The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 20, 1943, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2
WHAT ABOUT “MONEY GOING EAST?” A promise that can’t be kept is being dangled appealingly before Omahans in an attempt to preju dice them in favor of public con trol of the electric company. This promise, oft-repeated but never substantiated, is that under public control the money now being paid to eastern investors as divid ends and interest could all be kept in the city. A glance at the record will prove the falsity of the argu ment. Under the World-Herald ‘‘Raise Hob-With-Your- Electric Service Plan”, the citizens of Omaha, in order to acquire the Nebraska Pow er Company would have to under || Negro Dolls Christmas—The present that!; !; will bring the greatest joy will ; be a Colored Doll. We offer in; |' this Sale three flash numbers, '! !; with hair, mama voice, moving ;! !! eyes, nicely dressed at $3 93,!; !! $4.95 and $5.98. Order Now! —!| j; Send M. O. National Co., 254 W'! I; 135th St.. New York 30. ;I take a debt of $45,000,000—the am ount of revenue bonds that wouid have to be sold by the People’s Power Commission to finance the deal. Omaha investment bankers have expressed the opinion that pnly about $1,000,000 worth of these bonds would be purchased by local investors. The remainder, or $44, 000,000, would have to be soli to investors in the ‘east.” This means that more than 95 percent of the money for payment, of interest and retirement of these bonds would go “east” each year. This is not surprisinb. Right now, probably 95 cents of every dollar that the City of Omaha spends for interest payments on itr, bonds and for the retirement of those bonds, ‘‘goes east.” That is because the bonds which provide' the money to build our schools, streets, sewers and maybe even the city hall, were necessarily sold al most in their entirety in the “east” _..the only place where suffic ient money to make these vital civic improvements could be rais ed. A promise to the effect that a large bond issue could be floated and that all the Money for divid ends and interest could be retain ed in the city is a promise that can’t be kept I LOT IN EXCHANGE FOR CARPENTER I WORK Vacant lot at 35th and Spaulding, 44x120 for sale cheap to the right person. Will take pay ment in exchange for carpenter work. Call HA 0800—Ask for C. C. Galloway, MAY BE DRAFTED FOR NATIONAL TICKET Governor Dwight Griswold (rep.) announced Monday he would seek a third term as Nebraska’s chief executive. If he is re-elected—and most political observers rate him a top .heavy favorite—Griswold would be the second Nebraska governor to serve three consecutive full terms. The first was R. L. Coch ran, a democrat, who ran for the senate in 1940. In the 1942 elec tion Griswold carried every county in the state. The governor’s announcement thus removed him from the na tional picture unless he is drafted. Last week Senator Hugh Butler, Omaha, announced the Nebraska congressional delegation had a greed to support Griswold as a "fa vorite son” for president and then for vice president if it appeared there was no chance of his getting the presidential nomination. Reiterating his statement of last week that he has no present in tention of filing in the presidential preferential primary, Griswold add ed that "something might happen to make me change my plans,” re ferring to the possibility of his be ing drafted. That, he said, "makes it hard to make plans at this stage to partic ipate in any definite campaign.’’ Griswold never has lost in a pri mary campaign, although he was defeated for governor three times in the general election. With Griswold in the field tor re-election as governor, the repub lican ticket is expected to list all the present elected state officers. Several already have filed. Attorn ey General Walter R. Johnson is the only one who has not signified intention of seeking another term. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Let’s Get the Record Straight Nebraska Power \ Does NOT Have to Be Sold! Nebraska Power Company does NOT have to be sold! Nebraska Power Company’s owners, managers, and employees DON’T WANT it sold. .The people of Omaha don’t want it sold! Nebraska Power Company and its employees want to continue doing business in Omaha in the future as they have in the past. So why all this newspaper effort to create another political Bureau to buy the Nebraska Power Company. Only if this recently appointed Bureau (Peoples Power Commission) succeeds in forcing the sale of Nebraska Power Company will there be any change in owner ship. Otherwise the Nebraska Power Company will remain as it is. Omaha is now receiving good electric service at low rates! That’s why Omaha citizens want the Nebraska Power Company left as it is! ★ LOW RATES ★ GOOD SERVICE ★ BIG TAXPAYER NEBRASKA C5 NEBRASKA POWER CO. DOES NOT Have to Sell—DOES NOT Want to Selll AMOS T. THOMAS PROMOTED TO BRIG. GENERAL IN ELKS’ LODGE Col. Amos T. Thomas has showed great interest in the Elk’s Lodge [or the past thirty-three yeirs. hav ing organized several Marching Clubs and Drill Teams, and it has been announced that lie has been promoted from Col. of Iowa and Nebraska to Brig. General by the ^ Commander-in-Chief and Grand Exalted Ruler Finlay ,T. Wilson. This applies to his loyalship and consistent workmanship with the lodge. The Brig. General is plann ing to cover both states and have uniform units for the Grand Lodge that meets in Chicago in l'.)4i. THANKSGIVING DINNER PLANNED FOR VOL — The Army has just finished buying turkeys for oUr boys’ Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners; now—we civilians may have our share! Ac cording fo all the “dope” we can get, that share will be adequate. If it Isn’t quite so—then chicken will pinch-hit nobly, as it generally does. Here’s a way to roast turkey cr chicken so that it fomes to savory, juicy, golden-bronze perfection — at less effort for the housewife! Aunt Jenny says: ~7aKe a’fy fam, mcJ! here's two Thanksgivin* treats for less than 3 red points. • King Turkey — bronzy brown, tender and juicy —makes a real Thanksgiving dinner! For a grand smooth, unbroken, golden crust, and juicy, tender meat, roast King Turkey the new NO-BASTING way. Chicken, too, becomes a noble bird, roasted this new way. Remember— no basting, no bother—just follow the easy directions below. Then use the cloth to wrap the turkey in. This keeps it from drying out. — Roast Stuffed Turkey or Chicken Boasting turkey or chicken (rub inside with salt) Savory Stuffing Melted Spry Brush trussed, stuffed turkey or chicken with melted Spry, cover with white cloth, and brush cloth thoroughly with melted Spry. Leave cloth on during roasting. Roast bird in moderate oven (350° F.) al lowing 20-25 minutes per pound. Turn during latter part of roast ing to brown bird on all sides. Savory Stuffing 2 quarts soft 1 teaspoon sage bread crumbs % teaspoon thyme 2% teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons % teaspoon parsley, chopped pepper % cup onion, 2/3 cup Spry minced % cup boiling water (about) Combine bread crumbs, salt, pep per, sage, thyme, and parsley and mix thoroughly. Melt Spry in skil let, add onion, and fry 2 minutes. (Do not brown onion.) Add bread crumbs and fry until very lightly browned, stirring constantly from bottom. Pour water over crumbs, tossing lightly with two forks. Add more water if additional moisture is needed. Makes enough stuffing for one 8-pound turkey. This stuffing may also be used for chicken. • And for dessert, let's have Lacy Top Cranberry Pie, the perfect fin ish for a feast! This one’s tangy and luscious, using apples and grated orange rind, lacy-topped with ribbons of golden brown pas try. (If perfect pastry is your bug bear, here’s where you get the best of it) Loads of good eating for less than 3 red points! Clip the recipes now for EXTRA-delicious eating Thanksgiving Day. Lacy Top Cranberry Pie 2% cups cranberries S tablespoons IVa cups apples, water chopped 1 recipe Spry 1% cups sugar Piecrust Vi teaspoon grated orange rind Combine cranberries, apples, sugar and water. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, add grated orange rind and let stand while making pastry. Roll % of dough and line a 9-inch pie plate. Roll re maining half of dough and cut in narrow strips about % inch wide. Fill pie shell with fruit mixture. Place pastry strips on top, criss crossing them to make an attrac tive lacy top. Moisten edge of pie, place strip of dough around rim, and press together with fork. Bake in hot oven (425* F.) 30 to 35 minutes. Spry Piecrust Mix 2*/4 cups sifted ALL-PUR POSE FLOUR and 1 teaspoon SALT. Measure out % cup SPRY and divide into two equal parts. STEP 1 for Tenderness—cut in first half of Spry until as fine as meaL STEP 2 for Flakiness—cut in remaining Spry until par ticles are size of large peas. Add 5 tablespoons cold WATER (no more, no less), mixing thor oughly into a dough. . . . Makes enough pastry for one 9-inch 2-crust pie. Here too. is the delicious Cranberry Pie to finish the feast. Apples and tangy orange rind add rich flavor; ribbons of golden-brown pastry lattice the ruby-red sparkle of cranberries. Here Women readers is a sug gestion for less-than-three point feasting on Thanksgiving. We shall now Wish you a happy enjoyable Thanksgiving! Wanted! MAN & WIFE TO WORK IN PRIVATE HOME (FAMILY OF THREE) i OFF THURSDAYS ALL-DAY, AND SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Will Pay $150.00 PER MONTH SALARY CALL WA-9051 | BUT YOUR I I POULTRY I AT THE , NEBRASKA PRODUCE ' 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the ' NEBRASKA PRODUCE —LOWEST PRICE— Phone WE. 4137 King Yuen Cafe CHOP STTEY 2010/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes McGILL’S — HAR& BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. a V> 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS GET MAXIMUM HEATING EFFICIENCY WITH KOL-SAVER Yes, you can actually save 20% of your heating costs with the marvelous Kol-Saver. Any hand-fired furnace, range or stove will operate more economically and produce more heat because of this timely invention. You may burn a cheaper grade of coal too. Set on the grate, Kol-Saver provides uniform combustion over the entire fire bed. Consumes all gases and eliminates the annoy ance of soot and smoke. Costs little to own, nothing to install and pays for itself in a season's heating. Where to Buy KOL-SAVER... IDEAL FURNITURE MART , 24th and Lake <: Ph. WE-2224 " SEBCHMDBPCBKflSfli Classified Ads Get Results! WANTED TO RENT Wanted a 2 or 3 room, furnished Apartment, Call JA-9257. House for Sale FOR SALE—MODERN HOUSE 5 rooms, all modern, clear. Corner lot, oak floors, hot water furnace, nice basement, room to sleep or live. Kitchen terrazzo floor, cab inet sink, bath built in tub, insul ated brick sidling, double garage, fowl house, both cement f loois, nice lawn, plenty hardy flowersi and shrubs. Possession within 10 days after sale, 3401 Maple. Owner leaving state. iiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiii WANTED 3 CHAMBERMAIDS We pay the highest wages for maids then any hotel In the city. One week’s vacation with pay giv en to all employees who work a full year, two weeks If you work two years with pay. CALL JA 5492. DELMAR HOTEL, 24th at Farnam Street. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiimiii Genuine Mediumship: HOW TO DEVELOP IT. BOOK $2.15... PRACTICAL PSYCHOM ETRY. BOOK 30. LITERATURE FREE. BERT WOODS, 4797 TELEGRAPH. OAKLAND, CALIF. iimmiiimmiiiiiiHimiiMimiiiimii For Rent Half block from car line, 2 mo dern furnished room at 2422 Erskine St. Call WE-5041. DETECTIVES Training-Secret ..Inestigations iFinger Prints. Easy Method Short Time. By former Gov ernment Detective—Rewards. Home-Travel - Secret Code Booklet. FREE—WRITE IN TERNATIONAL DETECTIVE SYSTEM, 1701-W Monroe St., N. E. Washington 18. D. C. «u^n, \ \ ATTMiHMEHTS •ORDER TODAY i $2.75 C.O.D. ( Plus Postage Send no money, state color of hair or send sample . . . Your hair properly' matched . , . satisfaction guaranteed. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST OF OTHER ATTACHMENTS MADE TO ORDER. RENA HART BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY 2131 Seventh Ave. New York 27, N. Y.. Join—Reliable Friendship Club— Tor Pleasure. Send Dime for mem tership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell, Chicago, IlL REAL SHOE MAN ii FONTENELLE i: SHOE REPAIR I; CASH & CARRY CLEANER i: 1410 North 24th St. —CARL C RIVER A— tr «vy«Vi . , 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery_ WE. 0609 DUFFY ™armac-v wwwywwiwwww Dll PC 6CTSPUDY r lit" RELIEF FROM B B k Um w ITCH AND BURN THEN WALK AND SIT IN COMFORT Use Poslam—the CONCENTRATED ointment — as thousands have. The oily base HOLDS Poslam's medication on the smarting skin to cool and soothe that agonizing itch and burn. Sold from coast to coast for 35 years. Ask your doctor. Only 50c, all drug stores. i i II BIG RUMMAGE SALE, SATUR. DAY, NOV. 6, 1943 AT 8:30 A. M. 1820 NORTH 24TH STREET, AM ERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY NEIGHBORHOOD FlTtNITURK & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps: Ladies Dresses, Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and OH Stoves. "We Buy and Sell’’ _ TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, GIRL WANTED G4rl between 20-25 for shipping de partment. Typing knowledge nec essary. Call JA-5288 for appoint ment. EOR SALE - Clothing for Rummage Sale, o-i* before 8 a. m. after I y. m., HA 4876. WT ANTED—APARTMENT 2 in family wants to rent a 2 or 8 room spt. Call WE. 1517. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP 300 Ladies Dresses Reasonable. 100 Pairs of Shoes—No Stamps. Rugs of All Kinds. Radios, etc. We Buy and Sell. Tel: AT-I154 1715 NORTH 26th ST. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 6401 North 24th WE. 6065 EMERSON LAUNDRY 4324 North 24th St WE. lOS* FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 WANTTO IHlV—~ Furniture of all kinds—dressers, oeds, end tables, chairs and cheat of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and iisbes.' Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street_WE. 2224 DILLARD UNI. PRESIDENT SPEAKS IN BOSTON AREA West Newton. Mass., Nov. 19 (A NP) Dr. Albert W. Dent, president of Dillard university, New Orleans was feature speaker at the Myrtle Baptist church, Newton, Mass. In his morning message “The Unfin ished Task of Missions”, Dr. Dent pointed out that the Negro’s seek ing of a complete fulfillment of all the rights and privileges as a cit izen of an American democracy was the unfinished task. He fur ther stated that because the Negio is a victim of undemocratic civil ization, he finds himself more con cerned with the deals of deme.racy, and with seeking to know what they are than his white brother. Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. phoneJA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. 1 11 14 ■■MMI »■» . ■ Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLYEO- AND ONLY | 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes' the Ironing of all FLAT j WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just \ Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 Madam, here’s one TABOO you can forget when you want relief You can thank your lucky stars that women are no longer squeam ish about discussing their troubles. Otherwise you might never know of the 2-way help that CARDUI may bring when nervous, head aches and cramp-1 ice pain are due only to periodic functional causes. Many women find that, started three days before the time and taken as directed, CARDUI aids in relieving functional periodic dis comforts. Used as a tonic, CAR DUI often wakes up sleepy appe tites, aids digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices, and thus helps to build up resistance against the days it’s needed most. Try <t: *