quired 136 ration coupons for 42
yards of 54 inch material. For'
flowers she was bedecked with a
melody of gardenias, lillies of the
valley and white roses.
The arrival at the Dr. Carver
club in another town was the cli
max of a furlough to Sydney grant
ed Lt. Fields for the marriage dnd
also the beginning of a honeymoon
while the lieutenant awaits trans
portation back to New Guinea, his
overseas station.
It may be added here in answer
to inquisitive speculation as to
t'>* true nationality of the bride—
she is of French and Australian 1
At the local Colored USO Can
teen a young serviceman was bus
Sly writing a letter to his "Mom”.
In the midst of his writing, he sud
denly looked up and saw Marian
Anderson coming through the door
to pay the canteen a visit. He
hastily returned to his writing and
wrote, "Dear Mom", Marian And
erson. just came in, and if I can
I will get her to autograph this
letter to you_She did.
Miss Anderson was here in Om
aha last week appearing in a con
cert at the City auditorium on
Thanksgiving eve. Mrs. Ruby B.
Reese, is director of our local USO.
Chicago-The jitterbugs won*t
jump and the collegiates won’t
yell when "the Duke” and his
•‘Supermen’’ play their first con
cert here at Civic Opera House.
It will all happen on Sunday, Dec.
It and with the town already agog
over the announcement of such an
unusual treat from the “Master
Maestro" it looks as though sweet
music will dominate this jazz-craz
ed area and will be king for a day.
Representing the social and dance
world. Ruth BensOn. Earline Saun
ders and Cecila Ward are shown a
bove discussing the matter with
Mr. Ellington. Press Photo Serv
‘Stop Discrimination/ - FEPC.j
i ■- ■" _ le i ' . . HH i illS. J .. i& *
worth of
Hits Eastern
Quit discriminating, in effect, is
what the Fair Employment Pract
ice Committee has said to 20 rail
road carriers and seven unions, as
a result of its findings based upon
evidence presented at the hearings
held here Sept- 15 to 18 into com
plaints of discrimination in empioy
ment policies and practices.
Notices to the carriers ani the
unions were sent out two weeks a
go with the requests that the
groups report to the committee
within 30 days on steps taken to
comply with the directive.
Meanwhile, it is understood, the
New York Central system and th»
Pennsylvania railroad have shown
even more of a disposition to set
tle their differences with the com
mittee. Doubt was expressed, how
ever, that the southern lines would
(to anything independently. A
formula for joint action was said
to be under consideration in some
In its findings .the FEPC citf i
as unfair the policies of certain
railroad unions which .it said, “dis
criminate against Negroes, because
of race, in regard to membership,
thus rendering it impossible (for
said Negroes) to have »ny adequate
voice or representation w'th res
pect to grievances and th ; negot
iation of agreements affecting work
ing condition, employment poi cy,
practices and opportunities.’’ In
each case the union was told to
“cease and desist-”
The unions cited w ;r<: the Bro
therhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginmen; Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen: Order of Rail
way Conductors; Erotherhood Of
Railway Carmen of America: Bro
therhood of Locomof've Engineers:
International Association of Mach
inists and the Internaltoal Broth
erhood of Boilermak 21 lion Ship
builders and Heipers Anu-rin.
None of the UniCrs put in an of
ficial appearance at the hearings.
The committee, in its findings,
took a Betfty blow at the south
eastern conference agreements be
tween the Brotherhood of Locomo- ■
tiv Firemen and Ei ginenv n and
10 railroads.
The agreement, the FEPC ruled,
is designed for no other purpose
than to cut down the employment
of Negroes as firemen and to in
crease the hiring of whites in those:
positions. The agreement seel:* to
accomplish this, Malcolm Ross,
chairman of FEPC said, through
setting definite percentages for
whites and Negro firemen; through [
limiting firemen’s jobs to ‘ promci- [
able men”, and thin by excluding j
all Negro workers from promotion, <
Testimony at the hearings point
ed to a steady decline in the num
ber of Negroes employed in all but '
the lowest categories during the :
past 20 years. This decline, it was
brought out, was oceuring m the i
face of sharp demands by the rail- !
roads for more manpower to meet
the pressing demands of waitime
A great deal of reluctance exist
ed somewhere between the FEPC
and the Office of War Information
with regard to the amount of in
formation that ought to be releas
ed with regard to the findings in
the cases heard. Something of a
minor battle actually raged in OWI
on the matter.
In spite of this statement to
clamp down, additional facts re
garding the hearings were obtain
ed by the Associated Negro press.
Regarding the southeastern a
greement. the FEPC d rected that
any agreement entered into be
tween the railroads and the broth
erhood. in lieu of the denoune-d
one, “shall cOneain no provisions
or terms discriminating against
any employe or applicant for em
ployment because of race, creed,
or color or national origin.”
The committee told the various
offenders to “adjust the employ
ment policy and practices so that
all needed workers 3had b’ hired
and all company employe* shall be
promoted or upgraded without re
gard to race, creed, color or nat
ional origin.” as set forth in Ex
ecutive Order 9346.
The committee Cou.i find no
Just.fication in the argument of
the carriers that public rese-rtmi nt
would prohibit ad via cement of
Negroes in certain Jobs, or their
hire for that matter.
"It will scarcely do to point to
social conditions, tradil On* o- us
ages in attempting to answer such
questions for the duties of these
employes involve no nrngiing with
the public on term* of s-ieial e
quality.” the ruling said. 'Furth
er. the public all over the south
has been ae-uslamed to Net " •--«
filling these pos.*'.rns «in, * i>o
l ginning of M.- coiupnny s cxiit
St John's to be Scene of Missionary Confab
Wilberforce, Dec. 3 <AXP) Declar-j
ing that if Wilberforce university
is to serve its purpnse fol.Owing
the war, we must liberate her to
day from the bondage of debt,
Bishop Reverdy Cassius Ransom,
presiding Bishop of the Third Kpis
copal district and chairman cf the
trustee board Of Wilberforce, issu
ed a call to the leaders of the AME
church and friends to a meeting at
the university Tuesday, Dec. 7. at
10:30 a.m.
While the purpose of this meet
ing, designated as an area Council,
is to organize and plan an immed
iate intensive campaign known as
the “Wilberforce Centenary cam
paign", other progressive issuer
have been programmed. The year
1844 marked the adoption of a res
olution by the Ohio conference of
the AME. church for the establish
ment of a "seminary of learning' ,
which eventuated in Wilberforce.
Among subjects to be discussed
will be “Evangelism for Today," ■
“Religious Publicity for Service
Today," an 'The Task Of the church
for the New Day.”
Closely associated with Bishop
Ransom in the Campaign, which is
hoped will become national, is the
dynamic president of Wilberforce,
U., Dr. Charles H. Wesley, whose
leadership is giving inspiration and
whose resourcefulness is responsi
ble for the Wilberforce Centenary
The president optimistically de
clared, “I believe many will tv? hap
py to join us in an effort to free
the university from its long stand
ing debt on this occasion when vtf
celebrate the 100th anniversary of
the birth of the Wilberforce idea."
Among others scheduled to be
present at the area council and
make some contribution to the pro
gram are Bishop Frank Madison
Reid. Dean Charles S. Spivey. At
torney Key E. Hughes, Dr. Joseph
Gomez. Revs. E. L. Liggins, O. A.
Burke, J. H. Maxwell. C. J. Pow
ell, H. N._Robinson, A. C, Sump
ter and A. S. King.
New York, Dec. 3 IANP) For the
first time a special magazine nuin
her will be devoted to the Negro
in the north. The January “Journ
al of Educational Sociology” wi’l
be devoted to the problems and
social action programs of the nor
thern Negro. The issue is entitl
ed “The Negro in the North Dur
ing Wartime."
Eminent scholars will discuss a'l
phases of Negro life and thought
in the northern states and the ef
fect of the present war upon these
developments. Dr. L. D. Reddick
of the New York Public library and
City College will be the issue edi
tor. The Journal of Educational
Sociology is published at New
York university.
On the Pennsylvania and the !
New York Central, question arose
over the matter of promotions t° I
stewartships. The committee de
clared that “no question involving
supervision of white men by a Ne
gro can arise because a stewart
supervises nobody except Negroes”
In those instances wher; Negro
es were being refused employment
or promotion because of race in
certain categories, companies were
ordered to instruct personnel offi
cers to accept, and publ C employ
ment offices to refer, "workers for
ail classifications of work or train
ing solely on the basis of their
qualifications without regard to
their race or color.”
Strike Focuses Need To
Preserve Taxpaying Businesses
The recent strike of the Omaha
school custodians for higher wages
brought into sharp focus the need
to preserve all taxpaying organir
ations which support schools and
other public institutions.
As the city's largest taxpayer,
the Nebraska Powc- Coiripany par
ticularly is worth "keeping,’' it
was pointed out- Taxes paid by
this firm in 1943 will amount to
be lost to the federal gov -rnmer.t
if Omaha's electric system should
pass under political management
and control, for that is the sum
Nebraska Power will pay to the
government this year. A politic
ally operated utility pays no fed
eral tax, thus making of it a "free
rider” at a time when tax money
plus war bonds, are absoultely in
dispensable to ou'r governmen* so
that it can carry on the war suc
To illustrate the grave danger
which lies in destroying this ax
paying organization, we must con
sider the result of depriving t'n
government of that $1,500,000.
This is a sum large enough to
equip more than four regiments,
(over 9.000 soldiers) at $155 pr
olan. To deprive them of thei
In the City of Omaha at St. John
AME. Church at 22nd and Willis
Avenue, on Friday, Dec. 10, 1943
beginning at 10 a.m. the Nebraska
Conference Branch, Women’s Mite
Missionary Society will hold their
First Quarterly Inspirational meet
ing. The public is cordially invit
ed. Your prt-sence will ad I so
much more beauty, fellowship and
inspirational affect to this meet
ing. Mrs. Edna B. Foster, the Ne
braska and Kansas Conference
Board President of the WMMS.. of
Kansas City, Mo. will be with us
on that day and plans have already
been made for a gran! and glor
ious day. Mrs. Foyer's theme wi'l
be “Christians Hold Y'our Light.’’
’’Let Yoi.T Light shine over the
world." Her lectures are «o rich
ly filled wici' both spiritual and
inspirational and educational help.
You just cannot afford to miss
hearing her. Come early and spend
the ent’rc day.
Mary J. I'd uccson »s pubJ'cijy
chairman cf this meeting.
weapons, clothing and life-saving
devices would be an act hardly
contemplated by any thinking A
And yet, this is exactly the full
significance of the plan to destroy
the Nebraska Power Company. As.
patriotic citizens. Omahans will re
sent a move which could dep-ive
their sons and brothers of their
At the National Headquarters of
the March on Washington Move
ment at the Theresa Hotel bund
ing. A. Philip Randolph, who has
just returned from a Mid-west* rn
trip which carried him as far as
Denver, Colorado, stated that the
Negro people along with labor in
general must direct their attention
to the question of post-war unem
ployment. He estimated that some
30 millions of workers would be
unemployed following demobiliz
ation of the armed forces and the
dismantling of the defense indus
tries, and that there would be a
devastating depression with new
bread lines, relief rolls, and WPAk.
He pointed out that the Negro nr*Us*_
give serious thought to the ques
tion of organization to secure r
quality of treatment in job oppor
tunities, and also to plan the U
▼elopement of cooperatives for self
help-cooperatives that will conserve
the purchasing power of his dolla*
by eliminating the middleman.
- --— ■" ■" ^———————
Says Housing isMo.1 Post-War Problem
"Washington, Dec. 2 (AXP) Hous
ing is going to be tbe No. 1 post
war problem." declared Dr. Robert
C- Weaver, chief, minority group
services. War Manpower Commis
sion following a two week swing
around the country.
The main purpose of Dr. Weav
er’s trip, which took him to Denver
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Kan
sas City and Dallas, was to estab
lish regional offices for WMC
which will cooperate on the reg
ional level with FEPC in adjusting
complaints of discrimination.
"Upgrading and utilization of
Negroes” he said, are the main
sore spots in the matter of em
ployment, rather than placement.
"The difficulties in placement a
rise largely out of the unwilling
ness of employers to use Negro
women,” he added.
What he called the "impact of
new people” into communities and
the establishment of “ghettoes” tor
Negroes have produced a difficult
situation for the post-war. Dr.
Weaver said. The two possibilities
for solving the problem offered l.y
the manpower official were that
the government immediately un
dertake to program more housing
with an eye to breaking down
these ghettoes; and the like’ nor 1
that many Negroes with more
spending money will be buying p i
vate homes,
Somewhere in Australia. Dec 3
(ANP) .."Scoop” JOnes. the dash
ing Associated Negro Press corr
espondent in the Southwest Pacif
ic, but better known to the office rs
of his company as Master Sg* J.
M. Jones, Jr., formerly of X w Or
leans. is going to sprout a pair of
shoulder bars. That is providing
he comes through, but “Scoop" h is
always come through and is ex
pected to do so this time. All th'i
is by way of saying that Sgt. Jones
is now in officer candidate school
over here. The school will be ov
er next February.
M-Sgt. "Scoop” Jones. on“ cf
the popular men in the area, wa*
a newsman in New Orleans work
ing on the Louisiana Weekly be
fore he went to war. His mother
and sister reside in the Crescent
City now.
Camp Howe. Ind.,_"Let’:*
have the turkey.” are the wo’-ds
Sgt. Joe Louis Barrow, (still the
world’s Heavyweight Champion) is
said to have uttered when he dcs
cended from the Carck streamlin
er upon its arrival at Camp Howe
Indiana last week. All the hoys
in camp (212th Quartermaster) ac
cepted “general cleanup orders”
graciously after being told that
the fistic champ would be their
"Turkey Day” guest. In the pic
ture above, reading left to right
are: Sgt. Louis, an unidentified
colonel. Ray (Sugar) Robinson,
(champ of his class) and Jackie
ilson. Sgt. Louis had a f**w ex
hibition rounds with Sgt. Georg?
Nicholson and '‘Sugar'’ took on
Jackie for a few ■'smacks” while
at the Camp. COl. Ahern. Comm
ander said that the event was
•'tops.” (Press Photo service.)