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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1943)
The WAITERS’ C0UA1N By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 The RR bosy are very much out in front on service. Mr. Linwood Hall. Mr. Rodney Williams, Mr Harry Swain. Mr. Luther Johnson, Mr. Roy McCalister, Mr. Cordon Hopkins. Mr Alfonso Howard. Mr. Richard McCain and all the boys are producing- modern service to the traveling public at all times. ***** The Paxton hotel with the raee horse headwaiter and the two NO-ENAMEL ^ T»AO« MAfls ««G W S 0«*lCf A BRUSH MARKS^/ T'l feg Make your kitchen ■ a cheerful spot. Re- ■ finish woodwork and walls with cool, durable, washable colors Nu-Enanel is so easy to apply economical too. Come in—"Try before you buy.” Kilpatrick’s Baritone Sings for Television George Dewey Washington, baritone, well-known in the entertain ment field, is shown singing. “Chloe,” during an old-time vaudeville pro gram presented by WRGB, the General Electric television station in Schenectady, N. Y. _ ..a i.* streamlined Capts, one from the Quaker state and the other from the Lone Star State are on the up and go at all times on Service with a smile. ***** The Regis hotel and the White Horse Inn waiters are in the runn ing on quick step movements on service. ***** Mr. Eldridge one of the Athletic Club wiaters is in the U. S. Navy and we hope for him unlimited success and will receive him with open arms when he returns. ***** The Fontenelle waiters are on job and we truly hope all of them will follow in the way of Mr. Reed in attending church. ***** The Blaekstone hotel waite-s are tops at all times taking good care of the guest. ***** The Hill hotel with Mr. Gip Gor don, Mr. Tom Phillips and the wide awake crew are taking care of t ie service in fine shape. Read The Omaha Guide and keep up with the news! ***** THE WEEK have A delegation from the Na tional Negro Congress ask U. S. Attorney General B.ddle to smash racial hate. ***** Wm. Fredricks Jr., of Evanston, 111., was acquitted of the charge of drowning a pretty Northwestern university co-ed. Do Yon Want UT£* 4 f%3 LONGER “»A£ I HERE IS EVIDENCE TO PROVE THAT A LOOSE SCALP. FREE OF DANDRUFF AND HAIR DESTROYING GERMS CROWS LONG-BEAUTTFUESTRAIGIW GLOSSY HAIR. Hair Looks Longer in 7 Day*! IT TAKES JUST SEVEN DAYS TO FROVE WITH MUM. PAULINE LAWSONS NEW DISCOVERY 1-WAY HAIR AND SCALP REJWEN ATOR THAT. YOU CAN OVER COME TIGHT-DRY ITCHY SCALP DANDRUFF GERMS AND FALLING HAIR! AND WATCH YOUR HAIR GROW. Mmc Lawson’s 3-way Relu vena tor CONSISTING OF I-DANDRUFF ERADICATOR - II.00 1-HOT OIL SCALP STIMULATOR-—-II.SB 1-Nt' CRO HAIR CULTIVATOR- — TOTAL VALUE-U.M Special 90 days Trial Supply *1.00 SEND NO MOWTI PAY THE POSTMAN *L0O PLUS A FEW CTS POSTAGE. TRY IT 10-DAYS IV NOT SATIS. FIED RETTRS THE UNUSED AMOUNT AND GET TOUR MONEY SEND NOW TODAY TO... Mae Pauline Lawson, Box 1851, Holly wood, Calif. Zm M I * J JHV n f#i ^ ^ ® m m ff ill ' fl THE WORLD’S GREATEST SCIENTIST— $3.50 POSTPAID. SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST OF BOOKS OF, AND ABOUT BY BLACK PEOPLE. Combination Distributing Co., 139 West 125th St., New York, (27) New York. Smith Bros, has served the public since 1847. In that period America has fought five wars. Only during wartime has there ever been any shortage of Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Our production now is war-reduced but we re dis tributing it fairly to all. Still only 5 c. A nickel checks that tickle! SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS. BLACK OR MENTHOL—5^ [\ LEARN AT HOME 35 complete lesstffs-over 700 Blwtrjtions Special S1.00 Introductory offer Uai to* time MW These lessons are designed for young and old ... «t takes them step-by-step through the various stages . u of drawing. For those desiring to take up drawing, as a profession, diliigentiy followed will help prepare your entrance into a eery profitable held. We believe that not even a $10.00 book could be more complete — there are lessons on lettering . . . how to make comic strips ... cartoons . • • now •© draw pictures to make money. LEARN TO DRAW FOR FM-AS A HOBBY-OR A PROFESSION Send no money . .. Pay the postman only £1.00 plus a few cents postagw and C.O.D. fee—or if you prefer send *1.00 with order and we pay postage. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. After you receive our lessons on . how to draw—examine them care* 1 tolly end tr you are noi enuren w mfitd return them to os within 10 <Ut* tad your money *illb« cbrer; lolly refunded. WRITE ART L >14 N. Mvdugm Art. Chtcasa. ***** 16 IT. S. Senators from the south ihave lined up against the Anti-poll tax bill. * *•** CIO gets second Negro on the Executive beard. Ferdinand Smith of the National Maritime Union. ***** Political Democratic Boss Fd Crump of Memphis, Tenn.. says A. Philip Randolph cannot speak in Memphis. ***** Read the Omaha Guide and get all the news. We are very much delighted to know that Mrs. Lena Moore one of the progressive members of Saint Johns AME. church the wife of Mr. Henry Moore the veteran fine waiter of the Chamber of Comm erce is employed as food checker We all hope good success for Mrs. Moore. ***** Felix Metoyer renews his mem bership in the NAACP. ***** U. S. Senate designates Dec. 7 as Arms Service Honor Day. ***** The United Council of Church Women at a meeting in New York favors a peace league role for the U. S. ***** More than ten thousand dollars has been subscribed toward the one hundred and twenty five thou sand dollars for building a home for the Nurses at Clarkson hosp.ial ***** The Anti poll tax bill was up in the Senate Nov. 15. U. S. Senat or O. Mahoney, (dem.) of Wyoming who is supporting it, is hoping to gather enough votes for its pass ag'd Senator Bilbo of Miss, and a group of southern Senators are op posing it. ***** A group of Republican U. S. Senators are complaining about too many recesses. Majority leader McCormack of Mass., announced a session for Saturday, Nov. 13. ***** We truly "hope the Scottsbcro boys case will be disposed of. ***** Capt. Earl Jones entertains some friends in a northside business house. * **** Every well thinking citizen should be an active member of ♦he, NAACP as we all are very much needed. Have you joined? ***** Major J. A. Ulio of the war de j 2-Hour Salute to Yanks and Their Families j ■■■■*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*■■■■■■■*■*■■■■"■■■■■wmmm■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Ginny Simms (above) gives with the dulcet tones during Thanks giving broadcast. Robert Young (oppo !site) will emcee the two-hour Elgin-spon sored extravaganza of comedy, drama and music. Bergen and McCarthy (upper left) (Charles was released from the brig for the occasion) will head the comedy lineup. These are just a few of the stars of stage, screen and radio who will gather together Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 25, to present a two-hour program of song, drama and comedy to the men in service and their families. The show will be broadcast from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (MWTj over the Columbia network. Other stars signed to date—and there will be more to come—are Alvino Rey, bandleader and master of the electric guitar; Jimmy Newell, popular singer; announcer Don Wilson, Lena Horne, Jose Iturbi, Alan Reed, better known as “Falstalf Openshaw”; George ■ Bums and Gracie Allen, the Pied Pipers and Jack Douglas. I —BIB——W!B—lUMWOIinilHln;uUlH.^HIlHimnoHHtlHi:aBTmi H an imwun imiwmii—■ partment who defended the policy of segregation in the army was given a true democracy example by the mixed crew of the U. S. steamship Booker T. Washington. ***** All schools were opened in Om aha Monday Nov. 15. ***** Penn. RR fast train and auto collide—4 persons were killed. ***** Two persons were killed when an auto crashed into a truck near Auburn, Nebraska. ***** John D. M. Hamilton former chairman of the Republican Nat ional Committee reports to the N. Y. Times, that the anti-Willkie bloc in next year's Republican conven tion will be New York. Ohio, Ill inois and Missouri and Nebraska may be added to that list. ***** Rev. C. C. Reynolds pastor of Clair Chapel and the lovely choir rendered a very beautiful service Sunday morning. Nov. 14. A -.en large crowd enjoyed the wonderful sermon and singing. Rev. Reyn olds has increased the membership with his wonderful sermons and very friendly fellowship and Christ ian attitude. ***** Col. Robert R. McCormack was the principle speaker at the Pull man standard car manufacturers Co.,—alunching a patrol craft in Chicago last Sunday. ***** Wendell Willkie tells Wisconsin GOP he wants them. ***** One woman killed and five men injured in a laundry explosion in Chicago. ***** We are approaching another Thanksgiving Day for which we I have many things to be thankful for and as we think of the pilgrims who sailed the ocea and weathered 1 l ! Orchard & Wilhelm Co. : • -SINCE ’93- l i I l Hard Surface | Printed I I Floorcovering f An excellent selec I tion of bright, cheer ful, easy—to— clean rugs, in a d e on a waterproof base, is now here. There's nothing like this type of floor covering for playrooms, kitchens, etc. - 12x15 Rugs 13.00 9x10:6 Rugs 5.45 & 6:35 I ! 12x12 Rugs ••• 10.40 7:6x9 Rugs, 3:85 & 4:65 1 I 9x12 Rugs, 5,75 & 6.95 6x9 Rugs, 3.25 &; 3:80 | 1 By the Yard, 12 Feet Wide, Sq. Yd: 55c and 65c m {By the Yard. 9 Feet Wide, Sq: Yd. 49c and 59c | SECOND FLOOR I MIWUNR .. I III—I IIWI....Ml H MHU • iiirallUMd the storms to live in a country where they would not be motested in their humble and earnest Chris; ian way and as Columbus first thought was to kneel down and to 'thank the Almighty God for tne safe voyage. The lovely fellow ship idea that developed in the pil grims mind was to give thanks for the snow and the rain, to moisten the soil, to produce fine crops and may we at all times keep in mind to give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercies endur eth forever. ***** Mrs. Adam Lee of 2814 CaldwTl St., left Nov. 18 for an extended visit to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland .Calif, to visit her sister and nephew and will also visit in Ogden. Utah. We all hope for her a very pleasant trip. RENEWAL OF OPERATORS' LICENSES Mr. Owen J. Boyles, Assistant Director of the Motor Vehicle Div ision cf the State of Nebraska «-i'ls to the attention of all motor ve hicle operators that Operators’ Lic enses must be renewed every 4 wo years from date of issuance of oi iginal license. According to the reports froi l the different counties, it is indic ated that there are a considerable number who are operating vehicl es in violation cf the Nebraska Statutes. Applications for renewal of Op erators’ Licenses need not be mad" in person, unless tiie original has expired more than 90 days alter the same became due for renewal. In all cases where the Operator's 1 License is more than 90 days past i due, the applicant for renewal must appear before a Patrolman- j Examiner as required on an orig inal application. Even though the individual mav renew within 90 days without ex amniation, this does not authoriz ed him to operate a vehicle over the highways of the State of Ne braska after his license is delin quent. Mr. Boyles therefore urges all persons to check their operator’s License to determine the expirat ion date. RACE RELATIONS TENSE IN ILLINOIS AFTER JURY FREES LYNCHERS OF SOLDIER (continued from pi) while Capt. Thomas K. Blender, public relations officer at Camp' Ellis, said military authoriti?s had relinquished their claim to Nichols. Testimony at the inquest reveal ed that the posse formed after Pvt. Hollis allegedly made obscene propositions to farm wives on the NORTH 24th STREET ~ SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR PRICES LOOK AT YOUH SHOES Other People Do BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modern FEEN-A-MINT. the pieasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A ^££NT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family suonlv costs ml« 9A* CANADA LEE GIVE? WELLES CREDIT FOR HIS SUCCESS When an actor becomes a suc cess, he usually forgets that his .-ai'ser was inspired by som3 other actor. Candad Lee .s an exception. "I never would have amounted t anything in the theatre if it ha-n t been for Orson Welles.” says the rensational young Neg.-o actor, who won the 1941 Critics’ Award for his portrayal cf the title role n the Broadway play, "Naiiv-i Son.” He is now making his film debut in "Lifeboat.” the powerful Alfred Kitchfoek sea drama, at 20th Cen tury-Fox_..the same studio tliat produced Welles’ latest pictur- . "Jane Eyrie.” “I started out to be a "prize fight e:.” relates Canada, "and I was getting up where I could make a bid for the middlewe gilt ehamp ienship when an eye injury stop ped me. For a while after that, I ran a night-club. The prohibi ion was repealed and the club folded and cne day I found myself down to my last dime, no job in sight. I had friends who were will mg to house me and xeed me but I d.dn’t want that- I went ov er to the Harlem YilCA. to stand in line at the Employment Office and maybe a pick-and-shcvel job. "There must have been 59 men ahead of me. I got tired, party line. The trail lead to t.-c Qu gley farmhouse that had bn n vacated after the alleged attack Cn .Mrs. Quigley. The farmers said they went to get Hollis to “hold him for milit ary police” although it was never explained how they knew the man they sought was a soldier. Aft- r the house had been surrounded and Hollis ordered to surrender Lane, the trigger-man, said he shot him when a club was thrown at the posses and the soldier attempted to flee. Pvt. Hollis before he d:?il sale’, his car broke down and he had entered the deserted farmhouse to call for help. Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising , in line, and decided I'd sit down j somewhere until the line thinned ! out a little. I opened a door near j by. looking for a place to sit down. The door opened into an auditorium full of empty seats. Up on tnc stage, some guys were standing a rcund, and one of them was read ing. I didn’t think they’d notice if 1 took a seat in the back row. ' After a few minutes, the guy stopped reading, and another start ed reading the same thing I didn't know what was going on.I’d never seen an audition for a play before. .. .but I didn’t have any i thing else to do. so I watche-l and listened. Pretty soon, I kn w b\ heart that piece they were read ing. Then the man who seem >1 to i be in charge said. ’The job’s still open. You in the back, there_ let's hear YOU read.’ I didn’t know what this was all about, but I heard the word ‘job,’ so I wont j up and read. “When I finished, the man said, ‘The role is yours.’ That’s how I got into acting_with the Federal Theatre Project. That was iri 1935. “The way I looked at acting, it was interesting and it was cert ainly better than going hungry. But I didn’t have a tgrious ap proach to it until 1937, wh> n J bumfped into Orson Welles. He was putting on a Federal Theatre production of Macbeth’ with Negro players and, somehow, I won the part of ‘Banquo.’ I “He rehearsed us for sis solid months, but when the play finally went on before an audience, it was right—and it was a wonderful sen sation, knowing it was right. Sud | denly, the theatre became import ant to me. I had a respect for it, for what it could say. I had the I 1..-.— —.. AW# GUADALCANAL DIARY is the great Victory picture of 1943 with a great cast that includes PRESTON FOSTER, LLOYD NOUN and Wl' LIAM BENDIX! You'll be glad ok! proud you saw itl A story with o heart as big as America! That's HAPPY LAND, with DON .AMECHE, FRANCES DEE, HARRY CAREY. ANN RUTHERFORD and that great Negro actor, LEIGH WHIPPER! THE GANG'S ALL HERE will soon be} here! It's the most musical of all musicalslj ambition—I caught it from Orsoi Welles—to work like mad and b< a convincing actor. "Later, when ‘Native Scr. tame ' up. he was the stage director. He was the one who gave me the part, and the one who rehearsed mo in it for five weeks. "If I’m an actor today, i s be cause of what he did for and I’d sort of like people to knew it." Gen. Repairing Motor Tune-uo HENDERSON CASINO GARAGE Body and Fender Work Battery, Etc. RES. PHONE H A. 31M N. E. Comer 54th & Gran: Si. Charmers and comedians divide the honors in "Girl Crazy"”, M-G-M's latest I musical masterpiece. ★ ★ ★ * “Girl Crazy” starts on Broadway ..; ends up with a bang out West... with plenty of high-spots in between! ★ ★ ★ * Including Mickey Rooney as a night club cow-boy who ends up in the big JK And lovable Judy Garland who will make your heart throb as she sings those memorable Gershwin tunes! * * * * Time only makes them grow more de lightful to the ear! * * * * Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra with their special arrangements help, tor' ★ ★ ★ ★ “Girl Crazy” is laugh-starred an beauty-studded! ★ ★ ★ * Everywhere you turn—you 11 find a beauty! (So does Mickey—and that’s part of the fun). ★ ★ ★ * The direction of Norman Taurog is typical. Typically great—we mean. He has a flair for making youth attractive. ★ ★ ★ ★ The production is tops! The cast is big I The spirit is wonderful—gay—glad bubbling over from screen to audience 1 ★ ★ ★ ★ Get going now—go “Girl Crazy”! ★ ★ ★ * Ybu’ll never regret it! ★ ★ » * * I’m crazy about it. too. P.S. It’s just good sense to put yom dollars into War Bonds. Now. ^ Jo 77teit Oranges and other citrus fruits are in greater demand today than ever before. As an abundant source of Vitamin C, they are invaluable in maintaining the health of America's fighters in the field and on the industrial home-front. Union Pacific serves a large part of the Western territory which produces great quantities of citrus fruits. Modern re frigerator cars provide the protective transportation that keeps these fruits in orchard-fresh condition. Thus, a transportation service of com mercial value in peace-time has become even more essential in war-time. To guard America's health through supply ing proper foods might be considered almost as important as the transportation of armament and troops; another job that the railroads are doing efficiently and whole-heartedly. 1416 Dodge St. or 1614 Famam St., Omaha, Nebr Phone JAckson S822 7^2 ‘Tty™4***' UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROAD OF THE STREAMLINERS AND THE CHALLENGERS