The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 18, 1943, City Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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A group of some of the Officers of
Roosevelt Post No. 30. Standing
left to right. Phillip Barge, Service
Officer; Aaron Glass. Executive
Committee, Earl A. Thomas, (Past
Comm.) Sec. House Committee;
Isom Zeffers, Color Bearer; Porter
Johnson. Chaplain; Dr. W. W.
Peebles (Past Comm.); Seated. Edw
ard Turner, Adjutant: J. C. Carey,
Edward Turner has been Adjut
ant of Roosevelt Post for eleven
years. And perhaps there are few
if any legionnaires in the city more
versed in Legion proceedure than
•‘Ed.” Turner. During the first
World War, he was awarded the
Purple Heart Medal for bravery
beyond the call of duty.
Scene at Installation of Officers of Roosevelt Post
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Group of visiting legionnaires j
attending the Installation of Of- !
ficers of Roosevelt Post No. 30, i
September 2nd, 1943. Posts rep
resented are Omaha Post No. 1,
Melting Pot Post No. 331, and
Benson Post No. 112.
Legionnaires Give 50,COO Cigarettes
_ ■‘aww orrg *taK -«•*»" so**-. « * ^
I ZI i I I 1 T %i*k. i
A Past Commander of Theodore
Roosevelt Post No. JO, 1932-3J.
During his administration, which
was at the peak of the depress'on,
he was able to maintain a very
good average in Post membership
and activities.
He is a member of fraternal, civ
ic and social organizations. His
association with the American Le
gion, as an active Officer and
member, has been a main objective
leading toward constructiveness.
Thomas is a World War No. X Ov
erseas Veteran, serving in the
Meuse-Argonne Sector and attain
ing the highest ranking Non-Com
missioned Officer’s grade.
Henry W. Black
Henry W. Black, U. S. Retired,
CO Chairman of Housing Com
Mr. Black’s untiring effort re
sulted in Roosevelt Post having
ample housing accomodations for ■
its Distinguished guests and vis- '
iters to Omaha.
Mr. Black is charged with the ef
ficiency of the Housing Committee,
under Mr. John Curtwright, chair
The Peebles Serve.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Peebles
Second Lieutenant William W. Peebles, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. W.
Peebles, was bora in Omaha. Nebraska. After graduating from North
High, he attended Omaha University.
Soon after enlisting in the Army, he was sent to the Infantry
Officers Training School at Ft. Benning Ga., commissioned a Second
Lieutenant, and is now with the 93rd Division at Southern California.
First Lieutenant G. Jacqueiine Peebles, the wife of Lt. W. W.
Peebles, was bom in Texas. After attending college there, she
appointed X-Ray technician hi a hospital at Kansas City, Mo. She
attended the First Officers’ WAAC in Ft. Des Moines, Iowa, from
which she was graduated with the first class and commissioned Second
Lieutenant. After recruiting duty in Chicago, she was promoted to
First Lieutenant, and now has charge of a company of W ACs at
Fort Bragg. North Carolina.
Group of Legionnaires standing before the Honor Roll Board, .s Commanderr J. C. Carey presents a check for cigarettes to a
representative of the Reynolds Tobacco Co. From left to right E. Thomas, Dr. James, R. Williams, A. Wright J C Carev and
P. Barge. ’ J
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ERICAN LEGION, at 24th and Parker Sts., of
which J. C. Carey, is Commander. Besides housing
the Legion, it has one store space equipped for the
Northside Medical Clinic to help preserve the health
and well-being of this community.
Pictorially speaking..