HITCHCOCK, DIRECTOR IN “LIFEBOAT' FILM WITH CANADA LEF. Hollywood, (IPS)—Director AI | fred Hi: he' rk will be in “Life boat” after all. The maestro of suspense has al ways managed to get a flash of his rotund form in each of his fa trademark. But it looked as if he had squeezed himself out of this new one, now in the miking at 20th Century Fox. The entir drama takes place in a lifeboat adrift in mid-Atlantic. BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Fueling like you lost your best friend — hmdarhy — dull—ail because erf sluggish bow els? Why p-t up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT the pieasaot tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family Mb cost* arIv irw REAL DISCOVERY FOE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressure (Essential Hypertension) is usuallj marked by distressing Bymptomi such as dizziness, throbbing head, aches, sleeplessness and nervous ness. If disregarded, this may lea< to Heart Trouble, Stroke, Paralysis 9- Hardening of the Arteries or Kid ney Trouble. Diamonex, discover] of a heart specialist, is designed tc quickly aid in the relief of thes« distressing symptoms. Aboard are only nine people—six men and three women. There is no room for a stowaway. Espe cially a corpulent one. Hitchcock, however, has ingeni ously solved the difficulty. One of the nine passengers is an injured sailor, played by William Bendix. who, just before his ship went down, was on deck duty. Fcr warmth, he had a newspaper wrapped around him under his pea jacket. In the lifeboat, he un wraps the newspaper and, when | it dries out, he picks it up and reads it. As he does so ,the camera gets a glimpse of the back page, on which there is a three-column ad i for “Redueo,” the sensational new obesity-slayer. The ad features “Before” and "After” photos of a 300 pound gent who, by the timely use of “Redueo,” is now down 1 to a mere 200. The deflated one, both before and j after, is none than Alfred Hitch cock. Steinbeck Wrote Story What happens in a lifeb r adrift at sea? What kind of people might be found in such a boat? What do they do while awaiting rescue? What happens? What could happen? Director Alfred Hitcheock. Hol lywood's maestro of suspense, maker of such pictures as “The Lady Vanishes.” “Rebecca” and “Shadow of a Doubt,” began ask ing himself these questions about a year ago. He was fascinated by newspaper accounts of people who , had survived ship sinkings, living for days in lifeboats. A Chicago resident says: “1 suf fered from High Blood Pressure fo> several years with increasingly severe throbbing headaches, dizzi ness and shortness of breath. 1 showed the Diamonex formula tc my doctor and. on his advice, triec the treatment for two weeks undei identical conditions as previous treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and diz2y spells were gone. My high blood pressure was reduced and I sleep fine.” Diamonex goes directly to work in three different ways to aid in the relief of these dangerous symp toms. Results are speedy—within as short a time as two weeks suf ferers often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75 of the total re duction possible with this formula. If you suffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIAMONEX without risking a penny. To intro duce this wonderful treatment to a million new sufferers this liberal trial offer is made for a limited time only. Send only $1.50 to the Diamonex Company, 318-A North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois for a full TWO weeks supply of genuine DIAMONEX. prepaid. Use Dia monex according to the simple di rections for only two weeks. If, at the end of that test period you are not delighted with results your money will be refunded immedi ately on request. There are no strings or conditions—you owe it to yourself to make this wonderful test at once. Write today as this offer is fully guaranteed He asked himself: “Womant there be suspenseful drama in a story of a small group of people,: all strangers to each other, forced j to share a lifeboat for days on end?’T He had just joined 2;>th Century Fox and was looking for an unusual I screen story, one that would be a challenge. He broached his life | beat idea to Producer Kenneth Mae eowan—who is tall and thin, Hitchcock’s opposite in appear ance, but. like Hiteheock, is temp ted by a challenge. Maegowan waxed enthusiastic about the idea. The next step was to find a writer capable of spinning the idea into an exciting, convincing story. Wi.h the courage of enthusiasts, they approached novelist Jack Stein ■ seek, author of such powerful, realistic stories as “The Grapes of Wrath” and “The Moon Is Gen. Repairing Motor Tuno-u.j HENDERSON CASINO GARAGE Body and Fender Work Battery. Etc. RES. PHONE HA. 3156 V E. Corner 24th £ Grant Si. ►e man 0 vwjtwii m KjmmM THE WORLD S GREATEST SCIENTIST— 53.50 POSTPAID. SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST OF BOOKS OF, AND ABOUT BY BLACK PEOPLE. Combination Distributing Co.. 139 West 125th St, New York, (27) New York. --—-----— ^ Women more than men f. apt to suffer SIMPLE ANEMIA If Weakened From Lack of Iron Due to “Monthly Losses” 10U gins ana women who suffer from simple anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods that you feel tired, weak, “dragged out"—due to low Mood-iron— Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham's Compound TABLETS (with added iron. . Pinkham's Tablets is one of the greatest Mood-iron tnnio* you can buy to help build up red blood to give more strength and to promote a . i more refreshed and robust blood stream—in such cases. Taken as directed—Pinkham's Tab lets is one of the very best and quick est home ways to get precious iron into the blood. Just try Pink ham's Tablets faithfully for Xjj at least 30 days. Then see if you, too, don't remarkably benefit. Follow label three- • hens. Weil worth trying. • VALAIDA SNOW, the exotic This talented star of radio, stage and screen — a vic tim of the current global war—re cently was re leased from a Nazi internment camp before returning to America. Valaida, who can play 15 instru-j ments, is featured with her trumpet. A sensation at Clnb Zombie in Detroit. Valaida's picture recent ly sold for a Hun dred Dollar War Bond. Here’s a true picture of the war. Of her talent and music the world well knows. But her Story of Hitler’s reign in Europe wohld fill pages upon pages. Valaida is be ing presented cur rently at Chib Bali in Washington. bissmdnU Pnjj Waiter Brennan and Lionel Barrymore plan to arouse their neighbor! to carry oat provisions of The Last Will and Testament of Tom Smith. George Reeves plays title role in this National War Fond movie, na tionally distributed to promote support of 17 war-front agencies and of local community services. . .. ' : inmMMmnimiiiiamMiiiniMnnannBannanamnm nigged member of the engine room crew (Jack Hodiak). a young Brit ish radio operator (Hume Croyn), a young American Army nurse who was enroute to London (Mary Anderson), a millionaire indus trialist who was on his way to do business with France (Henry Hull), an injured jitterbug sailor from Brooklyn (William Bendix). a half-crazed mother of a dead baby (Heather Angel), a Negro steward portrayed by Canada Lee. and a man in dark blue dungarees and shirt who turns out to be the only survivor of the U-boat that torpedoed and shelled the freighter, but was sunk in turn (Walter Slezak). This is Lee’s first appearance in the movies. Heretofore he’s been dynamic on the stage and in the prize ring. Bomas of Public Bclaticoa, C. S. War Department PROMOTED — Major Charity Edna Adams, supervisor of p.ans and training at the First Women’s Army Corps Training Center. Fort Dea Moines, Iowa, whose promo tion to her present rank was an nounced September 20 by the War Department. A teacher in civilian life. Major Adams is a former com mander of a WAC company at Fort Des Moines. (Official WAC photo). Down.” Steinbeck had never written a screen original, but he was to taken with Hitchcock’s idea that he agreed to tackle this assign ment. He went to New York, studied lifeboats, interviewed sur vivors of sinkings at sea, then out lined a story. From that outline, scenarists Jo Swerling and Alma Reville fM's. Hitchcock in private life) fashioned a screen play that will be a new and exciting experi ence for moviegoers. Hitchcock is now filming it. Its tide is “Liftb at.” As the picture opens, the camera peers through an early-morning fog in mid-Atlantic, scan-ing the debri--littered sea above a newly sunken freighter. In ike distance appears a lenely lifeboat with only one occupant. The camera moves nearer. It passes into the boat and, from then until the end of the story, never leaves. Every member of the audience will have the feeling that he, too, is aboard the boat. BDXING INSTRUCTOR ON FURLOUGH Buddy McCrea, well known p round here in boxing circles, is here visiting with his wife and j friends on a furlough from the j army. He is a boxing instructor at his camp in Greensboro. North Carolina. The camp bulletin paper '10-SHITN’ says of Buddy ..“Big boxing show under the direction of j Corporal McCrea (the boy that did such good work in the first exhib ition that the Wing gave at the weekly show).” It was Buddy who arranged and managed the boxing entertainment of this camp shew Buddy says he likes the army and the officers and men under whom he serves, . .. and by tho way Mr. and Mrs. McCrea are ex pecting a blessed event very soon. Good luck Buddy. Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising BI T TOUR POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 3304-6 NORTH 34th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE —LOWEST PRICE— Phone WE. 4137 1 he boat's lone occupant is a globe-trotting woman newspaper corrEspor dent who has managed to get off the freighter in a mink coat and a smartly tailored suit, with not a strand of her hair astray. (But she doesn’t remain so poijcd and self-possessed for long.) Tallulah Bankhead, the Broad way dramatic star, was tempted back into films for the first time in n vea’-c to play this role. Eight other people climb out of the oily water into the boat: a “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL’ MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. DoYonWantlT^i-.' LONGER **<•** ] azx£ IS EVH>CNCZ TO PWOTT-THAT k LuOd SCALP. ntZE or OA.VDBLTT kXD HAS DHSTHOTSC CBS CHOWS LONG-BEACTirCL^THAJOT CLOSST HAS. Hair Looks Longer in 7 Day*! IT TAKES JUST SEVEN DATS TO P10VE WITH MUM. PAULINE LAWSONS NEW DBCOVEBY J-WAY HAB AND SCALP EEJUVENATOK THAT TOC CAN OVEB COME TIGHT-DAY -ITCHY SCALP DAXDBUFV GKBMS AND PALLING HAB AND WATCH YOUB HAB CHOW. Mmc. UwmbI 3-way Icjoreasitf CONSISTING or LOANDKUPF EBADICATOB_ - gLOi 1-HOT OIL SCALP STDIULATOB — ELM 1-M.-GBO HAB CULHVATOB..- _CA TOTAL VALUE_DJ Special 90 days Trial Supply 9LOO SEND NO MONEY PAT THE POSTMAN S2A0 PLUS A FEW C-TS POSTAGE. TBY IT M-OAYS W MW* SATM FIES BKTTSN THE UNUSED AMOUNT AND GST TWOS MONEY SEND NOW TODAY TO... Mmc. ftsllac Laima, In 1S51, Hollywood, Cmltf. makes bond record sale Chicago, 111.—Negroes through out America have gone over the top in the first, second and third Defense Bond Drives according to Washington Authorities. Photo graphed above shows Mrs. Cor nne Tennon, chairman of the na tionally knowr. Soathway Hotel Bond Booth selling a bond to the Internationally known, Miss Al UNITED WAR AND COMMUNITY FUND GIVE... and thank God you cai >yw,y.- < hMuaUm MUl IIIN mnry Mat nwpMtm (Ul «f OM WHO is Jan Tartu? WHO is the woman he loves? WHO heads the1 ‘underground**? WHAT ia Tartu's mission? ★ ★ ★ ★ The answers to these questions form the exciting plot of M-G-M’s new picture, “The Adventures of Tartu”. ★ ★ ★ ★ Turning at such a thrilling pace that the climax of the picture will find you breathless. Robert Donat, star of “Goodbye. Mr. Chips”, gives a performance brilliant enough to elude the foreign police...as well as to capture your whole-hearted attention. ★ * ★ ♦ As Tartu. Donat poses as a Rumanian gigolo with a flourish for loud clothes and a fancy for the quiet rendezvous with a lovely lady! ♦ ★ * * Especially Valerie Hobson who is some thing to watch out for on any mission! * ★ * ★ The romance between these two is of ' the unexpected kind! ★ ★ ♦ ♦ But. in such an unbelievably exciting motion picture, you’d expect that! All in all. “The Adventures of Tartu” will have you on the spot! A lively spot! Who—is the head lion? . ^ f#A of course P.S. Be First in Patriotism. Buy Extra Bonds. ' Wanted! MAN & WIFE TO WORK IN PRIVATE HOME (FAMILY OF THREE) OFF THURSDAYS ALL-DAY, AND SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Will Pay $150.00 PER MONTH S ALARY CALL WA-9051 be rta Hunter. Miss Hunter’s bond helped to bring the total to $16,000 in war bonds and stamps bought by hotel patrons from Mrs. Tennon and her co-workers. This is a shining example of Negroes par ticipation on the home front.— (Press Photo Service). . .. i You'll laugh with CLAUDIA, you’ll cry with CLAUDIA in her fun-filled, heart-filled story! And you’ll meet sensational new starDOROTHY McGUIRE with ROBERT YOUNG and INA CLAIRE! v \ ^SWEET ROSIE O'CRAOY a a honey of a musical with /)ty/ ' sweet BETTY (Oh!) GRABLE, ^ROBERT YOUNG AND ADOLPHE MENJOU! You'll I hear MY HEART TELLS ME-and ^ a lot of other grand new tunes! Money to Build Omaha and Her Large Industries MUST Come from the East Simply because there isn’t enough local money available! Money to build Omaha’s schools, streets, sewers and probably even the City Hall—to say nothing of the money Omaha used to purchase its water and gas utilities for the most part, came from the “east.” The reason ... that’s the only place enough money can be raised to finance the things metropolitan cities must have. New money is needed all the time in a growing com munity. The railroads, smelters, packing houses, cream eries, the bomber plant and other large Omaha industries were launched, financed and developed with so-called eastern money. In every case, most of it had to come from the east, as do additional funds when needed for extensions and improvements. The same is true of Nebraska Power Company. There isn’t a doubt that more of the money that built the Nebraska Power Company came from Omaha than for almost any of its larger industries. And a larger pro portion of Nebraska Power’s income, paid to security holders, stays in Omaha. The people must realize that if a public power commis sion were to issue $45,000,000 worth of revenue bonds to purchase Nebraska Power, it’s a safe guess to say that less than $1,000,000 worth of these bonds would be sold in Omaha—which would be less than 2%%. And that means nearly 98% of the public power commission’s in terest and debt money would “go east.” There is no sound argument for taking a chance with public ownership when it is a known fact that you can keep the Nebraska Power Company—a good, tax-paying citizen—with its low rates and good service. NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Does NOT have to Sell...Does NOT want to Sell! Ask for a frien dly, mellow...