The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 27, 1943, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Omaha. Nebraska, _ __ _CITY EDITION_
Under Act of March 8. 1874— Business Phone: HA-0800 HA-OsO' Saturday. XOV. 27, 1943 OUR 16th YEAR-Xo. 42 PRICE FIVE (ENT'
Pilgrim Baptist To Burn Church's Mortgage **
The Pilgrim Baptist Church at 25th and Hamil
ton streets, have planned to burn the mortgage on
their church home, Sunday Dec. 12, 1943.
. - 1 ■ 1 -!!- 1 ' ■ ■■ Ir===.S
The services begining at 2:30 PM presenting a
very historic program, will be carried out under the
leadership of Rev. F. S. Goodlett, Officers and the
members. The congregation has rallied toward put-'
ting this effort over the top in a fine way.
worth of
Spirit of the Season...
“It’s for the soldiers." says tittle
6 year old Cather .ne Brosra of
Priar* George county. Md.. as sti
fondles or-- of her neighbor's tur
keys she has helped to feed. Mil
lion- of turkeys, like this one. have
h--ei shipped to OU" armed 'orres
in North Africa. Italy, the Soutn
Par f r- in the United States
and in other areas. Wherever our
f fighting men are stationed, they
will hare turkey for the holiday
• season. The War Food Adiuims
j tration has assured 1 Imiltion lbs.
f>.r or- raeas troops and befww a £9
and -=> million pounds for troops
statmed here at home. It is esti
mated that more than 40*) million
pounds of turkey will be on hand
far c viiians this year.
US DA photo by Cooper—
Orson Welles Slaps
Native^Foreisn Fascist
Chicago—General Mary McLeod
Bethune sponsor of the Women'*
Army fro National Defense, the—
WANT'S' add-essed a huge gath
ering here this week at the Park
way Cc mm unity Center Highlight
of the affair was when General
Bethdne promoted twelve officers
to the rank of Major. They were
Mesdames Mamie B. Henmngan,
G-a-* Stevens .Wills Alston. LHUc
Mae Kennedy. Dr L Eudora Ash
b’jrte, Jennet Harmon, Mabel :,ei
i- Iren- Sillier. Cephronia Hollo
way, Mam- Mason Higgins. Hei-n
Wirsoc and Rebecca Stiles T-yior.
A cross section of the city’s citiz
ens attended.
Atlanta, Nov. 33 tAXPi —The
Georgia Sop rem Court Monday
affirmed the murder conviction of
James Joaey. who was sentenced to
the electric chair for running over
and killing J. D Bridges, white, a
state guardsman last February.
o . Th- accident occurred at the be
ginning of the Geo-g. . gub*.mat
erial campaign. when fa-rrtr Gov.
Tiiaiacg- had eattn-efi to be ssu
• *. th- a rt to a state guardsmen
t b- prepared for a “Negro Up
rl*>ag ’ Tre automobil • victim
and other members of the guard
w-r dr .. ng on the ma a street of
Dawson, a. in response to this a
.- rt wnec he was struck by Jos -y s
ear. T n 'to 13 othir guardsmen
were knocked down, according to
J «- 7- Whose appeal from coa
v ction was based largely on the
ententin that the verdict was con
trary to the weight of evid-nee,
was accused of driving the car
that struck the guardsmen and of
being under the influence of whis
ker at the time.
iby George Coleman Moore)
Chicago. Nov. 21 lAXP) Lashing j
out at fascists at home and abroad
Orson Welles, celebrated of
screen, stage and radio, last week
told an audience of 2.»)*H) mixed !
students and faculty members at i
Central TMCA. college here, that I
democratic government was the on- |
ly hope of a free, peaceful pen
war world.
Speaking under ausp.Ces of the
Free World association at a special j
assembly presided over by Dr. Ed- ,
ward J Sparing, college president j
Welles declared that the benefits \
■:C American democracy must be i
extended to all citizens, and added !
that the f. S. can enjoy no free- |
until all the occupied countr
ies of Europe are liberated. He
urged, however, that race hate be j
abandoned to accomplish these de- j
m oc rat ic ideals.
v\ c rr.ay an hate tae German
p-op'e not because they are Ger
mans bat because of what they
have don-',” he warned. ‘The Ger
mans have engaged in a terrible
v -Id aggression and are guilty of
incihllistic anarchy, bat let's hale
th-m because they are fascists. n<n
because they are Germans."
In answer to a student
who held that Jews had a right to
ha;-.- the Germans for the sins they
•*'- commuted against his peopi- .
Welles, shouted. You have, no
right to hate the German people.
•Vo right morally or otherwise,
i'll say this, because of the things
tli Jews have suffered at the
hands of the Germans, you may
be excused from hating them. but
neither you nor anyone else has
ir.v right to hate any people. I am
opposed to racial discrimination In
ary form."
Th famous actor-producer charg
1 th- south with b-:ng a sore spot
n An ncan life, and said we must
correct the wrongs perpetuated
:'.v—- through the slow but effect
ive process of education.
"Th - re is much that is wrong
with th south, and we most work
tow ..~d its correction." he stated.
1 don’t propose to train our guns
uga nst the southerners but wc '
m-. - -ate them. We must give
th- r" a fair chance to mead their
ways. To close our eyes to tnis
'American sore spot is to permit it
'to si--- ti It is fascism, and fa*c
sm - germ that spreads unless
fought with, specifics. One <pecif
' ic is education-"
Asked by another student who
acctL--d rum orf prejudice against
the sooth how he proposed educat
ing southerners since sending a
Yankee" down there would Un
doubtedly result in further antag
May March on Capital
in Spring ...Randolph
- s
The EDITOR 27th October. IMS J
The Omaha Guide '
Omaha. Nebraska. USA
Dear Sir: i
I want to thank whoever is responsible for putting The J
Outpost on your mailing list. I read and enjoy your newspaper \
which now arrives quite regularly.
I am not American, but an English girl working at the Out <
Post. I also work in the evenings at the American Red Cross J
Club for colored soldiers. I know how interested you folks back <
home are to hear about the boys over here, and I would like to '
say that I have found all the soldiers just grand. "We have two J
dances a week, and before I went to the club I had only the vagu- <
est idea how to ■ jitterbug." but now I “jitterbug” with them all. ’
I have not met any boys from Nebraska, but new arrivals are >
coming in every day and as I pass my newspaper straight along J
to the Club I shall, sooner or later, meet someone from Omaha. i
The boys seem to Ilk England, and in particular London. 1
They go anywhere they like and mostly people make a great fuss I
o fthem. Their manner sand general behavior are abeolutly nr.- ’
peccable. They make a good impression everywhere they go. <
Thank you again for sending this paper, and if you1 have ■
any other newspapers or data to spare perhaps you wou.d for- <
ward it along to me. as all papers coming from America are just *
snapped up quickly. |
Sincerely yours, MISS JOAN LONG.
onism. Welles explained:
' That ' Yankee’ gives you away
I'm not indicting file south. I am
‘by by family a southerner, suh: My
mother and father and grandpar
ents are from Texas, but then. are i
serious wrongs committed down
there that we must correct- We j
are not going to send antagonist
ic Yankees’ down there to do the
job- We are going to send sou
therners there for that work.
“I want to say in all seriousness
that you as a white person, enjoy
ing the privileges of the majority
that your white skin alone affords
have no moral right to be satisfied
while your brothers and sisters of
darker hue are exploited and op
prssed. It is your moral obligar.on
to extend the benefits of democ
racy to all American Citizens, ev
Weiles was accompanied by his
glamorous movie actress wife Rita
Hayworth, whom he married sev
eral weeks ago.
Jackson. Miss., (AXP) Sgt. El
wood Cook of Company 3075. Flora
Ordnance plant. Sunday evening j
found that are useless in
dealing with civilian police. All ■
he got after making his most
humble apology for accidentally ,
bumping into a city policeman
were several knots on his head, in
flicted by the enraged patrolman,
who later placed the soldier under
Sgt. Cook told military officials
later that he was walking down
the sidewalk in the •'Cmpar.y of a
young woman when he accident
ally brushed against the policeman.
The beating folloed after his apol
ogies went for nought. he said.
His release was obtained several
hours later by military authorit
Louisville. Nov. 19 (AXP'i —Al
though their victim had been found
guilty of ‘ disorderly conduc- and
fined S', the two white officers
who unmercifully beat Mrs Julia
May Woods Tuesday were found
guilty of misconduct and given a
-ientenc-. of ft' days’ pay.
The sentence was imposed follow
.r„g a day long hearing before Col.
Joseph F. Donaldson, d rector ol
safety, and paves the way for grand
jury act'On and the filing of a id%
ag-iinat the men.
Mrs. Woods, who testified at the
hearing, accused Patrolmen A. L.
Seville and A. M. Melchor of beat
ing her without excuse or raason.
Ptactically the same test mcr.y
wfc -_h resulted in punishment for
the polic-men was given two weeks
before in police court where Srs.
Woods was fined So.
Mr. Henderson. District Regional
Director of the FEPC with office?
in Chicago, addressed the Omaha- i
Council Bluffs Industrial Area j
Fair Employment Practice Counti 1
at the Central YWCA., Wednesday |
of last week, at S o'clock. Novem- |
ber 17th. Rabbi Arthur J. Lely- ,
veld. Chairman of the local FEPC. j
Executive Committee vis in charge '
of the program arrangements.
While in Omaha Mr. Henderson j
visited the offices of the Omatia
Guide, and issued a bulletin which
he says explains fully his job and
why he is touring his district.
The Bulletin says:
Bulletin issued by Chicago Re
g.onal Offices explains its work and
steps to be taken in cases of any
discriminatory practices in this
The Regional Office of the Pres
ident's Committee on aFir E:m>! >y
men; Practice for eight midwe-itern
states is open in Ch-cugo. T~e
office is located in the National
War Building. 22S d'«t
Jickson Boulevard. Room COi. and
will cover the states of Illinois. In
diana and Wisconsin comprising
FEPC Region VI. and Mnnesola.
Iowa, Nebraska. North Dakota a^d
South Dakota comprising the a
gency’s Region VIII. Elmer W.
Headers-,-r. formerly Chief of the
Committees Government Section
in Washington. D. C. has been ap
pointed Regional Director by the
Chairman. Other members of the
regional staff will be named shorn
The President's Committee, con.
monly called the •■FEPC.” was first
established in June 1941 under Ex- :
ecutive Order 8S02 set forth
the policy of the United Stater j
Government that there shall be no i
discrimination in employment ;n
Government and war industries b
cause of race, creed, color or no- '
tional origin. The Committee at
that time was placed in the Ofiic' |
for Production Management Gate- I
she War Production Board). was j
transferred to the War Manpower
Commission in July 196, and was J
made an independent agency und'r
the President with the issuance of
a new executive order in May of
this year.
Chairman of the FEPC is Mal
colm Ross. Other members- repre
senting labor are: John Brophy,
Director of Industrial Union Coun
<continued on page 3)
Denver. Sot. 24 (ANP> —I advise
you that you may expect instruct
ions and the call to march on
Washington perhaps next spring.’
was the final message of A. Phil
ip Randolph, president of the In
ternational Brotherhood of Sleep
ing Car Porters and organizer and
national director of the March on
Washington in three appearances
in Denver last Sunday and Mon
Sunday night he told an over
flowing crowd at Scott Methodist
church that the government is
much more likely to move in the
direction of its pressure than a
worthy cause, and that Negroes
like labor, capital, the south and
other groups must develop press
ure if they would have their prob
lem solved as only the federal gov
ernment and the President can
solve them.
Monday afternoon Mr. Randolph
went into details concerning his
direct non-violet, goodwill action
technique before a youth session
at New Hope Baptist church where
he also heard a clear statement of
discrimination as Its' affects youth
from the youths themselves.
Monday night New Hope was a
gain crowded when he declared
that the Civil War was ' an uiicom- ;
pleted bourgeois revolutin'’ which
must be completed by the Negro,
labor and liberal element in the
nation if indeed its purpose of free
ing and giving status to the Negro
t Jontinaed on page 2)
= 4
Negro Becomes 7One-Man Gun
Crew* in Furious Battle with Sub
Dorie Miller, famed Negro Blue
jacket hero of the Pearl Harbor
attack, had a new rival this week.
He is Christopher ColUrubos
Sheppard, cook, first class, T'SN.,
and a “one man gun crew” on the
Destroyer Borie. This destroyer
was part of a Naval force recently
awarded the Presidential Unit Cit
ation for having sunk “more sub
marines than any team in Naval
Sheppard’s exploits, and these of
another Negro member of the Bor
ie crew. Ernest Gardner, stewards
mate second class. USSNR. were
revealed by their commander Li^ttt
Charles K. Hutchins of Terre Haute
Ind during a press confer-nc at
the Navy Department on Novem
ber 10.
According to Lieutenant Hu
ins. Sheppard had a battle station
as “first loader.” on a 4-inch gun
when the Borie, fighting alone
many miles from her group, was
engaged in a knock-down, drag oat
battle with two U-boats—one of
which was described by the Borie
commander as “the biggest one
we’d ever seen.”
While fighting the Latter sub at
ranges of 10 to 4‘> feet, th- gun
•tew at Sheppard's station t-*car;
blmded by smoke. The “first l>a
der” immediately seized the g-ir
and started firing away at the sub
Gardner rushed from anoth-r .-*a
tion and started passing the am
munition , After a few minutes
however, Sheppard waved h - as
sistant aside and became a "one
man gun crew”, getting his own
ammunition, loading the gun and
fring at the badly crippled sub
The Borie was part of the CSS
Cord anti-submarine group which
consisted of the aircraft carrier
USS Card, the Destroyers Bone
Barry and Goff, and the Carl’s av
iation Units. Composite Squad-ons
1 and S. In receiving the Presid
ential Unit Citation, this anti-sub
marine team was otfically credited
with being “largely responsible foe
the complete withdrawal of hoscil -
U-boats” from the United States
North Africa convoy route.
The story of the d^ath battle of
th eBorie against a pack of sub
marines and her fight for survival
while wallowing in heavy seas in
a badly damaged condition has been
: termed by the Navy Department
as "an outstanding example of vai
; or and seamanship." typical of
"the teamwork of the unsung es
cort vessels that help make possible
the more colorful exploits of the
death-dealing, carrier-based planes*
which are carrying the fight to the
WXLLABD TOWNSEND, outstanding CIO leader and president at the CIO * United Transport Service
Employes, takes «i«« oil from his work ax the CIO convention at Philadelphia to congratulate Lea
Perils, new national director at the Natl CIO War Belief Committee, on his appointment. Perils be
comes head of a CIO organization that K-» already raised more than C2.Me.MM for war relief purposes
the CIO’s ~i MO tOO members. Mr. Townsend is a member at the CIO's executive board. Tbs
war relief funds raised by the Natfl CIO War Belief Committee, cooperating with the Nafl War Fund,
go to the workers, soldiers end civilian populations of ear United Jts&aus allies without regard t» rott
glows at racial Unco.
Pass the Ammunition...
Somewhere in the Pacific (Sp**
iaif—Aboard a I" S. Navy tYar-i • p
in the Pacific, here you see a Com
mander inspecting a group cf fight
ing Negroes just before the tattle
begun. In the lower photo, Mrr -
roe J. Johnson. Jr.. MA. 2c fie';) uf
Jonesboro Tennessee and Le-~l’
Wilson Stewart 3c of Elgin, T=xas
are “passing the ammunition ' in
an effort to stop Hitler and Hi■ o
hito. The picture is proof in'
Negroes are serving in this capac
ity, despite the rumors to th<* c-»n
trary. Press Photo Service.
Camp Hood, Texas_Gorgwou.
Wlnme Jefferies was uoan.m Btisly
sectored by a group at Camp Hood
Texas as their ‘ p.n-up giri-* with
.st Sgt- Carl Bramiette heading
the cemduttee. Winnie" is the
p.pifLt wife of Herb Jefferies,
famed s:'. g : r and owner of the
Bine a Flamingo Club in Los Ang
eles, California. She is pic.erred
above in a costume which she wore
recently in the #th Annual Artists
and Mod-.* Ball. At present, h .c
nie is in the Windy City, pursuing
a course of photography, at th?
studios of ClymeL, McNeil and
PLEADS Not •Guilty”
To Manslaughter Charge
Fred Bradley Wednes
day in Municipal Court
Judge Battin presiding
pleaded not guilty to
manslaughter and waiv
ed to district court.
Bond was set at $l,50u.
Detective Inspector Fred Fran ’■ -*
Sunday said Fred Bradley, 31. tu*
changed his story regarding- the
fatal shooting loot Saturday of bi*
wife. Bertha, 36 at their home ie"'
Grant stre-t and that charges v. Is
be filed against him.
Bradley, a p Oilman porter, first
said his wife shot herself after
threatening him with a r volv- r
following an argument- Invent -
gallon showed the bullet had goo
through her right forearm and in
to the abdomen.
Bradley admitted Sunday that
she was shot as they struggled,
Frank said
Burglars who Sunday broke in
the Johnson Drtsg store, 2366 North
2-tth Street, took $163 in currency
it was reported to police by Pro ju
nctor Milton Johnson.
^*rrf rfff>|-$f jjj
C-boats in the mid-Atlantic **
Describing the battle with the
second sub, Lieutenant Hutch.n -
“We tried to ram the sub but :t
submerged, and we dropped all the
depth charges in the racks. W«.
i Continued on