WAITERS’ COLUMN — By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 The Pontenelle waiters are all ways out in front on service. ***** Tire White Horse Inn and the Regis Hotel waiters are up to the top notch on quick service. ***** The Hill Hotel waiters are tak ing care of the service in a very tine way. ***** Remember Your Loved Ones! WEAR THIS SMART, GENUINE, SOLID STERLING SILVER VICTORY PHOTO RING X^^X ' 1»** \ nwr/ Cwstom Mode Design with leowtihil Hand Colored Photo Dust-Proof, Water-Proof. Mode to Last Forever. Show you' loved one you haven’t forgotten by wearing this solid Sterling Silver Victory Photo Ring with that certain someone’s pic ture ortistically h end-col o rod. Every mon and woman on the war or home front should wear one. Made by Jewelry craftsmen with un breakable dome-shaped crysto* to withstand active use GUARANTEED FOR A LIFETIME I We w*H refinish and renew your ring at any time fer a flat service charge of 3S« to cover cost of handling and postage, providing oH ports ore returned SEND NO MONEY! Simply mail a cKc*c or ciear Qt snapshot which wii: be returned in good order Whe'' your Vic ♦on, Photo Nor.« pay 7„ inclmdtd the postman S3.vs p‘js o few cents postage. W» pay post Actual S7.59 oge on cosh orders Value Sand in a string with your finger measure for correct ring size FISK INDUSTRIES a. n. FISK mill othir 7CO w 57 ST , N. Y. C. real d:::oyery for HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressuri (Essential Hypertension) is usuallj marked by distressing symptom, such as dizziness, throbbing head aches, sleeplessness and nervous •ness. If disregarded, this may lea< to Heart Trouble, Stroke, Paralysis Hardening of the Arteries or Kid- j ney Trouble. Diamonex, discovers of a heart specialist, is designed tc quickly aid in the relief of thes< distressing symptoms. A Chicago resident says: “I suf fered from High Blood Pressure foi several years with increasingly severe throbbing headaches, dizzi ness and shortness of breath. 1 showed the Diamonex formula tc my doctor and. on his advice, triec the treatment for two weeks undei identical conditions as previous treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and dizzy spells were gone. My high blood pressure was reduced and I sleep fine.” Diamonex goes directly to work in three different ways to aid in the relief of these dangerous symp toms. Results are speedy—within as short a time as two weeks suf ferers often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75% of the total re duction possible with this formula. If you suffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIAMONEX without risking a penny. To intro duce this wonderful treatment to a million new sufferers this liberal trial offer is made for a limited time only. Send only $1.50 to the Diamonex Company, 318-A North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois for a full TWO weeks supply of genuine DIAMONEX. prepaid. Use Dia monex according to the simple di rections for only two weeks. If, at the end of that test period you are not delighted with results your money will be refunded immedi ately on request. There are no strings or conditions—you owe it to yourself to make this wonderful test at once. Write today as thi« offer is fully guaranteed. _ The Blackstone hotel waiters are very much out in front on taking very good care of the guest and Mr. Jones and Mr. Avant the streamlined room service men ar^ r.p to the minute at all times. Brother John Evans is top man jat the Rome Hotel. ***** Captain Bums improving in the i Veterans hospital at Lincoln. ***** The RR boys are up to the top dishing out service on wheels. ***** The Paxton hotel with the race horse headwaiter and Mr. Owens I | and Mr. Johnny Flemmings and the two Captains one from the Quaker State and one from the Lone Star State and the quick and fast step per from the razorback hog state, who is a great hunter who should go into training as from the infor mation we received a rabbit danced j a jig before he could get his gun [in action—Mr. Theodore Thomas ***** THE WEEK Highway crews tried to rescue 10 deer hunters near Puffer Lake, Utah. ***** 35 horses were rescued from a f:re in a burning carnival in 111. *•••• G-r.. C.remold made t'ue keynote speech at the waterways develop ing meeting in St. Lou's. ***** President Roosevelt promises or ganized labor a survey of living costs. ***** Ann Sheridan pin up boy un masked as a bogus hero. ***** Mr. Newt. Mr. Ridge the music ian head waiter and H. W. Smith have a very friendly visit in a northside business house. ***** Do you read the Omaha Guide? If not, why not? **♦**_ The torch of the Statue of T.ib ertv will shine briefly on. ***** < A culf from the world’s largest, cotton plantation will be sent to Governor Griswold in Nebraska. ***** Smokes fund will close Sunday nears $1,000 mark. ***** IT. S. Senator Caraway of Ark ansas plans to ask the war dena-t ment to investigate the dispos.-il of supius constructive material at Pine Bluffs, Arkansas. ***** Seven year old Francis Archietra died in a snow storm near Re k Springs. Wyo. ***** A street car jumped the track in | Omaha Saturday morning and struck a parked auto. ***** Wednesday October 27 was ob served as Navy day which was cel- J ebrated in honor of Theodore Roosevelt. ***** Easton, Pa., gas works destroyed Gen. Repairing Motor Tuna-lip HENDERSON CASINO GARAGE Body and Fender Work Battery, Etc. RES. rHONE H A. 3126 N. E. Corner 24th & Grant S*. BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT. the pleasant tastmg chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next rooming—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT — a whole family supply costs only 10<. 1 THK WORLD’S GREATEST SCIENTIST— $3-5© POSTPAID. SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST OF BOOKS OF. .AND ABOUT BY BLACK PEOPLE. Combination Distributing Co., 139 West 125th St-, New York, (27) New York. Women more than men apt to suffer SIMPLE ANEMIA If Weakened From Lack of Iron Due to “Monthly Losses” you girls and women who suffer from simple anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods that you feel tired, weak, ‘’dragged out”—due to low blood-iron— Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham's Compound TABLETS (with added iron >. Pink ham’s Tablets is one of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buy to help build up red blood to give more strength and to promote a more refreshed and robust blood stream—in such cases. Taken as directed—Pinkham’s Tab lets is one of the very best and quick est home ways to get precious iron into the blood. Just try Pink ham’s Tablets faithfully for /J at least 30 days. Then see if you, too, don’t remarkably benefit. Follow label direc- • tions. Well worth trying. • MILITARY ORDER OF GUARDS GIRLIES Chicago—It’s the fashion for the duration.” explained these young alert and charming members. They are, left to right, Corp. Evelyn McCarroll, Company Clerk of the MOG's.; 22 the daughter of Mrs. Lorraine McCarroll, 6715 Champ lain Ave.. Sgt. I>elores Whitfield. Platoon Sergeant, the 17 year o’d daughter of Mrs. Ida Whitfield. 6117 Indiana Ave., and Sgt. Mattye Watson, Platoon Sergeant the 18 year old daughter of Mrs. Cleo Watson, 5941 Calumet Ave.. Gen. Frank Stewart is the Commander in Chief of the Military Order of Guards, with offices at 5536 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, with a member ship of several thousands. (Press Photo Service.) ______I by fire Sunday October 24. ***** Sponsors of the Anti-poll tax bill expect seme amendments to develop and Senator Bilbo of Miss, is ready to oppose it. • •••* Five hundred women began a city wide drive for the Community Chest war fund Monday Oct. 25th. ***** Harrison B. Spangler Sunday as sured the Republicans they would win the 1944 election. ***** Every American soldier arriving in England is welcomed by Prims Minister Churchill. ***** Take out a membership in tlu ] NAACP TODAY! ***** Donald Knapp, Wayne Watson and Francis Colgan were injured Sunday morning when their tar went out of control and struct: a steel pole at 16th and Lothrop St. ***** Walkout at the Bethlehem Fair field shipyard at Baltimore delay ed the launching of three ships. ***** Post war planners foresee for demobilization of forces at t rati of one million a year after th-' war ***** Three thousand children haw been made homeless in N. Y.. health commissioner Earnest L. Stebbins said. ***** John D. Rockefeller Jr., has giv en three hundred thousand dollars to the war fund. ***** Shipyard workers at the Ka-scr Tanker Shipyard works in Port land. Oregon listen to a sermon wMle eating lunch. ***** Mrs. Patricia Burton Lonergan was found dead in a hotel in New York. Police said she had been dead 12 hours. ***** Omaha live stock receipts acre totaled 78,806 on Monday Oct. 2a. Secy Morgenthau returns home sees tough job ahead. ***** Colored messtnan downs two planes somewhere in Pacific. ***** Seventeen good conduct mednis were awarded to the enlisted per sonnel of the 704 maintenance to. aviation at the Columbus, S. C. air base. ***** Walter White executive secy of the XAACP visits Berkley. CaIlf., and has plans made to fly to the war front. ***** Read the Omaha Guide for news ***** A very lovely service sponsored ; by the ministerial alliance au-l in stalling officers for 1943 and -1944 and an appreciation program hon oring Father Stamms and Rev. L. A. Story for their beautiful brother lv services during their stay ;n O maha and the outstanding fellow ship of their actions and we aU shall forever think kindly of them and hepe and pray for their suc cess at all times. ***** Morning services at Clair Chape! Sunday October 24 were in honor of the mothers of the Church and Rev. C. C. Reynolds preache 1 a wonderful sermon and had all of .he congregation consecrate them selves to the Lord. Everyone en joyed the services. ***** The following persons attended “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBEE SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST morning services at Clair chapel October 24th. Mr. Henry Dennings. Mrs. L. Connor. Mrs. Celeas Lacy, Mrs. Hickman of Omaha. Rev and Mrs. D. Lacy, Miss Mary Lacey, of Hastings, Nebraska. PAL GOES TO BAT FOR CANADA LEE It’s a friend indeed who will temporarily give up his own movie career to be a stand-in for a pal. But Joel Fluellen answers the des cription. Joel is one of the handsomest Negro boys who ever hit Holly wood. Tall, well-built, with finely mouded features, he arrived in 1939 as a baritone in the Hall John son choir. Before that, he had been a student at the University of Southern California and an act or and singer in little theatres in Chicago. He hasn't had a solo chance on the screen yet, but he has been in demand ever since his arrival for even.- picture featuring Xvg-o singers. He has made good living for five years. Two months ago. Director Alfred Hitchcock imported Canada Lee, the sensational young Negro actor, from Broadway for an important role in “Lifeboat" at 20th Century Fox. Caupda had never made a picture before and knew no one L> Hollywood—except Joel. They had been friends in the East. To help Canada Lee feel at home on a movi eset and help him learn the Hollywood ropes, Joel turned down a singing job and volunteer ed to be his stand-in for the one picture. Since then, he has turned down two more singing jobs, not to men tion an acting job—and what he wants to do is act. “Sure, it’s costing me plenty, be ing a stand-in,’’ he says. “But I can’t let down a pal.’’ NOTICE TO THE JAPS - (BY .n un s E. HILLl "When you dropped bombs on Pearl harbor. In such a cowardly way, Japs you really started something And for it we’ll make you pay. We can’t do it in a hurry,— Maybe not within a year,— But as sure as there's a Heaven You’ll get yours with some to spare. We have mustered all resources That will help to wear you down. Until helplessly defeated, You lie bleeding on the ground. We will fight you tooth and toe nail. Fight you until we have won. Fight until the Allied banne'-s Supplant your’s—the ’Rising Sun.' And to you we'll not give quarters Why should we?—You never do: All you’ll get will be a tann-.ng, And a mighty good one too. For we can’t forget our pilots That you killed so ruthlessly, Nor civilians you have tortured— All your base brutality. We have taken time to tell you So you'll know what to expect. Knowing though, won’t help you any: You’ll still get it in the neck. Just like Hitler will get it His fate is to be your lot. And you simply can’t prevent it. Japan, you are on the spot: PRAISES NEBRASKA’S WAR. TIME FOOD PRODUCTION EFFORT : from Page 1) Alva Clark. 4613 S. 22nd: Mary Clark, 4502 S. 42nd: Le- Draper. ! 4332 S. 21st: John Dross, Route 5: i John W. Fennell, 5209 S. 22nd: } Claude R. Furnas. 4413 So. 27th:! Jerry Caskill, 4418 S. 12th: M. Our- j Up. 6604 S. 27th: Mike GraziS, 2907 j Q: Hugo K. Grimm, 4742 8. 19th: j Henry Gubi. 4213 Grand; Harry '■ Hallowe'en Traditions Make Happy Focus for Thrifty Wartime Party Y1THEN the old witch unleashes v» her black cat and goes forth to Join the revelry on Hallowe’en, It’s time for good friends to foregather for a little refreshing fun and frolic. The traditional stunts of fortune telling and apple bobbing provide amusing and thrifty war time diversion for guests of all ages. It’s easy to give an eerie tone to the simplest refreshments if you let a tiny witch and her favor ite pussy stand guard. Doughnuts, apples, nuts and raisins make a tempting snack, co-starred with a spicy, frothy Witches' Brew, made of decaffeinated coffee so your guests can all relax over sec ond helps without counting spooks and hobgoblins from their pillows later on. And be sure to remem ber that decaffeinated brew needs slightly longer “perking” to bring out its rich coffee flavor. Black cat and witch cutouts on mugs or cups work like magic in stepping up the ghostly atmosphere of an All Saints’ Eve party. You can make toothsome little Jack-o'-Lanterns from the dough that comes out of the hole of the doughnut. Mark eyes, nose and mouth with frosting. Cinnamon Coffee Froth 1 cup evaporated milk % teaspoon vanilla Cinnamon 4 cups freshly made, hot decaffeinated coffee Chill evaporated milk thoroughly. Then whip rapidly nntil stiff. Add vanilla. Place In serving cups, fill ing half full. Sprinkle with cinna mon. Fill cups with coffee. Makes 8 servings. Witches’ Doughnuts 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder U teaspoon salt *s teaspoon nutmeg li. cup sugar 1 egg. well beaten M teaspoon lemon extract 1 tablespoon melted butter Of other shortening cup milk Sift flour once, measure, add bak ing powder. Balt, and nutmeg, and sift together three times. Add sugar to egg, beating thoroughly; then lemon extract and shortening. Add flour, alternately with milk, mixing well after each addition. Knead lightly on lightly floored board. Roll % inch thick. Cut with i floured 1%-inch doughnut cutter. Fry in deep fat (385°F.) until gol den brown, turning frequently. Drain on unglazed paper. Sugar if desired. Makes 2 dozen small doughnuts. Victory Vegetable Plate Make the most of your homegrown vegetables • Calling all Victory gardeners! Want to keep the tempting good ness of your fresh-pulled vege tables? Want to enjoy the thrill of serving your family young, tender homegrown vegetables cooked so that you get all the fine, juicy fla vors? Then follow the five simDle cooking rules, given below. Better post them on the kitchen wall! And here’s a V-5 vegetable plate that’s not only satisfying and nu tritious, but is a delicious pinch hitter for a meat meal. Try it today —you’ll be helping yourself, and also your country, when you make the most of your vegetables. Victory Vegetable Plate Arrange servings of the following delicious vegetables on dinner plates (quantities for four husky servings). Spinach with Poached Egg. Wash 3 pounds spinach well in several wa ters and remove root ends. Melt 2 tablespoons Spry in large kettle and add spinach with only the wa ter that clings to the leaves. Add salt, cover, and cook 10 minutes. Drain well. Serve with a poached egg on top. Tomatoes. Slice ripe tomatoes in thirds, brush with melted Spry, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and broil until lightly browned on top. Green Beans. Wash beans and cut across each bean diagonally to make diamond-shaped pieces. Cook according to the Rules for Cooking Vegetables. Carrots. Cut carrots in paper-thin slices lengthwise. Chill in ice-water until they are curled and crisp. Drain thoroughly. Mexican Corn S tablespoons Spry Dash of pepper £ cnps fresh green 2 tablespoons green corn, cut from cob pepper, finely 1 teaspoon salt chopped 2 tablespoons pimiento. finely chopped Melt Spry. Add corn, salt, pepper and green pepper. Cook, uncovered, over medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add pimiento. Serves 4. Canned whole corn ker nels can be used, if desired. Rules for Cooking Vegetables t. Cook vegetables in a very small amount of water, in a tightly cov ered saucepan, until just tender. 2. Add about % teaspoon salt per cup of boiling water. 3. Bring to a boil quickly, then re duce heat and boil gently. 4. During the last few minutes of cooking, add the same amount of Spry that you would of butter, and additional salt and pepper if de sired. 5. Stir gently to distribute the Spry evenly through the vegetables. Pure, bland Spry enhances the eating quality—reveals the true vegetable flavor. W. Harris. 6544 Spencer; James C. Harris, 2887 Corby; Herbert Heav ey, Ralston. Xebr.; Ludwig Hell ing, 4740 Q; Harold Higgins, 2316 Xorth 50th: Leo Hellinger, 5012 S. 46th: Thorwald Jacobsen, 1095 S. 51st St.. Emanuel Johnson, 1901 Missouri: Fred Kaiser, 2509 Olive; A1 Kempnich. 3952 Q; R Langlidne Bellevue, Nebraska; Wn. Larabej, 5818 X.: Orville Lewis, 1221 4th Council Bluffs: R. S. McC'.ung. 5640 Western: Pete Magaza. 2621 East Locust: Everett Meyers Route 5; Ernest Mintle, 5106 S. 37th: Stan ley M.xan, 6017 S. 36th: Zeke Mul ski, 3019 Valley; Ed Howicki, 4951 S. 37th; Elmer Howling. 2606 Sew ard; Ray Ott, 2808 S. 33rd: Arthur L. Owens. 5222 S. 30th; Russell Payne, Plattsmouth; W. L. Pear- : son, 6543 Bedford; Olga Pochop, 28th and Chandler Road; John Ra dii. Jr., 3610 U; Floyd Roach, 5S17 X. 29th; Ida Rogers, 4435 S. 21st; Arnold Roth, 3113 S. 22nd; X. J. Sebesta, Ralston: J A. Simoons, 4128 Y: Xoah Tangeman, 4532 P; Lester Tinnin, 2037 X. 21st; Helen Tomasiewicz, 4524 S. 27th; Joe Vaccara, 1223 S. 14th: Harold Wa thcn. 2213 S. 15tt; L D. Watson, NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUH SHOES Other People Do. ■MMWWnpfipppPI The NICHOLAS’ DANCING DAUGHTER? Los Angeles-^-Pictured above is Mrs. Harold Nicholas and baby Harolyn Suzanne, the six weeks' old daughter of one of America's most popular dancing couples. This is the f.rst published photograph of haby Harolyn. whose mother the former Dorothy Dandridge, co starred in the “Hit Parade of 1943" and a number of other screen hits. The baby’s father, Harold and hi1 brother Fayard. made their la«=t “flicker” with the screening oi “Stormy Weather.” The popular dancing team's career was recently nterrupted when Fayard was in ducted into the armed forces and is now stationed at Fort Huachuca. Harold is debating with himself 4418 S. 18th; Arlene Woodenb vg, 2713 S. 19th; W. Zaras, 3103 Hask all: L. Zauner, 4315 S. 25th; Anton Zelinger, 6039 S. 39th. UNITED WAR COMMUNITY F | GIVE... and thank God you can whether or not his wife, Dorothy is to return to the stage an»t screen. (Press Photo Pcrv.e I s 1 "Lassie Come Home" is a great book from the full heart and gifted pen of the I late Enc Knight. ★ ★ ★ ★ ! "Lassie Come Home” is also a great mo tion picture from the studios of M-G-M. Proving again that “Great Books Make Great Pictures”. ★ ★ ★ ★ “Lassie” is a moving, stirring story about a boy and his dog and the people, rich and poor, great and small, who move in and out of their lives. ★ * ★ ★ It’s filmed in glorious Technicolor and, besides, it has an extra glow. ★ ★ ★ ★ | Because it’s enriched with the delightful, good things of life, the genuine spirit of real, helievable people, the exctonents, the laughter, the emotions and tragedies ■ that add up to the adventure of living ! and loving. it it it it Speaking of adventure, there’s a 1000 mile journey pictured in this film which i you will never forget. ★ ★ ★ ★ "Lassie" is running at Radio City Music Hall now. ★ ★ it it With audiences waiting in line to share in the wonderful experience this motion picture brings to all who see it. ir it it it , With critics lined up too, to give this | picture universal praise. * * * * Other praise given to “Lassie” includes it; being cho-en by REDROOK MAG AZINE as “The Pictureof the Month”, TT W TT TT Watch for "Lassie Come f Home" at your theatre L —we promise you it will ■ ' indeed come home to your heart. -1m P.S. 'They” don't stop fight.: g. You | shouldn’t stop buying Bonds. CLAUDIA thrilled millions os a stage hit, in Red Book Magazine, as a best-selling book and on the air! Now she's in a grand motion picture with wonderful new-star DOROTHY McGUIRE, ROBERT YOUNG and INA CLAIRE! * * * r SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY is the sweetest story ever told to music and it has Sweet BETTY (Oh!) GRABLE, ROBERT YOUNG and ADOLPHE MENJOU! (It's the MY HEART l SL TELLS ME musical!) i JANE EYRE is on the woy! $ Do You Want LONGER [ HERE IS EVIDENCE TO PROVtTHAT A LOOM SCALP. PREE OP DANDRUPT AND HAIR DESTROYING GERMS CROWS GOVG BEAl-riEUUSTRAIGHT GLOSSY HAB. Hair Looks Longer in 7 Days! IT TAKES JUST SEVEN DATS TO PROVE WITH MDH. PAULINE LAWSON'S NEW DISCOVERY 1-WAY HAB AND SCALP REJUVDIA TOR THAT YOU CAN OVER. COME TIGHT DRY-ITCHY SCALP. DANDRUFF GERMS AND FALLING HAB" AND WATCH TOUR HAB GROW. Mine. Lawson's 3-way iejoremctr consisting or I-DANDRUFF ERADICATOR - SLSB LHOT OIL SCALP STIMULATOR - SLSS I-NX-GRO HAB CULTIVATOR__ - - HO TOTAL VALUE-SUM •pedal 90 dayt Trial |af»ly ILOO SEND NO MONTY PAY THE rOSTMAN SLAB PLUS A PEW CTS POSTAGE. TRY IT M-DAYS W MOT UTR PIED RETURN THE UNUSED AMOUNT AND CRT YOUR MONEY SEND NOW TODAY TO... Mffle Pauline law—, Bn 1851, Hallyw>N, Calif.