Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1943)
\The WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 Mr. George Thomas and Mr. Hill the two streamlined room service waiters of the Fontenelle hotel and $ PafclMwd In tkl« tpaca •»#nr weak Thi paataat star af tha SCTMRl M-G-M does it again with “I Dood It" another hit in the parade of Metro Goldwyn-Mayer musical comedy sen sations! * ★ ★ ★ “I Dood It” is a joyous jamboree of jive and joll ity with high-jinks and low-jinks by hilarious Skelton! X X X X Eleanor Powell, lovely star of the twinkle-toes, is at her dancing best! ★ ★ ★ ★ Red Skelton soars from pants-presser de luxe to a Penthouse Paradise in a bright flight of the Imagination: ★ ★ ★ ★ Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra underscore the musical merriment! + * * Eleanor is the particular star for which Red is reaching! ★ ★ ★ ★ You’ll roar with laughter, whistle with excitement, dance with joy, before the amazing climax is reached! n n n h Other high-spots in this delightful comedy of hits and errors, are lush, lur ing Lena Home and her honied gift of song and Hazel Scott in some fancy keyboard and vocal work I yr w w m Add to all this, a swell M-G-M production—a rollicking supporting cast—and you’ve got something! ★ ★ ★ ★ Something to see, hear and cheer! ★ ★ ★ ★ Leo says "I Dood It”... and had a wonderful time! P.S. The big push is on! Back the At tack. Buy an Extra Bond in The Third War Loan. —Lta. the wide awake crew of waiters are taking care of the service in a very fine way. ***** The musician headwaiter is al ready on the job at the old standby the Chamber of Commerce o.nd is very busy taking care of the early fall business and the streamlined chef is very much in front as ho always knows what to do with a large guest party and Mr. Wm. ild genon and Mr. Henry Moore are doing very fine also on the job. ***** The R Rboys are up to the min ute on service on wheels and the large number of passengers aie always given the very best af care and atention on their journey thru cut the west and Mr. Roy McCal ister has returned from an extend ed trip in the east. He attended ! t't: Elks Convention in Pittaourgh and also taken in sotn seide trips and lie i • ports that travel was v :■ ry heavy. r. w< et Mackin and Mr. II. p. Price the streamlined chef cook at the Rome hotel entertained some friends at a northside business t house. ***** THE WEEK Mrs. Reginald Dekoven escaped from her home in Barharbor, Me. I COMPLIMENTS OF l American Weiner Shop 2509 NORTH 24t!i STREET “OPEN DAY AND NIGHT” UDHTENL "ASKIN' Dr. FRED Painter's Skin V Whltenar light*™ and brfchtens* rough, blotchy, tanned-dark Bkln 1 (externally caused). Use 7 days. 1 If not satisfied MONEY BACK. ' 25c at drug stores. GALENOI* , Box 204. Atlanta. Georgia. DR. FRED PALMER'S SKIN WHITENER^Hi King Yuen Cafe CHOP STTEY ' 201054 N. 24th St. JAckaon 8576 .Open from 2 y. m. Until 3 a. in American & Chinese Dishes McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. m Ian. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS s' 2q CINTURV-fOX HITS HOLY MATRIMONY brings you the happiest, howlingest love and laugh team ever —MONTY WOOLLEY and GRACIE FIELDS! What a riot of fun! ^ You’ll get that warm feeling around your heart when CLAUDIA comes to the * screen with DOROTHY McGUIRE, (the dis covery of the decade!), ROBERT YOUNG and INA CLAIRE! C /» / ▲ J. ▲ r ” WINTERTIME is coming starring SONJA HENIE, JACK OAKIE, CESAR ROMERO, CAROLE LANDIS, WOODY HERMAN and His Orchestra! OMAHA’S GAS AND WATER RATES ARE AMONG THE LOWEST IN AMERICA while it was burining. ***** Michael Hiebinger an escaped german prisoner was captured in a church. ***** President Roosevelt asks Con gress for 80 million dollars lev flood control. ***** Sam Amato was killed in a train auto collision Friday night Sept. 17. ***** Gov. Bricker is not ready to an nounce he is a candidate for Pres ident of the USA. ***** Capt. Burns and Walter Grayson of Council Bluffs improving at St. Joseph hospital. ***** Read The Omaha Guide and keep posted. ***** Luther Johnson in the barber shop with his baby. ***** Jay McShann and his orchestra in Omaha. ***** Capt. Earl Jones of the Omaha Club on his vacation and enjoying his mother’s home at Harrisonville Missouri. ***** National Council of Negro Wom en has a message to women work ers. They say wake up your job is in danger. ***** Mr. Samuel Patton of Oakland. Calif., visiting in Omaha. Mr. Pat ton will also visit his old home in Atchinson, Kansas and his brothers in Chicago and Indianapolis. ***** Mrs. J. C. Donley planning a (trip to California. ***** U. S. Congress to vote on poet* war plan Monday Sept. 20th. ***** Gov. Dewey of NY. commutes death sentences of three boys to life imprisonment. ***** Sgt. Barbara Harrison first Wac Injured on duty in North Africa. Spends a furlough with relatives in Davenport, Iowa, Army Bazooka on display at an army show in Washington, DC. ***** Bishop J. A. Gregg of the AME Church praises the Colored soldiers [in the South Pacific and General McArthur conceded them, especial ly the engineers for their prepar ations. ***** , Mrs. Georgia Goosby’s sister, ] Mrs. Seleckman of Oklahoma at i tended services at Clair Chapel ! Sunday morning Sept. 19 and all the members and friends were very glad to eyg end to her a friend j ly greeting as she was in a local hospital. ***** Coordinating Council held a very interesting meeting on Sept. 17th, and elected Colonel Henry Black President as Rev. Story is leaving Omaha and we all regret very much to know of his departure as he has always been a very wide a wake worker. ***** Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis are al ways up early in the morning trimming their beautiful yard. This writer had the pleasure of meeting the following sailors of Hastings, Nebraska: Jesse Jones Graham, BO.PNAR, formerly of Boston, Mass., Lyrone Leonard Liesmell Co. 2 Barracks 5 DUSNA D., Joe Nathan Cuttins. USNAD, Bar. 5-D, formerly of George town, SC., Milton Smith, NAD from NT, The 4C Club held a very fine get together meeting on Friday even ing Sept. 24th. ■ yKgf/f Alka-Seltzer ABC METHOD A—Alka-Seltzer. start taking It at once to relieve the Doll. Aching Head, and the Stiff, Sore Muscles. B— Be careful, avoid drafts sad sudden changes in tempera ture. Rest — preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi bly, drink plenty of water *r fruit juices. Be sure to get enough Vitamins. C— Comfort your Sore, Raspy Throat, if caused by the cold, by gargling with Alka-Selt zer. If fever develops, or symptoms become more acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unusually effective in 1 action. 1 Take it for Headache, Muscular Pains and for Indigestion, Gas on Stomach, when caused by excess stomach acid. At your drug store — Large Package 60*, Small package 30*, y the glass at soda fountains. “Life-Boat” Cast to have Canada Lee HOLLYWOOD.CANADA LEE STARS IN 20th CENTURY’S NEW FLICKER, “LIFE BOAT” In the picture above, members of 20th Century’s new film “Life Boat’’, now in the making on one of the sets in Hollywood .reading left to right are, Joel Fluellen, Sec. and Stand-in for Canada Lee, Dr. Walter H. Hackley (Chicago) Act ress, Heather Angel, Actor Henry Hull, Hugh Cronyn, Canada Lee, Tallulah Bankhead, John Hordick, Actress Mary Anderson and Dr. K Emmett Ashe, (Chicago). Dr. Ashe and Dr. Hackley were guest of Mr Lee and Miss Bankhead who show ed them every courtesy during their visit through the various sets. “Life Boat’’, according to Holly wood will be a ssensationil as “Reap the Wild Wind.’’ (Press Photo Service). *MHlilinitlllSiim!iJI(lillilliltlJilliUillJll!liih,ll!lll!:;:ii>riii': 1^,. . j LOCAL NOTES 'OB-UEll O.MAII.VN RETURNS t'TSTT M •. Samuel L. Patten, 1240 E '■1st Avenue, Oakland, California is a guest of his brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Pat ton, 1014 South 11th Street. Mr. Patton, a former Omahan prior to 1919, has been employed by the Southern Pacific Railroad Comp any continuously. Upon ending his Omaha visit itenary calls for brief visit with his nephew, Or. George A. Patton of Atchinson, Kansas. Then another brother Mr. A. L. Patton. 1445 W 112 place Chicago, 111 Enroute from Chicago he will visit his other brother Mr. John A. Patton, 1936 Blvd. Place, Indianapols, Indiana MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."— Psalms 119:105. Services were conducted by the Pastor throughout the day. He brought the message at both morn ing and evening worship period. The reports or echoes from the National Baptist Convention by the delegates were enjoyed by all. Next Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastot of Clair Chapel will deliver a ser mon for the Usher Board. Everv body is invited to come out and help to make this effort a success The Helping Hand Club will hold their meeting Friday evening at the church. All members are u.-g ed to be present. At the evening worship service a license granting Bro. Wa. ie!l Seals the privilege to preach the gospel was presented to him by Rev. David St. Clair on beh If of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. Brother Seals is one of Mt. Mor iah’s young Christians, who is making good for the Lord. We are glad to welcome our Pas tor and wife back home again after an absence of about ten days at tending the National Baptist Con vention. We all enjoyed the re port given by the Pastor, telling us about the various meetings and ministers whom he listened to while there. Other delegates who attended were Bro. and Sister J. L. Betts, Sister V. O. Baltimore and Sister Anna Hatcher All gave interest ing echoes from the Convention. F. Burroughs, Reporter. VACATION OVER Miss Shirley Nadine Walker, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Walker returned from her vacat ion in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. She reports a wonderful time. While there she visited Mrs. Ruth Tuck er formerly of this city. She likes Oklahoma so much, she wants to return there. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Services were high at Salem Sun day with the Revival conducted by Rev. O. R. Short, DD., of Bonhara, Texas and the several delegates back from the National Baptist Convention. S. S. was very lively and well at tended. Mrs. F. L. Wesley, the Supt. reported four young converts Rev Short’s 11 am. message, com forting words to a Broken Heart. His 8 pm. subject “The Greatest Invitation” St. Matt. 11:28. Services will close out Wednes day evening the 22nd. The BTU. presented a special musical and farewell program in honor of their General Director Mr. Wm. Cooper, who is leaving Sat., Sept. 25th for the U. S. army. He will be feted on Friday the 24th at 8:30 pm. with a special pro gram and reception by the church, the city and Salem BTU organiz ations. Mrs. L. Harris will suc ceed him as General Director. For a Spiritual Feast always come to Salem 28th and Decatur St. GRADUATE OF SPECIALIST WAC SCHOOL Katie C. Beasley of 3501 Burdette St., Omaha, Nebraska, is one of the Negro members of the Womens Army Corps graduated from the Administrative Specialist School at First WAC Training Center, Fort Desmoines, la. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 1906 North 24th St., Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday school_9:45 am. Morning Service ......11:30 am. YPPU. .. 6 pm. Evening Service ..._..7:30 pm Wednesday night Service 7:30 pm Friday night Women''s work .. ...8:00 Pm The Women Work met at the ( home of our Vice Pres. Our drive is on in full swing. The contest, ants are on their way to the end of the end of the rainbow. The one raising the largest amount will receive the grand prize. So help your favorite Captain to reach his or her goal. We were glad to welcome our pastor back home from assembly. We will have our rummage sale, Friday and Saturday Sept. 23 and 24. Sunday afternoon »* 3:30 pm. Come and help us to make this day a red letter day. Come on out and praise the Lord on this day, to your heart’s content. You are always welcome. HOUSE GUEST Mrs. Sadie Fulwood of Detro t, Michigan is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allison, 3025 Evan s St. She is a prominent beautician of the motor city and expects to re turn home early next week. OPENING A GARAGE On the northeast corner at 24th and Grant streets a garage will be opened and operated by Mr. Hen derson, recently released from the United States army. He has 12 years of experience behind him as an automotive mechanic, and holds a government diploma attesting to that fact. Knowing that the gov ernment does not give diplomas only to persons well deserving of them, one could hardly go wronj, in taking a car to his gunge when it is in need of repairs. Body and fender work, battery, | etc., motor-tune up and general ro pair work will he specialize in. RELEASE FROM ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL Legionnaire Burns, Rooscvtit Post No. 30, American LegiO.i, Answer these Questions and make a good laxative choice Ques. Can any laxative be of help when you feel listless, logy or have, a coated tongue? Ans. Yes, if those conditions are the result of consti pation. Ques. Why has Black Draught been such an outstanding ly popular laxative with four gen erations? Ans. Because i* is pure ly herbal, and usually prompt, thor ough, and satisfactory .when direc tions are followed. Ques. Wliat’s another reason for Black-Draught’s great popularity? Ans. It costs only 25c for 25 to 40 doses. Don’t wait! Get Black-Draught in the familiar yellow box today. Many prefer the new granulated form. Caution, Use only as direct ed. Backs the Attack LENA HORNE Starting her career as a dancer in New York’s Cotton Club, Miss Horne is now one of Hollywood’s greatest singing sensations and a Broadway favorite. She urges her people to Back the Attack. came home from St. Joseph Hos pital Sept. 22 where he was taken after suffering a heart attack some time ago. He told this reporter that he felt much better but was sill quite weak. His complete re covery from his ailment is hoped for by his post comrades and many friends. FAMILY ALLOWANCES KEEP MEN’S MORALE HIGH SAYS COL. DAVIS, JR. (Continued from page 1) 1936. In 1941 he transferred from the Infantry to the Army Air Corps, and in 1942 organized and trained, at Tuskegee, Alabama, the j first all-Negro air squadron— the Fighting 99th. Apprised of Colonel Davis’ r.m mendation, Brig. Gen. H. N. Gil bert, USA Director of the ODB, pointed out that the millions of letters received by this activity of the Army Service Forces from sol diers and their families have, brought to the employees a real ization of their responsibility to ward the Army and the nation.' “But,” he stated ,“whon returning heroes like Colonel Davis tell us that their men are better fighters because the ODB is doing its job well here at home, it is an added incentive to GET ’EM PAID.” The ODB does business with more than four million soldiers, admin istering monthly family allowances and allotments of pay on behalf of more than eight million depend ents of Army men. By cable and AWlnrtVWrtVW.'AVAYV 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 DUFFY PHARMACV V.V.V.V.V.’.VAWAVA’.W and hair th at i* streaked, burnt or discolored and dress it with McBRADY’s Hair Slicker for Men and Women to JET BLACK Lovelintat within 1 few minutes. Does j not turn hair red. Repeat j as conditions demand. It’B i GUARANTEED not toS harm your hair or scalp. SEND NO MONEY I (tax included) plus postage, with a GL'AR ANTEEofcompletesatisfactionorvoumay return the unused portion within 7days and | get back your 66c. Deal with good old reliable firm that has been in business over \S years. r~ •~ ~ zd Why Look Old Before Your Time? Enjoy love, romance and success with black, well groomed hair. Don’t wait! JUST MAIL THE COUPON TODAY for our famous ; HAIR SLICKER I-RUSH COUPON TODAY-1 j { J E. McBRADY & CO., Dept. 230 I 1041-49 Van Buren St., Chicago, III. I • Send me a full-size jar of McBrady's Guaranteed J I Hair Slicker. I'll pay postman 66c, plus postage. I | Name _ J | Address_ _ j [ City---JStats_ Classified Ads Get Results! A BORN SPIRITUAL READER— And Advisor from New Orleans, La., will tell you all you desire to know. Answer all questions, no matter what your troubles are. You can be helped by this Great woman of God. For love, luck, success, happiness, SEE KEY. MADAME LUCKEY’ from New Or leans ,La. 2865 Ohio Street. Phono WE. 6421 or WE. 5875. radio the ODB receives authoriz ation for these benefits for the families of men stationed all over the world. And day and night, on two shifts, and on every holiday except Christmas, the employees of the ODB work to GET ’EM PAID. Gen. Repairing Mot<*r Tune-up HENDERSON CASINO GARAGE Body and Fender Work Battery, Etc. RES. PHONE IIA. 312* N. E. Comer 24th & Grant Si. REAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. —CARL CRIVERA— BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family SUDD1V rnmtm nnls, 1 Ac ALKA-SELTZER I 0 J&m. MY day rCCASIO N AT.T.V, I wake up in the morning with a Headache. It sometimes wears off along the middle of the forenoon, but I don’t want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of sparkling ALKA-SELTZER. In just a little while I am feeling a lot better. Sometimes the week’s ironing tires me and makes me sore and stiff. Then it’s ALKA — SELTZER to the rescue—a tablet or two and a littla rest makes me feel more like finish ing the job. f. And when I eat “not wisely bat too well," ALKA-SELTZER relieves the Add Indigestion that so often follows. Yes, Alka-Seltzer brightens my day. It brings relief from so many of my discomforts; that I always keep it handy. Why don’t yon get a k—gs‘eg ALKA-SELTZER at your drug store today? Large Package CM, Small 30*.’ *, Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising WANTED—APARTMENT 2 in family wants to rent a 2 or 3. room apt. Call WE. 1517. ANITOR WANTED t Miller Park Presbyterian church Oth and Huntington St., Call KE. 24-1. Call mornings except Sunday Unfurnished Kitchenette Apart* ment For Rent in a modern home, CALL WE. 5288. NEIGHBORHOOD F URN ITU HUS & CLOTHING SHOP 300 Ladies Dresses Reasonable-. 100 Pairs of Shoes—No Stamps. Rugs of All Kinds. Radios, etc. We Buy and Sell. Tel. AT-1154 1715 NORTH 26th ST. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLMT SHERMAN e401 North 24th WE. 6065 EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th St WE. 10/> WANTTCTiHTv — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, aeds, end tables, chairs and chest jf drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles an^ iishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem* •ership blank. H. Brookes, 817 Wendell. Chicago, UL FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St WEbster 2022 READ The NEW! "BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE Gaining Great Favor With Women! • Many doctors urge the regular use of douches for women who want to be refreshingly clean — for women troubled by offending odor, itching or discharge. • Some products may be harmful germicides which bum, harden and damage sensitive tissues. But NOT Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Instead-Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is an effective “bacteriostatic” (the modern trend). It not only discourages bacterial growth and infection but cleanses, deodorizes, relieves minor irrita tions and discharge. Has beneficial effect on delicate membranes Inexpensive! Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. PhoneJA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLYCII^ AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 NERVOUS, RESTLESS HIBKIWIK, lUtf FBUNSS On “Certain Days’* Off The Month? Do functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous. Irritable, cranky, fidgety, tired and “dragged out”—at such times? Then start at once—try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham’s Compound is made especially for ■women. Taken regularly—it helps build up resistance against such distress. Thousands upon thousands of women have reported benefits! A grand thing about Plnkham's Compound Is that It contains no harmful opiates. It Is made from nature's own roots and herbs (plus Vitamin BO. Here’s a product that helps nature and that’s the kind to buy! Also a fine stomachic tonlcl Follow label directions. Worth trying. Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND