METHODIST ANNUAL CHICAGO CONCLAVE UNDERWAY Chicago, 111.,—.-Press Photo Ser vice, Inc.,-The Sixty-first an nual comerence of the AME. Church got under way Wednesday night with more than 200 delegates from the greater Chicago area. Mil waukee. Beloit and Illinois as far as Moline. The Rt. Rev. John A. Gregg, bishop of the Fourth Epis copal district .delivered the ma'n | ; WHEN YOU BRING ! >0R SEND DRY CLEANING 1 i 1 >SEND ALONG A HANGER WITH EACH ( GARMENT, PLEASE. ( | If You Have More Hangers Than You Need, | We Will Buy Them. EDH0LM&, SHERMAN ) 2401 NORTH 24th STREET J -PHONE WEbster 6055 i address of the evening, to an ovtr flowing public mass meeting gath ered in the DuSable High school auditorium. Bishop Gregg gave an interesting talk on his experiences while tour ing the army bases in the South Pacific, to observe the treatment of the Negro soldiers in action and to bring them spiritual comfort. The objectives of the conference are to assign, approximately 80 ministers, to present the financial reports, report accomplishments ot work done in the various areas, and the church's educational, re ligious and social welfare pro grams. The sessions will continue thorugh Sunday. VIOLATION OK STATE LAW CHARGE!) BY NAACP IN JIM CBOW NY. SCHOOL HIRE TEACHER TO SCHOOL YOUNGSTERS WHILE FIG IT FOR ADMISSION TO MODE IN “WHITE” SCHOOL GOES TO COURT Hillburn ,New York—The 56 strik ing children who refused to regis ter this term at the ramshacklcd jim crow school here, were taught last week in the Presbyterian Church by Mrs. Oscea Van Dunk, ---- Madam, here's one TABOO you can forget when you want relief You can thank your lucky stars that women are no longer squeam ish about discussing their troubles. Otherwise you might never know of the 2-way help that CARDbl may bring when nervous, head aches and cramp-like pain are due only to periodic functional causes. ^ Many women find that, started three days before the time and taken as directed, CARDUI aids in relieving functional periodic dis comforts. Used as a tonic, CAR DUI often wakes up sleepy appe tites, aids digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices, and thus helps to build up resistance against the days it’s needed most, 'fry U! Hillburn housewife .and at one ^ time a teacher at the abandoned Brook School. On September 20 Mrs. Alice Av ery. a qualified Negro teacher from Nyack took charge. Miss Avery will be paid by the NAACP while the NAACP prepares to ap peal to the State Commissioner of Educutiion charging violation lof the State law against racial discrim Ination in the schools. The strike culminates a 25 year old fight by Negroes here against the segregat ed schools. Mrs. Doris Miller, secretary of the recently organized NAACP Hillburn branch stated that the 32 Negro children who were admitted |: Race Owned Establishment. ; Expense is entirely a matter;, i of choice and when necessary J; ;; 'xtendsd payments may be ar-!j ranged. For memories of peace;. ; and beauty. 11 ;! Thomas ii : FUNERAL HOME |i Tel. WE. 2022 !; 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr.j! ■ Read this advertisement carefully: THE WORLD-HERALD REFUSES TO PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE NEBRASKA POWER COM PANYUNLESS THEY ARE WRITTEN THE WAY THE WORLD - HERALD WANTS THEM TO BE WRITTEN. not rumors, distortions 9 or other misleading statements, issued to destroy the Nebraska Power Company as a Citizen and place your electric system under a bureau of inexperienced men . . . ★ 4 The Nebraska Power Company DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SOLD. 1 ★ i Owners of the Nebraska Power Company do not want to sell it. ★ 5 ' Owners of the Nebraska Power Company WILL KEEP the property unless advocates of state socialism take it away from ■ i them by forced condemnation. ,V. ' *4 I ★ s \ : ' S5 As long ago as September 17, 1942. the Mayor and City Council and the World-Herald were told in a statement issued by the Omaha On Guard Committee that the report saying Nebraska Power had to be sold was “unqualified fiction.” The World-Herald was furnished this same information. * Earnings of the Nebraska Power Company are smaller in proportion to the value of its property than are the earnings of most other Omaha industries, including the World-Herald. Nebraska Power earned less than 6% during the past year. The World-Heralu earned more than 20%. ★ Adding up the earnings for over a quarter of a century in order to make it appear that the Company has made unreason ably large profits proves nothing. That can be done with any business in Omaha or with your own individual income—or with the profits of the World-Herald. ★ L. B 204 Is merely an ENABTJNG ACT. It merely provides a means by which Omaha can do something, IF Omafifi desires to do it. It is not a “must.” Omaha does NOT have to act under the law. if it desires not to do so. All of tha Nebraska legislators understand this. L. B. 204 is a good bill to have ready, in case it is ever needed. ★ !The claim Omaha will “break faith” with the legislature if it does not take action under this enabling act Immediately, Is a fictitious claim, created out of thin air. Anyhow, this World-Herald “bogey-man” is now blown up. The city has been offered a five-year extension of its present contract, which provides that the city will have first ohance to purchase Na* braska Power, if it is ever offered for sale. JAMES E. DAVIDSON, President, NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY f Legion Sidelites (Continued from page 1) each night of the Convention. BEAL, LEGIONNAIRES Roscoe Owens and Ben Baker of Wayne Miner Post No. 149, Kansas City, Mo., are two real Legionnaires and don’t forget it. They, it was to the “modern white’’ Hillbunv main school after the school board had redistricted the township, get along amicably with their 66 white schoo lmates. The children report that of the 8 rooms in the school that will ac commodate from 180 to 240 ehild ern only 4 rooms are used. There are now 96 children attending the school. Citizens in nearby communities [have offered to support the plan of the Negro parents not to permit their children to attend the run down, slapboard. Brook School af ter they were refused admittance to the modern .concrete, Hillburn Main school. Governor Thomas E. Dewey, the Rockland County Citizens’ Comm ittee called the school board’s >e districting a violation of the New York State Bill of Rights and "an unnecessary and unjustified af front to racial understanding and an indulgence of prejudicial cus toms which are too expensive to maintain.’’ The telegram was signed by play wright Maxwell Anderson, Kurt Weill, composer and Henry Bar umn Poor, painter. UWCF. CAMPAIGN LEADERS “ APPOINTED Campaign leadership of the Uni ted War and Community Fund was ment of chairmen for the speakers rounded out this week as appoint bureau, the selected gifts division, national firms, and union labor were announced by General Chair man Sam Reynolds. Organization in all divisions is now underway. Official date lor launching teh campaign is Sunday October 17th. Chairman Reynolds’ aides on the campaign committee are; Women’s Division, Mrs. Robert A. McCague; Industrial Division I, Don B. Wood yard; Industrial Division II, James L. Paxton, Jr.; Industrial Division III, Earl H. Burket; Labor Repre sentative, Thomas L. Short; Initial Gifts, Clarence L. Landen; Selected Gifts, Charles J. Regan; National Firms, Ed Kanitz; Speakers Bur eau, Seymour L. Smith; Publicity Committee. Morris E. Jacobs; Pres ident, United War and Community Fund, Roy Page. BUY YOUR POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24tli ST. Get the Best in Quality at tlie NEBRASKA PRODUCE —LOWEST PRICE— Phone WE. 4137 1 1 NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR PRICES - LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. ' ■ — <1- II ■ —' 11 PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. = IE1 H==r==-. Johnson Drug Co. I 2306 North 24th f FREE DELIVERY f We. 0998 l CONSTIPATED? Don t Force! Don't Strain— Thus Risking Hemorrhoids TRY THIS FOR 5 DAYS Here’s one right and proper way to moist en hard dry passages and obtain more gen tle “easy” movements. Every morning for 5 days, 15 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of hot water to which one teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts has been added. While you are eating breakfast the hot water and Kruschen will be feeding moisture to those hard, dry passages. They become soft, moist, easier to expel. No need to strain and thus risk painful rectal irritation. Usu ally within 30 minutes wastes are expelled smoothly and gently. You feel gloriously fresh again. Be sure to follow the simple easy directions. Don’t delay—you can get Kruschen Salts at any drug store. I .----- I |V l-I AV£ you tried Alka-Selt 1 11 zer for Gas on Stomach, J Sour Stomach, "Morning f After** and Cold Distress? ’ I If not, why not T Pleasant, ^ prompt in action, effective. Thirty centa and Sixty 1 cents. I-R5-. NERVINE p1 OR relief from Functional Ner x vous Disturbances such as Sleep lessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Nervous Headache and Nervous In digestion. Tablets 35* and 75*, Liquid 25* and $1.00. Head direc tions and use only as directed. 1 ^ liilUliliflll A vr. Miles Anti „ Pain Pill often relieves Headache, Muscular Pains or Functional Monthly Pains —25 for 25*, 125 for$1.00. Get them at your draff store. Rend directions |__o°j_asg_only as directed. who stormed into Roosevelt early Sunday morning and .started the ball to rolling In a way that most ball aren’t suppose to roil. ”If they had been members of the post they could’nt have made themselves at home and started more wholesome fun and good will. This, of course delighted the mem bers of the post who were present at that time and they cjuiekly caught their exuberance and join ed with them in having one whale of a good time. Throughout the convention ltos coe Owens and Ben Baker seemed tireless. If there was anything go ing on they were in on it. If there wasn’t anything going on they started something. They will long be remembered by members of this post as real Legionnaires and the kind most desirable to meet and be come well acquainted with. ***** AT RECEPTION Mrs. Eva Milsap, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, attended the reception held i; the Paxton hotel, for visiting Delegates ,Sept. 21. ***** GEORGE C. DANFIELD Geo. C. Danfield, chairman of Labor Relations Committee, a member of the Chicago Union La bor Post of The American Legion, spent some time at the Mirror Lounge in the interest of the labor ing members of Roosevelt Post. He is trying to unify working con ditions through obtaining better jobs and salaries for them. ***** KANSAS CITY WAS GOING STRONG Members of the Kansas City Post really let it be known that Frabe^T Buffet for Popular Brands I of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park ^-,ri gS-0 t IfYouHadMYJBB Keeping house, helping t^ke care of the family—you would realize that business girls are not the only ones who some times get Headache and Tired Aching Muscles. We home girls often work just as hard and have just as many Headaches, just as many Stomach Upsets and get just as Tired. About a year ago, I first used ALKA-SELTZER I find that it eases my Aching Head, takes the kinks out of Tired, Aching Muscles and brings relief when I have Acid Indigestion. The family says I am a lot easier to live with since I have known about Alka-Seltzer. ''Have you tried ALKA-SELT ZER? If not, why don’t you get a package today? Large package 60*, Small package 30d, also by the glass at Soda Fountains. ■ ^ \ they were in town. Ealry Sunday morning an advance guard of them literally took over the Post. By evening and the next day others joined them and then they really DID go to town. What made it so ince, they seem ed not to desire any special atten tion just because they were visit «■* from out ot Town. All they wanted was to know definitely that they were expected to and privil eged to make themselves at home. And quickly discovering that was exactly how Roosevelt Post wanted them to look at it, they proceeded to let it be known who was who ul the Convenion. »#########»############# #### 1 i < t < * < < < < < ( I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I ; > Before You Get One More GRAY HAIR! DO THIS! Color Your Hair Start Looking Years Younger | If you want to bring a new, I rich color to your hair start using Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring now. It acts quickly and directions in the red box make it simple to apply. 2 You’ll be amazed at how evenly and easily it goes on. Won’t rub off or wash out. 3 Insist on Larieuse, known and used for 45 years. Your 1 dealer will refund money if you’re not 100% satisfied. // your dealer doesn’t have Larieuse (LARRY-USE) send $1.25 direct to . . . Godefroy M/g. Co., 3510 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION: Us* Only « Dim clod on Lobol LMix Lemon Juice AT HOME TO RELIEVE RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Good news travels last—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Ailenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It’s no surprise either, for Ailenru Is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—If it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Ailenru today at any live druggist. Only M cants—Do It Now, EH! GIT SPEEDY ft# II ^ RELIEF FROM B I mm mm ITCH AND BURN THIN WALK AND SIT IN COMFORT Use Poslam—the CONCENTRATED ointment — as thousands have. The oily base HOLDS Poslam’s medication on the smarting skin to cool and soothe that agonizing Itch and burn. Sold from coast to coast for 35 years. Ask your doctor. Onlv 50c. all drue stores. NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED FOR i Latest Creation, i J M vU Easily Attached f a Human Hair— % ^ All Shades ^ oua” send no money j lull tend (ample of year hair or date color S'#, PAT POSTMAN $2.50 pluc 90*1090 % on delivery V PUFFS, WIGS AND BRAIDS I SATISFACTION OS MONTY STFUNDIS (50c extra for Gray Hair) SEND YOUR ORDER TORAY '■ ‘ JESSIE RARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY S07 FIFTH AVENUE (Roe* VOS) MEW TORE CITY QUICK CASH’TSSMT You never know when tragedy might strike. Accidents are more comnmn than yam think. Play safe. Let Independence Insurance give you quick cash to help pay READ IT those many bdis- No waiting period. No red tape. No delays. Mail coupon today. IN YOUR PREMIUM le A DAY • NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION Last year one person in every 14 was painfully disabled thru norideag. We otiNV know who 11 be next. A whole year’s premium only L3.45—a penny a day—lead than one day's stay m a hospital. No increase in rates. No doctors’ itaminark—h We taw your word. No matter ho* old or where you work, apply today. SEND NO MONEY-NO OBUOATIOjt BIG, STRONG RELIABLE INSURANCE\ independence insurance co. m mn You dcri d;,ecT-*« afonta' commit Ratnambar. to ! ISUl UWWU. H*TWM WU 6IU are thousands and thousands in U. S. Government Bonds | Please send my Independence pefcy Aw FUt back of Independence policies. Your regular full-sue policy • Inspection at awn N« ohligariaa at any UaA. pclpaui if rou_.g_^-4 ___■ ■_ HWTTW7?TTTTvmrn JVm 5 — 1 r-~;—n:—n