i 5c worth/ -Good Min' /justices EQuAunr LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF K ANSAS CITY —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post Office, Omaha, Nebraska Saturday, October 30, 1943 OUR 16th YEAR—No. 38 City Edition, 5c Copy Under Act of March 8, 18i4—Business Phone: WE. 1517 ___*........ Dies in Berkley, Calif. ■ MRS. BETTY JEAN JACOBS Omaha friends and relatives ■were greatly hurt and shocked r*hen word was received here of the death of Mrs. Betty Jean Jacobs formerly Betty Jean James, well known here in social circles and the daughter of Air, and Mrs. M. C. James former residents. and who now reside at 2410 Telegraph street. Berkley, California. Betty Jean as she was affection ately known to her Omaha friend; •died Tuesday. October 15, 194.1 of last week at Berkley, California where she resided with her husb and. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, Mr. Jacobs, mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. James, brother Maroney, Sister Mrs Edna James Johnson, all of Berkley, brother Clinton, and sis ter. Mrs. Billy Nelson, both of Al liance, Nebraska. Funeral services were held for Mrs. Betty Jean Jacobs, last Fri day, October 22. with burial 3t Berkley. California. Praises Nehr.’s War-time Food Production Effort Nebraska's contribution to the nat on's wartime food production effort was praised by John Holmes of Chicago, president of Swift and Company, in a speech at Omaha Ot> Auditorium. Holmes sounded the keynote of ceremonies at which awards toll ing approximately 12.000 were pic-J sented to €2 Swift employees in 6- 1 maha who have most recently sub mitted suggestions to improve the company's wartime food manufac turing and distributing efficiency. He declared that the initiative and intelligence of free American industrial employes provides an effective “secret weapon” in this war. ‘‘We employes make a direct con tribution to the war effort when we utilize the skill and knowledge we possess to the fullest degree and when we think constructively a bout the jobs we are doing," he said “We should ask ourselves how the yob can be done batter, safer and with less waste. Thous ands cf employes throughout the organization attentive to their jobs and thinking construrtively about tho«c jobs provide a great secret weapon which cannot be ov er-estimated.” I implicate ceremonies were held in the afternoon and evening in or der to accommodate 8,000 persons, double the auditorium’s seating capacity. The affair took the place of an outdoor event at which Sir Holmes was scheduled to speak September 12 but which was post poned because of the weather. Other speakers included Mayer Dan B. Butler, Lieut. Col. Mayo A. Darling of the Seventh Service Command. E T. Rainey. Switt, manager in Omaha and G. H. Ryd man. Supt. Top award of $745 went to Rob ert Tennant, now in the army. Tennant, who was unable to be present, had submitted a suggestion to change the method of handling hams. Floyd Roach 5817 North 29th. got $245 for an idea to im prove the sliced bacon press tor canning and R. S. McClung 5640 Western, received $150 for an im provement in the chunk bacon de partment. Five women. Mary Clark, 4502 South 42nd, Olga Po chop. 28th and Chandler Road. Ida Rogers. 4435 South 21st. Helen Tomasiewicz, 4521 South 27th and Arlene Woodenberg, 2 V i 3 Sooth 19th. were among the award win ners. Rainey told employes their part icipation in the company x 17 year ^ School Aid Bill To Aid in Barring Discrimination Killed Open House THE STORYS WILL HOLD OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Cleaves Temple CME. church at 25th and Decatur streets, will hold open house between five and seven o’clock Sunday at the church in order to give friends of Rev. and Mrs. Story a chance to say goodbye to them. Rev. Story is leaving to take a new charge in Nashville, Tenn. Singers... DESMOIXES GOSPEL SINGERS TO APPEAR HERE Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Fields' Gos pel Singers of Desmoines, Iowa, will appear at Pleasant Green Bap tist Church, November 2-3-4. Como out and hear and enjoy a gospel feast. Free will offering. Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor, Mrs. Marie Alford. Sponsor. ==———, .- - .—~= old suggestion plan is now break ing all previous records. More than 600 ideas have been submit ted this year. He said 670 employ- j es are now in the armed services. A feature of the Sunday cerem onies was a narration in which 50 employes participated expla.ning the varioush functions of the com pany. Community s>nging led by •'Billy" Meyers and a stag- show with Lyle De Moss master of cere monies followed the formal prog ram. Holmes said that "today, more than ever, we need moiv suggest ions and more ideas to solve the many new problems which are con fronting us. Each of us in his own job can help the total pro gram. Every ounce of alible pro duct. which because of any care lessness on our part, is wasted lor i food, is a definite detraction from I our country’s ab.lity to win the ! war. Our opportunity to fight lcr freedom is in the prevention and elimination of waste.” Award winners at Swift and Co., suggestion ceremonies: Milton Anderson. 4216 S. 17th. Frank Armbrust, 5306 S. 30th; Harry Barker. 826 N. 42>*d: L. C. Bauer, 1715 S. 26th: M. Bonacci, 4812 N 42nd: Harold N lluseher. 1924 S. 36th; Walter Byers. 4524 S. 16th: Carl Carlsen. 5061 S. 69th; Wallace W. Carlson, 5137 S. 56th: (Continued page 3) NOTICE—HOLLYWOOD WANTS 1,000 WOMEN TO TRY MME. LAWSON’S NEW DISCOVERY 3-Way Hair and Scalp Rejuven ator. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE (3) THREE. FOOTBALL... Army Style Bureau of Public Relations. U 8. War Department PANTHER ACES - Here ire the mainstays of the Panther football team of the Service Battalion, Third Student Training Regiment, Fort Benning Georgia. All backfield men, the soldiers, are left to right. Private First Class Geo’-ge McC'.oude, Corporal Henry Kennedy and Private Charles Powell. Of the trio, Kennedy is probably the most experienced gridder. Son of Edward Kennedy, 1102 Valence Street, New Orleans, he played fo< tball at Xavier and Dillard universities. MeCloude’s home is in Linden, New Jersey, while Powell lists his civilian address as New York City. (Photo by U. S. Army Signal Corps). Negro Townspeople Help Harvest Vital War Crops Mayor of Detroit Challenges Vote of Negro, Labor JEFFRIES CHARGES RIVAL ( PROMISED BI-RACE HOUSING Detroit,—In a series of campaign speeches last week, including an address over Radio Station WWJ, Mayor Jeffries of Detroit charged his opponent, Frank FitzGerald, with promising bi-racial housing to Detroit Negroes. "My administration on my insist ence.” Jeffries asserted, ".said no to a demand that Negroes be allow ed to move into every white hous ing project in this city. "The Negroes of Detroit, in the primary, voted against me almost unanimously. I take it, therefore,; that my opponent must have prom ised to make mixed housing the policy of his administration if el ected.” Earlier in his radio address, Jef fries quoted from the minutes of meetings in which CIO leaders ad vocated mixed housing. READS MINUTES "I saw this in the minutes— the official record." the mayor said, "a statement of Emil Mazey, an. official of the Briggs local of the UAW-CIO. He said: "The best thing to do is to put into effect bi racial occupancy of all housing in Detroit.” "Frank Winn, representing Ford Local 00 of the UAW-CIO, said: "We had people here last week who stated our position in favor of bi-racial occupancy. That is sti'l our position.” "However, the same union -spokes men who advocated bi-racial hous ing are attempting to sell my op ponent to the voters. "Whether such statements re flect the view of the rank and file I do not know to a certainty. But. certainly, from the protests I have heard from hundreds of union men. I do not believe it reflects their views, their wishes, their de sires or their beliefs. CRITICIZES NAACP ‘ Neither do 1 think the radical Negro leaders of the NAACP strip* are helping their own people. "There .is much that the Negro people have a right to hope for and aspire to. Those things, how ever. cannot be accomplished bj the edict of any mayor, no matter who he may be. The cam! da.e who makes such promises knows they cannot be fulfilled. Jeffries also listed the local .ons of the 15 white housing projects which he charge dwould have been thrown open for Negro occupancy had the CIO leaders opposing him had their way. The mayor appeared also last week night at Diamond Lodge, IOOF. Grand River at Lwaton: Or der of Eastern Star, 80 W. Alexand rine; the Municipal Employes' As sociation at Hotel Webster Hall and the Postwar Peace Planning i Council in the main auditorium of the Rackham Building. The last was not a political speech. — EDITOR RECEIVES REPLY ON ALTON LEVY CASE WAR DEPARTMENT The Adjutant General’s Office Washington In reply refer to AG 201 Levy, Alton I. (11 Oct. 43) PE-A. 21 October 194.1. Mr. C. C. Galloway, 2420 Grant Street, imaha, Nebraska Dear Mr. Galloway: Your telegram of 11 October 1943 addressed to the President regard ing Alton I. Levy has been re ferred to the War Department for reply. There will be gome delay while v --- “BADOGLIO, XO!” P" ' Addis Ababa (Special to this news, paper) With the Jury of a lion Em peror Haile Selassie, last week in a thunderous voice bitterly con demned the idea and refused the co-belligerent status granted by the Allies to Marshal P.estro Bad aglio. now head of the Italian Gov ernment. The Emperor declared that he did not choose to ever deal with such a treacherous Marshal), who once unmercifully gassed thousands of his countrymen. Press Photo Service.) the necessary data on which to base a full reply are beung secur ed. Very truly yours. J. A. CLIO, Major General The Adjutant General. ROSENWALD FUND ANNOUNCES ’44 FELLOWSHIPS Chicago, Oct. 26 (ANP) The Julius Rosenwald fund has fixed Jan. 3. 1944 as the closing date for sub mitting blanks for fellowships ac cording to Mrs. William C. Hav gond. acting director of fellowships. Rosenwald fellowships are in tended to provide opportunities for special experience or advanced study to individuals who have giv en evidence of exceptional ability and who wish to prepare further. Candidates must show exceptional records of accomplishment and definite plans for further prepara tion for dist nctive service. The fellowships are open to sci entists. and persons interested in creative writing or journalism, ed ucation. agriculture, business or public service. They are open to men and women between the ages o f24-"5 years, though the commit tee will consider very exceptional cases on their merits. Candidates must have completed their genera! college or general professional course before making application, or give evidence of maturity and $ Washington. Oct. 25 (ANP) Negro townspeople in the south are playing an important role in the harvest of vital war crops, ac cording to reports received by the IT. S. Department of Agriculture. Aware of the farm labor shortage t thousands of urban residents, some with farm experience and some without it. have volunteered to help save food and feed crops. In some areas these volunteers arrive just in the nick of time to prevent the rottening of crops in the fields. In Georgia, they help ed save a peanut crop, in Tenne ssee .they rescued several acres of tobacco, in Virginia and North Carolina, they saved important food crops and in Alabama and Missis s.ppi, they have helped assure ad' quate supplies of high grade, long staple cotton for the man ufactoi e of war goods. Negro ministers and teachers have been an important force ;n mobilizing town and city folks for the harvest. In one area of North Carolina 46 churches observed, what they called “Harvesting Sun day". During the week following the special Sunday Service, minis ters led their communicants into the fields to help relieve the acute labor shortage. S milar moves were carried out in most of the southern states. One of the most outstanding jobs was : me in Nashville where all of the churches joined hands to help re cruit tobacco workers. Georgia approasOied tht labor problem both through the ministers an dteachers and also through paid recruiters. In one county 16 Ne gro recruiters volunteered. Within a short time they had recruited 700 workers for the peanut and cotton harvest. In a single day their recruits put up 11,000 stacks of peanuts and picked 50,000 lbs or nearly 35 bales of cotton. One of the townsmen. John H. Morgan, carpenter, laid aside h’s tools for a day and joined the vol unteer harvesters. By nightfall had set a record for the county by shaking and putting up 80 stacks of peanuts. The average workerp uts Up between 10 and 15 stacks a day. Mrogan’s 80 stacks netted him $20. an amount he sel dom earns per day with his saw and hammer. Another of the Georgia volun teers was Mrs. Mabel Barnun, a business woman of Americus, who recruited 40 workers. While most of her recruits joined the peanut harvesters, she took the othres and went t° a cotton field. In a s ngle day she and her little group picked nearly two bales of cotton. Officials in the department of agriculture declared that the 'vork of these volunteer harvesters has been an important factor in this farm production. They point out that increasingly urban residents must volunteer for farm jobs dur ing peak seasons if our war effort is not to lag on this front. preparation which may be regard J as the equivalent of a general ed ucation of at least college stand ard. The term of the fellowships will normally be one year; the awards will average $1,500 for a ful year’s work. Blanks may be secured from Mr.-. William C. Haygood. acting direc tor for fellowships, Julius Iiosen wald fund, 4901 Ellis Ave.. Chicago (15). 111. Visits Here .MRS. MARY M. DUNCAN Mrs. Mary M. Duncan, formeriy of Omaha, now living in Portland, Oregon, was a visitor in our citv the week of October 18th. She was the house guest of her sister Mrs. Johnny Owen and shared her stay with Mrs. L. B.H ouston. She was returning home from Louis ville, Kentucky, where she writ as a delegate to the National A1IE. Convention. While in Louisville, Mrs. Duncan was highly entertain ed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry- L. An derson formerly of Omaha. She stopped in Chicago with a sister, Mrs. John Mitchem. 6215 St. Law rence street, where they held a family reunion of four sisters, M“ I George RiKMu *fc, Mrs. Ski. - Tuddle and a nephew and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley. Mrs. Duncan will stop in Denver Los Angeles and then to San Fran ■ cisco to visit her children Miss Mary Ella Duncan and Terry E. Duncan. 1334 A. Scott street and there be joined by- her husband, Clem Duncan, who is running as Chef cook on the Southern Pacific out of Portland. Oregon and then she will return to Portland. Mrs. Duncan is now employed at the Northwest Enterprize and has been for the last seven years. When Mrs. Duncan lived in Omaha she was employed as editor of tn ChUrch Page for the Omaha Guide. She was a member of St. John A ME. Church and served as a board member of the Northside YWCA. She was a loyal supporter of the NAACP. She could be counted on in line with all community, civic, religious and fraternal activities. She was one of the few you never heard anyone say nothing but. something sweet about. While in the city she visited the Omaha Guide and was amazed at the growth of the Omaha Guide Print ing plant. She left Monday even ing October 25th. WAR DADS... TO ORGANIZE AMERICAN WAR DADS NOV. 4TH. THl RS American War Dads will be or ganized at the Salem Baptist chur ch, 28th and Decatur street Thurs day night. Nov. 4th at 8 pm One of the national leaders will be pres ent to explain four purpose of the organization which is as follows: To back our sons and daughters who are fighting for freedom and Ustice: Tt promtoe service on the. home front: To help win the war: To aid our sons and daughters in their employment needs and their rehabilitation program after the duration. Every loyal patriotic race loving citizen is urge to be present. This meeting will be held. Under the auspices of the Men Layn -n of Salem Baptist church. B. S Sutton, Pres., C. G, Wat ikins. Secy. Rev. W, E. Fort. Pastor AfC. to Hold War-time Food Classes.. for busy housewife 17th and Harney streets. These will be life-savers to the Omalia EVER! THIRS. EVENING free classes are to be conducted by woman beset by mea problems. AT 8:00 O CLOCK Martha Bohlscn and Marion Mac- Rem mber the time: Thursday at Donald of the Nebraska Power 8:00 P. M. The place is the Elec A special wartime food class for Company home service department, trie Building. 17th and Harney,