Largest Check Ever Written on A Negro Bank Believed to be the largest check ever drawn upon a bank owned and operated by Negroes, the above is a reproduction of a $300,000 check (to purchase war bonds written on the Mechanics and Farmers bank of Durham, NC. The check makrs the largest single purchase of war bonds which. Negroes have made anywhere and brings the total purchases of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insur ance company, whose president, C. C. Spaulding, signed the check, to a total of $2,120,300. 1he WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 Brother Redd of south 13th str. attended Sunday morning services at Clair Chapel. He is a very ac tive member. ***** Capt. Burns doing service at the Chamber of Commerce. ***** Dudley Anderson visits with a friend on a Park East street car. ***** Brother John Evans top man at the Rome hotel holding his own. ***** Cpt. Avant the streamlined room service man at the Blackstone, is very much onto his Job. ***** Wm. Edgerton looks in a bowl ing alley on North 24th street—go on in Edgar and bowl awhile. King Yuen Cafe CHOP SUEY 201014 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m. American A Chinese Dishes McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. ca- to Ian. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS S* xfi*V£*z> WEVERYBODY must have VITAMINS Of course everybody fets SOME Vitamins. urveys show that mil lions of people do not get ENOUGH. • A pleasant, convenient L economical way to be • sure that you and your family do not lack essen • tiel T5 PomnloT Vitamin is to take ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex tablets. An insufficient supply of B Complex Vitamins causes In digestion, Constipation, Nerv _ ousness, Sleeplessness, Crank iness, Lack of Appetite. There are other causes for these conditions, but why not guard against this one cause by taking a ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex Tablet everyday? » Important — Get your money’s worth, always compare potencies and price. **"b ONE]jj DAY The RR boys are very much out in front on service on wheels and are taking the very best of care of the traveling public. ***** The Race horse headwaiter and the quick stepping crew at the Paxton hotel are on the job on good service. ***** The White Horse Inn and the Regis hotel waiters are tops st serving their public. ***** The Fontenelle hotel waiters are also in the running. The Omaha waiters are quick stepping all the time and as Capt. Earl Jones is on the job after a streamlined vacation, he will give, the boys some new ideas and tell them what it is all about. ***** Mr. W. A. Davis form*erly of O maha and now of the U. S. army was visiting with friends in Oma ha this week. ***** THE WEEK— American Bar Assn, intends to work in this congress for the res toration to American citizens of jtheir rights in courts of law. ***** Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt arrives safely in San Francisco after a tour of New Zealand and Austral ia. She covered 23,145 miles by air in 107 hours and 45 minutes flying time. ***** 1,000 Colored soldiers and sail ors, and WACs paraded and at tracted thousands of onlookers in, Chicago recently. ***** Mrs. Alice Piper, 29, was a stow away on an American ship which arrived in Boston which had pre viously fought off a submarine. ***** Douglas C. Ross of Minneapolis the biggest legionnaire dozes off to sleep in a business session. ***** Bishop J. A. Gregg of K. C., Mo., gives praises to the colored soldiers in the south Pacific to represent atives of national fraternal coun cil of Negro churches. ***** George Watson and the musician headwaiter and H .W. Smith hsd a very nice visit in a north ilde business house. ***** St. Johns AME. church sponsor ed a reception for Bishop Noah 1. Williams and wife at the churoh. ***** * Eight members of a German A merican bund group go on trial be fore Judge Wm. J. Campbell of Il linois. ***** FLASH! Did you notice the beautiful and interesting issue of THE OMAHA GUIDE on Sept. 18th. It was a real newspaper and should be in every home. ***** The Chicago Tribune editorial of Sept. 2nd reads the Lend Lease phrase was created to deceive the American people. ***** Little Max Miller of Runnel, la., undergoes Sister Kenny treatment for infantile paralysis and smiles as he plays with visitors. ***** Gabby Watson a great pool sharit ***** Grandpa Ned Moore in Omaha and looking very pleased at the christening of his first grand child. ***** Zion Baptist church closed a very lovely anniversary service and the pastor and members are all smiles. ***** Are you a member of the NAA CP? If not, why not? ***** American Legion closed a very successful annual meeting. ***** Bayard Rustin, Field Secy for the Fellowship of Reconciliation, spoke in Omaha. He has worked with the American friends Service in the U. S. and Puerto Rico. ***** Richard McCain in Omaha Sun day. ***** C. B. Willkes and his lovely group on Ohio St. Sunday morn ing returning from Sunday school with the little soldier boy catching step. ***** Matride Ed Lee of the Athletic Club, Grand Master, Prophet Jen kins and streamlined ' detective Buford talking in front of a north side business house. ***** Capt. Greer on North 24th St., last Friday evening. ***** Perry Taylor famous barber and well posted Sunday school teacher, in a local hospital for a minor op eration. ***** John Dotson very busy at home Sunday morning. ***** The following persons attended morning services at Clair Chapel Sunday morning ,Sept_ 26th: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pankey, CME church; Andrew H. Page, S. P, Petrol, Byard Grayson, Jr, R 2 No. 102 Porters, Okla., Isael Felix S4c NAD Barracks, Hastings, Nebraska Mrs. Gertrude Green of 2863 Ohio St., died Sept. 25th. She was a faithful member of Clair Chanel, also was one of the officers who were always active and always r-ndering excellent reports, llie w . serving as district stewa '1 ct th.; time of her death. LOCAL NOTES PURPLE CROSS UNIT The Purple Cross Nurses Unit of Cherokee Temple is having a "Heaven and Hell feast” October 30th at 2525 Erskine St. Watch for sale date of tickets. BAYARD RUSKIN SPEAKS AT YWCA DOWNTOWN Mr. Bayard Ruskin Field Secy., for the Fellowship of Reconciliat ion appeared at the downtown YW CA., 17th and St. Mary’s Ave., on Tuesday evening Sept. 28th. He outlined how discrimination could be eliminated and how we should at all times contend for our rights as American citizens He also en tertained the audience with some spiritual songs which were enjoyed by everyone immensely. BACK HOME FROM VAC Mrs. V. S. Wheatley of 2519 Hamilton St., is back home after a very delightful visit in Chicago, where she was the recipient of many social affairs given in her honor. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 1906 North 24th St, Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday school_...._..9:45 am. Morning Service , .-11:30 am. YPPU. ...6 pm. Evening Service ...._..7:30 pm Wednesday night Service 7:30 pm Friday night Women’ ’s Work .. .. .... ..8:00 Pm We had a grand time all day Sunday. We started with a wide awake Sunday school. We had a grand attendance. After which) our pastor .preached an inspiring sermo nwhic hwas enjoyed ve;y much. Our Women's Work rendered a splendid program at 3 pm. Evang elist Marie Wright gave us a beau tiful lecture which we enjoyed very much. Sunday night we had a o-rand time started with a soul stirring testimony service. Then our jar tor came forth and gave us food for thought. The spirit ran high. We had several visitors present. We also have healing every Sun day night. Visitors are always welcome. Our pastor has selected for his subject Sunday morning October 3, will be, ’’And God will fight for You." Sunday night “Be sure your sins will find you out." Come and hear our pastor deliver these sermons. You can always get a thought from him. CALL HIM SPHINX Washington, DC.,.. Congressman William L. Dawson ,the only Ne gro member of the United States in the house of Representatives was asked by the National Negro Council this week to demand a con gressional investigation of the ac quittal of Col. William T. Colman for the shooting of Pvt. William I McRae at Self ridge Field, Micltig j an. Edgar G. Brown, council head said that Dawson emulated the Sphinx during the sessions, while 13,000,000 Negroes are clamoring for action. (Press Photo Service.) ! VISIT THE ‘GUIDE’ OFFICE Mr. J. C. Gaskin, brother of Or I lando Gaskin of this city, and Mr. Ijohn M. Williamson Jr, paid a vis it to the office of the OMAHA GUIDE last Friday September 24. After inspecting the plant they were Unsparing in their praise in regards to the completeness of its ! equipment for publishing a news j paper and handling commercial ) printing. They were here attending the I National Legion Convention. John 1M. Williamson Jr., as a delegate j - aliace Simpson Post No. 129, Denver, Colorado. He is very active in civic affairs of that city. Being Labor Secretary of the Den ver Colored Civic Assoc, which is an agency for the Denver Comm unity Chest and an affiliated mem ber of the Chamber of Commerce. LONG DISTANCE CALL Elmer Horne whose home is in Omaha and who no wlives in Sea ttle, Washington for the past 18 months, called his sister Mrs. Cora Jackson of 2423 Lake St., by long distance and did they have a nice chat. He is now in the Navy sta tioned at Great aLkes, 111. PROMOTED v Camp Claiborne, La., Sept. 20,.. I Bennie L. Souder, son of Dorothy | Jean Souder of 2730 1-2 Burdette St., of Omaha, Nebraska, has be in promoted from the grade of Pri vate to that of Technician 5th Grade, at the Engineer Unit Train ing Center, an Army Service Fore ts installation here, commanded by Brig. General John W. N. Schulz. At the time of his promotion, Bennie L. Souder was serving in the 577th Engineer Dump Truck Co., under the command of Yale S. Brandt, 2nd Lt. C ,E. He was thus honored with a pro motion for leadership qualities did playe dwhile stationed at the En gined Center. Ml. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. David St. Clair, Pd star “We praise thee oh God, for the Sen of Thy love, For Jesus who died and is now gone above. I allelujah thine the glory Hallelujah, amen, revive us a gain. Revive us again fill each liea-t with thy love. L. B, 204 Blundered says Lincoln Star News WHEN IT DID NOT GIVE VOTE TO THE PEOPLE The unbiased and impartial Lin coln Star recognizes that Omaha is faced by a serious problem in connection with a vote on the pow er question. In a recent editorial the Star made it clear that there is a strong possibility that the leg islature blundered in not specific ally providing for a people' vote when L. B. 204 was finally passed. Following is the Star’s editorial: A RIGHT TO VOTE It is not altogether clear what has happened in Omaha’s power fight. J One of the latest developments unofficially reported is that under I the provisions of LB 204, the leg- ' islature gave a flat grant of auth ority to the people’s power com mission to go ahead with its pro gram without submitting the ques tion to the people of Omaha. That may be the correct legal interpret ation. If it is, then the legislat ors who voted for LB 204 will be horrified in looking upon the fruits of their own labors. Surely they : nor anyone else would want to deny the American people the right i to vote any time upon anything in j which there is a genuine popular i interest, and to vote at a free elec- , tion. But, say the lawyers, the lawyers providing opinions for the Omaha City council, LB 204, is not an ord inance—subject to poular vote un der the provisions of the initiative) and referendum. LB 204 is a leg islative act, and in its effect upon the Omaha city council, and the people’s power commission, ap pointed by the governor and the mayor of Omaha, the sole author ity granted is purely administra tive to put the provisions of LB. 204 into effect. If that is the case, it wouldn’t be surprising if Senator C. Petrus Peterson is surprised at his own handiwork. It wouldn’t be surprising if Sen ator Harry Gantz, and Senator Joe Reavis, and all of the other Sen ators who voted for LB 204 would be dismayed that if in practical ef fect they had said to the people of Omaha that a vote could not be May each soul be rek! idled with fire from above. Ha'.'clujah thi'.e the glory, hlalleujah amen, revive us again. Another Lord’s day an.l the ser vices were blessed with the sacifd presence of the holy spirit. The afternoon worship period was su perb and we feel sure that each and everyone present was benefit fed by the wonderful sermon deliv ered by Rev. C. C. Reynolds. The song numbers by the choir were also touching and uplifting. The sermon delivered by the pastor at the evening worship was very good. “The talents” was the subject, Matthews 25, chapter the text. This sermon was timely bringing home to us the fact that we must use those talents that God has given to Us profitably and for His cause for some day we must give an account of all t® Him. All clubs and auxiliaries respond ed well financially for the month of September. The Sunday school and BTU. de partment are asking each and ev eryone to be present and help them put over their program. On the sick list is Brother Perry Taylor who is at Doctor's hospital. We are praying that he will soon recover and be able to mingle with us again. Visitors and friends are always welcome. Your presence is an in spiration to us. F. Burroughs, Reporter. WARDELL TURNER HOME ON VACATION Wardell Turner, seamna first class, is in Omaha visiting his par ents. He was seen having a nice time at the Mirror Lounge Sunday evening. Turner, formerly sta tioned on the west coast, has seen active service on the high sea3. -— — — — ^ If you are buying a laxative answer these 3 Questions first Ques. Why do most people choose a popular laxative instead of a les er known product? Ans. Because a popular-seller can generally be counted on to give satisfaction or it could not have won the respect of its users. Ques. What is one lax ative that has been a popular-seller with four generations? Ans. Black Draught. Ques. Why is Black Draught made in 2 forms? Ans. Because many think the new gran ulated form is even easier to take. Black-Draught costs only 25c for 25 to 40 doses. It is purely herbal, usually prompt, thorough, satisfac tory. Caution, use only as directed. had to determine whether the peo ple’s power commission should pro ceed. The only time the people may vote, so it is said, is the selec tion of a condemnation court. And that certainly shows something woozy in the present condemnation, law, that needs legislative atten tion. Surely the people should have a right to vote after they know what the price is. This has been the weakness of the legisla tion under which Consumers or ganized. FLIES FOR BOND RALLY ] Kansas City, Mo., (For Press Ser vice)—Marva Louis ,wife of the fa mous fistiana king, Joe Louis, flew here last Friday for a 3rd War Loan Bond aRlly. Mrs. Louis told friends and reporters as she stop ped off for lunch at a Chicago air port, that she and Joe would only be separated for the duration and there would not possibly be div orce proceedings .despite the many rumors to the contrary. She also stated that since her husband was busy in the armed services and she with a professional career in the offing there would be little time they would have to spend with each other, at any rate. When asked about little Jacqueline, Mrs. Lousi said, “Her precious bundle had been left in Philadelphia with friends, for a few days.” She is shown in the picture above wear ing the official uniform of her1 Joe Louis Service Guild, a unit created For National Defense and to sell bonds. Among those who joined Mrs. Louis for her brief lunch period at fhe airport, were the Rev. Clar ence H. Cobb, Mrs. Harriett Jack eon (Bronzeville magazine column ist) and Helen Kerry, President of the Royalites club. Gen. Repairing Motor Tunc-ti/i HENDERSON CASINO GARAGE Body and Fender Work Battery, Etc. RES. PHONE HA. 3126 N. E. Comer 24th & Grant Si. rtYWrcrtv.-.«,v/v.v.-.-nr> 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS r\_ WE. 0609 DUFFY Pharmacy | /LW^V.'.VW.'.^ .VANv. .V • ^ ^ V and hair that ia atreaked, burnt or diacolorad and draaa it with McBRADY’a Hair SHchar for Mon and Woman to OLAUA i.ovntiui< within i few minutes. Does f not turn hair red. Repeat A as conditions demand. It’s ij GUARANTEED not to^ harm your hair or scalp. I s Icon non below for ^ large jar. Pay postman 66c (tax included) plus postage, with a GUAR ANTEE of complete satisfaction or you may return the unused portion within 7 days and get back your 66c. Deal with good old reliable firm that hoe been in business over 48 years. Why Look Old Before Your Time? Enjoy love, romance and success with black, well groomed hair. Don’t wait! JUST MAIL THE COUPON TODAY for our famous HAIR SLICKER |-RUSH COUPON TODAY-1 J. E. McBRADY & CO- Dept. 330 1041-49 Van Bursn St- Chicago, III. I Send me a fall-aise iar of MeBrady’a Guaranteed | Hair Slicker. I’ll pay postman Me, pins postage. I Name I Address I fUnis_. I Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising Classified Ads Get Results* RUMMAGE SALE given by Sunshine Club of Maple Leaf Chapter on Friday and Sat urday, October 1 and 2, 1943 at 1837 North 24th St. Ray L. Williams Attorney PROBATE NOTICE Bk. 55, P. 570, No. 25640. In the matter of the estate of Elmer M. M Wright, deceased Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Doug las County, Nebraska at the Coun ty Court Room, in said County, on the 2nd day of August, 1938 apd or the 3rd day of October, 1938, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presepting their claims for examinatiop, adjustment and allowance. Three months are al lowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 2nd day of July ,1938. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. HEAD Ihe GUIDE , REAL SHOE MAN i| FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR j; CASH & CARRY CLEANER | 1410 North 24th St. ! I —CARL CRIVERA— BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family supply costs only 10?. 104 _ I According to the best V authorities, the mini. mum daily A, D and B I Complex Vitamin re 1 quirements of the aver m age person are: , A 4,000 USP Units, D 400 USP Units, B1 333 ^ 1 VU* «JU1UV, MJi* Micro grams, and ap proximately 10,000 Micrograms Nico tinamide. The required amounts for other B Complex Vitamin* have not 1 yet been established. Many people do not get enough of these essential Vitamin*. DO YOU? Why not play safe by taking QN E-A-DAY vitaiwn^tabiets * Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablet contains 25% more of the cod liver oil vitamins than the mini mum daily recommended quantity. Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin B Complex Tablet contains full mini mum daily requirements of Vitamins B1 and B2 and 10,000 Micrograms of Nicotinamide together with a sub stantial amount of other B Vitamins. I When you buy Vitamins, compare potencies and prices. Note how ONE A - DAY Tablets conform to the average human requirements. See how reasonable the cost. Get them at your drug store. WANTED—APARTMENT 2 In family wants to rent a 2 or 3 room apt. Call WE. 1517. ^ScratchinsH, ; For quick relief from itching caused by eczema; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor’s formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves i t, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE" & CLOTHING SHOP 300 Ladies Dresses Reasonable, 100 Pairs of Shoes—No Stamps. Rugs of All Kinds. Radios, etc. We Buy and Sell. Tel. AT-1154 1715 NORTH 26tli ST. LAUNDRIES & “CLEANERS EDHOLMXSHERMAN 8401 North 24th WE. 6066 EMERSON LAUNDRY 8324 North 24th g-t WE. 10» WANT TO IHIV Furniture of all kinds—dressers, seds, end tables, chairs and chest af drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem lership blank. H. Brookes, 81T Wendell, Chicago, 111. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE Gaining Great Favor With Women! • Many doctors urge the regular use of douches for women who want to be refreshingly clean — for women troubled by offending odor, itching or discharge. • Some products may be harmful germicides which bum, harden and damage sensitive‘tissues. But NOT Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Instead—Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is an effective “bacteriostatic” (the modern trend). It not only discourages bacterial growth and infection but cleanses, deodorizes, relieves minor irrita tions and discharge. Has beneficial effect on delicate membranes Inexpensive! Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. PhoneJA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16™ ST. \ Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLYEO-AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. _WE. 1029 r — \ • You Women Who Suffer From 9 HOT FLASHES CHILLY FEELIHSS t uunng 69 to 52 Tears ^ of Age! If you—like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52— suffer from hot flashes, weak, tired, nervous feelings, distress of "Irregularities”, are blue at times —due to the functional middle age period peculiar to women— try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly — Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resist ance against such distress. It also has what doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! Thousands upon thousands have reported benefits. Follow label directions. Pinkham’a Compound is worth, trying. 9 Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND