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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1943)
huachuca Players present Farce Hilarious and definitely a cur tain-raiser, “The Obstinate Family"’ author unknown, is one of the most popular plays with soldiers of the three one act plays recently presented by the Huachuca play ers. Fort Huachuca Little Theatre Group. Shown here from left to right are: Pvt. Maceo Anderson, tap dancer, formerly with the Four j Step Brothers of motion picture and stage fame; Mrs. Geraldine Nicholas .wife of Cpl. Fayard Nich olas of the famous Nicholas Bro there dancing team; Mrs. Hetty Williams and Guadlupe Martin, both civilian employees at Fort Huachuca. Standing in the rear are Mrs. Hilda Jeter, civilian em ployee and Pvt. Estrica McZekk ashing ,singer .author and play , wright. who played in the military movie. "Marching On.” Capt. S. Randolph Edmonds, author and playwright who formerly taught the drama at Dillard University, New Orleans, is theatrical advisor to the group. PAUL ROBESON AT HIS BEST IN "OTHELLO" IN BOSTON (by PAUL DANIEL DAVIS) Boston. Oct. 4 (ANP) Theatrical history was again made in Amer ican the past week following Paul Robeson’s magnificent performance in the Theatre guild’s production of “Othello” in Boston. The play will be in Boston two weeks fol lowing its opening on the past Monday, after a one night perfor mance in New Haven, Conn. This marks the first time fUat a Negro has been staged cast as the hus band of a white woman, and the great Shakespearean drama of the “Black Moor” will open on Broad way the middle of October. After a year, during which the actors have been able to give more careful attention to the problem of the play, the performance shows a great deal more maturity than last summer's production at the Cam bridge Summer theatre and at the Princeton playhouse, which was hailed then as a most brilliant piece. Robeson is still Robeson, and is tremendous as Othello. His voice his carriage, his power are all massive in their import and raisa the Moor to a height from which his subsequent fall is catastrophe. At least, in spite of the duality cf his character. Iago played by -Jose Ferrer, has a most dynamic part BQWEiiatjGGISH? • ; -* you lost your best friend — headachy—dull—all because cf sluggish bow els? Why put to with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT. the pleasant tastmg chewir.i -gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite fum. Tastes good- Try FEEN-A-MINT —a whole family ■tmnln <vw*- Main Ida gin the play. But Othello must stand as an object great enough fo* his fall to shock the audience. That is calling almost for the sup erhuman, and it appeared undebat able that Robeson was such a sup erman. Uta Hagen’s Desdemonia is the third highlight of the play. Taken in its entirety, “Othello” is even more brilliant production than its predecessor last summer. And last summer’s “Othello” made dramatic history. PACIFIC VICTIM Battle Creek. Michigan... _S r.f Sergeant Edward J. Hofrteter - track from the wilds cf the Soil' Pacific where he was severely wounded on several occasions, with the 4Stk Quartermaster Corps. Vie enlisted in 1939 an dhsortly after wards was sent across to the front wht r he said he spent "ciga’e n months in burning hell.” Serg t earn Hcfrieter is spending a 30 day farlough in Chicago with his wife. He is recuperating here and *mmmmm THE WORLD'S GREATEST SCIENTIST— S3.50 POSTPAID. SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST OF BOOKS OF. AND ABOUT BY BLACK PEOPLE. Combination Distributing Co., 139 West 125th St-, New York, (27) New York, THREE O’CLOCK . . . AND I HAVENT SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS —how the time drags: Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeftn night and wakeful nights are likely to_ cause Ner vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed —try DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) utL. NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension — to permit re freshing sleep. When you are Keyed Up, Cranky. Fidgety. Wakeful, take I Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Get Dr. Miles Nervine at vour drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large Package 75«, Small Package 35<; Liquid, Large Bottle SLM, Small Bottle S*, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed, to satisfy or your money back. Bead directions use only as directed. - — — — —• - -w w — — ' "Next Door” by ted shearer DON'T HOLD BACK POP. YOL PROMISED ME INTEREST EVERY TIME YOl ROBBED MY BANK” -—I-|- - xpeets to assume hs activities at the front upon his complo**1 ■• ■overy. (Press Photo Servio CHICAGO NEGROES PAY MORE TOR FOOD AND RENT THAN W HITES IN COMPARABLE NEIGHBORHOODS NAACP CONFERENCE ATTENDED BY OPA HEADS Chicago, oct. 8 (AX?) Chicago Negroes are paying three cents more on the dollar for food, and ar being charged from 25 percent to 50 percent more rent than v.I d os in comparable neighborhoods, according to a report by Jesse Johnson .research directo.’ of the Circago Temnt’s league at a meeting Wednesday by the NAACP In addition to an attendance of 200 Negro representatives, there were also present, Micnael 5*. Mul caby. Chicago area OPA director: John F. McCarthy, OPA rent dir ector: Alex Elson, regional OPA attorney and other OPA officials The meeting made public a sUr vr> undertaken in three South side areas, one Negro and two white. In each case, the survey showed that food stores in the Negro dis trict charged up to rhrei cents mere for each dollar purchase than stores in predominantly white neighborhoods. The Negro survey, made by the research committee of the NAACP. investigated the prices of 32 foods in shops in the Englewood. Ken wood, and Grand blvd districts. It concluded that the prices are high er in the Grand blvd. districts. It, found the stores charging $3.90 or more for the “grocery basket” while in white districts more than half the "stores charge $2.80 or less. Michael F. Mulcahy. OPA direc tor. disclosed to the group (hat his investigators have completed a OP A survey of the Sou;h side, em bracing the most thickly populated, N'egro districts. A result of this investigation was that 357 cases of price viola tions and irregularities were re ported back to the local price | boards, while 20 more serious of fenders were referred to the OPA legal division for further action. Negro housing conditions and I excessive rentals were discussed at length. Johnson outlined four complaints_..converting of a large units into smaller units, evictions, transforming kitchenette apait m-nt-s into the status of rooming , houses and hotels and transform ! :ng permanent hotel accomodations into transient accomodations with j acute overcharges. -r r r r r 0 Gen. Repairing Motor Tuue-up HENDERSON CASINO GARAGE Body and Fender Work Battery, Etc. RES. PHONE HA. 312S N. E. Corner 24th A Grant S,. WILLIE BEST AND WA ENTERTAIN FOLKS O: Waiter Brennan, and Willie Best never grow tired of entertaining. 1 Willie, the lazy, sleepy Colored character actor .has just as much :'un as Brennan between takes on tn«- set and the results is the crew get a free show nearly every day. Willie enters into the fun with wide-eyed glee. Brennan partic ularly likes to imitate Willie, dia Dress For Dancing SHIMMERING rayon taffeta which has passed rigorous dry cleaning tests is used for this dinner, dancing dress in pale blue with black lace-over-taffeta bodice. Its delicate color will remain fresh and bright after seasons of wear and many trips to the cleaner—an important consideration, these days, when party-going as well as everyday clothes must be able to stand up to long service. For a helpful free leaf let on “How To Buy Rayon” send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Women’s Department of this paper, specifying Leaflet #108. Published In The peatest this space star of tho •very week screen! Thrills—the edge-o f-vour-seat variety —fill M-G-M’s newest drama. “The Adventures of Tartu’’. ★ * ★ ★ For Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has pro duced a picture with the breathless quality of BIG things. ★ ★ ★ ★ The current seethings in the Balkans give a special timeliness, too. to this picture which parachutes you into the midst of Balkan intrigue and sabotage! ★ ★ ★ ★ On the happy-landing side of the para chute is Robert Donat, who. as Jan Tartu, is a man of many parts and resources! Beloved as "Mr. Chips”, dramatic in "The Citadel” and “Thirty-nine Steps”, Robert Donat gives you something new in performances. He poses as a Rumanian gigolo with grease-slicked hair and a cigarette dangling horn his lips. ★ ★ ★ ★ Valerie Hobson, as the dangerous girl whose motives are in doubt to the last thrilling moment, never leaves you in any doubt as to her charm and love liness. * * * * Never has there been more double crossmg: * * * * Never have so many tables been turned! ★ ★ ★ ★ Never have you been closer to sitting on a keg of dynamite! ★ ★ ★ ★ Never will you find a spy story more believable or realistic than "The Adven tures of Tartu”. I P.S, Have you bought your Extra War Bond yet? LTER BRENNAN S FILM STAGE SET ( ect, hands and walk. A master of dialect anyway, Brennan insists ne is practicing. On several occasions when the 20th Century-Fox location com pany filming “Home in Indiana.” the story of trotting horse cham pions, was working at Marion. O hio, Brennan imitated Willie Best’s very humorous mannerisms. A couple of days later when the camera crew was moving for a new set up, Willie had the location r company in roaring laughter when he did one of Brennan's scenes impromptu. Willie had studied Brennan's lin es all one evening to prepare for j the unscreened take and it was i as good as anything he ever did for ! the screen, in the opinion of I>ir j -ctor Henry Hathaway who is . ' — — UNITED WAR COMMUNITY F I GIVE... and thank God you can — " ■■ . ■ .a. handling ' Home in Indiana." “Home In Indiana" is based on Geroge Agnew Chamberlain's Sat urday Evening Post serial. “The Phantom Filly." Brennan heads an important cast which includes ' Best, Ward Bond, 20th Century-Fox contract player; June Haver and Jeanne Crain, contract starlets being groom»d for mjaor roies: Charles Dingle, veteran character actor, Lon McCaJiister. 20 year old Los Angeles youth who flashed to star dom in his role as •‘California" In "Stage Door Canteen:*' George Reed, Kid Chissell and Robert Con don, who have important roles. r '(Jr ^ - "Fresh and funny! MONTY WOOLLEY and GRACIE FIELDS wonderfully amusing!" says N. Y. Herald-Tribune of HOLY MATRIMONY! * * ft WINTERTIME is full of grand stars, grand music, grand fun! There's SONJA HENIE, JACK OAKIE, CESAR ROMERO, CAROLE LANDIS and WOODY HERMAN and His Orchestra! He redone of the best ways to t BVMOvP BCD 81000 To Get More Strength for You k Who Lack Blood-Iron I you giris ana women who suffer from simple anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods that you feel tired, weak, “dragged out”— due to low blood-iron Start at once — try Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound TABLETS (with added iron). Pinkham’s Tab lets is one of the greatest blood iron tonics you can buy to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy and to promote a more ro bust bloodstream—in such cases. Taken as directed — Pinkham's Tablets is one of the very best and Quickest home ways to get precious iron into the blood. Just try Pinkham’s Tablets for at least 30 days. Then see if you, too, don't rpma.rlrn.hly bene- * fit. Follow label directions. * Well tearth trying l * It's the THAT COUNT in Your Electric Service ★ I • LOW RATES ^ - GOOD SERVICE g -GOOD CITIZENSHIP ★ DO YOUR PART TO KEEP POLITICAL CONTROL OUT OF YOUR ELECTRIC SYSTEM HELP KEEP NEBRASKA POWER AS IT IS! NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Does NOT HAVE to SELL - Does NOT WANT to SELL