The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 06, 1943, City Edition, Image 1

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?ebr*“ Saturday, November 6. laiaorRHithVEAR-No^a City Edition. 5c Copy
El Paso City Defeats Public Power Ownership 4 to 1
The people of Omaha will be
very much interested to know' that
other cities have spurned glowing
promises of advocates of political
management of their electric serv
El Paso, Texas is a good ex
ample. The same misstatements
and unfounded charges have been
going on down there for the past
few months. But when the smoko
had finally cleared aw'ay and tne
people had a chance to vote, it was
piain tlrat very few had been fool
ed by the claims of the political
ownership advocates; the people of
El Paso DEFEATED public owner
ship by a vote of 4 to 1. The story
was well told in an editorial which
recently appeared in the Rockford,
111., Register-Republica.
When the Engineers Public Ser
vice company was ordered by the
securities and exchange commiss
ion to divest itself of the El Paso
Electric company, serving a Texas
common.ty of approximately Rock
ford's size, it was proposed that
El Paso purchase the prope-ty and
citrate it as a municipal utility,
issuing $15,850,000 in revenue bonds
to finance the purchase and get
the municipal operation started.
El Paso voters gave their answer
to the proposal In a referendum
election, vetoing the purchase cf
a vote of 1,475 to 651, or not quite
four to one.
The fact that in a city of E>
Paso's size, proponents of municip
al ownership were able to get only
651 voters to the polls to back
their project is rather eloquent
testimony to an increasing indif
ference on the public’s part to the
municipal ownership, for it must
be assumed that all advocates of
city ownership voted. This indif
ference to a doctrine that once had
a considerable following and which
made utility-baiting fashionable
politically has been noted in sim
ilar elections in other communities.
So far this year, but one comm
unity, and that a town of under
1.000 persons, has voted for public
ownership in the utility field.
The public, in El Paso and else
where. thinks twice before should
ering the burden of heavy bonded
debt and U>st tax valuations in ex
change for small and extremely
dubious "paper savings” in rates. ^
Put Over
Omaha, N'ebr.,—The 25th. >'th
District American Deg.on Convtn
tion holding a one day meeting
here last Friday, October 2»th
went in session at 1:15 P. M. at the
headquarters of Theodore Roose
velt Post No. 30. who was conwn- j
tion host. The meeting was open
ed by District Commander S. .
Carson. Greetings were by Post
Commander J. C. Carey and D.-n
Butler, Mayor of Omaha.
There were a number of capable
speakers on the program with the
first to speak being Department
Commander M. A. Shaw. His sub
ject was "There is Work to do.”
and what he had to say was very
timely and to the point.
Following him. Department S"f
v.ce Officer, Ivan D. Marsh, under
the title "Our’s is a Service Organ
ization,” stressed the imporlancei
of his office and the work of post
service officers.
' i ne work ot the Veterans Ad
ministration” by E. R. Benke,
manager of Veterans Administra
tion Facility at Lincoln, was very
■enlightening and gave answers to
many guestions fertile in the minds
of the Legionnaires.
In his “Veteran for Jobs” talk.
Veteran Employment Representa
tive for U. S. declared that every
effort is being made to see that re
turning service men get a better
deal than those who returned from
World War No. I.
Department Adjutant. R. C. Pat
terson's address, “What's the
Score?", was well received and
was very constructive as except- .
lonally well he handled his suo- !
Randall C. Biart, Chairman of
Child Welfare, gave praise to the
work of Roosevelt Post in regards
to its work in the community a
long that line. Then he proceed
ed to speak frankly concerning
posts he thought were not taking
enough interest in Child Welfare
From the Auxiliary came words
of greeting by Mrs. Ruby Coggins,
Dept. President and short talks by
Mrs. Nell Crause, a former execu
tive and Mrs. William Chuda, chair
man of the Auxiliary Memorial
Attorney Ray L. Williams was
g-:v°*i a place on one of the con
Compt. Warren Called ‘Unfit’
I ■■■ — . I . — ■——————— ■■ 1 ■■ I
First Negro to Fly U. S. Mail Instructs
Lincoln Nebr. Navigator-Bombardier Class
mmm ' " ..—... in.,■.■111 i ^—i———hi—■mi niiii ninrni ■ niii—1 iiM mil——— ———1^—————— i
Grover C. Nash, senior instructor in the Airplane Mechanics ]
School at Lincoln Air Base, Nebraska, is shown explaining principles
of navigation to a group of instructors who will form the nucleus
of teachers for the Army’s bombardier-navigator training program
with the objective command of B-25 bombers. As announced by the
War Department, Negroes and whites will be schooled together.
Nash, only civilian flight instructor at Lincoln Air Base, is a grada- ,
Bureau of Public Relations, U. S. War Department
ate of several flying schools. In 1938 he was the first and only
Negro to fly the United States mail. He spent 16 months as in
structor for the U. S. Army Air Forces Training Command, and
has almost 3,000 flying hours to his credit in 30 different types of
planes. His home is in Chicago, Illinois, where he operated his own
flying school for six years. (Photo by U. S. Army Signal Corps).
vention committee. Wm. E. D.
Schm.dt, of Papillion. Xebr. was
elected Sarpy County Commander;
Mr. Gauk. South Omaha, Douglas
County Commander and Jens B.
Jensen. Herman. Xebr., Command-!
for Washington County.
There were others who took
parts that cannot be mentioned be
cause of the lack of space.
In spite of inadequate facilities
for preparing the food the ban
quet at Dreamland" Hall could
have been worse. As it was. with
everyone doing all in his or her
power to make it a success, it
came off in rather grand style.
Because of a late start some of
the netertainment program had to
be curtailed. However these p r
sons rendered selections: Julius E.
Hill, singing his own composition,
•American Legion Song.”: Vocal
solo. “Homnig,” by Mrs. Irene Mor
ton: Piano solo, Alesta Carey: Vo
cal solo. "Ah Sweet Mystery of
Life.”: Dancing Sam Brown: Vocal
solo. "When Day is Done.’ by
Miss Blanche Wright and a utter
bug dance by six youngsters.
Quite a number stayed for .he
dance. Basie's Bombardiers ‘urn
ished the music. .After the laece
many visited the Lounge to 'misi.
out the evening.
Xew York. Nov. 2 (ANPi_The
annua! meeting of the African Pub
lishing Corp.. which convened h- re
last week at the office of the Afri
can magazine .elected the following
officers to serve the coming year:
James L. Brown, president: Ridley
A. Lewis, vice president: Jnhi
H-adl y. 2nd vice president: Leo A.
Monroe, secretary: Mrs. Mabte Pe
sehier. treasurer, and Ralph Vcl
man. assistant secretary.
The board of directors are Ridley
A. Lewis, Rufus Phillips, William
Clarke, Winston Hibbert. Leo a.
Monroe. Ralph Volman, John
Headley, Mabel Perschier and Jam
es L. Brown.
Two Major Issues of
Interest to Negroes
Face CJ.O. Convention
Philadelphia, Nov. 4 (ANP) Con
vening here this month for its six
th' constitutional convention, the
Congress of Industrial Organisat
ions will have before it at last two
important questions which specif
ically and definitely affect Negroes.
At least one of these will meet
with a fight, possibly on the floor
of the convention.
The first of these will be th~
question of whether or not the CIO
wants to continue the work of it-.
National Committee to Abolish Dis
crimination. The other is a r -solu
tion calling for the establishment
of a permanent Fair Employment
Practice Committee to cope with
industrial discrimination.
1 The anti-discriinat.on committee
was established last November
when the organisation met la Bos
ton. The delegates had deplored
the manner in which Negroes were
being kept from entering industry
at a time when manpower was be
ginning to go begging. The men
appointed were James B. Oar -y,
chairman. secretary-treasurer of
the CIO: Willard S. Townsend, s- c
retary, president of the on d
Service Employes of America: Jam
es L. Leary, secretary-treasurer or
the Mine, Mill and Smelter Work
ers: Ferdinand Smith, secretai y cf
the National Maritime Union, and
Boyd L. Wilson, executive liot ii
member of the UniuJ steel work
rs of America
The committee was stow in got
ting started. In fact, until some
• continued on paget^’2)
Omaha Bomber Plant
Employes May Go CIO
i hi ui n nc irii .Mi
Fort Crook Road, Omaha, Nebr,
The National Labor Relations
Board notified the UAW-CIO last
Monday. October 25th that a hear
ing will be held on the UAW-C1C.
petition for an election November:
1C, 1943.
The UAW-CIO. filed a request
for an election at the Martin Bom
ber plant July 30th. The hearing
oiginally set for Nov. 4th. but ex
tended to November 16th by action
on the part of Plant attorneys will
determine whether the other or
ganizations involved will be on the
ballot when the election takes
According to Nicholas, i.
Assistant National Director of Av
iation for the UAW-CIO. workers
in the Martin Plant received 'lie
news of the hearing date with en
thusiasm and are confident of vic
tory for the UAW-CIO.
The UAW-CIO. is very anxious
to set a date for the election as
speedily as possible. Many work
ers in the Martin Bomber Plant
have quit their jobs due to the
fact that no collective bargaining
machinery was available to settle
grievances that arose.
Nick Dragon was in charge of'
the Glenn L. Martin election cam- J
pa:gn in Baltimore which was heir1 j
September 16th and the Martin
workers there voted for the CAW
CIO. soundly defeating the IAM
AF. of L.
A State Federal Venereal Dis
ease Center to prevent and cure
cases of venereal diseases was op
ened at 17th and Grace streets on
Monday morning. November 1st.
Washington, DC.,— Comptroller
General Lindsay Warren, former
North Carolina Congressman, was
called “unfit an dprejudiced" this
week by the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People. The charge which was
made in a telegram to Presid nt
Roosevelt following Warren’s voer
ruling of Executive Order 9346.
The President’s directive forp'ds
racial discrimination on the job by
any firm doing business with the
government. !|
Warren’s action, just revealed,
was to rule that contractors for
war materials and services are not
obligated to observe the ‘‘no dis
crimination” clause ordered in Ex
ecutive Order 9346. The ruling
came after the southwestern Bel!
Telephone Company of Kansas
City. Missouri refused to sign a
contract containing the “no dis
crimnaton” clause.
Walter Whte. NAACP Executive
secretary, pointed out that the as
sociation had, between 1936 and
1940, protested five times against
Warren’s appointment to his pres
ent post. During that period War
ren. both as a member of Congress,
and as chairman of the House Com
mittee on Accounts, “bluntly re- I
fused and boasted of refusing to
permit American citizens, because
of their color, to patronize the pub-"
lie restaurant in the House Of Rep
resentatives. Oscar DePriest. rep
resentative from Illinois was am
ong those barred from the restau
rant. Asserting that this further
man.fesattion of race prejudice by
.Mr. Warren will seriously impair
the Fair Employment Practice
Committee’s rower to correct em
I ployment discrimination in Gov •> n
ment and War Industries, the NA
ACP telegram to the President de
clared: “We submit that only forth,
right action by you can save tne
“We respectfully and vigorously
urge that you forthright do what- 1
ever is necessary to clarify your
intentions expressed in execu.ive
order 9343." The NAACP tale
gram further stated. “Recent rul
ing of Comptroller General Wtr'on
that your executive order 's ot
bindign upon war contracts be
cause it is a ‘directive’ instead of
an order virtually nullifies your
executive order in which you us
ed the explicit statement that it
is hereby’ ordered.’ It would ap
pear to us therefore that such ac
tion on the part of a subordinate
official is proof of unitness and
prejudice which should be rebuk
The sixth Liberty Ship to be
named for a Negro, the SS PAUL
ed by the California Shipbuilding
Corporation at Wilmington, Calif.,
on Tuesday. October 19, the Mari
time Commission announced this
week. Sponsor of the vessel was
Mrs. Clarice Williams, oldest em
ployed Negro woman in the vavd.
Miss Eva Stringer was maid of
honor, and J. H. Wadsworth, man
ager, Public Relations Department
was master of ceremonies at the
Texas White Primary Case
Argument Before Supreme
Court November 10th
Washington, D. C.—The consti
tutionality of the Texas White
Primary laws will be attacked to’
th.; third time by XAACP lawyers
in argument before the t\ S Su
preme Court November 10.
Supporting the NAACP conten
tion that the discriminatory ballot
ing system should be abolished,
briefs amicus curiae have been fii
ed by the American Civil Liberties
Union and the National Lawyers
Of the three previous cases car
ried from Texas to the supreme
court, the first two were decided
in favor of Negroes, but were su.
j cessively nullified by changes in
i Texas Democratic party procedure.
(Continued on page 3)
Queens at Grid Classic
Chicago.—Shown above, left, is
Miss Geraldine Barber, crowned
“Sweetheart of the Team,s’’ and
right, Miss Neal McFadden. “Miss
Tuskegee” who was recently chos
en queen of the Institute by pop
ular vote. The two charming las
sies were snapped by photograph
ers at the Tuskegee and Wilber
force game here, as they rose to
cheer the huge Navy band that
graced the illuminated field.
Barber was crowned at the Wil
berforce-Tuskegee Alumni Dance
which was held at the Parkway
Ballroom on the eve of the game.
She resides at 6043 St. Lawrence
Avenue. (Press Photo Service)
White Girl Defies
Dixie Rail Jimcrow
. Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 1 (A.VP>— I
["The Declaration of Independent i
says all men are created equal’, i
You are just as good as I an: and j
I told that conductor I am no tet
ter than you are. This is Am -
With these words a young asju
thern white girl challenged the jim !
crow seating arrangement of the
Washington New Orleans train 41.
Southern railroad, last week, as
she was taken from the train by
an officer in Attalla, Ala.
Protesting the conductor’s ord
ers forbidding her to use the lav
atory or sit in the Jim crow coach,
the young woman defied the con
ductors again and again. Finally
shouting for democracy anti free
dom' she was forcibly taken frotors
the train, bag and baggage, in At
talla. (not too far from infamous
Scottsboro). The name of the g ri
could not be ascertained.
Rev. Story Preaches
Farewell Sermon
To a large gathering of members
and friends. Reverend Leroy A.
Story preached his farewell serm
on Sunday morning, October ilst
at Cleaves Temple. He left the
first of the week, after filling the
pulpit here for five years, to taKe
up duties as pastor of an CME,
Church in Nashville, Tennessee.
He preached a rousing sermon
that caused many eyes to become
dimmed with tears. For without
a doubt. Reverend Story is the
most beloved minister who has
graced Cleaves Temple’s pulpit in
recent years, if not since its found
The afternoon service was in
charge of Rev. Roy Johnson, pas
tor of Mount Calvary Spir
Church and along with him came
Rev. Mildred Johnson. his line
choir and members of his congre
gation. And with almost as many
present as were there for the morn
ing service, he conducted a met
ing that will be long remembered
by those so fortunate as to be at
Cleaves Temple that afternoon.
The choir marched to the choir
stand singing one of Rev. Story's
favorite hymns, "Farther Along,’’
On reaching the choir stand the
Alexandria, Va..—A verdict of
not guilty was rendered Octou r
19th in the case of Eddie Anthony
Negro charged here with rap - of
a white woman. The NAACP en
gaged counsel to handle the de
fense of Anthony. Following his
arrest he was confined to Rap des
Parish jail. Later he was remov
ed to military prison at Camp L;\
ingston where his trial was held.
Mr. R. H. McQueen, of 2734 Cald
well St was fatally shot by an em
ployee of a south Omaha tavern
last Monday eve. His body was ta
ken to the Thomas Funeral Homo.
Lord’s Prayer was voiced after
! which Rev. Story made a short ia'k
^ and introduced Rev. Johnson.
The text fo Reverend Johnson’s
Krmon was taken from the S e
ond book of Timothy and the 4th
chapter which reads as follows:—
IS AT HAND. And one had to be
inspired, as he was last Sunday af
ternoon to deliver a message with
such glowing effectiveness and
command of oratory.
His choir, noted for its superb
rendering of spirituals and other
types of religious music as well
di dnot fail those who were present
to hear it as much as to hear Rev.
Johnson preach.
After the afternoon services,
there was a reception for Rever
end Story and his wife in the base
mem of the Church Many wete
those who shook their hands and
bade them God's speed.
As a befitting climax to a won
derful Sunday, in the evening. Mrs.
I Story's cous n. Rev. Dr. Lovelace.
I Corresponding Secretary. National
j Baptist Convention, Inc., took his
: THEM THAT ARE HIS." and brot
another wonderful message to
| those present. At the close of the
| service, he took a group picture of
'the congregation standing in front
1 of the pulpit, one of the choir, in
dividual pictures of Miss Blanche
Wright. Mrs. McGee. Mrs. Eva Mav
Hsyes, Miss Marie Hudgens and
one of for which she and Mrs. Mc
Gee posed.
J lie going irorn our mi'ISl 01 Kcv.
Story and his wonderful wife leav
es us not without sorrow in our
hearts, yet the knowing that they
regret having to leave softens the
pain of their loss. We are proud
and reoice over having them with
us for so long and we ask God to
bless and keep them. And we feel
certain that all whom they have
served will ask God to do the
same thing.
3-Way Eair and Scalp Rejuven