Miss Bronze Chicago hostesses Chicago—Representing some of Chicago's most exclusive clubs are these charming and fashionable fern nines appearing in the above photograph. They, and a score of < :ljer s ntilar delectable damsels \vre tea guests of the classy Win » me Misses’ Club Sunday at the Ardelia Tucker, Mrs. Agnes Nolan, Miss Omega King, Mrs. Verna Har per, Mrs. Mildred Strickland, Miss Geneva Hearne. The Winsome Misses are sponsors of the selec tion and crowning of Miss Bronze Chicago, the city’s most beautiful shapely and popular girl. The. girls pictured above will model in the Fashion Show and serve as hostesses to the contestants. The event will be held at the DUSable High School Auditorium on the ev ening of Friday, November 12th. home of Mrs. Harriet Jackson, 6234 Rhodes Avenue, their sponsor. Reading left to right, seated are Miss Verdie Mae Green. Mrs. Ruth Toles, Mrs. Nadine Baker, Miss Evelyn Gentry, and Mrs. Marneon Bell. Standing left to right: Mrs. LOCAL NOTES HEAVEN AND HELL FEAST Heaven and Hell Feast given by The Purple Cross Nurses Unit of Cherokee Temple No. 223 at the resident of Mrs. Jessie M. Brooks 225 Krskinc St, Saturday evening ''October 30, 1943. Hours 8 pm. un til ??? ASSIGNED TO DUTY For Desmoines, la., October 25th *—Pvt- Dorothy E. Walker of 523 “D” St., South Sioux City, Nebr aska. is included in the group of Negro members of the Women’s d sore because I came in when the car was fairly crowded. Many times there has been a vacant seat at a table for four_. .the other three being occupied by white peo ple_and I have been told by a waiter, probably at the order of the stewart, “car crowded.” Of eouise I know why, both the stewart and the waiter feared that the white people ould object to sitting at the. table with a person of color. Wt 11 often they do. There is no jm tion about that. It seldom if ov u occurs to either of them, how - 'r, that I might not want to eat at the table with some white people. Tor I have seen examples of t table manners practiced by wluti' folks in dining cars. I have seen devotees of the “pitch and gulp ’ school, and others adept in the Kansas City ‘‘grip”. I believe it is called .where the knife is held like la dagger. There is nothing to be ashanv d of in being an employee of a rail road whether it be porter, waiter, red cap or what not. Personal sei • vice can be as dignified as any oc cupation or profession. It is a pleasure to watch the men who man the New York Central’s great Empire State Express. They aie highly intelligent, they speak in cultivated and subdued tones, they carry themselves with such poise and grace that even a “cracker” from the deep South rhesib.tes anil chokes when he tries to s accept me presence of a colored passenger in •v respectful and often fru.ndly mail in :. You can he sure that if they act Yime* andrtide" wait on!; NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME;! !! TO GET YOUR SHOES RE- ] j ; ! BUILT. j! ]; Quality Material & Guaranteed]! !; Quality Work !] 1! FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE ; SERVICE !] .1. L. TAYLOR, PROP. ] I Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME m TO RELIEVE B& RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back — If This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru Is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if It does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only gt cents—Do it Now. /? -USE THE OMAHA GUIDE as a medium of Advertising— SIJWCRIRF. NOW’ I _ fcd as if they resented the presence of colored tiavelers, u.t atmos phere of superiority ani contempt would permeate the train I like, tin: Empire. I respect the men who work on it. For they are gentlemen in the true sense of tne word. —E. A. C. I With God All Things Are Possible !’* Are you fac ing difficult Problems? Poor Health? Money Troubles? Love or Family Trou bles? Are you Worried about some one dear to you? Do you ever get Lonely—Unhappy —Discouraged? Would you like to have more Happiness, Success and “Good Fortune" in Life? If you do have any of theso Problems, or others like them, dear friend, then here is won derful NEWS—NEWS of a remarkable NEW WAY ef PRAYER that is helping thousands of other men and women to glorious NEW happi ness and joy! Whether you have alwa>s believed in PRAYER or not, this remarkable NEW WAY may bring a whole NEW world of happiness and joy to you—and very, very quickly too! So don’t wait, dear friend, don't let another minute go by! If you are troubled, worried or unhappy IN ANY WAY—we invite you to clip this Message now and mail with 3c stamp for FULL INFORMATION about tills remarkable NEW WAY of PRAYER that is helping so many, many others and which may just as cer tainly and quickly help YOU! You will surely bless this day—so please don't delay! Just clip this Message now and null with voter name, address and 3c stamp to' LIFE STUDY KEI.EOWNH1P, Box 2400, Noroton, Conn. This Wonder ful NEW Message of PRAYER and FAITH will be on the way *o help you by return mail! orous, alive; nature uemanus mis •fw.j’ou. If you're run-down and lark pep, it is within your power to regain your health. High John Medicine Tonic, for years has helped numbers of people, it to quick-acting, containing jgrUEEU; (rated High John the Otfti'cJjU’efW* root, with other valiiahla ftlFftf? eines. You can try this torfLu Cot 1 days, on a money-back guaGHR tee. Send no money. Just ntttI) your name and address. Pay only SI- plus postage on delivery. Use as directed for a week. If you are not completely satisfied, your dol lar hack. Write NOW! LEE COMPANY HI Hewy St„ Oepf. S, Hew York, H. Y. pain: Relieve the MISERIES OF RHEUM ATISVf. ARTHRITIS. SCIATICA. LUMBAGO. Take SULPHUR BATHS. NATURE'S own ttm •dy. The DOCTOR'S way to bring soothing SULPHUR BATHS right In your own llbnw. WHY put up with ACHINO JOINTS. PAIN FUL MUSCLES. THROBBING NERVES any longer. Numbers of MEN and WOMEN have found success In NATURE’S way to bring relief. Made for thoee who want the best and are willing to pay for U. Just send your name and address, upon arrival pay the postman 52 plus postage for your newe.-lul irratmenu with full direction*. LEE COMPANY IS* Hafirs *«.. Pept-S, New Yarn *.ti l«. T. Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas, sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usual]} prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like thoee in Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative Bell-ans bring* comfort In s Jiffy or double your money back on return of bottk to us. 25c at all druggists. CHECKED in a Jiff tf -or Money Beck For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling.’medicated. liquid O.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctir s formula. Greaseless and stainless Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for O. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ex. for INS If You Suffer From CONSTIPATION! Try This Famous British Medicinal Salts Now Being Made in U. S. A. In a glass of hot water put one teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts and drink about half an hour before breakfast. 15 to 20 minutes later follow with your usual breakfast cup of hot coffee or tea. Usually within thirty minutes you get prompt and effective relief and should begin to feel hright and re freshed again. Be sure to follow the simple easy directions. Now keep this up for 5 straight days— lust see if you too don’t discover whv thou sands have found hot water and Kruschen Salts so beneficial in relieving that dull con 1 stlpated’’out-of-sorts” headachy feeling. Get I Kruschen Salta today—at all drug stores. • TO ALL OUR READERS-FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Here at last Is a special low-cost, all-coverage policy with benefits up to (IJ0QJI bf death, $1500.00 for dismemberment. Hospital, Doctor and AmbnUnee Fee DaaafDa and even e $100.00 emergency allowance included far every policyholder, all aa paw vided for in your FREE policy. Read it m the privacy of youthcaaa. No obScadaw ICK CASH^SSSr".™ ever know when tragedy might strihe. A cd foots are mere ce—cattoaf Play safe. Let Independence Insuranc, give you quick cash to help pap those many Mb. No araiong period. Me nd tope. No delay* Mai ooepaa today. PREMIUM 1c A DAY • NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION Last year one person in essay 14 Was painfully disabled thru llrirll Wt an* know who 11 be nest. A whole year’s premium only $1.65—a penny a Say bto than one day's May m a hoepttal. No increase in rates. No donors* sambaactotoh Wa taka your word. No matter how eld or when yen weak, apply today. BIB, STRONG RELIABLE INSURANCE You deal direct—save agents’ commissions. Remember, there are thousands and thousands m U. S. Government Bonds back of Independence pobeks. Your regular full-sue pobey ■ »W YJr